Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 183 - Breaking Chun Li

Chapter 183 - Breaking Chun Li

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have been waiting for." Said a disembodied voice over the loudspeakers, "Please put your hands together for the one and only female contestant to the tournament, the beautiful Chun Li!"

The crowd shouted and clapped excitedly in appreciation as the woman stepped into the large circle of light cast by the spotlights mounted high above the wooden platform. This circle of light was surrounded by a circular chain-link fence which served to separate the circle from the audience, who were seated in circular rows of seat, stacked one after and above the other towards the back to surround the circle of light.

The woman was Chinese with glossy black hair which she had braided into two pigtails, and then coiled up into two knots over the sides of her head, sort of like the famous cinnamon bun hairdo of Princess Leia in Star Wars. It might have looked slightly ridiculous on most other women, but seemed to match this woman perfectly, keeping her hair out of the way as she moved. It also framed her beautiful face.

The woman seemed to be in her late twenties. She had high cheekbones, which were rather unusual amongst Asians, as was the sharp pointed chin below her full sensuous lips, but her elfin nose and bright almond eyes were typical of the most beautiful features of Asian women.

The woman was also unusually tall for an Asian woman, being five foot eight inches in height. This height seemed to stretch out her body, making it slender in spite of her broad shoulders and wide hips. Her sleek body was shown off to advantage by what she wore - a blue lycra unitard which stretched over her torso and legs, over which she wore a mandarin-collared light blue vest with gold patterns over both of her breasts. This costume showed off her limbs, with her arms uncovered and the stretchy material of unitard stretched tight over her legs. The length of her limbs made them seemed slender in spite of the well-chiselled muscles on them.

The unitard also flowed smoothly over her trim waist, which showed neither a hint of love handles nor any loose flab on the abdomen, before stretching up over her breasts. The latter, though not large by western standards, would be considered prominent amongst Chinese women, and they rode high on the chest of the woman, restrained only by the sports bra she wore underneath. To complete the costume, the woman wore a pair of black leather bracelets on her wrists, which were studded with spikes, as well as a pair of white gym shoes on her feet.

As Chun Li walked up to the centre of the light, her opponent emerged into the light as well. He was a huge man, almost a head taller than her, and heavily muscled. He was wearing a pair of boxing shorts, and his hands were wrapped in boxing bandages to protect them. She had already seen him fight several other opponents, challengers to his position as king of the tournament, and he had demolished each and every one of them.

"And facing her is the mighty Mongo himself!" the announcer said over the loudspeaker, and the audience went even wilder, "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this will be a night to remember indeed."

"Contestants, are you ready?" said the voice.

Chun Li nodded, and lowered herself into the crouching stance, with her knees bent, and 70 percent of her body weight over her back leg while her front leg rested lightly on the ground before her. Her arms were raised before her slanted body.

"My, my, aren't you a looker." Mongo said as he leered down at her, "I'm going to enjoy laying my hands on you."

What have I gotten myself into, Chun Li mused to herself as she stared up at the lecherous eyes of the hulk before her.


A week ago

"Miss Chun, I'll get straight to the point." The man said as he moved his eyes up from the woman's breasts to meet Chun Li's, "We need your help."

Chun Li frowned a little at this. Ever since she retired from her undercover work with Interpol, she had wanted to stay away from such things. The last thing she expected was to be seated in the Interpol office in Hong Kong again after having left for so long. Facing her was a middle-aged man dressed in an ill-fitting suit.

"I'm sorry, but in case your file didn't tell you, I've retired." Chun Li said, nodding at the brown folder sitting on the man's desk.

"We know you received an invitation to an underground tournament..." the man began.

"Yes, the Kamonde in Tokyo." Chun Li said, getting a little annoyed, "And you probably also know that I declined the invitation. My tournament days are over, inspector."

"Yes, I know, but I hope you will reconsider and join the tournament." The inspector said, forming his fingers into a steeple before him as he spoke, "You see, we know the tournament is organised by the Ishiyada clan..."

"Yakuza. Yes. I know. Even if I'm still fighting tournaments, I won't have joined it." Chun Li said, crossing her legs. She was wearing a blue summer dress that flowed over her body, and covered her legs down to her knees. On her feet, she wore a pair of high-heeled sling-backs. Her hair was loose and tumbled down onto her shoulders.

"But you might not know that we suspect that the Ishiyada's are also involved in white slavery. They have been running a lucrative trade in abducting women from East Europe, Central Asia, even China and Japan, forcing them into white slavery and selling them to brothels throughout Asia and South America."

That did arouse Chun Li's interest, and she leaned forward.

"Yes, I thought that might interest you." The inspector said, "The Japanese police has amassed a lot of circumstantial evidence. But they have never been able to prosecute. No witnesses that come forward have survived – usually beaten to death. It didn't matter the protection provided. Somehow the Yakuza could penetrate the defences and get at the witnesses. The police had never been able to catch them red-handed either, by intercepting a shipment while it is in Japan. This is why they asked us for help."

"And what has this to do with the tournament?" Chun Li asked.

"The Japanese police has a rough idea where it's going to be held, at some warehouses owned by a front company of the Ishiyada clan. Based upon what little intelligence they have managed to dig up, this is also a major transit point for shipments of white slaves. They bring the girls there, and from there distribute them to interested buyers around the Pacific Rim.

"The problem for them is that they don't know precisely where the warehouse is. And even if they do, they can't raid it until they are sure that the girls are indeed being held there. If they moved too early, not only will they not be able to find the girls, they would give the whole game away, and make it even harder to catch the Ishiyada clan."

"So my participation at the tournament gives them a perfect opportunity to slip an undercover agent – me – into the venue." Chun Li said, completing the briefing for the inspector, "I suppose I'm supposed to snoop around during the tournament."


"OK. I agree. I'll do it."


Now, facing the two-hundred pound Mongo before her, Chun Li wondered if it had been such a good plan. Especially as the plan seemed to have miscarried.

Chun Li had been picked up by a limousine from her hotel in central Tokyo several hours before. The limousine had opaque windows which did not allow her to see where she was being brought. This did not matter as she was wearing a secret transmitter that she had been given by the Japanese police, hidden in one of her bracelets. The transmitter could be switched on or off in case she was scanned. So, at least the Japanese police knew where she was. She hoped.

When she arrived, Chun Li found that she had been brought to some docks along Tokyo Bay. She could see Tokyo city's lights in the distance. She could also see the hulk of a large freighter looming above the quay.

Chun Li had been ushered politely onto the ship, and brought to a cabin. Shortly after she arrived, the freighter weighed anchor, and began to move. It sailed for several hours, and Chun Li suspected that it had sailed into international waters.

This immediately presented two difficulties. First, the Japanese police was not prepared for the scenario where the fight take place at sea, much less on the open sea. They could, of course, contact the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force to intercept the freighter. Which leads to the second problem. Chun Li had not activated the transmitter. She had to be cautious as she did not know if she was being monitored for any signals. She had planned to do so only when she found the abducted women. Now the freighter had carried her beyond the range of the transmitter for any of the land-based receivers to detect. She was effectively alone.

This did concern Chun Li, but she was still confident in her own abilities. She had been in tough spots like this before, and had also worked alone undercover on several occasions, when she had to rely on her own wits and skills. During her most difficult assignment as an undercover agent when bringing down Bison's Shadoru, and she had done so without any access to help from her fellow police officers, although she have allies she could depend on. The current situation was no different.

Chun Li could do nothing for the time being, but to carry on with the tournament, and look for opportunities to investigate the freighter. The cabin she had been put in had a plasma TV, on which she could watch the match as she prepared herself. It was soon clear that the reigning champion, Mongo, would be her most formidable opponent. She watched as he proceeded to demolish several highly skilled opponents. Then, her Yakuza escorts returned. Apparently, it was her turn to face Mongo.


"Fight!" the disembodied voice screamed. Mongo immediately launched himself at her, but Chun Li had already moved aside. Stepping to her right, she tucked in her left leg.

Mongo was nimble for a man his size, and he was already beginning to turn, but he was completely unprepared for the flurry of kicks launched by the woman. Her leg seemed to be mechanical as it delivered repeated kicks at him.

"Urgh!" Mongo grunted as the first kick connected. He could feel one of his ribs crack, but he ignored the pain and used his beefy arms to shield the more vulnerable parts of his body from the blows. Then he launched an attack of his own. He lunged forward with his right knee, and then spun a kick into the woman's back, knocking her to the floor.

But before Mongo could follow up his attack, the woman had executed a break-fall, rolling forward and was on her feet again. She jumped into the air, and twisted her body around. One of her muscular legs curled in as she spun, and slammed into Mongo's left temple. The giant staggered to his side. Chun Li took advantage of his temporary disorientation, and delivered a series of side kicks into his exposed flank.

"UURGH!" Mongo grunted, and staggered a few steps more. He was clearly angry now. His face twisted into a rage-filled sneer. He opened up his arms and grabbed the woman before him before she could react. His huge arms crushed her arms and her torso together as he seemed intent on squeezing the life out of her.

"Ahh!" Chun Li grunted. She struggled as the arms continued to constrict around her. She cursed herself for her carelessness as she tried futilely to get out of the embrace. Nothing she did seem to help as she tried to knee and kick the giant holding her. Red spots began to appear before her eyes.

There was one last trick up her sleeve though. Chun Li writhed in the giant's embrace, and rubbed her breasts against Mongo. His eyes opened wide at the sensation, and for a moment, lust entered them. That was his final mistake. His arms loosened a little, and that was all Chun Li needed. She tucked up her legs under her, and pushed, forcing his arms open. As she fell backwards, she kicked her powerful right leg upwards into the air. Her heel connected with the giant's jaw.

The iron jaw, which had survived countless blows from other components, did not survive the blow from her powerful kick. Mongo staggered back for a moment, his body stumbling all over the arena before his eyes rolled up in their sockets, and he slammed onto the floor of the arena.

"And Chun Li wins by a knock-out!" the announcer screamed.


Chun Li was escorted out of the arena by a Japanese woman wearing a black PVC Playboy bunny suit, complete with white fluffy tail, black stockings and black high-heeled pumps. She wore the stiff white collar around her throat and cuffs around her wrists.

"Follow, please." The Playboy bunny had said, gesturing towards an exit from the arena, "Master would like to meet you."

Chun Li nodded. The arena was built in a cargo hold of the freighter, but from the size of the wooden structure, she guessed that it at most occupied half of the available cargo space. She suspected that there was more space where perhaps the abducted women were hidden. Perhaps this was her chance to explore more of the ship. She was followed as the bunny stepped through a hatch into another part of the ship.

Chun Li was led down a narrow corridor deep down in the ship. The corridor was guarded by Japanese men. From their belligerent standing stance, to their growling faces, to their well-cut but flashy suits, to hints of colourful tattoos on their bodies peeking out of their collars and cuffs, she guessed that they must be Yakuza gangsters. She also noted the strange bulges under their suits, most likely from short swords or guns tucked into their belts. They watched the Chinese woman sauntered pass them but made no move to stop her.

Finally, the Playboy bunny came to a hatch. It was opened as they approached.

"Enter, please." The bunny said, bowing and gesturing. Chun Li stepped through the hatch, and found herself in a well appointed cabin. The walls were covered by wooden panelling, and the floor was well carpeted. There was a plush sofa in the centre of the cabin, on top of which a middle-aged Japanese man sat. He was dressed in an expensive Italian suit, with black loafers, and an expensive black silk shirt. His greying hair had been combed back over his head. His eyes were cold as watched her enter. He was surrounded by more Yakuza gangsters.

The man stood up and walked over to Chun Li, extending his hand. She noticed that it was shrouded in a leather glove.

"My name is Ito Ishiyada." The man introduced himself. His English was perfect, with no trace of accent, very unusual for a Japanese, "Your fight was most impressive. Mongo was the best fighter in my stable, and you defeated him in five minutes.

The man paused for a moment, still holding Chun Li's hand.

"Of course, it is no more than we should expect from the Interpol agent who defeated my friend Bison and brought down Shadoru."

Chun Li felt her blood run cold, sensing danger. Her cover had been blown! But before she could react, she felt her body jolted by a powerful electric charge, coming from the gloved hand of the man standing before her. Her body convulsed as electricity ran through her body, scrambling the signals running through her nerve system.

"URGGH!" Chun Li grunted as she fell onto her knees.

"I had this glove specially made." Ito said, still holding her hand, "As you can tell, it has conductors sewn into it, connected to a Taser stun gun in my pocket. It'll defeat even a martial arts champion such as yourself."

Another surge of electricity entered Chun Li.

"URRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" the woman screamed again. As Ito released her hand, her weakened body slumped onto the carpeted flow on her side.

Ito turned his Yakuza henchmen and barked an order in Japanese. They came forward and picked up Chun Li, putting her arms into jujitsu locks. They dragged her out of the cabin through another hatch. When she raised her head with much difficulty, she saw that she had been brought into another cargo hold, this one filled with boxes on shelves. She was being dragged towards a nearby forklift to one side of the hold.

Chun Li tried to resist, but her body was still weak from the two Taser jolts delivered into her body. She was brought up to the forklift, before being turned around and forced to a kneeling position under the raised forks of the machine. Two of the Yakuza henchmen raised her wrists to allow their colleagues to use chains to secure them to the forks above her, with each of her wrists to a fork such that her arms were raised up and spread open above her. The thick chains were secured by heavy padlocks.

After her wrists were chained legs, the henchmen took hold of Chun Li's ankles, and pulled her legs apart and back, until her ankles were positioned against the vertical masts behind the carriage of the forks. They were secured in place with the same type of heavy chains that were now binding her wrists. Her shoes were then pulled off her feet.

When this was done, the forks were raised until she was lifted off the ground and stretched taut. The forklift had become an improvised rack. Chun Li's body was being pulled taut, with her body spread-eagled and tilted at an angle to the ground.

When this was done, one of the henchmen came forward with a big red rubber ball, at least two-inches in diameter, with a leather strap threaded through it. He took hold of Chun Li's black hair and yanked her head back, forcing her to part her jaws. He squeezed the ball unceremoniously between her slackened jaws, forcing the ball into her mouth. Then he took hold of the ends of the strap and pulled it around her face to the back of her head, where he buckled it tightly in place.

When the gangsters were done, they stepped aside and Chun Li could see Ito coming up to her. He was looking at her with undisguised glee and lust.

"How do you like this stretching exercise, bitch?" The man asked.

"MMMMMPH!" was all Chun Li could say. The rubber ball in her mouth left her petite jaws painfully wide open such. To add to the torment, the corners of which had been pulled uncomfortably back by the sturdy black leather strap of the gag. Both the size of the ball-gag and the pulling back of her mouth were causing her to start drooling heavily already.

Chun Li could only look at Ito with as much defiance as she muster as she pulled at the chains binding her. She knew that it was futile, as the chains were too strong for her to break. With the thick links of the chains biting into her wrists and ankles, they were wound too tightly for her to slip out of.

"Not tight enough, you say?" The man asked mockingly. He made a sign to a gangster standing next to the forklift. He pressed a button on the side of the forklift, and immediately, the forklift motor began to whine, and lifted up the forks. This stretched Chun Li even more tautly.

"MMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li moaned as she felt the tension in her shoulder and hip joints. She was fully stretched now, with her back arched, and her breasts pressing forward in front of her chest. As she writhed in agony, her breasts swung before her chest, drawing attention of the brute in front of her.

"My, my, what beautiful breasts you have there, bitch." Ito said, almost salivating at the sight of the juggling mounds, "They're much too nice to remain hidden."

The man reached up with his hands and grasped the front of Chun Li's vest. He ripped the vest apart along its front, yanking the mandarin buttons off their mooring along the edges of the front opening. This revealed the scoop-necked front of the blue lycra unitard underneath. There was nothing the warrior could do to stop him, bound as she was.

As Chun Li watched helplessly, one of the Yakuza gangsters handed Ito a switchblade knife. The man flicked the knife open and grabbed the neck of the unitard with his other hand. He pulled down savagely. The material stretched out, the neck opening yawning open to reveal the white sports bra Chun Li wore underneath. He then placed the sharp blade of the knife against the material, and ripped through the neck of the unitard. The fabric parted before the sharp blade, down the centre of the costume. The man kept cutting until the costume was ripped all the way down to Chun Li's crotch, revealing the white utilitarian sports panties she was wearing. When the man released the lycra, the torn material fell back to either side of her now exposed torso.

"MMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li protested into her gag, livid at how she was being exposed to the public view by her captor. She pulled at the chains binding her, but it was no use. Her gagged protests could not prevent what was going to happen next.

Ito smiled menacingly as he slipped the blade under the elastic chest band of her bra, under the deep cleavage formed by the way her breasts were pushed up and together by the bra cups. With a jerk, he cut through the fabric between her breasts, cutting the band and the cloth bridge joining the bra cups. The elastic material of the bra tug the cups back to the flanks of the woman. Unrestrained by the bra, her breasts fell free to swing under her chest. As the cold night air touched them, their light brown nipples began to harden and elongate.

"MMMMMMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li screamed into her gag, her face flashing crimson at the humiliation.

The man was not done yet. Turning his attention now to her right hip, the man slipped his knife into the right leg hole of Chun Li's panties. He cut upwards, slicing through the fabric until he reached the waist band of the panties. When he sliced through it, the panties sprung to the left and gathered around her left thigh, held up by the remnants of her unitard. With her legs spread open under her, her crotch, with its curly black pubic hair, was now exposed.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH!" Chun Li grunted into her gag, as she pulled at her chains again in desperation.

"You are a fine specimen," The man said as he looked at the naked torso of the bound Chun Li. He reached up with his right hand, and cupped her left breast. She tried to jerk her torso away from his gasp, but she was too tautly spread-eagled for her to move far enough. He held on to her breast, and began to knead it.

"MMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li protested again with the usual futility. Ito, ignoring her protests, now reached in between her spread legs with his other hand. When she felt his rough fingers touched her vulva, she shuddered involuntarily at the sensation. Worse, he began to probe with his long fingers, pressing between her labia lips. She squirmed but could not get away as his fingers explored the sensitive flesh under the lips until they found the fleshy knob in front of her vagina opening. Then he began to rub it.

"MMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li screamed into her gag, but The man did not stop. He began to rub her clitoris harder and harder as his other hand squeezed and kneaded her right breast. And the man was not gentle with his touch as he molested her in her most vulnerable spots. Chun Li had never been handled so roughly like this before, but to her horror, her body was beginning to respond to the man's touch. She could feel her vagina begin to become wet as the man continued to play with her clitoris. Soon, this wetness became apparent to the man playing with her body without her permission.

"Hmmm. You are unusually receptive to a man's touch." The man mocked as he felt the wetness on his fingers. As he continued to play with her clitoris with his thumb, he placed to fingers through the mouth of her vagina. Chun Li bucked in her chains, but could do nothing as the man began to wriggle his fingers into her.

"MMMMMMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li moaned. She could feel the callus of his fingers rubbing against her vagina wall. The two digits were worming their way deep into her. Then, they began to rotate inside of her, sending shocks up her body, causing her to twist her body.

"Do you like that, slave?" The man asked. Chun Li wanted to shake her head in denial, but there was no denying the evidence of her body. Her nipples were becoming harder, and her cunt was becoming wetter. Her breathing became more and shallower as the man continued to play with her pussy, pushing his fingers in and out of her.

"No! No! No!" Chun Li screamed in her mind as her body ignored her and continued to get aroused by Ito's fingers. She could feel it becoming more and more excited, climbing up towards a climax. Suddenly, her body shuddered again, as she felt herself reached orgasm. Then, she hung down from her bonds, her body exhausted. A slow trickle of white liquid began to flow out of her vagina mouth.

Ito smiled as he withdrew his fingers from Chun Li's cunt. He wiped them clean on the fabric of the unitard on her right thigh, staining the blue fabric a darker shade as he did so.

"Yes, you will make an exceptionally fine sex slave with the proper training." The man said, his voice coldly professional, as if he was talking not about a human being, but a dog or a horse.

"But now, it's time to put you in something a little less comfortable." Ito said. He signalled to one of the Yakuza henchmen, who disappeared from Chun Li's view. He soon returned with coils of rough rope in his hand. The smell of hemp filled her nose as Ito took one of the coils from the henchman.

The man uncoiled the rope and doubled it to locate its middle. Then, he looped the doubled end of the rope over Chun Li's head and pulled the middle of the rope down against her neck. This left the two running ends of the rope falling to the ground on either side of her long neck. He picked up these running ends and began to tie them together with a series of knots. He about seven knots at various intervals, one below the other.

When Ito was done, he took hold of the lines of the rope, and pulled them up between her legs, placing the top four knots against the middle of her body, running down her torso between her breasts, down to her crotch. Reaching up, he fed the ends of the rope through the loop over the back of her neck. Pulling the ends down, he pulled two running ends taut against the soft smooth skin of the woman, now positioning the other three knots against her back, up from the crack of her buttocks, over her spine, before looping back down from her neck.

There was still much rope left in the man's hands. He pulled one end to the left, and the other to the right, round her flanks, just under her armpits, until they came round to her front. He took the line coming round from her left, and fed the end of the rope through the vertical lines on the front of her body, between the top two knots, at a point just over her breasts. He then took the line coming from her right armpit, and fed it through the vertical lines next to the first horizontal line.

When he reversed the direction of the running ends and pulled them back towards the left and right flanks of the helpless Chun Li, they pulled aside the vertical lines between the top two knots to form a diamond just above her cleavage.

Ito now looped the running ends around Chun Li's torso to her back. He now inserted the running ends through the vertical lines there, again between the top two knots. When he once again reversed the directions of the running ends, pulling to the left and right, they pulled the lines apart for form a second diamond, this time on her back, just below her shoulder blades.

Ito pulled the running ends to the front again. He repeated the process, now feeding the horizontal lines through the vertical lines between the second and third knots from the top. When he reversed the directions of the running ends, he formed a third diamond with the lines, this time below her cleavage, with the horizontal lines now running above and below her breasts.

The man pulled the running ends around her back again, and formed a fourth diamond between the second and third knots from the top, before pulling the running ends back round Chun Li's sides again, just above her rounded hips, to the front. He made a final diamond over her stomach between the third and fourth knot, tying the now short running ends to the vertical lines to do so.

Stepping back, Ito inspected his handiwork. Chun Li's torso was now criss-crossed by the rough lines of the hemp rope, forming a rope harness around her breasts and through her crotch. As the man made each of his diamonds down her front and back, as the vertical lines were spread apart to do so, the motion also lifted the lines over her crotch, tightening them against her vulva, until the lines parted her labia lips.

Chun Li moaned as she felt the lines rub against her clitoris. The lines were cut so deep into her crotch that they pushed their way into Chun Li's vagina, rubbing uncomfortably against the sensitive skin. Even more fiendishly, every breath she took would place tension through out the lines criss-crossing her body, causing the rope to tighten around her breasts and cunt. This tension was only alleviated somewhat when she exhaled, but would increase again when she took another breath. Thus, her own breathing was constantly causing her sensitive parts to be rubbed. It did not take her long to realize that her body was being kept aroused by this arrangement.

Ito now took another coil of rope and doubled it. He coiled the looped end around Chun Li's right thigh, just above her knee. Then he pulled the rope around to her left thigh. He pulled the lines back to the right thigh again before looping it around to the left.

Barking a curt order to one of his henchmen, Ito had him lower the forks Chun Li was chained to. This lowered her downwards and slackened her spread-eagle to the point where her legs were bent. Taking advantage of this slack, the man tightened the lines around her thighs. He pulled the coils tighter until her knees were forced together, although her ankles were still spread apart behind her, causing her to moan in agony.

Ignoring Chun Li, Ito tied the rope into place by inserting the lines between her thighs, above the lines around them. He then looped the lines down between her knees before inserting the ends through the lines between her thighs. He tied these lines together with a simple knot. It was only when her thighs were securely lashed together that the man signalled for Chun Li's ankles to be released. When this was done, the forks were raised again until she was forced to stand on her tip-toe.

At Ito's command, Chun Li's left wrist was unchained from the fork, leaving her to be secured by her right wrist. The forks were raised against slightly to add more tension to this asymmetrical arrangement to keep her off-balanced and unable to resist too much as her left arm was placed in a wrist lock and pulled to one side by one of the Yakuza henchmen. Another stepped forward and unbuckled her bracelet from her wrist.

When they were done, Ito took a third coil of rope, and doubled it. He then coiled the looped end of the doubled rope twice around Chun Li's wrist, before tucking the loop end under the lines. He then fed the running ends of the rope through the loop to form a hitch. When he tightened the arrangement, Chun Li's wrist was effectively trapped by the rope.

With the help of the henchman holding Chun Li's left wrist, Ito now folded her arm across her back, placing her wrist over her spine, just below her shoulder blades. He pulled the running ends round her right side to the front, under the breasts of the captive, before pulling it round her left flank, tucking the lines under her folded left arm. Reaching around behind her, he looped the running ends of the ropes under and over the horizontal lines coming from her bound left wrist. This reversed the direction of the running ends, and he brought them round to the front again, this time placing the lines over Chun Li's naked breasts.

Ito pulled the running ends to the back again, and looped them through the thickening nexus of lines next to her left wrist. He pulled the running ends up this time, over her left shoulder down diagonally to the horizontal lines above and below her breasts at a point just below her cleavage. He fed the running ends under both sets of lines, before looping the running ends up. He tucked the running ends under the first set of diagonal lines coming down over Chun Li's left shoulder, and pulled these lines diagonally up over her right shoulder. When he brought the running ends down to the nexus of lines over her back, he finally tied it off with a simple cow's hitch.

Ito now gave another command, and Chun Li was finally lowered until she could stand on her soles. Her right wrist was unchained and placed in a jujitsu wrist lock by a henchman. Her arm was then folded up behind her until her right wrist was place against her left. Ito used the remaining running ends of the rope to bind it in place to the nexus of lines on her back.

Chun Li was now very effectively bound indeed. She could hardly move her wrists, and any pull on the lines binding them would immediately transmit tension through out the entire rope, tightening the lines and constricting her breasts trapped between them. This added to the pressure that had already been placed on them by the rope harness tied around her body.

Ito now took the last coil of rope, doubled it and tied it to the second knot on the rope harness imprisoning Chun Li's torso, the one just under her cleavage. Then he tied the free ends of the rope together with a knot.

"Move!" The man commanded, yanking up on the short rope by the knotted end like a leash. Immediately, Chun Li felt the lines harnessing her body constrict sharply around her torso. The rough lines bit even deeper into her breasts and her crotch, placing a forward pressure on them. She wanted to resist, but she was forced to step in the direction of the tug to relieve the pressure on her sensitive parts.

Chun Li was led away from the forklift towards the shelves. Her naked breasts bounced between the lines binding them as she tried as best she could to keep up with the man, not an easy task with her thighs lashed together.

Chun Li was led between the shelves now. Turning her head, she saw that the face of each of the boxes were covered by chicken wire instead of wood. She was shocked to see that there was a woman in each of the boxes, behind the chicken wire. She had found the abducted women she was looking for.

The box was just large enough for the women in them to knee with their bodies bent forward, or to lie on their sides in a foetal position. All of the women were naked, and all of them wore rope harnesses like hers, with their wrists bound behind their backs in the same manner as she was. She began to understand that the routine Ito and his henchmen had went through in binding her was probably a practiced one, used to bind many hapless captives before her.

As Chun Li was led forward between the shelves, she could see that there women of different races imprisoned in the boxes. There were many European faces, possibly the East European women she had been told about. They were usually larger and taller, and thus seemed more cramped in their boxes. Others, the Asian women, tend to be smaller and seem to fit more comfortably in the boxes.

Chun Li wondered if she was destined for one of the boxes, but Ito led her beyond the shelves to a bulkhead. Here, a set of pipes ran across the ceiling of the cargo hold about eight to nine feet above the floor. She could see hooks wielded to the bulkhead at regular intervals. Various bondage implements were hung from them, including ropes, various types of gags, hoods and so on.

Ito led Chun Li to a spot just in front of the centre of the bulkhead under the pipes. A block and tackle had been chained to the pipes just above her head. The man kicked in Chun Li's knees, causing her to fall on them.

"Mmmph!" Chun Li grunted into her gag as she landed hard.

Leaving Chun Li on her knees, Ito went to her right. He picked up a long coil of hemp rope from one of the hooks wielded to the bulkhead and came back to the Chinese captive. He uncoiled the rope and doubled it before squatting down behind her, and lashing her ankles together with the looped end. This left a pair of long running ends, which he pulled up to the block and tackle. Feeding it through the pulleys of the block and tackle, the ends were then pulled out and down. As he did so, the rope lashed to Chun Li's ankles began to pull them up, threatening to unbalance her.

Ito held on to the running ends of the rope as he reached out to grasp the back of the lines criss-crossing Chun Li's torso. As he continued to pull down on the running ends, he tilted his captive's torso forward and gently lowered it to the floor. Then he continued to pull until first her legs, then her hips were lifted off the floor. Then, as he continued pulling, she was lifted entirely off the floor, swinging back to the centre. She was forced to tilt her head back to avoid hitting it on the floor. Ito kept pulling until her head was about a foot off the floor, before bringing the ends of the suspension rope over to the back wall, where he tied it to a steel bracket bolted to the bulkhead, keeping Chun Li suspended upside down. Her breasts squeezed out between the lines of the ropes binding them, hung downward from the force of gravity.

"Comfortable?" Ito asked.

"MMMMMMMMPH!" was the defiant reply he got.

The man laughed as he walked back to the bulkhead, but to Chun Li's left. As Chun Li's body rotated around, she could see the man. What he reached for sent chills up (or, rather, down) Chun Li's spine. It was a cat-o-nine-tails, made out of braided leather thongs. The nine tentacles of the whip were at least one-foot in length, at the end of a handle also about a foot long.

Ito came back to where Chun Li hung upside down. He grabbed her warm thighs to stop the rotation of her body, and pulled her body in against his own. She could feel the stiffening of his cock as it was pressed against her buttocks.

"How do you like the feel of rough leather?" Ito asked as he played the leather tentacles of the whip on his captive's breasts. She could feel the pricks of the rough edges of the braids of the leather. She knew that it would hurt.

Ito stepped back and swung back his right arm. When the whip landed on her buttocks, Chun Li felt as if the flesh had been set on fire. Her body bucked from the blow as she screamed into her ball-gag.


"That was for Bison, bitch!" Ito said, his voice filled with hatred as he swung his arm back again. This time he aimed the blow at her breasts. The effect was the same. The whips stung her breasts, setting her nerves on fire as they landed. Red welts appeared on her mounds where they had landed, but the braids did not break the skin.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHH!" Chun Li screamed again as she swung wildly upside down.

"I hope it hurts, bitch," The man said under his breath, "That was for all the hard work and investments that went down the drain when you destroyed Shadoru."

He swung his whip again, hard against her buttocks, adding more red welts to the skin there. Chun Li bucked as the blow landed and screamed into her gag again.

"That's right, scream!" Ito said as he swung his whip for a fourth time, striking her breasts.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHH!" Chun Li screamed into her gag.

The next blow came with the same brutality as the others. And the next one too. Ito landed one blow after another. He continued as Chun Li screamed and screamed. He continued until she could scream no more and she hung in the ropes, exhausted.

The man was covered in sweat himself as he surveyed the wet body of the woman hanging before him. Her buttocks and breasts were completely criss-crossed with red welts. Her hair was wet with the perspiration that had flowed down her body. Her beautiful eyes were now half closed from the torment of her whipping and the exhaustion of her body.

"That will be it for the night, slut." Ito said as he returned the whip to the wall, "I suggest you get some sleep. Tomorrow will be another day."


"Wake up, slave!"

Chun Li opened her eyes. It took her a while to focus her vision and for her eyes to fall on the upside down view of Ito. She had spent her night hanging upside down for the night. It was a painful position for her ankles, where the rope suspended her from the block and tackle, but worse, in this position, the blood rushed down to her head, such that she felt as if someone was pounding in the sides of her head with a hammer. With the rough lines constantly kneading her breasts and chafing her cunt, she was also kept horny throughout the night, with her cunt remaining wet. Mercifully, her exhaustion from her traumatic capture, binding and then whipping had finally claimed her, and she had slipped into a fitful sleep.

Chun Li felt the rope holding her up being loosened, and then lowered. Someone took hold of her body and turned it such that as the rope was lowered further, she came to rest on her left side. Her ankles were now lowered all the way until her legs were folded back on the floor. Then her ankles were untied. Ito knelt down and took the leash rope still tied to her torso harness.

"Stand up!" Ito barked, tugging on the leash rope, constricting the rope harness around her body. Chun Li moaned in agony into her ball-gag, then climbed weakly up to a seated position, before struggling to rise to her feet. Ito had to pull hard on the rope to help lift her up.

Ito now went around behind Chun Li. He grabbed the rope that had been used to bind her ankles, still attached to the block and tackle above her, and tied it to the nexus of lines behind her back. He pulled down on the rope, which lifted up the Chinese slave once more, until she had to stand on her tip-toes. This put further compression on her breasts as the lines binding her wrists and breasts tightened.

"Mmmmmmph!" Chun Li moaned softly into her gag.

Ito ignored her as he took a fresh coil of rope from the bulkhead. As he uncoiled it, Chun Li, twisting her head back to see what he was doing, could see that this was a particularly long piece of rope. He doubled the rope, then doubled it again about a third of the way from the looped end, forming four lines and a double loop in his hands. He knelt down to the side of Chun Li and wrapped the double looped end around Chun Li's left ankle, then fed the running ends through the loops. He now had two sets of doubled running ends. The one that ended in the original loop was shorter than the other, which ended in a set of longer twin lines.

Ito took the twin lines. He knotted their ends together, and then threw it up over the pipe above Chun Li's head. The lines came back down to dangle at a level above her head, to her left. Ito took the lines, and pulled down. As he pulled, he hauled Chun Li's left leg up. The long limb rose he continued to pull down steadily, hand over hand. Chun Li was forced to tilt her body to the right to counter-balance her steadily rising left leg. This added tension to the ropes binding her torso, putting further squeeze to her breasts and vulva.

The man only stopped pulling when Chun Li's left leg was raised up about thirty degrees above the horizontal, with her toes pointing upward towards the left. He tied the ends of the lines to her ankles, with another cow hitch next to the first.

"You look so good with those high kicks of yours." Ito said as he came round to Chun Li's front, "I thought I should put you in that position on a more permanent basis."

Chun Li could only moan in the stressful position she had been placed in. Her body was almost horizontal to the ground. This in turn meant that it quickly became tiring stand only on her right leg. Not only that, it was straining even to try to keep her right leg straight. Soon, she had to bend her right leg to rest it, but this meant that much of her weight came to rest on the ropes binding her, causing them to bite further into her flesh.

But Ito was not done with her yet. He took the looped end of the rope binding her left leg, now dangling above the floor from her left ankle. He pulled it back to the lines binding her wrists and breasts. This forced Chun Li to fold her left leg back. The man tied the looped end to the horizontal lines on her left flank. When he released his grip, Chun Li's left leg straightened slightly. This pulled on the rope connecting her left ankle to the lines over and under her breasts, pulling them together, further constricting her breasts trapped between them.

"MMMMPH!" was all Chun Li could say.

"It'll be such a waste to have you tied up like this and do nothing with you." Ito said, smiling. Chun Li barely had time to contemplate the meaning of those words when the man tucked his fingers under the lines of the body harness binding her, just above the point where the lines disappeared into her wet pussy. He pulled down hard, constricting the body harness throughout the rest of the body, but relieving the pressure from Chun Li's cunt. When the wet lines emerged from her labia lips, Ito spread them and placed them against the sides of the swell of her vulva, so that they were pressed against the points where her thighs joined her crotch. This helped to squeeze out her vulva, making it even more swollen.

Ito now unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants. Chun Li understood what was going to happen, and she struggled with her ropes in a futile attempt to deny him as he pulled down his boxer shorts. His penis was already erecting and hardening. At the level at which he stood, the penis was aimed straight at her wet labia lips.

"MMMMMMPH!" Chun Li protested into her rubber gag, shaking her head vigorously.

"You will understand that you have no say in this." Ito said harshly as he took his penis and aimed it at her cunt. Then, Chun Li felt the warm flesh touch her labia lips, parted them, and entered her vagina.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!" Chun Li screamed as tears welled up in her eyes. She was being raped, and in spite of her martial arts skills, there was nothing she could do to deny the man as he pushed his rod deep into her. She felt its heat in her tract as it slid in, expanding her vagina wall with its girth.

"MMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li moaned as the man began to pump her, moving his penis in and out of her. In spite of her humiliation, she could feel her body responding to his motion. She was beginning to breathe more shallowly, and she could feel her nipples hardening. She could not believe that her body was actually enjoying her rape. She realized that this was because her body had been kept under constant sexual tension by the bondage she had been placed in, which was fiendishly designed to touch all her sexually sensitive points to keep her aroused. Without any mechanical aid, her body had been well prepared to accept the penis of the man.

The man was working his hips hard now as he got into the rhythm. Chun Li could only continue to moan into her gag as her body shuddered from the jack hammer motion of the man pumping her. She could feel him approaching his climax. The powerful motion was also bringing her to her own climax. Both the rapist and the victim achieved release one after the other. Chun Li felt the man ejaculate into her, a hot flood against her inside, just before she herself convulsed and reached orgasm.

"MMMMMMMMMMPH!" Chun Li made one final gagged protest, in spite of the sex hungry response of her body, before she hung her head on her chest, sweat streaming down her face, both from shame and from exhaustion.

Ito sighed as he withdrew his shrinking penis from within Chun Li. He pulled up his shorts and his pants. As he zipped and buckled his pants, he stepped down from the platform.

"You will understand, of course, that this is only the beginning." The man said, coming round to the front of Chun Li, and pulling her head up by the point of her chin. Her eyes were half closed and unable to focus on him. He released her head to let it drop back on her chest as he turned to go. Then he stopped.

"My men have been lusting after you since you were first captured. I don't think I can deny them further."

Chun Li's head shot up at the man's words, her eyes filled with fear. She wriggled in her ropes, but this only caused her breasts to juggle. The Yakuza henchmen around her were already pulling down their pants as Ito walked away.

"MMMMMPH! MMMPH! MMMMPH!" Chun Li screamed into her rubber gag, shaking her head desperately as the men approached her, laughing.


Chun Li's life descended into hell over the next few days. She was kept in her asymmetric suspension, readily accessible by anyone who wanted to use her. And she was well used indeed by Ito and his men. She lost count of the number of times she was raped.

Chun Li was not even released from her position when her captors finally watered and fed her. Her ball-gag would be removed, and a squeeze bottle would be held up to her mouth, for her to drink through the sprout of the bottle. As for food, they would feed her brown sugar cubes. It was not enough, but at least it alleviated the hunger pangs for a while. Then the ball-gag would be replaced, and she would wait in dread for the next man to use her.

There was another dimension to her bondage. The water Chun Li took in soon turned into urine. Soon, her bladder was full. She was not released from her bondage to take a leak. She had to do it where she was, with her leg raised up like a bitch. She tried to hold it for as long as she could, but finally, she had to release the urine, shooting a steady stream of golden liquid out of her urethra onto the floor of the cargo hold. She was, of course, noticed by the Yakuza henchmen guarding her, who laughed and mocked her. She could only hang her head in shame. She was only thankful that her diet had not force her to defecate yet.

Chun Li had to sleep in this awkward position. Needless to say, the rest was fitful. She knew that this was a way of keeping her sleep deprived, which would make it easier to break her will. The same went for the humiliations and torments she was being put through. It was all part of a process in brainwashing. She knew that it would break the will of even the strongest individual. And there was nothing she could do about it.

Finally after what looked like weeks in this strenuous asymmetric suspension – probably in reality only a few days – Ito had returned to visit his prisoner again. By then, Chun Li was grimy and stained from the accumulation of perspiration, dried cum and sperm, as well as dirt from her prolonged bondage.

"What a mess you are." Ito had said disapprovingly, "It is time to put you into something more presentable."

Ito had used a knife to cut away the remnants of Chun Li's costume, cutting the fabric into pieces before tearing them away from her bound body to leave her completely nude. Chun Li had protested into her gag, but the man ignored her gagged pleas as usual. It was silly of her to protest, of course, since her costume had long ceased to cover her modesty, but this act of completely stripping away her costume only served to emphasize her lowly and helpless status as a sex slave.

Ito's henchmen had then taken two fire hoses and sprayed Chun Li's body with their powerful jets. Chun Li had screamed into her gag as the cold water hit her. The impact of the jets of water hitting her body felt as if two giant fists were pushing into her body, scouring away the dirt and grime that had accumulated on her body during her captivity. The gangsters seemed to take the greatest pleasure in playing the jets of water onto her exposed vulva and breasts, using them like giant fingers to probe and prod her sensitive regions. She could only moan as these parts were abused. When they were done, they had left Chun Li alone to dry out, with her left leg still raised obscenely high into the air, and her head hanging exhausted on her chest.

Ito returned after a few hours. He went to the bulkhead and took a new coil of rope. He doubled the rope, and then doubled the lines once more. He placed the doubled loops thus formed over Chun Li's neck, and then tied the lines together just in front of her throat. This left two pairs of lines dangling from her throat, one ending in a loop, the other ending with the ends of the rope.

Next, Ito went up to Chun Li's left leg, and untied the lines that were keeping it suspended from the pipe above. However, with the lines still binding the ankle to the lines around her breasts and wrists, she could not lower her leg fully. She could lower fold and lower her legs to her side to allow her torso to stand a little straighter on her right leg.

Ito took advantage of this. He tucked in Chun Li's left thigh to her chest, and tied it in place using one of the pair of lines dangling down from the Asian slave's throat. Only then did he untie the lines holding Chun Li's left ankle to her torso. She could now straighten her body but was left standing on one leg. This did not last long. Ito went over to Chun Li's right, and scooped her right leg up off the floor, and folded it up. Then using the free pair of lines dangling from her throat, he tied her right thigh up against her chest. Both her legs were now hung in front of her torso from her neck.

"MMMMMPH!" Chun Li moaned as the full weight of her body came to rest on the ropes binding her torso.

One of the gangsters now came forward with a pair of knee-high boots. They were made of white PVC, and had formidably high looking heels. Chun Li guessed that they must be at least six inches in height. Ito took one of the boots from his henchman, pulled down the zip, and fed his Chinese captive's left foot into the boot, and pulled up the zip. He took the other boot and similarly placed it on Chun Li's right leg.

Chun Li found that the boots held her feet pointed down at a steep angle. She could only imagine what it would be like to walk in the boots. She would be walking virtually on tip-toes. It would be almost impossible to move fast or fight in them. That was, perhaps, the intent.

Ito went back to the wall and took a fresh coil of rope, doubling it. He came back to Chun Li and bent down to her right. He coiled the looped end twice around her right ankle and made a hitch, before pulling the running ends around her right thigh and ankle several times. Tightening the lines, he tied the running ends to the lines now wrapped around her ankle and thigh, keeping her right leg folded. He went back to the wall and took a second coil of rope, and did the same thing with her left leg. Only when both her legs were frog-tied did he untie the lines holding them up on her chest, allowing her to lower her legs at last.

When this was done, Ito signalled to one of his henchmen, who released the lines keeping Chun Li suspended, and lowered her to the ground slowly until she was sitting on her heels on the floor. Another henchman then untied the rope that had kept her torso suspended for so long.

Ito now untied her right wrist from the lines binding her breasts and pulled them around to the front. She made little resistance as he coiled the loop end of the rope around her throat around that wrist, and tied it in place with a tight knot.

When this was done, Ito turned and began to unwind the rope that had bound Chun Li's breasts until her left wrist was finally released from the lines. Dropping the rope on the floor, Ito took her left wrist and used the lines dangling from her neck to bind it. The end result of this arrangement was Chun Li's wrists dangling from her neck slightly forward of and to the sides of her breasts, with her arms folded up and elbows thrusting back. She looked somewhat like a dog with its paws upraised. The length of the lines holding her wrists up were so short that, even if she had the strength or the will to resist, she could hardly strike out with her hands.

Chun Li's torso was still bound by the rope harness. Ito now knelt down and undid the knots holding the ends of the rope to the vertical lines coming down her front. Then he began to undo the rope harness until the lines were dangling free from her throat. He undid all the knots, and pulled the rope away from her body.

A gangster arrived at this point with a piece of folded garment in his hands. Ito took it and unfurled it. Chun Li's eyes widened when she recognised it. It was a version of her old costume, the cheongsam that she wore when she went undercover to bring down the Shadoru. The original costume was made of blue silk with gold embroideries on its front and sleeves. This one, however, was made from blue chiffon. The design of the costume itself was also quite different. It had no sleeves and back. It looked more like an apron with a high mandarin collar.

The man undid the mandarin buttons holding the back of the collar together, and pulled the garment around Chun Li's throat, with the rest of the garment handing down in front of her. When he had done up the buttons, he took the sides of the costume and pulled it against her nude torso. There was a broad white fabric belt around the waist of the costume. The man pulled one end of the belt round her left side, over her back to meet up with the other end of the belt over her left hip. This too was secured in place by mandarin buttons.

The dress now covered the front of Chun Li's torso. A panel on the back of the belt flowed down past her buttocks to gather on the ground behind her. On the front, another panel flowed down between her legs, covering her crotch to the floor. Otherwise, her body was uncovered. Her back was almost entirely bare down to her waist. Her thighs were similarly naked from the boots right up to the swell of her hips.

But even the parts which were covered, the translucent material cladding them did not leave much to the imagination. Chun Li's breasts with their nipples, as well as her crotch with her pubic hair, could still be clearly seen through the chiffon. Rather than dressed like a warrior that she was, she looked more like a cheap whore. If it had been humiliating hanging with her costume torn open, it was even worse when she was 'dressed' in this slutty outfit.

Ito stood back and looked at his handiwork. He was obviously satisfied.

"Now to complete the costume." Ito said as he took two white cloth pouches from his henchman. He placed them over Chun Li's hair buns, and closed their mouths by tightening the white ribbons threaded through their rim, leaving the ribbons to fall away from her hair to the sides of her head.

He now took a new coil of rope from the bulkhead and came back to the Chinese captive. He doubled the rope, and looped it around her waist, under the chiffon costume, and just under the white cloth belt. Lifting the front panel aside, he knotted the rope in place to form a belt. Then he pulled the running ends down to her crotch, and back between her legs. As he pulled up on the lines, they tightened against Chun Li's crotch.

Then, moving round to her back, Ito fed the running ends through the back of the rope belt around her waist, before tucking the ends under the white fabric belt. He pushed the ends up until he could grasp them above the belt, over Chun Li's back. He pulled the rest of the lines up until the rope was tightened further around Chun Li's crotch, before cleaving her labia lips and entering into her vulva, putting her pussy in bondage once more.

"Mmmmmmmph ...." Chun Li moaned softly.

The man pulled the running ends up to the middle of Chun Li's back, before pulling the lines under her right armpit, round to her front, over her breasts. He pulled the lines back to meet up with the lines coming up from her crotch and looped former set of lines back under the latter. He then reversed the direction of the running ends, pulled them under Chun Li's left armpit, and back round her front, this time under her breasts, to come back round by way of her right flank. Then he tied the ends of the lines to the nexus of lines over the middle of her back, knotting the lines in place. Her breasts and crotch were once again under bondage.

To complete the arrangement, Ito took a short rope and doubled it. He knotted the ends together, and hitched the looped end of the rope to the lines crossing above and under Chun Li's breasts. When he tightened the hitch, this brought the two sets of lines together, putting her breasts under compression.

"Mmmmmmmpppphhhh ..." Chun Li moaned again.

Ito took the leash rope now and pulled forward. This forced Chun Li to first lean her body forward, before she had to reach forward with her hands to touch the floor, and finally, as the man continued to pull forward and up, to rise up from her seated position onto the points of her knees. She was now standing on all fours like a dog.

"MMMPH!" Chun Li grunted in discomfort of the rough lines chafing her clitoris and the sensitive insides of her vulva.

Ito pulled on the leash rope once more, and forced Chun Li to crawl forward, with her arms bent and her torso tilted down and forward, on account of the shortness of the lines holding her wrists to her neck. It was a difficult posture with which to crawl, but the pressure on the rope binding her torso urged her onwards.

Chun Li was led through the cargo hold and out into a corridor like a dog, following behind Ito, her butt pointing up into the air and wriggling from side to side as she crawled. She had to spread her legs wide open to maintain her balance, and this exposed her crotch to the view of anyone following behind her, a particularly degrading situation.

After crawling for a while, Ito led Chun Li to a hatch, where a woman was waiting. Chun Li looked up to see the Japanese woman who had first led her into the trap, the one who had won the playboy bunny suit. She was now wearing a black strapless mini-dress instead that hardly restrained her breasts or covered her crotch. She had a draw-string pouch in her hand. Chun Li was brought to a stop in front of her, and forced to sit back on her heels. The woman took a lipstick from within the pouch, knelt down in front of Chun Li, and proceeded to paint her gagged lips a glossy bright red. Returning the lipstick to the pouch, she took out a mascara bottle, and unscrewed it. A thick mascara brush was attached to the cap, and she used it to brush Chun Li's eyelashes into thick curls. Finally, she used a brush to apply rogue powder to the captive's cheeks. The woman took a small mirror out of the bag now and showed Chun Li her own reflection. The slave was dismayed by what she saw. The make-up was grotesque, and made her looked even more like a whore.

Once this was done, Ito pulled back Chun Li's elbows until her wrists were tucked under her armpits, and she felt the man tie a piece of rope around her upper arms, just above her elbows, binding the latter close to one another. This also had the effect of forcing her to arch her body forward, pushing out her breasts in front, and her buttocks behind.

Then, taking the leash rope again, Ito led Chun Li through the hatch into bright lights. It took a while for Chun Li to realise that she had been brought back to the arena where she had fought so many nights ago. Once again, the arena was filled with people. They cheered as she was led to the centre of the spot-lit area, but this time instead of cheering her as a warrior, she was being cheered as an object of sexual slavery. Her naked body, although clad in a blue chiffon dress, could clearly be seen in the light. Not only was she dressed like a whore, but the way she was bound, and her high heeled boots, forced her to posture her body and walk like one, her firm buttocks wriggling behind her.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Ito said, speaking into a microphone that had been handed to him by a Yakuza gangster, "I promised you that there will be a rematch between Chun Li and Mongo. I will fulfil my promise."

The audience roared with approval. A hatch opposite the one through which Chun Li had been led through opened, and her eyes widened when she saw Mongo, the opponent that she had defeated walk into the arena. He was dressed almost exactly as he was that day, but around his ribs, he was wearing bandages. He leered at the sight of her bound body clad and an evil smile appeared on his face. Ito turned and untied the leash rope from Chun Li's chest, then he turned and left the arena.

Chun Li's mind raced as she tried to figure a way out. Her arms were bound and useless next to her body, and she was tottering on the impossibly high heels of her boots. To add to that, she had been starved and tortured over the past few days, and was not in any position to fight, much less as formidable an opponent as Mongo.

Sensing an easy kill, Mongo advanced towards Chun Li, who tried to back away. But when she backed into the chain-link fence surrounding the arena, she realized that there was no way out. She turned and ran as fast as she could past Mongo towards the other side.

Mongo was obviously enjoying the chase. In her heels, it was impossible for Chun Li to run fast. He could take his time with her. She would know that there's no way out. When she reached the other side of the arena, she turned with her back to the fence, the look of fear in her face. He smiled as he walked up to her.

"Here pussy, pussy," he said, smiling as he took step by step towards her. Chun Li pressed herself into the fence, as if she was trying to melt through the chain links.

Mongo was almost on top of Chun Li now. He was going to enjoy this. He planned to throw her to the ground and rape her then and there in public view. His boss had said he could. It was all part of the evening's entertainment. He would first take her in her cunt, then her ...

Mongo never noticed the booted right leg as it came up. The tip of the boot crashed into his balls. Pain shot up his spine. He stopped in his tracks, stunned. Chun Li, bracing herself against the fence for support launched a second kick, this time into his bandaged ribs. He felt and heard at least one cracked, and he gasped, the pain almost overwhelming him. He fell onto his knees in front of the bound Chun Li, his eyes resting on her magnificent breasts. That was the last thing he saw before Chun Li planted her left knee into his jaws. There was a sickening crack.

For a moment, Mongo seemed to just kneel there. Then his eyes rolled up in their sockets, and blood began to pour out of his nostrils. His body slowly slumped into the ground, motionless.

The audience gasped collectively. They were stunned at the unexpected development. Then Ito's voice pierced through the silence, giving hurried instructions in Japanese. One of the hatches into the arena opened and four Yakuza gangsters ran in. They tried to rush Chun Li, but the first one had his balls kicked in when he approached from her front. Another tried to step into his place, but his right knee was broken with a savage kick.

The other two gangsters tried to rush her at the same time, but Chun Li, bound as she was, slipped out of the grasps, and they crashed into one another. Chun Li tottered into the centre of the arena, and turned to face the other gangsters. The audience were cheering now, obviously enjoying this unequal contest.

The first gangster stood up, obviously incensed. He pulled a wakizashi, a Japanese short sword from a scabbard tucked into his belt. Uttering a war cry he rushed Chun Li, cutting savagely with his sword. Chun Li twisted, turned and bent down. The sword missed her back by mere inches, and instead sliced through the rope binding her elbows together. At the same time, Chun Li's extended left leg had entered into the path of the gangster, who promptly tripped over the leg, and slammed into the ground. He laid there motionless as Chun Li twisted her body down and grabbed his sword off the floor. A quick slice and the lines linking her left wrist to her throat were cut. She transferred the sword to her left hand and soon her right wrist was liberated.

Ito was shouting more instructions now, an edge of desperation entering his voice. The third and fourth gangsters rose to their feet, and turned towards Chun Li. They were wary now, and approached her slowly, now that she was armed and all her limbs were free. Her motion was still awkward given the high heels she wore. But that did not prevent her from taking the offense. A sudden lunge forward, and a flash of steel and one of the gangsters screamed and collapsed to the ground, his stomach cut open by the sharp blade. He had made the mistake of underestimating the reach of the woman. She had leaned down much further and moved much faster than he anticipated.

The fourth gangster looked down dumbly at his colleague, shocked at the sudden attack. Then he felt the blow as his neck was cut through by the blade, and he fell to the floor, mortally wounded.

Three more gangsters entered the arena now, but Chun Li had picked up a second sword from the fourth gangster's belt. The contest was a short and brutal one. Blood flew into the air to wet the floor of the arena, none of which were Chun Li's and she sliced and diced. It would have been easier if she was not wearing the high-heels, but her skills were of several levels higher than the gangsters' nonetheless. The first one had tried to cut down on her, but she sliced upwards through his arm, cutting it in half. Before he even fell to the ground, she had twisted away, spinning around to cut through the second gangster's side. When he too fell away screaming, she thrust upwards at the charging third gangster and pierced his brain through his chin.

The audience were becoming alarmed now. They realized that the woman, a bound sex slave only moments before, was now free, and had cut down the guards sent in to subdue her. As Chun Li bent down to unzip the boots, they began to rise in confusion to exit the arena.

Pulling off the boots, Chun Li picked up the two swords again and straightened up. She turned towards the hatch. Two gangsters entered, one with a sword, and the other with a gun. They were both too slow. Chun Li cut the gunman down first, before flicking the sword of the second away. In a moment, she had her own sword against the man's throat.

"Where is Ito!" Chun Li shouted.

"Deck!" the gangster said, terrified, "Boat! Escaping!"

Chun Li kicked the man's knees in and stamped down on his wrist, breaking it before she departed. She soon found a staircase which led her up to the deck. Here, members of the audience, dressed in tuxedoes and evening gowns were crowding the gunwales, trying to find some way to get off the ship. Chun Li looked around and saw that they were in the middle of the ocean. There would be no escape for them.

But Chun Li wasn't interested in the audience. She had spotted her prey. She saw Ito jumping onto a life-boat, helped by two of his gangsters. They were the only ones left. Ito saw her, and began to scream in terror at his men. They turned to see the Chinese warrior sauntering up to them, still in the translucent chiffon dress. But they were not seeing her nude body underneath now, or the rope still binding her breasts and crotch. They saw only the look of death in her eyes.

One tried to draw a pistol, but Chun Li threw one of her swords, which planted itself through his chest. He looked down at it for a moment, then fell aside. The other gangster took one look at his colleague, and fled, leaving Ito on the lifeboat.

Ito tried desperately to reach for something under his jacket. He fumbled, and something metallic fell onto the deck. As Chun Li got closer, she saw that it was a gun. He got off the lifeboat and tried to retrieve it from the deck, but Chun Li was on top of him in an instance. A powerful sidekick slammed him into the gunwale, and another kick landed in his jaw, knocking the man unconscious.

Chun Li would have killed him then and there. For a moment, as she stood over the man, she seemed to debate herself what to do. Then, she reached behind her back, and untied the knot holding up the lines around her torso. She let the lines fall away from her breasts, before reaching down to pull the rope off her crotch. Undoing the rope belt, she used the rope to hog-tie Ito.

Then Chun Li turned and walked towards the bridge of the ship, ignoring the terrified people trying to get off the ship. She knew that they would have no where to run. She was more interested now in finding something decent to wear, and to find the radio to call in the police.