"Wow/wow." Naruto and Sakura were amazed. Even Sasuke was impressed, going by the slight widening of his eyes.
"Ne, Kakashi-sensei," Sakura began wringing her hands, "We don't have to worry about another swordsman showing up, do we?"
Kakashi allayed her fears. "It's highly unlikely, Sakura. From our intel six of the seven are either dead or missing-nin. There is one who remains loyal to the Mizukage, but with Kiri's civil war I doubt he would be leaving his Kage's side anytime soon."
Sakura breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good." Naruto nodded his head in agreement and Sasuke slightly relaxed.
"That's enough talk. We've got an early morning tomorrow, so let's get some rest." Kakashi dismissed them.
A snap of fingers broke Naruto out of his thoughts. "Are you ok, Naruto-san?" Haku asked him as she withdrew her hand.
"Ah, sorry," Naruto gave her an apologetic grin, "I guess I was just lost in thought. To answer your question; I want to get stronger to protect my Sensei and teammates; they're…" Naruto paused as he searched for the right words, "Precious to me."
Haku's eyes shone brightly at his answer, and for some unknown reason, Naruto felt like he had just passed some sort of test.
"That's a good reason to get stronger. In fact, I think that the only way for a person to be truly strong is when they are protecting someone precious to them." Haku explained as she gave Naruto a smile that made his heart do backflips.
"I agree, Haku-chan!" Naruto exclaimed.
Haku blushed at the affectionate suffix. Then she threw Naruto a sly grin, "Haku-chan?' My, my Naruto-kun," Haku teased as she drew out the 'kun' suffix, "How forward of you."
Naruto yelped, his face turning cherry red, as he frantically waved his arms up and down, "No! I mean you are pretty-beautiful! But I didn't mean…but I wouldn't mind getting close to you-I mean getting to know you! I mean, I'll…err, I'll shut up now." Naruto trailed off as he stared at the dirt, wondering if the earth would be kind enough to swallow him at that moment.
Haku giggled. "Poor boy," she thought, "He blushes any harder and he might faint."
Somewhere in Konohagakure no Sato, a blue haired kunoichi with pale lavender eyes, sneezed, during a meeting between her father and sister.
"Are you ok, Nee-chan?" A girl with long brown hair and similar eyes asked.
"I'm ok, Imouto," the blue haired kunoichi assured her with a smile.
Their father, who had long brown hair and pale eyes as well, let out a small cough to get their attention. "Hinata, Hanabi, let us continue."
"Yes, Tou-sama," they both replied.
"It's alright, Naruto-kun," Haku assured him, placing emphasis on the suffix. "I was just surprised." Haku stood up and offered the boy a hand, "Now would this kind gentleman assist this humble doctor with her tasks?"
Naruto took her hand and stood up. "You bet, dattebayo."
"Dattebayo?" Haku asked as she covered her mouth to suppress her giggles.
Naruto just groaned as he facepalmed.
Unknown to either of them, a raven haired Genin was leaning against a tree and listening to the conversation. "The Dobe has got himself a girlfriend?" Sasuke smirked as he put his hands in his pockets and left to report to Kakashi. "Wonder what the Scarecrow will think of this?"
Elsewhere on the island, Gatō was sitting in his office smoking a cigar with his left hand. "That bitch," he glared down at his broken right-wrist that was in a sling. "She dares to harm me?! Gatō?! I am the biggest businessman this side of the elemental nations!"
Gatō was broken out of his fumings when his assistant entered his office. "Gatō-sama, we've got a message from our contact in Kirigakure no Sato."
"And?" Gatō growled, as he glared at his assistant over his shades. The message in his eyes was clear; If I don't like this, I'll be needing a new assistant.
Gatō's assistant gulped. "Our contact has informed us that the Mizukage is interested in our offer, and he will be sending his agent in the next ten days."
"Wonderful," Gatō took a long drag of his cigar, held the smoke in his mouth for a second, and slowly exhaled, "That's the best news I've gotten all day." Gatō tapped his cigar into his crystal ashtray, "You're dismissed."
Gatō's assistant scurried out of the room.
Gatō swiveled in his chair and looked out his window and towards the warehouse floor. He watched for a while as his men were busy packaging his product, the sight never failing to bring a grin to his face. "Soon, I'll be expanding into Mizu no Kuni." Gatō looked at his broken wrist and chuckled, "And the bitch will get what's coming to her. Who says you can't mix business with pleasure?"
Haku was humming a pleasant tune, as she entered their hideout, lightly swinging her basket full of herbs that Naruto had helped her pick. The basket was filled to bursting.
Haku let out a chuckle, remembering Naruto's eagerness to help her with her task. So eager was he that she had to stop him from picking the clearing clean. He apologized and gave her his signature grin that stretched out his whisker marks and narrowed his eyes into slits, making him look like a smiling fox.
"Someone sounds happy, did something good happen?" Zabuza asked, breaking Haku out of her thoughts.
"Oh, I was just thinking about my time spent with Naruto-kun," Haku responded, not noticing her slipup as she placed her basket on the kitchen counter and grabbed her apron. "I might as well get lunch started before I start grinding herbs," she thought.
"Naruto-kun?" Zabuza parroted, confused. "The blonde gaki? When did you meet the Gaki? Wait, why are you calling him 'kun?!' If the brat touched you, I'll kill him!" Zabuza roared, a surge of overprotectiveness overcoming him.
"Zabuza-sama!" Haku gasped, her hand going to her chest to calm her racing heart. She had not expected that outburst. Then Zabuza's words registered in her mind, and her eye twitched; "If the brat touched you, I'll kill him."
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