Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 191 - Shadowheart

Chapter 191 - Shadowheart

Shadowheart wiped her brow. The sun was merciless. It had been a week since she fell out of the nautiloid and she still felt as if her whole body was burning up. It was a miracle she was still alive, though one she was very grateful for. She would have to thank the mysterious woman in her dreams.

It had been an incredible journey. The nautiloid had transported her and the others to a land full of fire, and sand, and death. She didn't like it, and she didn't know how long she was going to have to be here, but she was grateful for the opportunity to live. She wasn't sure what to make of Tav so far. He wasn't sure about what to do but at least everyone had a common goal, get rid of this parasite in their heads. Despite what she thought of him, it was clear that his heart was in the right place. He had saved her life, and the lives of her new companions.

"Right up ahead, let's make camp for tonight!" Tav called back to the group.

He stopped in front of a cave opening, it was small but the sun was going to be setting soon. Everyone gathered around and began taking their supplies off.

Shadowheart wasn't too sure about the safety of the area. It was the perfect location for an ambush. "Are you sure it's safe here?" she asked.

"Yeah of course, I know these parts well," said Tav.

She could detect a hint of doubt in his voice, but decided to keep quiet and let things play out.

Everyone gathered inside the cave, there was a small fire crackling. It was the only light source aside from the moonlight outside. Shadowheart had changed into her camp clothes, which was an elegant robe she had picked up the last time they made it into a town. Stitched into the inside of the collar were the words "Facemaker's Boutique." The white luscious cloth draped over her body and one could make out her nipples poking through the fabric. However, given the dire circumstances everyone was under, it was the last thing on her mind.

The young cleric couldn't help but feel as if the group's leader thought differently though. She could feel the way that Tav's eyes lingered on her for longer than they should have. The way he stared at her exposed thighs when her legs were crossed, and the way he would often "accidentally" brush his hands against her. It was not unwarranted however, her full perky breasts and slim waist, accentuated by her curvy hips, did draw a lot of attention to her.

She pushed these thoughts out of her mind as the group finished up dinner. Shadowheart got up and decided to make her bed in a small alcove by the side of the cave. The wall seemed a bit brittle and the stone looked weak, but she was sure the wall would hold at least for a night.

She laid down on her bed roll and tried to fall asleep. It was a long and exhausting day, and her muscles were aching. Her eyelids were growing heavy as the last few thoughts entered her mind before drifting off to sleep. She wondered what adventures they would have once the group woke up.

Just as she turned over to lay on her side, the wall gave way and Shadowheart was sent tumbling down into the darkness.

She heard the commotion of her companions as they scurried over to the scene, too late to be able to help. She rolled down, dislodging several rocks on the way down, causing a loud noise to reverberate throughout the cave. Finally, she reached the bottom, relatively unscathed given what she had just been through.

"Shadowheart! Are you alright?" she heard Tav's voice cry out.

"Yeah! I'm fine, don't worry about me, I'll look for a way up." She responded.

"Stay there! We're coming to get you," Tav said.

The half-elf sighed. Of course, the man had to try and play the hero. It would take him a while to climb down here and even longer to find their way out, and she was certain that she would find the exit much faster than them. A small sliver of moonlight was coming through a crack in the roof, which lit up enough of her surroundings to make out where she should go.

It would seem that the fall was much higher than she expected, given how long it had taken her to reach the bottom. She stood up and began brushing the dust and debris off of her robes.

"Great. Just got this too." She thought.

Shadowheart made her way down a corridor carved out of the stone. It was clear that this was not a part of the natural formation, the walls were too straight, and the ground too smooth. This had clearly been made by the hands of someone else. She didn't know who could have made something like this, and she couldn't imagine why.

Just up ahead Shadowheart spotted a light on the wall, likely a fire, there were probably people up ahead. As she made her way closer she could make out talking and laughing, and what sounded like the clinking of glasses. She decided to play it safe and see if she could find out who this noise was coming from before confronting them.

As she moved closer to the source of the sound she could tell that there were goblins up ahead. She could recognize the sound of their raspy, gravelly, and high-pitched voices anywhere.

Shadowheart hated goblins. More than any other group of creatures that inhabited Faerûn, goblins were the worst. They were always scheming, and the little monsters were known for doing some truly repulsive things. Anytime she was near one she could always feel their gaze, their lustful and greedy stares.

She didn't want to have to deal with any more shit than she was already in, so she decided that her best bet would be to find a different path and hope that Tav and the others didn't get into any trouble. Shadowheart backed away slowly, carefully stepping as to not disturb any rubble and alert the goblins of her presence.

But, before she could get too far, her dexterity failed her and her robe got caught on a jagged piece of rock, dislodging a stone. It wasn't big, and it wasn't loud, but it was enough to get the attention of one of the goblins.

Her stomach dropped as she heard the cackling and chatter stop and a heavy set of footsteps start coming down the hall towards her. These footsteps sounded much louder than a normal goblin's.

"Fuck. What do I do?" She thought.

The only thing she could think to do was to hide behind the corner and hope the creature went past her.

As the footsteps grew closer, and closer, and closer, Shadowheart's heart beat faster and faster.

The young cleric was lost and now would soon be at the mercy of goblins out of all things. All she could hope was that her hiding place would not be found.

She heard a snarl as a shape rounded the corner and stepped right up next to her, its stench making her want to gag. She tried her best once again to try to not make any noise as the goblin sniffed and growled, trying to find the intruder.

She relied on her sheer dexterity once again, carefully backing away as to not step on any stray pebbles or debris, holding her breath, and praying to Shar that goblin would not find her.

Just as whatever was looking for her was about to give up, she made a critical failure.

The wall behind her, that which she trusted with her very life failed again and gave way. She stumbled back and small dust and debris fell down all around her.



Shadowheart looked up as a goblin finished tying her to a large wooden spike.

"What do we have here?" Boomed a loud voice.

Before her sat a hobgoblin. The mysterious shape that was stomping after her. It was bigger and taller than the average hobgoblin and Shadowheart guessed that it had a lot of muscle under its dark-red skin. Its eyes were a piercing yellow and his face was scarred. The hobgoblin's hair was black and it wore a loincloth, the only thing covering its muscular body.

Shadowheart was terrified. She had never been this close to a hobgoblin before, and she had only heard of them being much stronger and smarter than the regular ones.

The hobgoblin stood up and began to circle around his captive, admiring what he and his crew seem to have captured. That's when she noticed it, dangling beneath the loincloth was something big.

" that?" She thought.

She wasn't sure, but she hadn't noticed any sort of weapon sticking out from the top of his loincloth, so it must have been.

"It's not everyday I get such a pretty catch. Not every we day we get ourselves a pretty elfy. What do you think boys? Should we keep her? Or eat her? Or..." the hobgoblin laughed and pulled Shadowheart's chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Should we fuck her? Have her make some little goblins first?"

Shadowheart shuddered. She was completely and utterly helpless. The ropes binding her were strong and thick, and there was no way she could use her spellcasting, especially not in her position.

"Please don't do this. Just let me go."

The hobgoblin chuckled and reached down, groping Shadowheart's ample breast. He slid a finger underneath her robe and tugged, revealing her chest to the damp cool air. The other goblins oogled her body, lust clear in their eyes.

The hobgoblin squeezed, his thick fingers digging into her skin. His rough, calloused hands groped her soft chest, kneading her tits, making Shadowheart whimper.

She could see the hobgoblin's member growing underneath his loincloth. It was getting thicker and thicker, and it was becoming harder to conceal. The half-elf could not believe that this was happening to her, and the thought of having her purity defiled by a hobgoblin and his filthy crew filled her with fear. Her only hope were that somehow Tav and the others could find her and come rescue her. She knew that the likelihood of that happening was low, given how deep they were underground and how many winding corridors they were separated by.

Shadowheart tried to squirm her way out of her bindings but was met with little success. All that she succeeded in doing was arousing her captor further.

"You know I've always liked elves." He growled.

He moved his hands down her chest, and towards her hips, tracing her curves, caressing her smooth skin, his rough, dirty hands running over her thighs, groping and pinching, feeling every inch of her skin. Shadowheart was not wearing anything underneath her robes. She shivered at the hobgoblin's touch. He was warm. She felt disgusted by his touch and her skin crawled with each passing second.

He reached a hand between her legs, touching her slit, and then brought his hand to his nose, smelling it.

"I love the smell of an elf," he groaned.

"I love the feel even more," he added as he undid his loincloth.

The small cloth dropped down between his legs and the stench of sweat, dirt, and hobgoblin hit her nose like a hammer. She looked away but she could see a massive shadow on the wall cast by the flames of the campfire as his cock flopped out.

She turned back, determined to put on a brave face.

"Fuck." The word slipped out of her mouth.

It was gigantic, at least nine or ten inches in length and thicker than her forearm. His piss slit stared her in the face, foreskin tightly wrapping around his dark crimson glans. Shadowheart couldn't help but notice the firehose veins running along the side of it and two big heavy balls that hung beneath his shaft.

She stared at it in horror, and the hobgoblin smirked. "Like what you see?" he said. He moved his hand to his cock and started to stroke himself, his foreskin slipping back and forth. A glob of precum formed at the tip of his penis, dripping down onto her thigh.

She couldn't look away from it. Her eyes were fixated on his cock. The smell of his musk was strong, it filled the air, overpowering her senses. Her stomach churned, her pussy clenched, and her heart beat faster.

"Your kind is known for their... talents," the hobgoblin chuckled. He wrapped Shadowheart's braid around his hand and pulled her head level to his cock. "How about we find out just how skilled you are."

He pulled her face to his cock, placing it on Shadowheart's delicate features. He started grinding the underside of his shaft on her, which was radiating heat like a hot coal, especially given the cool air of the cave. His cock was leaking precum onto her hair, slicking up her cheek, and making the experience even more humiliating. She could feel his heavy balls on her chin, rubbing against her soft skin. His scent filled her nose, burning her nostrils with its putrid musk.

Shadowheart struggled, trying to pull her face away but to no avail, the hobgoblin's grip was too tight. He dragged his cock down, brushing against her cheek as he forced her mouth open with his free hand and slid his tip between her soft lips and into her mouth. His fat head filled her mouth, tasting worse than owlbear breath smelled.

The goblin chieftain groaned as he felt the cleric's hot mouth wrap around him. Shadowheart gagged on his thick rod.

She felt her throat contract, and she choked, tears welling up in her eyes. Her stomach roiled with every inch he pushed deeper down her throat. Her jaw opened as far as it could go and the young cleric's tongue was pinned beneath the monster's fat shaft. Shadowheart was forced to breathe through her nose, but the smell was unbearable.

"Swallow my cock, elf!" the goblin chieftain ordered, grabbing her hair.

She couldn't move. The hobgoblin was far too big and heavy for her. All she could do was try to breathe and not vomit. The hobgoblin groaned and began to thrust, forcing his shaft into her. Her mouth was stretched wide by the girth of his member. Shadowheart could feel the veins pulsing against the insides of her cheeks. It was humiliating. His cock slid down her throat, cutting off her oxygen. Her lungs burned. Tears streamed down her face.

Her body was being violated, her mind was filled with fear. She could taste the saltiness of his precum as it leaked out of his slit. She gagged on it. Eventually he pulled back, his dick slipping out of her mouth. Shadowheart coughed and sputtered. She tried to catch her breath, but she was unable to. Her eyes stung with tears. Her mouth hung open. Her hair was soaked in sweat. She felt like she was suffocating. She was exhausted.

"You don't like the taste of my dick, elf? Fine have it your way."

The hobgoblin picked Shadowheart up and slung her over his shoulder, making his way over to a nearby table. The table was draped with the skin of some sort of animal.

"No, wait!" Shadowheart cried out, realizing what the goblin had in store for her.

"ENOUGH!" he bellowed. The goblin dropped Shadowheart onto the table back first, knocking the wind out of her. He tore off the rest of her robe, leaving the half-elf now entirely naked, which caused the rest of the goblins to start cheering.

The hobgoblin grabbed her legs and split them apart, her ass and pussy exposed to the air.

"Look at this nice, pink, tight pussy. I wonder if it'll stay like that after a couple of elf-gobbos." He said gritting his teeth.

He traced his fat finger down her chest, down to her pussy. He teased, and he inserted a finger inside Shadowheart, eliciting a yelp from the young woman. Shadowheart's back arched as she was penetrated by his finger. Shadowheart blushed, and turned her head to the side, ashamed at the thought of having a goblin violate her.

The goblin pulled out his finger and grabbed Shadowheart by the hips. He pulled her closer, placing his member on her stomach, which stretched all the way to her navel. She could feel his balls resting on her pussy. The goblin chieftain grinded his fat hobgoblin cock on her body and let it slap her in the stomach. Shadowheart could feel her juices start to leak from her cunt.

"Why was her body betraying her like this?" she wondered. Perhaps her body was trying to ease itself for what was about to happen. That was it, it couldn't possibly be anything else. Her pussy was wet and aching. The hobgoblin grinned and positioned his cock in front of Shadowheart's slit. Shadowheart braced herself for what was to come.

"Your kind always thinks so highly of themselves." The hobgoblin laughed. His voice was gruff and deep. Shadowheart could smell the scent of alcohol and sweat on him. "But you're all the same on the inside."

Without much more fanfare, the hobgoblin pushed his meaty cock inside her. As his head spread her lips, her back arched as the half-elf was unable to resist. Shadowheart gasped at the intrusion and screamed out loud, unable to control herself. The hobgoblin was bigger than anything Shadowheart had taken before, her pussy stretched to accommodate him. Her walls contracted around the intruder as it plunged deeper and deeper into her depths, the goblin groaning with each inch that entered her. Shadowheart moaned involuntarily. Her mind was filled with shame at what was happening to her. Her body shook, her legs trembled, her chest heaved, her muscles spasmed, her skin flushed red, and her heart pounded against her chest. She felt a wave of pleasure wash over her.

"Praise the Absolute! It's a miracle that my dick doesn't tear your pretty cunt open." He laughed as he continued making his way into Shadowheart.

About 3/4s of the way in, his progress came to a halt. Unphased, the goblin chief repositioned and grabbed Shadowheart by the waist, his hands nearly touching together, once again reasserting the hopelessness of her situation.

The hobgoblin smiled and yanked the cleric's body toward his dick, finally fitting his entire length within her. Shadowheart let out a yelp, caught off guard by the sudden thrust. She felt his heavy, hairy, goblin balls, filled with the vile seed of the creature in front of her. She closed her eyes, trying desperately to escape from reality. The hobgoblin pulled out and thrust in once again, harder than before. Shadowheart cried out in pain. Her inner walls were stretched to their limits. The hobgoblin kept sliding in and out, with each thrust his cock becoming more and more drenched in Shadowheart's juices.

"Where's your fight now elfy? Not so feisty anymore?" he mocked.

The hobgoblin picked up the pace, slamming into her with a loud wet slapping noise as his heavy nuts smacked into her. The hobgoblin's thick shaft filled her up completely. Her body rocked back and forth from the force of his pounding, his cock driving deeper into her, slamming into her cervix with each plunge. His thrusts grew faster, more intense, more aggressive, and the table beneath her creaked. Shadowheart moaned as her body was rocked back and forth, the table she laid upon shaking. Her pussy clenched around his shaft. The goblin chief pounded away, slamming into her repeatedly. Her body quivered from the sensations he sent throughout her, her breasts bouncing. Shadowheart could see the hobgoblin's face contort with ecstasy.

"You like it dontcha' elfy?" the hobgoblin sneered, "your little gash loves goblin meat, it's already getting close!"

Shadowheart tried her best to muster a scowl at her assailant, but she couldn't. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she could feel the drool building up in her mouth, she couldn't fight her body's instincts anymore. She was lost in a haze of pleasure and lust. The goblin chief continued to pound into her relentlessly, and Shadowheart's body reached the point of no return. Her walls tightened around his cock and she screamed out in ecstasy, climaxing harder than she ever had before. Her legs locked around him, her hips bucked forward, her toes curled, and her juices flooded onto the goblin's thick shaft, making it easier to slide in and out of her. Shadowheart arched her back and moaned, drool running down her chin.

The goblin chief grunted as he felt the half-elf's cunt squeeze down on him, the sound of her screams causing him to go into overdrive, the hobgoblin began thrusting as fast and as hard as he could. Shadowheart's mind was completely broken. She could hear the hobgoblin's voice as he roared his pleasure, his grunts and growls echoing throughout the room.

"I'll have to remember this feeling when you're fat and pregnant with my gobbos." the goblin laughed. "I'll have you begging to suck on my cock by then. You're gonna be such a good breeding bitch."

Shadowheart was incoherent. The only thing she could do was whimper, and the goblin's balls slapped against her thighs with each stroke, the wet noise filling the room. She couldn't move, her limbs were limp. Her body was at the mercy of this monster. She had to do something though, it was her last chance. With all the willpower she had left she mustered out one last word.


A wicked smile spread across his face, revealing his yellow, crooked, sharp teeth, the fire's reflection in his eyes making them seem like a roaring inferno. With one final thrust, the hobgoblin bucked his hips forward as he simultaneously pulled Shadowheart's hips to his. He let out a roar as he came, balls throbbing and shaft quaking, all leading to a torrent of hobgoblin cum flooding Shadowheart's most inner sanctum.

"Yeah! Get us some more brothers!" One of the goblins yelled out.

"Fill her up chief!" Cried another.

Shadowheart's eyes rolled back as she felt the hobgoblin's seed fill her, the warmth spreading throughout her abdomen. She could feel his length twitching, each pulse letting out a fresh wave of sperm, all racing to fuse their vile goblin DNA with her precious half-elven egg, in the hopes of creating abominable offspring, forever tainting her bloodline.

"Fuck, your pussy's really trying to wring me dry." The hobgoblin laughed.

The hobgoblin's meaty rod continued pumping away, his balls churning as they emptied their contents into her. Shadowheart could only lay there and take it, still recovering from the rush of dopamine that swirled around in her head.

After what seemed like an eternity, the hobgoblin finished his copulation and satisfied with the result, slowly pulled out of her. His dick slid out with an obscene pop as it left her lips, still glistening with the half-elf's lubrication. Shadowheart's perfect pink pussy now slightly agape from having to accommodate such a large intruder was overflowing with hobgoblin spunk.

The hobgoblin stepped back and admired his work, cum leaking out and dripping down between the crack of her ass and onto the table's fur sheath. The half-elf slumped back onto the table, exhausted and sore, her head hung backwards off the side.

The chief walked around behind her, his cock in hand, and squeezed out the last drops of cum into her open mouth.

"Enjoy your meal elfy." He chuckled, patting Shadowheart on her stomach. He turned around, leaving Shadowheart alone, the only sounds in her ears were that of the fire's crackle and the loud obnoxious hollering of the rest of the tribe.

"Alright boys! Who's up next?" Cried out the goblin chief to the rest of the room.

The smaller goblins, who had been watching eagerly from the sidelines, cheered, their eyes full of hunger and greed. Shadowheart's small frame couldn't take anymore, her vision darkened just as they swarmed the table, clothes already off, ready to take their turn.

"Lady Shar, please save me." Was her final thought before passing out.


A few hours later, Shadowheart woke up in the middle of a pile of sleeping goblins, naked and covered in their vile fluids. She scanned the room and was relieved to see the goblin chief slumped over in a chair. His dick hanging down and empty bottles of alcohol around him. It appeared as if they had all drank themselves into oblivion after their conquest. She was relieved to find that the goblins had not tied her up again after the session.

She carefully picked herself out of the pile of goblins, careful as to not awaken any of them and tried her best to ignore the throbbing pain between her legs. Shadowheart picked her robe out of the ground, doing her best to salvage whatever material was left intact and covered her body. It barely did anything to preserve her modesty, but it was better than walking around completely exposed.

She began making her way out the same way she came in. She made it about half way before she saw some figures appear in the opening of the cave. It was Tav and the rest of the group!

Shadowheart could feel a smile forming on her face. She held a finger up to her mouth, urging them to stay quiet. The group slowly weaved in between the goblins, and made their way over to Shadowheart. They were relieved to see that she had made it through in one piece, although they did find the state of her clothes to be a little odd.

They slowly made their way back to the exit of the encampment and started making their way out. The group had encountered a few cave spiders on their way down, which is why it took them so long to find her. It would take a little longer to make it up, but at least she wasn't in immediate danger anymore.

"Nice job with that sleep spell Shadowheart. That goblin tribe could've been trouble," said Tav.

"Yeah! Way to go Shadowheart, even Mystra would have been impressed!" Gale said cheerfully.

The young cleric felt a pit in her stomach. The group thought that she had managed to single handedly subdue a group of goblins. The reality was far from it, but she found it best to stay quiet. The group already had to deal with one kind of tadpole swirling around in their heads, they didn't need to hear about the ones that Shadowheart was now housing as well.

"Y-Yeah...It wasn't too difficult," Shadowheart replied. The group didn't seem to suspect a thing, and the half-elf was grateful that they didn't press further.

Unfortunately for her, while the Astral Prism was keeping the group safe from the tadpole's influence, it wouldn't do anything to keep the transformation in Shadowheart's womb hidden for long. For now however, all she could focus on was a bath and somewhere to rest her legs.

And, hopefully somewhere with a more sturdy wall.

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