Chereads / Project Skylar / Chapter 2 - Skylar Sunforge

Chapter 2 - Skylar Sunforge

[Oblivion's Verge]

[Hollow Expanse]

[Coordinates: SL 245°, SA -30°, OD 9500 AU]

"This was the last coordinates HQ received before they lost contact with Team-A. Our mission here is to rescue and provide support against the syndicates."

"We hit them hard with a bang, no one strays... no one is left behind. And before long, we'll be back under our silk sheets in Aetherion." Standing beside the exit of an AV-300 spacecraft, a broad-faced man with a slightly crooked nose that suggests a history of closed-quarters combat addressed a group of soldiers in front.

"Aye, Captain Voss."

This group consists of two men and two women which made up for a total of five members.

They were the rescue team sent by the Solara Concordium to provide support against the members of Eclipse Syndicate, who were believed to have sabotaged the consortium's ongoing expedition in Oblivion's Verge.

They were currently geared up, and one similar feature they shared was the sleek, ash-colored full-body battlesuits they were equipped with.

"Any questions?" He asked.

"None, for now!"

With that response, the spacecraft's steel doors opened up with a clank, and the sound of raging air pressure swooshed in due to their current high altitude.

"Alright, turn on your markers upon descent. And in the meantime... Adiós," Captain Voss said before jumping off the spacecraft.

The others followed one after the other...


"...Hey, Skylar!"

"What's wrong? You look spaced out." One of the females who stayed behind asked a red-haired young man beside her.

She possessed warm features, and her deep hazel eyes had an oddly calming effect that was complemented by her auburn hair, which was tied back into a loose braid.

Skylar was pulled out of his thoughts, "There's nothing wrong Lyra, I'm perfectly fine. Umm, maybe just a little stressed out from lack of proper sleep." he casually replied, showing no intention of continuing further.

Lyra gave him a once-over and nodded in understanding, "If you say so... We had better catch up with the team." She said and then jumped off the spacecraft.

"'A false alarm does mean harm'—I still can't understand what this means." Skylar shook his head, muttering regretfully, "Am I or is the philosopher dumb?"

Unfortunately, no one was present to clarify his doubts and so he jumped off in tow...


The air pressure from freefalling off a height of more than 20,000 meters was nonexistent to Skylar due to his battlesuit which now had the exo-helmet covering his head.

[..17,000 meters...]

[..12,000 meters...]

[..7,000 meters...]

[..2,000 meters...]

[..700 meters... Red Zone has been breached]

[LND sequence is launched... Aetherwave Glider Mk-IV has been disengaged]

The battlesuit's system interface announced, and with a click, a 3-foot white metal disengaged off the back of his battlesuit before unfolding into a 6-foot-long surfboard.

It flew above his descending figure and stuck to his legs with a surprisingly strong magnetic force.

Skylar regained his bearings mid-air and his descent slowed to a stop. Controlling the Aetherwave Glider Mk-IV expertly, he flew towards the rendezvous location with the help of the imagery provided by the system in his exo-helmet.

Despite being used to the Aetherwave Glider, the updated MK-IV version surprised him immensely and he couldn't help but check out its details.


[Name: Aetherwave Glider Mk-IV]

Type: Levitating Surfboard

Creator: Arcane-Tech

Weight: 15kg (Ultra-light Nanoalloy)

Retail Price: 75,000 Solari Credit (SC)

Core Power: Etherium Crystals infused with Solar-Fused Plasma Cells

Durability: Resistant to extreme environments (temperature, pressure, and corrosion)


1. Hover Mode: Utilizes anti-gravity fields to levitate up to 50 meters above ground or water.

2. Wave Synchronization: Automatically adjusts to wave patterns or terrain shifts for seamless gliding.

3. Aether Boost: Temporarily accelerates speed by 200% for high-speed escapes or tricks.

4. Kinetic Stabilizers: Prevents imbalance during aerial maneuvers or rough turbulence.

5. Lumina Trail: Leaves a glowing, ethereal trail that can disorient pursuers or create dazzling effects.

Customization Slots:

1. Energy Modulator: Enhance speed or stability.

2. Defense Layer: Add protective shields or reactive armor for hostile environments.


"Tsk-tsk-tsk." Shaking his head in wonder, Skylar muttered, "For a gear that costs more than the average earnings of a middle-class family in Aetherion, It is worth the price."

Looking ahead, the view of the second most terrifying region in Oblivion's Verge caught his attention.

The Hollow Expanse was a vast, barren desert-like region that was once a thriving metropolis before it was abandoned due to seismic activity.

Now, it was filled with broken buildings and ruined technologies that were all slowly sinking into the planet's increasingly unstable crust.

"Captain, Team-A's marker has been comprised. Last known position is due North." The other female informed the captain after checking the indicators.

She had angular facial features and almond-shaped eyes that scan the horizon for unseen threats. Buzzcuts donned her hair, and a faint scar arced across her right eyebrow, adding a rugged edge to her otherwise delicate features.

"Keep looking, Veyra" The captain nodded, and turned to face the others. "Ren, Skylar, Lyra, we move on foot while Veyra keeps a high ground on the MK-IV."

The team acknowledged, and Veyra flew her Aetherwave Glider above to keep a lookout as the team advanced. Her battlesuit was a bit different from the rest. It was form-fitting, designed for mobility and stealth.

Lightweight armor plates protect her vital areas while allowing for flexibility, and thermal dampeners ensure she leaves no heat signature.

Her primary weapon, the Eclipser Mk-VII, is a long-range energy rifle with a modular barrel and a scope capable of thermal, infrared, and x-ray modes—she was the sole sniper and scout of their team.

One Solarian hour later, the team came across their first rundown settlement. Most of the buildings were halfway down the desert sands due to the irregular movement of Oblivion Verge's tectonic plates and unstable crust.

Captain Voss raised a clenched fist above his shoulder level, signaling for them to hold position, while he opened his left hand with fingers spread, palm facing forward, then pushed the hand outward in a forward motion.

Veyra, affirmed then flew the Aetherwave Glider towards the city while positioning the Eclipser Mk-VII for any visuals on the enemy.

[All Clear... This area is free of hostiles] Her voice spoke through the system's interface within the exo-helmets fifteen minutes later.

The team advanced, searching the structures one by one. Soon, they came before a fairly intact building but before they could go in...

[Incoming! Multiple Xeno signatures moving fast toward our coordinates!] Vera's voice announced through the suit comms.