Chereads / TSWFF: A West Coast Story / Chapter 17 - Tisho’s Kush n’ Bush Bar

Chapter 17 - Tisho’s Kush n’ Bush Bar

Thank you guys for your condolences about the death of my grandmother and I very much appreciate that, though a few people said some rather harsh and cruel things about my situation and made me realize that even on this site people can just be assholes.

But now I will try to come back to writing some more on this story and my other ones since this is what I enjoy doing.

Also I'd feel a bit better if you guys commented on my comments in this chapter so I don't have to see any of those things those people have said to me anymore as that would be most appreciated.


After making that suggestion me and the girls hopped onto our skateboards and headed on downtown towards Tisho's bar.

Though it was the middle of the day on a weekday surprisingly there were still ppl there, along with a tall and strong looking Futa Orca woman standing around as the bouncer.


"What the- alright kids get out of here, this isn't a place for teenagers." She said while giving a squint in her eye while she was waving us off to get out of the area.

"Yeah well, Tisho says otherwise, here take a look." I said handing her the business card with Tisho's message on it.

She looks at it for a second before her eye twitches as she takes a deep breath while rotating her jaw with an audible crack, "'scuse me for a sec." She says before heading on inside the bar.

We look at each other a bit confused, that is until we heard the sounds of shouts coming from inside the bar, clearly the bouncer wasn't happy with us being invited by Tisho.

"Are we gonna get in?" Charlotte couldn't help but ask while I scratched the back of my head.

"Dunno, maybe they have been having problems with the cops or something and having underaged kids in a bar could be a problem." Sometime bars get undercover cops to go on in and see what's going on inside, and if Tisho's has a bouncer it has reason to be cautious of cops showing up.

But soon the shouting stopped and the door opened to have Tisho herself come on out, "Hey there kid, how's it been? Don't mind the big gal Dori, she just doesn't want our place to be bugged by the cops is all, so say why don't I give you and your friends a private room up on the second floor? It makes it easier case those pigs come a knocking." She said clearly not happy with the fact cops come and bug her shop.

We looked at each other before I looked back at her, "Well alright, oh and also can we do something special for my friend here? She's pretty pent up and need some girls to give her a good time." I said while wrapping my arm around Amber's waist.

Tisho looks her up and down before seeing the massive bulge and smirking before cupping it in her small hands, "Oh I see, seems like this big gal is really pent up huh? Don't worry my shop has the best girls who can drain you dry, but you guys chose the right day to show up, so come in." She said before letting Amber go and letting us in.

The bar inside was quiet, well it was still afternoon so that was surprising, but this was just the main area that had the usual stuff for a bar, alcohol, seating area, those sorts of things on top of an area to purchase whatever weed you wanted to smoke from since Tiago was a legal seller of weed in California.

What changed was when we went to the second floor as it turned more into a lounge/strip club area with actual hookah's and bongs to choose from.

But further in was private rooms with all the things you need to get yourself high along with the walls being sound proof just in case you didn't want anyone to hear you having fun with whoever is in the room with you.

So we all took a seat on the couches in the room, "You said today was a good day to show up, what's that all about?" I decided to ask as Amber and Luna sat beside me while Char took my lap for herself.


"Ehh well some days of the month we host large parties that people come and join, most of them are large Orgy's and today is one of those days, a lot of women who want kids but not a full on relationship with another person come on here to get some baby making sex." She went onto explain to us.

"But ain't that like, you know, illegal and shit? Cuz like that's what those breeding facilities are for right?" Amber went onto say feeling a bit uncomfortable with what was going on.

There were world wide regulations on reproduction as a whole do to the overwhelming futanari population compared to men, it's not illegal to have sex with people or even a group of people but massive orgy's in the 20+ range of people are and that can lead to fines or even arrests as a result.

"You guys don't have to worry about that at all, while this isn't a breeding facility, the area that is my bar is considered an 'Orgy Inclusion Zone' so Orgy's that happen in this bar are totally fine by the state and government at least, but if you guys aren't interested in unsafe sex we have plenty of condoms and virility suppressors to make up for it so you won't get anyone pregnant, besides anyone that participates in the Orgy's can't come after you for compensation since they knew what they were signing up for when they walked through the door." Tisho went onto explain which calmed me and the girls down a bit.

"Now the room, condoms and suppressors are all free of charge today only, but if you guys want any of the good stuff your gonna have to pay up, at a slight discount at least, after all most my business is from booze and weed, and since I can't get you guys drunk I can certainly get you guys baked, so then what do you guys want?" Tisho said with a grin and a glint in her eyes.

Today was going to be a long and eventful day.