Chapter 4 - A look at the Diseased

"So what are my goals right now lord Death?"

[As I said, just call me death.] Shaking his head, Death stared at the moldy wooden door separating this place from the rest of... I forgot what it was called.

[But for a start, should you not just tear your way through the enemies in front of you?]

"That..." Falling silent I mulled over that thought, since I had no idea what in the hell I was to do, why not deal with what's in front of me? Just heading forwards doesn't seem like a bad idea since there are no other paths in sight.

"Yeah, Let's do that."

Moving forwards, the black flame of a head flickered as it moved, casting a soft glow on the surroundings as I moved past the unmoving skull of Death.

'Wait.' Pausing, I turned to look at death who peacefully stared back at me.

"Why are you even helping me?"

[Did anyone tell you that you doubt people to much?]

"Yes, but I also know for a fact that a God with rule over the concept of death shouldn't have time to spare to help little ol me."

[...You doubt the power of God to much, but you are correct in the fact that I shouldn't have enough time to deal with you to much.]

Letting out a sigh that was similar to the ones that my colleagues let out after a tiring day at work, dealing with overtime and deadlines every week, Death spoke.

[I shall be honest with you Slade, if Fun didn't send you straight here without going through the proper procedures I wouldn't have cast you another glance and would've continued regulating Death and Undeath.]

[But because of Fun, I had to send a strand of my consciousness to this skull you see here so that I can guide you through the proper process.]

He glanced at my hands still displaying both screens.

[And by the looks of it, it's a good thing as well as otherwise you would've had to do this all by yourself, and although I don't like it, I have to admit that without Fun bringing this world to my attention, it would've disappeared into the sea of time where I would have to fish out every individual Soul for Soul.]

"So you're only talking to me because I can help you deal with this time situation right? Then why not choose someone else?"

[Because you are convenient]

"Excuse me?"

Death gave me a hard stare. [I shall be honest with you Mr, Slade, although I have devout followers, many do not worship my name, fearing me as a killer when in reality I save them from losing their souls to time.]

[And do you really think that anyone I contact could make good process in a world that continually resets itself every week before returning to where they started? At the least you are here already.]

"That... Makes sense actually."

[And Fun has already Consecrated you three times over with the life and abilities of these videogame characters he's so fond of.]

"So in essence, because I've been Consecrated and am already here where the time loop would only send me back here, you have chosen to help me deal with this instead of giving your power to someone who may not even get here in time."


"And now I have to save this world from falling into the Sea of time while accompanied by the God of Death? Fun."

[I would like to do that with you Slade, but the thing is, in this world underneath Fun's influence, my influence is weak and my time here is already running out.]

Spitting out a gout of black smoke, my eyes widened at the sight of the once tangible looking floating skull slowly becoming more and more translucent.

"Wait! Then am I supposed to do this by myself!?"

[Remember Mr. Slade, you have been consecrated thrice over, you are no longer bound to the bindings a normal mortal is, you can now do things that normal mortals are unable to do.]

"So am I just a hero now?" Laughing depreciatingly to myself I spoke aloud. "What the hell am I supposed to do then?"

[Save this world from suffering like you did when exposed to Fun's consecration, I doubt you would like to experience the same feeling for an indeterminate amount of time.]

"You're Fun damn right I don't" Growling I slapped my face with the palms of my hands only to clap my hands, hoping to hype myself up.

"Hoo... Damn it Slade, you can do this." Turning to look at the significantly more transparent Death, I spoke. "So then Death, what am I to do now?"

[Tear through the enemies in front of you and find the source of this repeating time loop and end it all.]

"Fun damn it all." Groaning, I stared at the moldy door. "I guess I really have to do so don't I?"

[Think of it as having the blessing of Death to kill as much as you want Mr. Slade, I trust you won't disappoint me.] Voice petering out slowly near the end, Death transformed into skull shaped tattoo on the front of my chest.

Sinking into my chest, I felt a tangible burning sensation as a skull slowly engraved itself onto my flesh, appearing before me especially stylized by the hood and glasses it wore.


Glaring at the moldy door, I stepped towards it, opening the inventory atop my right palm.

Scanning the contents of said inventory, I pulled out the copper sword granted to all newbies of Terraria and brandished it swiftly, noting that it was moved towards the black slot underneath it.

'So quick slots from Dead cells then.'

Now recalling the icons from Dead cells represented the weapons I would use to attack, paired additionally by two gadgets I hoped that at the least Fun made it so that I could fight.

Not that I couldn't fight already, but I knew for a fact that compared to trained warriors, if I couldn't fight with weapons, I was dead.

Licking my lips, I swung the blade and watched it split the air as my body instinctively followed the optimum path.

'...You know what? I think I can deal with this.'

Flipping the sword in my hand, I kicked the door open to expose three other weapons lying peacefully on the ground, the weapons that the Beheaded were supposed to use to fight his way through the hordes of enemies.

Raising an eyebrow, I heard a groan emanate from beyond the moldy doorway in front of me.

'...I hope to the lord that these damned things are infectious.'

Picking up the weapons and placing them into my inventory so that I could decide how to deal with them later, I made my way to the door and prepared to kick it.


All over the Island Kingdom thoroughly infected with the malaise, figures stared at the swirling black clouds in the air, focused above the prisoners Quarters as a bright ray of sun light suddenly pierced the veil and shone on the box shaped building.

A blue skinned and horned figure rapidly scribbled onto a piece of parchment with ink and quill, a maddened glimmer shing through their six eyes, murmuring constantly as they stared at this strange phenomenon occurring in this island without change.

A man experimenting on vibrant blue blobs of light raised their head at the shifting clouds, their blue eyes shining with newfound interest as chains rattled on their body.

A small lizard like being glanced at the surging black clouds, swirling above, adjusting their red goggles before raising the heated orange colored hammer, slamming it onto the metal in front of them, ignoring all else.

Underneath the ground, a spider with six eyes held a spear stalwartly, red gaze looking upwards as if to pierce the stone as they guarded the green flames.

Listlessly leaning on their spear, a man's eyes suddenly glowed with newfound life, staring at the black skies, suffused with a green glow, they laughed loudly before disappearing into the ground.

A hooded man chanting loudly while covered in red blood paused mid chant to stare at the black clouds, immediately stabbing their staff into the ground before kneeling towards the cloud, followed soon after by several others wearing the same garb.

A fat tentacled figure sitting on the pier, tirelessly chewing on fish held a harpoon as they stared at the everchanging waves with one pink eye, turning to look at the swirling black sky, the tentacles surrounding the harpoon tightened as their eye narrowed.

In the clock tower that tolled twelve, a masked woman with glowing orange eyes held a longsword and dagger stained with blood, staring stoutly at the changes occurring over the prisoner's island, whispering quietly to herself.

"Oh Goddess that reigns over Time, why is this happening?"

And finally, at the top of the Golden Palace, at the Top of the mountain it was built atop, behind a certain guardian who glared at the swirling black clouds.

Atop a throne made of stone, a masked figure wearing a crown opened their eyes.

"...The Prophesied one has arrived."

