Chapter 4 - Into the abyss

As the LAmplighter stepped into the abyss, he focused with all his might to find the souls that were stuck in this space, this was no easy task, the Lamplighter tried to spread his consciousness across this realm, but if not in luck it could still take him years to find these refugee souls due to the sheer size of this realm. 

 A few days later.

As he was tirelessly focusing on finding these lost souls he had at last found a trace of the five souls that have wondered into this realm, and there was something else there too...

The Lamplighter hurried over to there, he couldn't quite make it in one step this time, nonetheless he reached there in a few minutes. When he had arrived he saw a creature onl he knew about, it was a small amorph creature that was radiating the same kind of energy the purest of souls would. The Lamplighter enxountered these creatures before, he gave them the name: "Golden Myst" -due to them radiating this pure golden spiritual energy. These creatures were somewhat like the opposite of the guards of hell, they fed on the positive parts of the souls leaving all the bad parts to sisperse on their own, this creature was not originally part of creation, as seemingly none of the Gods and Godesses have known of its existence, it was a strange creature like the Lamplighter himslef. They weren't at all humanlike, yet when the Lamplighter saw them he felt a strange sort of familiarity, and warmth coming from them, the kind of warmth that was unimaginable to the Lamplighter as he was one who rorked in complete darkness and 0K°. 

He saw that the golden myst was slowly eating the already weak souls, while he wanted to try and communicate with the golden myst, he had to first do his duties, so he had enclosed the golden myst and bound it to it's current location so he could find it easily when he comed back for it. After doing this, he quickly gathered the 5 who were stranded there, and opened a gate fo go back to hell. While he was stepping outside of the new portal Eyl who was still there was very impressed, he even complimented the ALmplighter for finding all the souls relatively intact, and having travelled so far for them too.

As Eyl smiled upon the Lamplighter, he gave the rescued souls to him, and told him that due to them bein in the abyss for over a week of hell's time, they will have to have most of their momories of the past few decillion years wiped, Eyl nodded agreeingly and snapped his fingers.

While waving goodbye the Lamplighter was on his way to his next quest, as he decided that he will come back for the golden myst after he is done with all of his errands. 

With this he was headed towards one of the other primarly gods of hell named Tyr...

  1. A few lighxears away.
  2. Due to the realm of the abyss being substentially larger then that of hell travelling a few lightyears in the abyss would only transalte to a few meters in hell. Time in the abyss is completely frozen, well nearly completely frozen, multiple milennia would have to pass for it to be felt as a fraction of time in hell, so a few weeks in the abyss that souls can survive is actually more like decillions of years passing for the souls stuck in there, the reason they cease to exist is mostly their own will completely disappaearing over these impossible spans of time.
  3. He really only has to think of the momories being ereased for it to happen, but he choses to remain somewhat closer to a human when he is near Lamplighter, as Lamplighter is closest to a human himself.