Chapter 27 - Blue Blood Of A Royal


[You have used skill [Thunder From Hell], remaining duration 180 seconds.]

'Damn it.' As my words came out, electricity traveled through my body. It had become one with me, running throughout my bloodstream.

With this, I was able to make a quick recovery and sidestep at the right time to dodge a flying kick coming directly towards my head in a gesture meaning to kick it off.

I ran, something I can't say I wasn't ashamed of as I was, I hated myself for it. But hey, they say your own worst enemy is you.

I could fight it, even with this speed, I had nothing to damage its thick skin. And even if I did, I didn't have a way to win the fight. 'Can't I just copy a skill that does damage already?' I was starting to dream about the skills from my trial. 

Speaking of those abilities, now that I think of it, I feel like I know the beast that they belonged to. But I can't put a finger on it. It's like my memory of it had been erased.

Even a weapon would have been useful, but instead, I got that worthless board. How would I even use it? Does it have infinite resources or do I have to restock it?

While deep in thought, my ears perceived the sound of something closing in on me. I made a sudden change in the angle of my feet, which allowed me to change my direction so I wouldn't get touched by whatever it was that was flying toward me.

I looked back, trying to see if the beast had somehow matched my pace and was still right on my tail. I predicted that it would still be behind me, but there would still be a respectful gap.

What I didn't expect was that when my head turned, my eyes would reflect the image of the beast hand centimeters away from me. I bend back, my spine making a cracking sound as I barely dodged the flying arm.

 I had reacted purely on instinct, my mind had shut down at that moment, completely blank. But as luck would have it I hadn't lost my quick instincts. I smiled as I looked at the confused look on his face.

This fueled my confidence like charcoal, only for it to be put down by another incoming attack from this giant.

The attack wasn't coming with great speed, but looked powerful, it was also traveling close to the ground leaving me an opening.

As it approached, I jumped in the air and spread my limb out to last at least a quarter of a second longer so the arm could fully traverse.

But I soon found myself falling, and by a miracle, my plan had worked.

Well for the most part one of my feet had first stepped on the attack and then the ground, making me run like I was limp for some second.

How much time had it been? Hopefully not any close to three minutes. I had instinctively ignored the system's messages, to focus on the giant. And I had lost track of time, so it felt like every second I was on the verge of death, just waiting for my skill to end and then be crushed by either the hand or feet of the gross beast.

Normally I would have a strategy, I never fight without one, but here I was relying purely on my body's reactions. One wrong move and that was it, I was gone forever.

As I continued to run, I saw something on the horizon, it was a base. Did it belong to humans? Hopefully, but what if it isn't and it's a trap? 'Well either way I'm dead.' I grinned. 'So what's the harm.'

[Remaining duration 10 seconds.]

'Shit!' This would prove to be the worst timing. As I had my salvation in front of me and my sins cashing me from behind, ready to claw me the second I slowed down, even for a little bit.

I felt my feet tense up from the pressure. But I used this to accelerate, hoping I wouldn't randomly get a cramp. 'Dying because of a cramp, that would be embarrassing.

My feet ripped the grass causing holes everywhere I stepped. Sadly not big enough for the giant to fall into, or just to decrease his feet. But this damn guy just stepped on them with no drawback. Well maybe because my feet are nothing compared to even one of its toes. 'Still, a man has to try, or else he'll regret it.' Regret huh? Why do I keep bringing this topic up? Had I changed my mind about what they are and everything?

No, I was the same, but for some reason, it didn't feel that way.

Now running at a faster pace, I was getting closer and closer. And as I was in range for them to distinguish me from an ant to a human. As they did, the archers that had been lazing around in their towers grabbed their bows and fired at the giant, and after multiple rounds, they had managed to lure it away, well for now.

'Oh now your living, you damn beast, there is no way some arrows made you run away but I didn't.' But my words had no effect, and I could only watch as the giant left for the time being.

[Remaining duration 0 seconds.]

Perfectly timed!

After the beast had fully left. A man came out of the walls of the camp.

With his grey hair and beard, I assumed this guy had noticed the dinosaurs. And the monocle that he had only made it worse.

And worst of them all, he was wearing a suit. This was the perfect description of an old man working at an office all they long with no time for him family.

He noticed my face was full of criticism. He smiled at me.

"Ah I'm sorry for asking, but are you perhaps Jacob Moon?"