Chapter 8 - The Cursed Silence

I opened my eyelids and saw the grey ceiling. Water dripped from the stone on my forehead. I adjusted my head slowly to avoid the drops, but now the eerie sound of it hitting the hard floor echoed through my ears.

I chuckled, got up, and looked around. The place was covered in red, but the palette was missing, and the artist had left a long time ago. Only I remained a solitary guest in this art-desolated museum.

My face held a soft smile, my eyes hardly open, held no emotion like they were made out of glass. My feet, full of dirt and wounds, stepped through the pool of blood. The slashing sound the blood made was somehow relaxing. 

My feet bathed in the fluid, cleaning themselves until they looked like a red moon. 

'Five more days to go. It's not that bad.' I optimistically said while laughing like a maniac.

But after I forced my mind to put on a mask for the last time, I froze. I gripped my head in with my hands. My dirty nails drilled into my thick skull, creating multiple streams of blood. I fell on my knees and my hand started to shake significantly.

With my mind breaking, my vocal cords managed to create a sound to try to help me get back to a clear head.

'Calm down, these are just useless human emotions. You're the King Of Beasts, you can handle some pathetic sentiments.'

I was right, these are just some worthless feelings, nothing a memory beast of my caliber couldn't handle. Yet why did I feel so empty? This was all so new to me. I have never felt like this before.

I took some deep breaths, just enough for my body to fully oxygenate, and continued my lonely walk through the rooms of this museum that was devoid of people, but held great art.

My stomach rumbled like a storm, it held a big desire for food, but at the same time wished to never see it again.

After my purposeless walk, I reached the main room of this cursed facility. There I saw a group of people.

I laughed to myself. 'Looks like they are doing well.' I never doubted my ex-parties' survival, but I can't say I was all that happy to see them. Well, it wasn't like I was happy in general at the moment.

They threw me away like a dog. Not even the evilest beast would throw away another one of himself, if he did, it would be like he would be throwing himself away. Yet humans can do it so easily like it's something normal to do.

It infuriated me.

Their smiles were full of pure joy, and their laughter made my ears bleed every time I heard them.

Do they not know how many people have died, and how many have suffered? How could they be laughing in such a situation? Did they not care about the background of the magnificent art of this soulless museum?

Wait but why did I care? Why had I fallen into such a depressed mood from the death of some filthy humans? Wasn't my goal to do exactly that, to change how this world worked in favor of the memory beast? To crush humanity and its happiness under my feet. So why was I feeling this way? Why!

These were questions I didn't have an answer for. 

'So why bother right? Ha ha ha... ha?'

I needed something to wake me up from this weak state. 

My eyes darted to the door of the bathroom, and my feet subconsciously started moving toward it. It was an interesting feeling, your body moving without your permission. Was this how the boy whose body I took over felt?

How it felt to be a vessel of a mightier being, to be completely powerless. To be a spectator instead of an actor, had I lost my role in this dramatic opera?

The door to the bathroom grew bigger and bigger as I approached it. And finally, I was able to reach for the rusty handle of the door. Pieces of it fell as my hand covered its surface, and as I opened it, a screeching noise echoed through the facility. I'm sure I hurt someone's eardrum with it. I entered and closed the door, the sound coming back for a round two.

I went to the worn down sink, that had pieces of it on the wet ground. I let the dirty water flow from the sink to my trembling hand. The silence was dreadful, without any sound to distract me, my mind flew to many questions had had no explanation.

I splash water on my face and look above the sink to look in the mirror. But there was none, and it wasn't the only one that had it missing. There wasn't a mirror in the whole bathroom. Speaking of it, I don't think I ever saw one here, not even a mirror, or just something that could let you either see through or see yourself.

'I can't even look at myself, great... I hate this place. I had to decide what I wanted to do and by tonight.'

I stood silent for a few seconds, then sighed.


The night was about to start, and just like its ancestor, it came with some awful news.

[From today, every safe place with the capacity of three, will be deactivated.]

People screamed in horror, some fell to the ground, frozen. Some decided to fight for their survival, and some cried the whole time. If they hadn't felt fear last night, tonight fear was inevitable.

As the gates opened once again, a lone figure stepped in front of the hoard of terrifying beasts. What a demonstration of courage, of chivalry. What an awesome guy... yeah that was me.

I sighed. 'I hope this works. Well, I have no other choice, so either way, I'm dead.' I said while everyone around me started moving. I stepped inside of what was beyond the door and approached one of the motionless beings.

'There shall be light!' As those words came out of my mouth, a majestic sword manifested and sliced one of the beasts in two. 'Don't take it personally, it's just punishment for your behavior last night.'

[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]


[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]

[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]

[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]

[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]

[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]

[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]

[You have slain a pawn class beast, Wendigo]