Author: sorry for disturbing but i will be referring to Zang as Ryujin as his his high lord's name so don't be confused.
As the goblins where moving into the lords territory, Ryujin had propered in advance by ordering his troops to ambush them once they got close enough and close there escape root.
Boss Gogan the castle is up a head they seem to be 5 warriors guarding the place, what did I tell you it's a demon king not a lord.
I don't know the castle looks odd same how, are we should it's isn't a lords temple asked one of the heros.
Shut up it's a castle what temple looks like a castle said another hero
Every one quiet we are in enemy territory we don't want to get cought know let move in don't make any sudden noise or we will loss the element of surprised Kim use you light magic to protect us from sudden attacks said Gogan.
Fine but be on high alert I have a strange feeling About this.
Gogan was looking at the status of the of the the draconian and found it a bit odd due to no bloodline notification since when using appraisal their is always a bloodline notification mean the demon king must be strong.
Men be on high alert I don't no the bloodline of the draconian's so the demon king must be strong so we are in luck if we had let him grow in strength we would have had no chance against him.
When they approached the castle temple the draconian warriors were instantly alerted by their presence and started to cross swords, at that time a notification popped up Infront of all the hero's
[ Red alert :You have clashed against a high lord's troops]
What the hell is this its a lord's troop and it's red alert meaning he has a strong bloodline shit quick men escape said Gogan.
But at that moment they tried to escape their was a barrier preventing them from escaping fooling that draconian soldiers appeared out of nowhere that's when they all realized that they were being ambushed.
Shit how did they know we were coming it's impossible this lord has just descended how does he have so many troops what the hell is he.
Look boss their mages within their ranks they must have had detection magic, but that should be reserved for high mage's what the hell are we dealing with.
As the heros and goblins where arguing amongst themselves Ryujin was watching them in the sky and had given the order for his troop's to kill them all, since he had came to this world he had came to terms that he wasn't human and that he had to fight for his survival and would treat enemy's without mercy.
As the battle began his troops were making quick workout of the enemy though they were 50 enemy troops they were being slaughtered if not massacred.
[You have slain a goblin, gained 2 cristal coins]
[You have slain a goblin, gained 2 cristal coins]
[You have slain a goblin, gained 2 cristal coins]
System: total sum 70 cristal coins.
As he was was watching he hadn't yet gained a hero soul due to the fact that they were making a desperate stand and made a battle circle formation to protect themselves.
Suddenly he had seen Rainer battle a hero before she could kill him another hero had cought her off guard and knocked her of her feet and was about to kill her.
At that moment a primal instinct kicked into Ryujin subconscious in his dragon form anger had enveloped him and shot a light arrow at goblin hero who was about to kill her following that he shot out of the sky Ianding Infront of the goblins heros and Rainer safely under him, he made deafening rear that got the attention of the heros and remaining 2 regular goblin's.
Shit, what the hell it's a dragon what kind of lord is this he shouldn't be this powerful I don't get his bloodline what kind of dragon is he said Gogan.
Who cares we are about to die.
With things looking bad for the goblins Ryujin decided to use a holy light healing spell on Rainer which had surprised her and kneeled down to thank her lord after that a goblin hero came forward to negotiate for his life.
My lord they has been a misunderstanding we thought you were a demon king, please forgive us, be merciful we were all human before this happened said Gogan
Ryujin looked at him menacingly and said
You dare call this a misunderstanding if I were demon king what excuse would you have given me the only compensation I need from you is your life after attacking my mate.
After that Ryujin had just realized what he had just said and looked a Rainer who was shocked while wagging her tale and shyly looked away not getting off topics and ordered his troops to exterminate the the rest of the heros.
[ You have slain a level 2 hero, gained hero soul +1]
[ You have slain a level 1 hero, gained hero soul +1]
Total sum 12 hero souls.
After that was done Ryujin left Rainer who was shyly looking away from him before ordering his troops to locate the goblin nest.
System do you mind explaining to me what just happened back there.
System: if you are referring to your attention to the draconian it would be due to your bloodline as a dragon you requer a mate for your mating season which is approaching next month and it's advisable that dragon's look for mate's or the would be drive insane till they a forsed to mate with people or animals which has led to different species like the draconian.
Why would I need to mate I am still a young dragon and thought I would like to mate with a female but not Rainer (though she not bad looking for a draconian with a curvie body )
System: the reason is since you a young adult in a young dragons body it has actived you draconic instinct, master can refuse but you would be in a berserk state for a mate for two weeks it would be faster to get a companion.
So their is no way out of these great.
System:if I may I have good news you have acceded the requirements to level up and you are yet to summon your special troops.
Perfect at least some good news.