At sundel 9:30
Sam couldn't sleep he was tossing over his bed.he draped himself in blanket.chilled wind was blowing over the window. He woke up to close the window.
He felt chill over his waist.hands as blue as aquamarine were engulfing Him.his heart skipped for a moment. The hands disappeared out of blue.
He could here ripples of rain and fastening of thunder. he was thirsty and was heading towards kitchen.
When he opened the door of refrigerator to his suprise he saw creature. It's body was shining like aquamarine it had long silky hairs.its has pointed ear like elfs.
When he touched it. It was transformed into a beautiful lady... Slowly she walked towards him "don't come here" he scream." I am Anna from saturn " she streched her hands to his chest
He was walking away from her then suddenly he tripped over mat .she held his hands and pulled him close. He was blushing red.he saw her loket was shining.
It was midnight
" Hey what happened just I couldn't belive my eyes who are " he asked she repeated the story of how she ended up on earth
She could be human as result of his touch.
Just like that she gets energy to restore her form
He rubbes his eyes "well I am sleepy. let's talk can stay here today"
He returns to his bed she stayed by his side she held his hands.her loket shined again
She watched him till the dawn
The morning sun shines.he openes his eyes to see her and rolled out of bed in utter surprise 🫢...she started laughing which made him shy..