Chereads / Reincarnated as a Knight of Light / Chapter 32 - CH 32: Dr. Helm

Chapter 32 - CH 32: Dr. Helm

<Video Recording Start>

Dr. Helm: "My team and I have been studying the Nightmare subject [B1N] for 42 weeks now. Our goal has been to find a scientific method to control these creatures known as Nightmares. We have exhausted every possibility—every test, every hypothesis—and we have found nothing."

The camera flickers slightly, adjusting to the dim lighting of the laboratory. Dr. Helm leans forward, his sharp features shadowed by the glow of multiple monitors behind him. His voice remains steady, but the exhaustion in his eyes tells another story.

"I recognize that in other regions, magic exists to counter these creatures, but Future City is built on technology, on science, on things that can be quantified and controlled." He exhales, rubbing his temples before glancing over his shoulder as if expecting something—or someone—to appear.

"My research team and I now face a crisis. Subject [B1N] is becoming increasingly unstable. We have sent for the Knights of Light in the hopes that they will reach us before it fully loses control."

Suddenly, the door to his office slams open. A lab assistant, breathing heavily, stumbles inside.

"Dr. Helm, we must hurry—"

The feed cuts out.

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<Video Recording Start>

Dr. Helm: "Here, take this."

The camera shakes as Dr. Helm hurriedly presses an object into the hands of his assistant before stepping out of frame. The young woman holding the camera stares at the device for a moment before looking up, her face illuminated by the cold blue light of the laboratory.

Her voice trembles. "My name is Anna Doll. Mom, Dad… if you see this, just know that I love you."

Tears spill down her cheeks as distant screams echo through the hallway behind her. The camera shakes as she wipes her face with her sleeve.

"Everything we did was to protect Future City."

A sudden commotion outside the door makes her flinch. The camera shifts, revealing people in lab coats sprinting down the hallway, their terrified screams filling the room.

One man pauses at the door. His breath comes in ragged gasps. "Anna, we have to go! Subject [B1N] has broken loose!"

Anna grips the camera tightly. "I know, but—what about Dr. Helm? We need to find him!"

The man opens his mouth to respond—

And then, his upper body vanishes.

Blood splatters across the walls. His severed lower half collapses to the ground with a sickening thud.

Anna's muffled scream can be heard as she claps a trembling hand over her mouth. The camera shakes violently as she scrambles backward, her breathing erratic.

A wet, slapping sound echoes through the corridor.

A black tentacle slithers into view, its slick surface reflecting the dim emergency lights. Clawed fingers curl around the doorway.

A creature steps forward.

Its head slowly splits open, revealing rows of needle-like teeth.

Anna's scream pierces the air—

The camera topples to the ground, landing on its side.

Blood splatters across the lens.

<Video Recording End>

<Future City Action News – Live Broadcast>

Beth Williams: "Hello, this is Beth Williams reporting for FCA News. We bring you breaking news from New Life Laboratories, where a dangerous Nightmare is currently wreaking havoc."

Behind her, a chaotic scene unfolds—aerial footage of the research facility shows thick black smoke billowing from shattered windows. Emergency sirens wail across the city, their urgent cries filling the broadcast.

Beth Williams smooths her jacket before continuing.

"The Nightmare, designated Subject [B1N], broke free from containment following a routine test conducted by an assistant of Dr. Helm. You may remember Dr. Helm as the famed scientist responsible for groundbreaking medical advancements, but today, his name is tied to tragedy."

She glances at her earpiece, listening intently before her expression darkens.

"We have just received confirmation that the death toll has risen to over 50 scientists. Among the deceased is Dr. Helm's head assistant, Anna Doll."

A photograph of Anna appears on the screen—a young woman with bright eyes and a warm smile.

"Anna Doll was a rising star in Future City's scientific community. After graduating top of her class from FCU, she was recruited by Dr. Helm and played a key role in his most ambitious projects. Her untimely death, along with those of her colleagues, has left a deep scar on the scientific community."

Beth pauses, pressing a hand to her earpiece again. Her eyes widen.

"Wait—we have just received another update. Future City Council has officially sent for a representative from the Knights of Light."

The broadcast cuts to live aerial footage of the city's central district, where a gathering of armored figures stands in formation, their white capes billowing in the wind.

Beth exhales sharply.

"Until the Knights arrive, Future City remains at the mercy of this Nightmare. Citizens are urged to stay indoors and—"

A deafening crash interrupts the broadcast.

The screen flickers.

A shadow looms behind Beth Williams.

Her scream is cut short as the camera feed cuts to static.

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