Chereads / KKKKKKKK / Chapter 41 - Chapter 40: Last One Standing (III)

Chapter 41 - Chapter 40: Last One Standing (III)

"You have nothing but one move to defeat your enemy," the voice echoed in his head as Dante watched the Felroz approach, its three right arms pulled back. "Your problem, Dante, is that you always try to find a limit to test your strength against your opponent. That's why you're always smiling."

The three fists came at him, but much slower than before. Underwater, none of them were fast. He stretched his hand, his only free arm glowing with bluish Cosmic Energy, and launched a punch so powerful that the pressure surged upward.

The impact shook the entire body of water, creating waves. Two arms destroyed, but it wasn't enough. He was being dragged deeper. Dante pushed his legs forward against the surface and released what he could from the soles of his feet.

If whatever was pulling him wanted him so badly, then it could have him.

"Dante, critical conversion levels. Limit set at 5%. Friction causing approximately 7%. Use the Energy, this is a warning."

A stronger burst of air released from his foot, propelling him like a bullet toward the bottom. He twisted his waist and legs, firing bursts in all directions. The tentacles around him loosened, but Dante wasn't backing down anymore.

What was at the bottom of that tank that wanted him so badly?

"Every time you raise your fists, you know you'll fight," Render's voice said in his mind. "Why haven't you tried to defeat me yet? Why do you always defend yourself?"

I'm afraid of hurting you, father. I'm afraid of hurting my mother and sister.

The depths were dark, but the creature's green eyes were so bright they lit up like a sunset. Dante descended, laughing, and saw six more tentacles breaking free around it, heading his way. He dodged several, throwing himself to the side and slipping past it, disappearing into the darkness, sinking even deeper.

The creature lowered its head but didn't know where to look. Suddenly, Dante appeared right in front of it, delivering a perfect uppercut. The entire body of water rippled. A scream of pain echoed everywhere, but Dante held on and headbutted it.

Before the tentacles could reach him again, he raised his foot and struck its chest, pushing himself away while releasing bursts of air from his soles. When he reached the metallic edge, he paused for a second and opened his mouth.

The air escaped in a massive surge. Everything inside and outside the tank shook violently. The Felroz that had descended with him used its remaining arms to propel itself. The surrounding tentacles were electrified, scales sparking with lightning, ready to pierce and shock him.

Every second in there brought more trouble. The danger only grew.

"You've never really made me your enemy," Render pointed his sword at him. "And that's why you always get hurt, always come home battered. Why do you keep doing this, Dante? Do you enjoy getting hurt?"

No, father.

Dante raised both hands, the water pressing his muscles with more density than air. His fingers moved twice as sluggishly. His legs didn't respond instantly. Both enemies closed in on him.

In truth, everything was happening at incredible speed.

He lunged to the side, all the creature's blows slamming into the wall. The Felroz roared and brought down three arms. Dante dragged his hand through the water, releasing a lateral jet that struck its abdomen. The Felroz groaned, retreating slowly, blood streaming from the wound.

"Conversion levels critical. Reaching 10%, Dante."

Dante moved forward, but something grabbed his leg. He saw the tentacle that had pierced the wall now holding him. The others did the same, binding his other leg. Ten of them stopped him from advancing, but they didn't move.

The creature was stunned. It was witnessing a humanoid defying its strength underwater. How far would someone go to survive? How far…

Something struck its face, sending it flying to the other side and crashing into the wall. A strike out of nowhere, simply severing the connection of two of its arms. But it wouldn't give in. It pulled again, forcing Dante to retreat.

When it faced the human, he was gripping one of its arms and breaking it. He snapped two with his bare hands.

The creature froze in shock. It was watching a human gain the upper hand underwater. Humans weren't even supposed to breathe properly here.

Dante broke free and moved forward. His air was running out. He had to fight seriously, at least to save himself from something even his strength couldn't escape.

"Dante," a voice called from above—it was Marcus. "Damn it, damn it. What do I do with the battery?"

Turn it on.

His punch was intercepted by the Felroz above. It grabbed Dante and punched him directly in the chest. The pain was excruciating. He had taken a hit like this before, but now it was heavier. The longer he stayed in there, the worse it was for his body.

He didn't know how much more he could endure; the conversion of friction into physical energy was becoming destructive. Dante couldn't let that happen, no matter what.

The Felroz used one of its tentacles for mobility and circled around Dante, landing a punch on his back. He spun several times, nearly losing consciousness. His eyes burned, his nose had taken in water. His senses, hindered by his failing vision, faltered.

Vick, help Marcus.

"Inoperable. I need better commands to disconnect from the body. I require physical contact with the battery."

Dante spun after being bombarded by blow after blow, slammed against the wall and pelted with punches.

"You always smile when you fight me," Render once said. "You do it even though you've never beaten me. I've always wondered why. Can you tell me, son?"

"Because I think you're the strongest person in the world, father. If I ever land a hit on you, it means. I can beat anyone in the world."

Render laughed. It was rare to see him do that in the bamboo field.

"You're naive, Dante. That's why you get hurt so much."

The Felroz's three punches knocked all the remaining air from his lungs.

"One day, you might die for trusting your smile."

Inside the tank, Dante stopped smiling.


Marcus quickly pressed the buttons on the battery. Nothing worked. Not even using the gun to fire into one of the slots. Only the sound of the engine roaring, followed by the silence echoing around him. Even the tank, with its turbulent waters, had gone still. 

If everything stopped and Dante hadn't returned… Marcus slammed his fist on the battery. 

"Dammit, dammit." His fist struck it three more times. "Why the hell can't I get anything right with this crap?" 

He kicked the battery, feeling immense pain in his toes and dropping to his knees, resting his arm on the device. 

"Why… can't I save anyone?" 

He removed his mask and covered his eyes, breathing heavily several times. How many times had they needed him, and how often could he truly save them? Always slow, always clumsy. His bullets couldn't even pierce the defenses of a Felroz like that. 

How could he call himself a son of the Lima family? 

He gripped the battery, forcing his Cosmic Energy into the cold, noisy metal. The Energy was drawn in, but Marcus didn't feel it. Rage and disdain clouded his emotional perception. 

Ten more seconds passed, and the engine let out a roar. A yellow glow burst out from the battery's slots. Marcus stood up in shock, unsure of what was happening. He stared at the greenish water, but it remained still. 

Suddenly, an electrical discharge shot down into the cables connected to the tank. 

The surrounding lamps burst into flames, illuminating the entire area at once. 

From afar, outside the buildings, Clara could see the yellow light rising in the middle of the day, so intense it burned like a bonfire in the pitch black. 

The Reservoir was all light. 

Inside the tank, electricity bombarded everything. 

"Wake up, Dante."