"I am here to destroy them" I said to Momo.
I already know I was just in their way and their real target is to blackmail the Yaoyorozo family probably for money or some political power.
But that doesn't change anything, If I were some random quirkless kid then I would probably let that slide, I won't lie I am afraid, no I am scarred but I still gotta do it. Having everything in hand and letting people crash me like that is something I can never forgive myself if I did it.
That's who I am. and nothing can change that
(Description: The power to deeply connect with technology, Cameras are your eyes and the internet is your playground. You control every Tech)
Looking at the floating screen I cannot know if I made a good choice, it is not like I had other options in this case though.
It is a good quirck but not that strong in battles, so I guess I would use Iron Man Path for a while!
"We are almost there " I say to the exhausted girl behind me
"Just tell me what's your plan" She is really good, isn't she? I mean she didn't force her plan and was a great help although she is almost paralyzed.
"Aaaaghaahhh" A strong pain interrupted my thoughts, they found us!? fuck!! My leg hurts It feels like I am burning alive.
This bitch just shoot a fireball from his palm, fucking quirks I was only focused on guns and forgot about them
"Alex are you alright??" expressed Momo in worry. I didn't answer instead the adrenaline kicked in so without thinking I raised the gun and put 3 bullets in his chest. I never realized how much this moment would affect my future.
It felt like everything was in slow-motion, The shocked villain falling off from the impact, Momo's unbelieving reaction as she instantly realized the impact of what I had just done. Oh yeah, I killed him? But he tried to kill me so I have the right to do that to him right? I knew the law did not agree with that, all this pressure made me think? Am I wrong?
It was just a moment of doubt before my pride kicked in.
No, I am not wrong the world is!!
with a renewed motivation I grabbed Momo's hand and ran to complete my plan
I could only hear the bullets shoot and villains scream as we quickly reached the main room, or to be precise The lab.
We got welcomed by an attack from 2 villains the first one made his hand bigger like third gear loufi from Walmart, unfortunately for them, I checked the cam before entering so they didn't surprise anyone, 2 bullets on big hand made the first one struggle in pain, the other guy though had a quirck that turned his hair into a steal like sinpon's
The bullets didn't affect him at all. Did I just enter a high-level Bose area at the start of the game? heey where is my godamn plot twist this is MHA, not Dark Souls.
I knew I cant beat him in a 1v1 so I did what every true Souls player would do and started dodging around.
Ignoring all the NPC rats, I mean the doctors and researchers in the room I ran with all the power god gave me to reach the computer which was the key to everything. Initially, I wanted to steal their Data, destroy their research, and get proof against them to publish it and destroy the sponsor's life step by step.
maybe because they didn't know about my new power or bcs he simply didn't care the villain ignored me and turned to capture the little princess.
"You thought you could run? what a naive girl!" said the skinny op boss.
I turned my focus to my way again, mainly bcs I know Momo is not really in danger. I am
I just got my quirck and being able to use it like that is already a great thing but to control a big computer I need to touch it, it's not a simple camera and I did. The moment my hand touched the computer my consciousness got pulled smoothly, I felt like I was complete,like I am finally home!
I slowly opened my eyes to found myself in what looks like a typical "Internet" realm. it was like the whole world was hugging me, this whole serial feeling that felt like eternity only lasted half a second before I gain complete control of the building, and to my surprise I was able to save the data in my brain!!! then I just destroyed the others.
"Mission done" I say in entertainment , I kinda like that you know? this whole fighting thing
"back to work bitch" I scream to get the (boss) attention again as I am now holding a modern laser-like weapon. the good news? that's tech so I have aim bot Losers.
The moment he turned his head I welcomed him with a headshot,
"ohh you're eyes aren't bulletproof?" I mock and continue the boss fight
I call it a fight but nothing amazing is happening I am just wasting time till the heroes arrive, and to no one shock I am losing
I could barely avoid his hair stabs and I am tired till I reached my limits, I got stabbed in my left shoulder. He lift me up as I saw death near me
"NOW you can die rat" he says
but who I am?
"I am the damn mc bitch" I say with a big smile and the next thing that happens is a huge foot crashing him into earth.
"Mount Lady is here, no need to worry" she said with a very positive vibe, professionals are really another thing huh? She one-shotted him
'I am so weak'
more heroes enter with the police handcuffing everyone.
"you alright boy?" said the hero
"not if you didn't crush me between your thighs" I answered honestly wish earned me a playful smile from the hero and a glaze from Momo.
"maybe in a few yours little boy I am not into younger guys" responded the hero
Momo: "You .."
but she stopped as I fell off (I didn't lose consciousness but I will act as If I did) and to be honest I am too tired and hurt for that, and I hope I don't end up in jail for killing and using my quirk without a license, these country rules are fucked after all
"Did I ever mention that I like your dad?" I say to Momo
"yeah many times, if you like him that much why don't you marry him, mister Dark Knight" Yeah this stupid name is her revenge on me calling her princess, why dark night? cause she thinks I am the dark version of the knight in shiny armor and a white horse who came to save the "Princess".
"I am not the dark knight princess, he has a no-killing rule, I don't!"
"and a laughing Alex? Dah that's cringe, princess" To my surprise both Marvel and DC existed so she knew exactly what I was referring to
"Maybe, whatever what did you talk about with my dad?" she says with curiosity killing her.
"about how beautiful you are, he wants the great hero Alex to marry his daughter"
"aagh just don't talk if you don't want to"
cute, But besides that he really saved me, so after that scene with Lady Big Thighs, mister Yaoyorozo talked with me for a bit where he basically thanked me for 'fighting for his daughter' and he turned the favor back by erasing any evidence against me. he literally said" That never happened so forget it"
I decided to do exactly that cause I had no other choices and there is no footage about that so I'm clean.
you may ask:" What about your conscience? How can you sleep at night?" well although I am not a cold-hearted monster (not like any normal man can be, at least not just because he reincarnated)I am also not a saint so I don't care, he deserves more than that, killing him was merciful.
Back to our subject we also talked a little about the future and wanted me to work for him If I decided to be an engineer like my dad and asked me to take care of Momo.
so that incidence ended up with no losses. oh yeah, people also think that I had a late awakening because of trauma or something like that.
But I still have one problem.
"your quirck isn't really for fighting you know are you sure you want to be a hero" says Momo after a while
"ahh yeah I took my decision and won't change it"
"Then be sure to prepare and train since you just awe... bla bla bla
I had to listen to a lot of shit from many people when I said I will become a hero, seriously besides my father no one believed in my ability. Like, come on I am not that week!!
Well I am, and that's exactly why I must enter there, its the best place in this world that can help me master my powers and be stronger.
I don't care about being a hero but in order to survive NO to live with no fair I need to be strong enough that my name alone will shake those old bastards bones
'and I have a system anyway so I just need to think of a good reason for my 'multiple quirks'' I think.
"Btw, there is something I need from you princess" I ask as I start preparing for the UA entrance exam, I have 2 months to crash this world's strongest kids with superpowers. sound fun.
2 months Later:
I am now facing the world's number 1 hero school. it is bigger then my college in my last world. now that I am living it, I am really gonna live high school life again huh? That gives me weird feelings, I've lived a normal life my last time so normal that it's a waste I never did what I wanted. This time I will do my best to enjoy it to the fullest.
I thought while taking my first step into my future just to meet someone else first step into heroism (our dear Deko almost falling off if not for Oraraka).
I don't really remember all the details about what happened in the enemy but I remembered this scene the moment I saw it.
laughing a little I passed through Midoria "Nice try body" I said patting his shoulder without looking at him. Leaving the embarrassed boy behind I entered UA just so we all gathered in the amphitheater.
One by one the lights turned one highlighting Present Mice as he started talking.
"For all the listeners from applicants, welcome to my live, everybody say HEY" he shouts
"Heeeeyyyy" I shout back mimicking his tone wich instantly made me the center of attention.
Present Mice that didn't really expect an answer seemed shocked for a moment just to almost jump from happiness
"That's the spirit boy. Now let's present a summary about the exam"
some moments later he explained everything but the 'nerd' could not stop himself from asking questions right?
what an asshole! is he mocking Midoria in front of all those people? He was really a bitch huh.
"Booouuuuu you're boring engine boy don't kill the fun" I interrupt him
Ohh? he seems angryyy pffff
He was about to say something but PresentMice stopped him and continued explaining just to finish a few moments later with "PlusUltra"
wait did he just say Napoleon Ponabert? he is a hero here??
Moments passed and after a quick written test that I easily passed cause I am ahm 'always connected to the internet', here we are facing the small city inside UA waiting for the real exam to start.
'I am not in medoria groupe' I notice that I can barely recognize anyone.
'I am nervous, I can't help but feel like that'
I am not that strong I know that so I am not confident I will do a good job. I swallow my saliva as I watch the port slowly open but just like how the sun erases the clouds in moments my anxiety disappeared the moment I heard Present Mice shouting "Start".
Everyone was taken out off guard as we all expected some countdown but because of the new quick I bought this morning
[Danger sense]
description: a mini version of Spider-sense
My new quirk allowed me to know that something was gonna happen so I reacted faster than others and ran inside the city.
Not so long after, many people reached me as they all used their quircks. I stopped and hit my palm on earth to feel the tech, I hacked all the cameras to target the nearest robot.
My bet is in my tools and [Danger sense].
Detecting the nearest one I mentally order my tool using my quirk and a metallic rope launched from my waist to Pauling me toward the building. that was what I had been doing for the last 2 months and one of the 2 things I asked from Momo
my first design was stolen from Attack On Titan, it was really hard to learn it and I almost lost my life when trying it if not for her but I managed to control it at the right time.
Swinging across buildings like Spiderman gained me some attention and recognition from others but I didn't care as I was completely focused on the robot in front of me.
A skinny-looking 2-meter robot with 2 claws and a wheel, "1 point" I say
with a robotic voice, he charges toward me, my fanger sense kicks in, and in the last second I move to the left, and with a fast move, I grab the advanced samurai sword from my waist and cut the robot gaining my first point. Then I quickly turned right, raised my katana, and pressed the small lever in the handle and then piiw a small laser beam left from under the blade, Headshot gaining me 2 other points.
"woow that's cool" says the other as for boy's eyes glow from how cool my katana gun merge is. That's boys art after all
In any other scenario, I would be impressed! Thats..That's better than I thought Now I can understand how Spiderman can fight like that although he is just a normal teenager. if a weaker version is like that then how is the real deal??
But, I noticed something, ignoring the random kid yelling about how I stole his kill I looked at my hand exactly at my quirck if you can say that.
I can feel that, those robots. How come I never realized that "ohh I am stupid" really stupid, I say I cant control my joy anymore
"HAah hahahahahaaaahhhaaahaaa" an evil mad man laugh escaped my mouth as I knew how OP my Technopathy can be sometimes
"luckyyyy" I wisper
You see those are robots, in other words, technology. and what does my quirk do? exactly control technology!!! I am in heaven
I think as I launch my robe again toward the middle, toward the zero-point Monster!
I can feel him here, I thought as I entered the building
"8 minutes left" says Present Mice and I touch the robot with an ugly smile like Hisoka would look when he is about to fu ahm fight gone.
And ended after a few seconds completely control the giant robot causing chaos for both students and the referees who never expected that to happen.
everything was so easy after that, how can it not be when I am just sitting on a giant op robot, just ordering it to smash .so easy that I don't know how many robots I killed, how many students I saved (yeah I remembered that there is a rescue point so I am farming them to) all that while dealing almost no damage to the surrounding area, which is useless since others have made it look like hell anyway<; I even saved the invisible baddie.
I had so much fun looking at all the other's scared faces while looking at me. I love crushing man's ego.
and just like that, UA entrance exam has come to an end...
A few days later...
"Soo isn't it supposed to arrive today?" said my mom a little worried
"Don't worry ms Sakura, Alex will certainly do good" responded Momo
Yep, she is in my house. No, nothing happened we are just close friends. she insisted on being here when the results came back.
"Thank you Momo-chan," said my mom in a cute voice that suddenly turned scary "But it's Sakura-chan for you"
"Hay hay Sakura-chan," said the scarred girl
Without giving them another chance to talk my father interrupted everyone as he showed up with a red envelope.
"It's about time," I said and my whole silliness disappeared, I know I am in dah I am probably the best but I can't help but feel some stress as I open the envelope.
All might appear in a hologram as soon as I opened it. only silence was there for a moment before he announced how good of work I did and how much potential I have as a hero, just for the cheering to start as we all enjoyed this moment (It ended up at a family party where the whole neighborhood was there)
Now that was hard It took me a lot of work to write this so I need some real engagement yall
we've seen in this chap a lot development as the mc finally decided what to do in this world and a lot of shit that I am too tired to talk about
I also made this chapter bigger. 3k word
now I am really tired and need some sleep . hope you all enjoyed it