So first off to a healthy body…Work out, eat healthy, and sleep.
Since I don't have any food and my body is too sore already, it looks like I gotta be able to sleep.
Hmmm…Now how would I do that? By trying to meditate? Maybe counting sheep? Crap, how do I go to sleep in this situation…
I would usually not think too much, yet also at the same time find a comfortable thought to be used as my sleep format…Is it right? Should I try?
Nevermind, I'll try meditation. Sit with legs crossed…close eyes…I guess I'll just put my hands on my thighs…clear my mind…and just listen to nature while breathing in and out
…In Huff Clear my mind, clear my mind, clear my mind
…Out Puff How do I do it? ......…don't think
…In Huff People have the time to do this? Granted it's only for a couple minutes
…Out Puff But when do they usually meditate? When they have free time? Wait…
.........*RISE* AAAAHHHH, I can't do it!!! How do people usually do this!?!?!
Dang should I try other methods to put myself to sleep…put myself to sleep? Should I try and knock myself out? Wait…
My body feels refreshed? Like I just came out of the shower after working for hours on end…Did the meditation work?
Let's try it again…
…In Huff
…Out Puff
Nothing….Was it the breathing? In….Out….In….Out
I see steam is coming out of my mouth, or am I just imagining it? In….Out….In….Out…..In….Out….In
Nope, I can confirm it's not steam but the mist that I inhaled…
Meaning the mist recovers the body and I finally have something to use to my advantage in this world.
WOOOOO this makes things so much better for me.