Chereads / Journey of the Chosen / Chapter 1: The Trial.

Chapter 1: The Trial.

The Ancient Battle Sect, a sect that has stood the tides of time and had braved the cultivation world with diligence and honour. The sect came to be in the early years about 200,000 years ago after the Sun Era came to an end and a new Era, the Golden Era came to be. When the sect was first established, it was in a time of war and many people perished but many more lived to tell the tale and join the sect and eventually after the war, the years of peace came and the sect stood firm a top the various sects of the world.

When Ju Tian, Shula and the 2 boys, Ruu and Koda, stood before the majestic gates of the sect, Shula's eyes were focused on the grand figure of the man who seemed to touch the sky with his great sword. The elders behind them were silent letting the young girl feel the awe of their sect's founder and hero of the Ludis Continent.

"You see him my child, he is the founder of the Ancient Battle Sect, his name is Elthor Vasilus. His origins are as mysterious as his disappearance all we know is that he set up this sect as a symbol of his presence with us here in our World." Ju Tian said his voice carrying a sense of admiration.

" ..... "

After a few seconds of admiration the group proceeded to enter the sect, the open area seemed like a large courtyard but it was full of people walking about and dressed in similar clothes the only difference was the seams colours, most of the people had the blue coloured clothes but the seams on the shoulders and collar were white in colour. The next ones had an orange coloured seam and the last had a black coloured seam. There were 5 towering towers in various sections of the sect with large mountains dividing the lands in between and as far as the eyes could see.

"Master why the different colours? Are they different in status or is it different in talent?" Shula asked curiously.

" So smart! The colours differentiate between the outer disciples, inner disciples and the core disciples. The outer have white, inner have orange and core have black. There's another position the disciples with personal masters have different uniforms, they aren't the normal Blue uniform but they are azure in colour."

"Like master's hair?"

"Hahaha yes like my hair"

"Also, we are located near the Grand North Mountain Range hence why we have so many mountains in our sect. The Lu city might seem like a capital city but it is far from it. The capital city of our Ludis continent is actually the Sacred Jewel city belonging to the Jewel royal family."

An elder elaborated the situation of their sects well for the young one. Shula continued to observe the sect keeping all she heard and saw in her mind and heart. As they were walking many of the students greeted them and saluted to the elders and the ancestor, Koda who seemed to be a bit calm was walking on Shula's right side, he leaned toward her softly speaking to her ear,

"Wanna try a challenge? I heard you have a good physique it will prove worth it to shame this elders."

"What do you mean senior brother?" Shula asked innocently.

"Haha, don't play this game with me junior sister, I have been watching you and you are too smart. You have seen their eyes, how they view you like some extra burden they need to take care of, a person unworthy of master."

Shula who was pretending to be sweet and innocent this whole time, continued to smile but her eyes were frosty and a cold intent could be seen in her eyes but not sensed from her. She was like the perfect predator that learnt to hide its claws to appear safe and docile only to devour you whole later. Koda who was on the receiving end of her gaze smiled too, Shula could sense from him a deep danger like a snake that was about to lunge at her,

"I will teach you how to hide your intelligence without making you appear foolish. After all what are brothers for? So let's agree now that we will be friends to the end. Okay?"

"Okay, thank you for accepting me brother."

Their conversation was conducted in hushed whispers as though they were two children being mischievous but the ancestor heard everything after all he was just there walking beside Shula and he knew that he only heard them cause they wanted him to hear otherwise Koda would have taught Shula how to communicate using divine sense. The elders however didn't hear a thing because Ju Tian, had erected a barrier for the kids to talk.

"Shula, Koda, Ruu, it's about time that we return to our mountain, Shula needs to choose a handmaiden and also I want to do a little test for you three."

" What is it master? Can I fight again?!" Ruu asked excitedly as he punched the air with his fists creating very small gusts of wind.

"You see the staircase to our mountain? I will activate the test formation and I want you to race to the top."

"Just us three?" Asked Koda with a smile.

Ju Tian who clearly knows what he wants signed inwardly, since when did I have such a cunning child? And now there's 2 of them! At least one of them is not the scheming type but still his fist first talk later approach is still not any better. *sigh* whatever.

"I want three of you elders to do compete with the kids. It will not be free of course, I am willing to part with an Earth Grade technique or weapon of your choosing"

The elders who were about to deny, thought again, it's just beating a couple of brats for an earth grade weapon or technique. This is worth the risk. One of the elders who was in charge of the inner sect disciples training thought. His name was Nimrod he came to the ancient battle sect about 600 years ago and has a cultivation level of Nascent Soul which is a whole 3 stages below Ju Tian. He has always wanted to surpass this level and so he asked a crucial question,

"Can we exchange the win for an earth grade treasure? Specifically a Mystic Soul Pill?"

"Oh? You want to use this seat as a way for your breakthrough?... very well if you win I shall grant you a peak Mystic Soul Pill" Said Ju Tian with the arrogance befitting of his status.

When Elder Nimrod heard the arrogance in this statement all hesitation was erased from his mind and a certain spark of greed could be seen in his eyes. I will get the Mystic Soul Pill and rise to the next level. I'll be damned if I let some brats beat me, I'll win at any cost. The other elders who decided to participate were outer disciple trainers, one was a woman named Latisha and the other was a man named Cheon Yoo. They were also at the nascent soul realm but they were younger than Nimrod but still older than the ancestor Ju Tian.

Koda and Shula who were the patrons of this challenge looked at each other and simultaneously dashed towards the first step but Ruu who was akin to this Era's combat god, had already spotted the minute movements of their ankles and heels and knew when they would make a run for it hence he was actually at par with them.

" Sister, I will prove I have the better physique. Let older brother show you the ways of combat hahaha don't be a snake like Koda"

"Excuse you Ruu but my intelligence should not be made a joke of. I'm a dragon of a man not some snake!"

"Hahaha I will beat my elder brothers and win!"

As they ran, wide smiles painted on their faces , excitement and laughter gleaming across their eyes, the staircase was about 500 meters away from them so this short race was fun and also a warmup. When the three elders were about to fly over they realised that they couldn't mobilise any of their Qi.

"This is a physical challenge, why would I allow anyone to cheat? Now RUN!" Ju Tian spoke while shouting in the end scaring the three elders who then began to run.

The competition might seem a little unfair after all, one had a saint grade physique but no cultivation, the other 2 had heaven grade physique and a cultivation level of low Foundation Establishment realm and the three elders had an Earth grade physique but tempered and nourished by their Nascent Soul realm cultivation. And yet, the ancestor accepted such a race... this is because no matter what they do the staircase will level the playing field.

I remember when I first went through the Golden Imperial staircase.. worst time of my life and yet also the best because it helped me improve my weaknesses and after I conquered it I was granted authority over it. Not many can get this opportunity so use it well my children, damn! The amount of Qi used to sustain this is just straight up hell !... Ju Tian thought as he watched them arrive and he activated the first step.

"First step, reach the end of the finish line"

Shula, Ruu and Koda who were among to reach the first step heard a voice speak, this wasn't the ancestor's voice but a different one. It sounded like an old man who smoked too much in his younger days, gruff and deep. When Shula turned to look for her brothers she realised she was alone here. At first she panicked and tried calling out to them,

"Senior brothers ! Seniors Brothers!... Ruu-Nii, Koda-Nii ! Not funny anymore. Master! MASTER!! *sniff*" The unique way of calling out seemed to emerge naturally from the depths of her heart.

Shula was overwhelmed, this was the first time in her life to experience a formation. Never before had she been transferred to a different zone while still remaining in the same spot of the staircase. Full of fear, anxiety and worry the poor girl burst into tears and began to run towards the finish line, if I reach the end maybe I'll see them? Or.... or... maybe I'll die? Thinking like this Shula found herself stopping mid run. What if she's stuck here permanently? What will she do then?

Suddenly as she was standing in a daze worrying about her way out and her future, the clouds in the sky began to darken and suddenly a storm could be heard, having stayed in the wild for long Shula knew the difference between an electrical storm and rain... this was an electrical storm. Shula quickly ran towards the finish line hoping to come across a mountain or a cave to hide but it was nothing but plain grass everywhere. She ran and ran the storm began and lightning was striking all her around her she screamed and tried to dig a whole underground but the ground was too hard so she just kept on running.

At some point the Lightning struck once per 30 minute intervals but now the further she ran and the closer she got to the finish line the faster the strikes landed some even landed in front of her making her fall on her back only to get up again to avoid being struck while she was down. After what feel like forever Shula finally got to the finish line and she found herself before the second step, turning around she saw her Master and she broke down further.

"MASTER! I ... I *sniff* I was so scared! Koda-nii and Ruu-nii disappeared!*waaah*"

Ju Tian was greatly overjoyed when he saw Shula emerge first but as quickly as his joy came it vanished as he watched that strong girl burst into tears, her voice shaking with fear and anxiety. He wanted to go to her, run even, but to maintain the Golden Imperial staircase he had to remain rooted on the spot... if he moved, the people inside the formation would be trapped for all eternity with no way of reversing the formation. That is the price he has to pay for using the staircase,

"Shula wait don't come! If you step down you will receive punishment ! Not from me but from the staircase once you climb you have to reach the top or wait for someone to reach the top otherwise you can't come back. Let me do this, I'll deactivate it when everyone emerges that way you can come to me okay? Dear child, don't cry so hard, master is here aren't I?"

"But.. but you were gone! *sniff* and .. and so was everyone else "

"That's ...." before Ju Tian could say anything else a shout of victory interrupted him,

"Haha I'm first!" Ruu emerged from the formation vibrantly but when he saw the tear soaked Shula and the emotionally disturbed Master, he understood what happened immediately,

"Were you scared Shula?" Asked Ruu in a soft tone.

"Ruu-nii you disappeared! I thought I was alone again that you and Koda-nii and master left me!"

"Aw.. Shula from the moment you stepped foot into this sect as our master's disciple, you were my younger sister and I your eldest brother"

"Fuck! I thought I'd be first!. RUU! Did. You. Bully. Her?!" Koda who was the next to appear saw Shula and automatically waged war against Ruu. How dare he make her cry! I was to make her cry first and that too in happiness.

"Koda-nii you never left?"

Shula asked with a few tears balancing in her eyes while sniffing to keep the snort from dripping down her nose. In that time she saw how Ruu gave Koda a slap on the back of his head while Koda punched Ruu's gut.

"I never left. We will never leave you, your family ever since you joined our Ancient Battle Sect" Koda said as he patted her head, shoving Ruu aside.

"I'll never be alone again?" Shula asked her eyes brightening a bit as she overcame her anxiety,

"Never" Ruu and Koda said in sync while hugging Shula.

"Okay. I'll try not to be scared in the next few steps. I will try to adapt to the formation." Shula said bravely, a smile back on her face.

"Have this, this is my life plaque. When you feel scared or alone check this and you'll feel my presence. Have Koda's too" Ruu proceed to hang his and Koda's life plaques on Shula's garment.

Shula now had the two life plaques felt warm in her heart, and brave enough to climb the next step. It may have taken a while to describe but all this happened in a few minutes and the three elders had yet to appear from the first step. When Shula took the next step she found herself inside another place, the area was dark with black and red sand, it was hot like a burning furnace and yet Shula only felt a bit warmer than usual. The second test was a formation that tested the individual physique of a person. The sky was full of dark clouds and it was hard to breathe because the air felt too hot and dry.

In the first step, Koda and Ruu went through the same field but their lightning strikes started at 5 minutes per interval speeding up until it was only 5 seconds per interval as for the elders, well you can imagine. The formation adjusted to each individual that's why it's a level playing field, the more powerful you are the harder your trial but the weaker you are the worse your trial.

It's a contradictory statement, but check this... give a ten year old a 10kg boulder and ask the child to lift the boulder... it will prove very hard if not outright impossible for the child. Now, give a 100kg boulder to an adult and ask them to lift the boulder... still a challenge.

This is how the formation of the trial works, in the Golden Imperial Staircase a cultivator at the Qi foundation realm will face a situation or trial that will improve them, similarly if a Nascent Soul realm cultivator enters the trial he will face a similar situation.

Back to the example, if the child manages to work and train hard enough to lift the boulder, their entire body has improved and so has their mind and spirit. If the adult works hard enough to lift it a change significant to the child will happen to them in a similar manner.

Shula had started to understand the workings of the formation but that still did not stop her from double checking the life tokens every few minutes. She walked slowly and carefully avoiding the flaming geysers and dodging the bone melting lava. As she walked, Shula realized that the heat got harder to bear and her body began to sweat.

It's so hot. Maybe I need to reach the finish line without burning to death.... maybe I can absorb this heat into my body and cool off slowly, that is what I did before during the summer seasons.

Shula thought and as naturally as breathing, she begun to absorb the heat surrounding her. Because she did not know the extent of her physiques ability she absorbed in a hurry causing her muscles and veins to bulge. The extreme pain made her collapse onto her knees huffing and puffing in pain while groaning as tears fell from her eyes.

She quickly tried to narrow down the cause and slowly reduced the intake into her body, this proved the correct method as she felt the pain being relieved. I should try to take in only a bit at a time until I find my limit. The pain made her feel closer to death than ever before, with a plan in mind she continued her journey through the volcanic land and finally, after what appeared to be weeks in her mind, she crossed the line appearing before the third step.

When she saw the bright sun, she blinked a bit to get used to the light again after all she was in a land of constant darkness and little light coming from the lava. This time she was last to appear, everyone else was on the third step and Ruu had his foot forward nearing the fourth step.

"Master, can I stop here?" Shula asked hesitantly as she eyed Ju Tian's reactions. She was waiting to see his disappointment, his irked face and yet she was met with a kind smile.

"Of course you can. Just sit there and wait for the others to finish. It's okay you did well for a first time. Learn more from me and your brothers and you will beat them easily next time"

Ju Tian tried to assure her as much as he could since by the slump on her shoulders he understood that she is frustrated with herself and also scared because she did not know how he would have reacted.

Shula, proceeded to sit on the second step and watch as the others continued to climb. Do I really have to stop here? Koda- nii wanted me to prove myself to these elders but... this stupid formations are so hard. What if the next one I don't make it out alive?... it's better to be careful than to risk my life.

Just as she was thinking, she heard a laugh from on top, looking for the source she saw Koda and Ruu shoving each other, laughing as they also mocked and dissed each other. This picture shined brightly in her eyes and mind, for the first time a positive thought emerged in her mind, can I be like them? Laughing in the face of danger? Braving every step?

As sudden as the thought emerged, her body reacted before her mind and all Ju Tian saw was the same girl who was supposed to be seated and waiting for the others, dashing to the third step,

"Shula wait ! You need to prepare your ...."

Before Ju Tian could finish his statement, she had vanished into the third step.