Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 194 - Dany's Capture

Chapter 194 - Dany's Capture

Dany's Capture

Chapter TextDaenerys Targaryen held on to Drogon's neck as her dragon - her child, the only child of hers that was still alive - batted away at the air with his wings. It was finally time to attack King's Landing. Now, she'd be taking her rightful place as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. She'd be getting the Iron Throne back - and bringing down the wife of the usurper while at it, too. Cersei Lannister… Her blood boiled at the very thought of the other woman currently proclaiming herself to be Westeros's queen. She murdered Missandei… She killed her best friend! Only to hurt her! Oh, she was so going to hurt her in return when she got the chance.

Her troops - Northerners led by Jon Snow, and the Unsullied under Grey Worm's command - would attack the city from the main gates. But she herself had a different task to do. A far more personal one. A dragon would break the defender's spirits and help her forces win the siege quickly - and she intended to join them and help with just that. But there was someone she needed to get rid of first. The man who had taken her other baby away… Euron Greyjoy. The man who shot down Rhaegal. As the commander of the Iron Fleet - which was currently serving as Cersei's naval forces - he was certain to be somewhere at the harbor. Going there had one additional advantage - disabling the many scorpions mounted on the ships. They were the only thing that could pose a threat to her while riding Drogon… But she wasn't going to let them hit her. Not again. She wouldn't lose the last one of her kin. Never again.

In no time Khaleesi and her beloved mount made it to the harbor. Seeing the many ships - with the scorpions fixed on them - reawakened the painful memories of when she last saw them. With a scream of fury, she directed Drogon downwards. The dragon was just as enraged as she was - he could understand that those were the things that took his brother away. Swooping down while losing themselves in the rage, the two of them began getting their revenge - Drogon breathing fire down on the ships. It felt so good to see them crumble and burn under his breath!

Her first run ended with plenty of the ships destroyed - the sailors either burning to death or sinking with the remains of their ships, only rare survivors getting to jump quickly enough and swim away far enough that the sinking ships didn't drag them back under the water. However, there were still plenty of ships they didn't get the first time. They'd need to do another run to finish off the stragglers. As she circled above them, there was no chance that they'd be able to aim straight up at her from the scorpions mounted on the ships. However, there were also more of the devices mounted on the shore - and these began to track her and Drogon's movements in the air. Some bolts shot through the sky towards them as Drogon turned back towards the surviving ships - but their aim was completely off, completely missing their mark as they flew through the air nearby.

However, with the remaining ships in place, Drogon's path through the air became obvious. And as the dragon breathed down more destruction onto the final ship, the beating of its wings brought it into the path of several javelins - all sent towards the place the operators predicted he would end up at. The bolts tore through his scales, making him buck and writhe in the air. Daenerys held on for dear life as the life of the last of her dragons was stripped away from her - the black-and-red dragon falling to the ground in its dying moments.

The final flaps of Drogon's wings brought Khaleesi straight towards the men who brought her down - the dragon crashing onto the shore, Daeneys shaken off him due to the impact. She hit the ground hard, her body bruised in several spots - her black battle armor ripping in a couple of spots as she slid across the ground.

Immediately, she was surrounded by several soldiers - mostly members of the Lannister army and some gold cloaks. She didn't even resist in any way as they forced her onto her knees. Her body was battered and aching - but that was nothing compared to the agony she was feeling inside. Drogon was gone… Her last child, taken away from her forever! He was gone… Gone! Tears began to pour down her cheeks as the men dragged her arms away from her body - the heartbroken woman just sobbing as the man discussed what to do with her. They had the enemy queen, completely at their mercy… But they were very much aware that they shouldn't do anything too permanent. Queen Cersei was surely going to want to torment this foreign skunk herself - and if she found out they broke a piece of her, they'd be looking at their own executions.

But if they only kept that in mind… There was still plenty of fun to be had with their captive. Drawing a few swords and daggers, they began cutting away at Dany's armor - taking caution not to slice just through it and not harm her skin below it. The heavy, dark leather began falling off in large pieces as they carved them out - along with scraps of the shirt she wore underneath the armor so that it didn't rub directly against her skin. The armor and Dany's undergarments were removed, exposing the Targaryen's bare chest - her perky titties revealed to the soldiers around her to some satisfied, leery comments from them.

They followed suit with the Mother of Dragon's pants - them, too, cut apart and ripped away from the skin and flesh they protected. Before long, Daenerys was completely in the nude in front of all of them - only barely registering the fact as the men ripped even her boots and gloves away, making sure that no inch of her skin was covered anymore. Her bare snatch was uncovered as well - the wet, cold wind blowing from the sea rubbing against it and making her body shiver in the process.

Next, the soldiers turned Dany around - making her come face-to-face with the still-warm carcass of her beloved scion. The sight of him like that - motionless, his eyes staring blankly at the distance - was another blow to her psyche. She began to sob even stronger - but deep down, another feeling was awakening. The fury of a dragon. Her anger began eroding away at the sorrow-induced indifference - Daenerys starting to struggle as she saw what the men were doing to Drogon's corpse. A few of them climbed on top of him - soiling his beautiful scales with their dirty boots - and began struggling with one of the dragon's horns. Others were kicking him, or even spitting on him! They couldn't even leave his corpse alone, they had to defile it even further… Oh, it'd be so much better if they all died!

Dany began to fight against the men holding her as she was forced to watch what they were doing to Drogon - but they were too strong for her to break out. And even then, what would she do? They were outnumbering her heavily, she was deep into the city which was keeping her forces at bay… But even knowing that, she fought back. She didn't want to see it. But she had to - the last of her sons denied peace after death just like the first one was.

Finally, the soldiers managed to succeed at their task. Dany stared at the shard of Drogon's horn that one of them held triumphantly high in the air - the trophy from a slain dragon. Her dragon. Her final son… But acquiring it was just the first step to her captors' plan. The guardsman holding the horn returned to her - Dany starting to shake even more as he drew closer and closer. He brought it directly to her - and then, began rubbing it against her face.

"You see this, bitch? Your precious dragons are all dead now. That's what you get for going against our queen!"

Dany stared at him with nothing but pure hatred through her tears - the man walking behind her. Suddenly, she felt rough hands groping her ass - and pulling her asscheeks apart. Spreading her asshole - Dany instinctively clenching it in return. Her disgust swelled as she felt the tip of Drogon's horn touch the entrance to her ass. It was thin enough to slip through her sphincter, even as she tried to keep it shut - especially with the amount of force the man put into it. She gasped as her asshole was penetrated with the rough piece of her child's body - but the men weren't done with just penetrating her.

Instead, they began taking turns hitting the part of the horn that was still sticking out of her ass - driving it deeper and deeper inside her. The horn was thin at the tip, but gradually went thicker further down - so, in turn, her asshole was forced to stretch out as well. The horn's scaly, ragged, abrasive surface was forcefully dragged across the sensitive inner walls of her ass - scraping it to the point of agony. It was so humiliating to be defiled like that in front of all of them… It reminded her of her nights with Khal Drogo - especially the roughness with which she was forced to take it. Her insides turned with disgust that this was what her son's body was being used for… Violating her own body. Still, all that humiliation and disgust were things she was familiar with. And that familiarity let her fully break away from the indifference brought on by her son's demise - letting only her anger take hold of her. It was all Cersei's fault! Oh, she'd like for nothing more than to crush her beneath Drogon's paws! To pay her back for doing all this… It was her refusal to give in that led to all this, after all! She was surely going to get back at her!

Dany's sphincter stretched out to the point of tearing - the muscle finally giving way after a particularly strong blow. At that point, almost all of Drogon's horn was stuck inside her - her anus bleeding because of the abuse the horn brought to it.

With their captive's rectum sufficiently plugged, the men began leading Dany away from the port - the younger queen giving some final sorrowful looks towards Drogon's corpse. She had no idea what they intended to do with it… But she was certain it would be awful - and her heart ached at that. They managed to find some manacles, and slapped them onto her wrists, binding them behind her back - cutting her chances of escape even further down.

Each step she was forced to take hurt a lot. Her bones still hurt from the rough landing. The horn in her ass was scratching her insides whenever she moved her legs, adding another layer to the agony. As if that wasn't enough, just placing her bare feet on the harsh stones making up the streets of the city hurt her soles - especially as the man hurried her on. The sharp edges of the stones cut through the skin of her soles - opening shallow wounds that still made taking every step painful.

As they walked, the citizens of the city began peeking away at the group. Some of them managed to hide in the red keep for the siege - but others simply couldn't fit. The fear of Daenerys's invasion and her dragons had been devastating to many - and to see the object of their fear in a state like that was a tremendous relief. Word spread quickly - and soon, there was a crowd gathered to look at the woman they all feared being paraded around in the nude. They began calling her names - calling her a foreign whore, a tyrant… But wasn't she trying to free them from a tyrant in the first place? Cersei had no claim to the throne at all…

They called her a murderer - and that much was true. But those who she killed were enemy soldiers - and nobles who refused to accept her reign. She was justified in doing that… She couldn't tolerate any who would try to undermine her rule. And soldiers were just that, soldiers - fighting in a war for the wrong side, they all but deserved to die. But to those people, that wasn't the case at all… All they could see was someone who killed their friends, their brothers, their lovers… Even today, plenty of them had died in her attack. They weren't wrong to call her that, were they? But Cersei was one too! She killed so many of her own people!

The townsfolk didn't keep it to just insults, either. One of them threw a stone at her - and that was all the invitation they needed. They began hurling stones at her - the projectiles smacking into her body and leaving plenty of bruises and cuts. The barrage continued for a while, Dany given a new source of pain as they walked - before the soldiers leading her decided to intervene. They couldn't have her die to those commonfolk! She was already pretty beaten-up. One painfully accurate stone would be enough to take her life - and with it, theirs, the thrower's, and everyone around them. Cersei wouldn't take kindly to that happening.

But the raging emotions of the crowd were too much to contain by simply asking them to stop. It wasn't going to work. Then, perhaps… Yes. That was it. Daenerys's nude body had been exciting to the soldiers - it surely was stimulating to the crowd, too. Then, letting them violate her sexually was the way to go. It was what the soldiers themselves wanted to do, too - so they get straight to it.

Dany watched with surprise as they quickly removed their pants - before approaching her from both ends. The horn stuffed into her ass was now painfully ripped out in one go - to a gush of blood escaping her rectum. The cock one of them rammed into her cunt was nothing impressive - she had lovers whose girth and length were far better in the past. But the way he forced himself on her in such an impersonal way in front of all those people… It was what really hurt her mentally - the penetration was just a small discomfort at most.

What wasn't just discomfort was the cock the other soldier slammed into her gaping asshole. She let out a cry of pain as he entered her anus - its bleeding, damaged walls irritated once more with the man's meat rod. She tried struggling - but with her arms tied, the man had no troubles overpowering her - and grinding their cocks into her holes at the same time. The people watching cheered as she was violently taken by the guards - Dany finding herself unable to stop herself from crying once more as the pain in her ass continued to grow.

As the soldiers came into Daenery's holes, filling both her ass and cunt with their seed, she thought that it was over and now they'd move on - to whatever fate awaited her wherever they were taking her. They were probably taking her to Cersei, weren't they? The woman who was her final obstacle to the Iron Throne? Dany couldn't help but feel afraid of that meeting. This was completely different from how she had imagined that meeting would go in her head… But she wasn't going to lose hope. Jon and Grey Worm were still out there, fighting for her - they would surely break through Cersei's worthless goons and free her before anything bad happened.

Dany's assumption was wrong - in fact, her gangrape was only starting. As the soldiers withdrew, they invited the crowd to take their place - the people of King's Landing rushing to get a piece of the foreign slut who thought she could rule over them. It was liberating to hurt her like that - to finally do away with the fear of her that was rooted in them by blowing their seed into one of Dany's holes. She tried fighting back against them, swinging her tied-up arms around and kicking away at them - but a soldier slamming the butt of his lance into her back put an end to that. The citizens shoved her to the ground, pinning her underneath them - and running their cocks into her holes repeatedly. They stayed away from her mouth, not trusting it - but her ass and cunt were both brutally pounded.

The men also treated her tits roughly - feeling them up and crushing them in their hands, leaving more bruises on them. However, any further violence was stopped by the guards - they couldn't let her die. A man punching her in the face, and in turn smashing her head into the sharp stones behind her, was dragged away almost immediately. Another one tried choking her - Dany gasping for air as he, too, was deposed. Others seemed to have taken the hint at that point - satisfying their urges to hurt her by abusing her holes instead. Or taking her arms and using her hands to jerk off - Dany far too weak at that point to try scratching away or crushing their cocks with her fingers. Even her feet were the target of the attention of the most impatient ones - her bleeding, dirty soles painted with their semen.

The group continued to rape her for what seemed like hours to Daenerys. But in the end, the soldiers decided that it was enough - and began barring any more people from getting in the queue to use her. And as the final one, too, blew his seed into the stretched-out orifice that was her asshole, Dany was forced to her feet once more. Her steps were shaky, but the men didn't care - leading to her having to take more agonizing steps as they took her towards her destination. The crowd saw her off with more angry shouts - as well as humiliating comments on how good fucking her had felt.