Chapter 15 - Onyx Tower

The onyx tower had no end. It continued rising above the clouds, it had a circular shape, each floor big enough to hold a titan. It reminded me of a story, which probably served as inspiration. It reached the heavens, something the Babel Tower, its inspiration, had failed.

Vegetation had infested it, maybe this was because of the lack of testers. The green distinguished itself from the shining black, meanwhile, it wasn't as colorful as the one from the grass.

Since the endless size, you couldn't see where it had rooted, only the vines wrapping themselves against it. As if nature was trying to destroy it as if nature wanted to eradicate this human creation.

The air was constantly unleashing its wrath against it, but the black tower wouldn't budge. It could withstand even the most sinful storms. 

Each floor had countless windows, but none of them held an image of what was inside, only darkness allowed itself to be seen through these intentional cracks. 

'Yeah no, I refuse to go inside.' It wasn't that I was scared or anything, but if this stretched endlessly, these guys would definitely expect me to continue climbing until I die. And to keep me from leaving they would either bride me or manipulate me.

I grinned. 'Like that would ever happen.' I said while walking toward the dark tower, that was nothing but creepy. How did it exist? I get that these guys were top researchers, but how did they create it? Where even was I? Was I in a memory, or between the two worlds?

There were too many unanswered questions, but that only made me more excited to unravel the mystery of this cursed tower.

My feet started moving towards it, as a mischievous grin sneaked itself on my face. The door of the Onyx Tower was gigantic, bigger than the floor itself, which made me wonder how its size worked. Was it really infinite, what was there on the inside? What comes after the darkness?

My muscles tightened, as I pushed open the door. But as I moved my head, I found myself in the middle of a town, but I knew this town. I had been here a long time ago.

The red lanterns disturbed the night, painting it in warm colors. The crowd of people cheering and laughing, the kimonos they were wearing. The thousands of shops, some for specific subjects and some ones you would see at a corner store.

The decoration above us and the orange trees. The architectural style of the building. The sound of people performing, the sound of fresh food... I knew this place. 

[Welcome contractor Moon! Good luck on the first floor of the Onyx Tower!]

Wait a system message? But how? The system only speaks about things related to The Core or memories. Was I not in the tower anymore, but then why does it even exist? Is this place somehow in the tower, or was the Tower part of the system?

Was the tower all this time, part of The Core?

'Damn it, this is the first floor and there are already too many questions.'

[The first floor takes place in the Red-Light district! So don't get distracted!]

'Very funny system, maybe to a fifteen-year-old... wait I'm technically fifteen so scratch that.'

Enough with the jokes, this was the first floor and it already seemed difficult. After all, I had to somehow find and eliminate the nightmare creatures in this massive district. With bothering left and right to buy their product... or service.

I sighed and looked around. Millions of people walking beside me, some with a partner, some alone like I was. And some looking for something... specific.

But even with this busy atmosphere, I can't say this place wasn't beautiful. It was always amazing to have your nostrils be touched by the smell of food, and in this place this scent was all around you, practically arousing you into its odor, but of course, even this was a trick.

Everything here was a trick, from the bright colors meant to excite you... in both contexts. The odor of the food, to relax your guard, and even some of the people in the crowd there as traps. Hired by others to keep the atmosphere, and guide people to their shop.

It had a great trick, working on most travelers and tourists. Of course, it wouldn't work on me, I was the Kin-

"Fresh shrimp at only one thousand Yen! The best in the district!"

In a gust of wind, a lone boy appeared in front of him. With a bright smile and his red checks, he said.

'One portion please!'


In a corner of an alleyway, I could be seen, vomiting my insides out. 'Should have thought he would put something in them.'

Don't judge me ok? Even kings have their weaknesses. Mine was and still is shrimp... of course not with whatever he added. 

I had always loved it, since I was a tiny tiny dragon, trying to survive all alone in the evilness of The Core. It was actually the first thing I had ever tasted. And to this day, it's my favorite.

 I guess I formed a bond with it, one higher than completing this floor entirely.

Speaking of clearing this disaster, it was most likely impossible to do it with all these people outside. After all, the monsters could have shapeshifting abilities, making it entirely impossible to find them in this ocean of people.

Speaking of shapeshifting, in my time as a kind, I had assigned one as my right hand. But this decision would turn on to be a mistake, as she betrayed me and gave a human a contract.

'I'll kill her next time I'll see her.'

So what was I going to do? It was more simple than you think. Just return to the human world and wait for it to turn day, then come back when there aren't many people.

'Hey system, how do I leave?'

[To temporarily leave, you will have to say the following word. 'Return']

It was kind of basic, I was expecting more keeping in mind the complexity of the tower itself. But I guess no one has an unlimited budget.


[Error. Unable to return the user to the human world.]