The bright morning sun filtered in through the glass wall, revealing Dylan—clad in a black suit and a purple tie. This color combination was slowly becoming his favorite and it had something to do with his powers.
On his shoulder was the little fox demon, glaring at its master with a disdainful look. This was the first sin of lust that barely relied on lust to operate. He had expected Dylan to take advantage of his good looks, sleep with more women, and grow in level and devotees of females.
"A Failure." Lich sighed heavily.
Dylan spared him only a glance before turning to meet Clara who was dressed in a brown suit that matched her hair color. The look in her eyes today was different but he couldn't tell why.
"Ready?" Dylan smiled.
Normally, this would melt her heart, but today, it was hard to look at. She wondered what was going through his mind when he smiled at her like this.