Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 169 - Doom (Video Games)

Chapter 169 - Doom (Video Games)

It was kind of funny, really, when you looked back on it. Everyone was so scared at the time; when the Argent Tower on Mars shut down without warning. All over the world, the energy, the electricity, the phone towers, and lights. They all went out just like that. Not even enough time to snap your fingers and poof all gone. Everyone just lost their heads over something that got resolved in a week. Samule Hayden, the Director of the United Aerospace Corporation, or 'UAC' returned to Earth with a new way to produce the Argent energy that kept the world going. Problem solved, right? The lights come back on, the energy crisis is over once again, the wars everyone was getting ready for don't happen. Happy ending for everyone, yeah?

Fuck no. Now you get demons invading from Hell.

Ok, maybe you should explain.

As it turns out, Argent Energy – the stuff that's been earth's only source of consistent energy for the past couple of decades – comes from Hell. As in, fire and brimstone, eternal torment, imps and archdevils, Santan-y Hell. And the UAC had been completely converted into a cult that worshipped Hell and wanted to convert Earth into a new plane of Hell. Well fuck. It was a smaller invasion that caused Mars and the Argent Tower to go quiet, and six months after Doctor Hayden's return, Hell invaded again. This time on Earth. It was a decidedly one-sided war, and even calling it a war was being extremely generous. It was less an invasion and more a near-total victory. Earth had better technology; plasma rifles, mech suits, teleportation. Hell, on the other hand, had numbers. So many numbers. From cannon fodder like the Imps and the Possessed to shock troops like Hellknights and Whiplashes to near one-man armies like the Archviles and the Tyrants. Demons didn't need to eat, or sleep. They didn't get tired or have to worry about supply chains and morale. They didn't fear death because they had no idea what it was. Even after the formation of the ARC – the Armored Response Coalition – Hell was beating back humanity. Populations slaughtered in the thousands, retreat after retreat to more and more isolated and armored sanctuaries, even the Earth itself was changing, being terraformed in a pseudo-imitation of Hell itself. It should've have been game over. The screaming, miserable end of the human race as it was devoured by Hell itself.

Then he showed up.

A soldier with no army. A warrior whose sword was a 12-gauge double barrel shotgun and whose shield was contempt. The only being who put the fear of God into the demonic hordes of Hell. The savior of humanity and its wrath against the fiery pit. Where he walked, the blood of Hell's legions soaked the earth and the hope of humanity soared. The people of Earth rejoiced at the coming of the Destroyer and the demons of the black abyss cried out in terror before their voices were forever silenced. Like the Angel of Death, he strode in the fiery pits of Hell with flaming sword in hand and smote the foul creatures of the dark abyss, freeing the Earth from the iron clutches of Hell. People – humans and demons alike – each had their own different names for him. They called him the Hellwalker, the Unchained Predator, the Beast. Above all else, however, he was called the DOOM Slayer.

To you, however, well, you always just called him Flynn.

That's the thing about when people become legends, the person they were before usually gets swept to the sidelines. While everyone else who hailing him as the Second Coming of Christ, you remembered the guy who had a pet rabbit who he adored. You and Flyn Taggart had been part of the same platoon during the Oil Wars. While Samuel Hayden and the UAC were busy constructing the Argent Tower, grunts like you and Flynn were busy trying to secure the last drops of the black stuff for Uncle Sam. It wasn't pretty or noble work, but you had your marching orders and that was that. At least, until your C.O ordered you to execute civilians. If the line had to be drawn somewhere, that seemed like a pretty good place. Needless to say, you and Flynn disagreed. Taggart socked him in the jaw, and you left the bastard in nothing but his skivvies in the middle of the Afghan desert. God, at the moment, it felt so fucking good seeing that Sonnuvabitch get his lights knocked out. That feeling didn't last with what came next though.

Yeah, knocking out your commanding officer and leaving him half-naked in the middle of nowhere isn't exactly ground for promotion, no matter how much of an asshole he was. After the fucking kangaroo court what was the trial, you both got what good ol' Uncle Sam thought was a suitable punishment. At the time, you thought you got the worst of it with a dishonorable discharge. Stripped of rank and uniform and sent with your walking papers back home. Flynn on the other hand, got reassigned to the ass-end of nowhere on the UAC facility on Phobos, one of Mar's twin asteroid moons. Lucky bastard, you had thought like the dumbass you were. It sounded like an easy gig, just standing around looking tough while a bunch of eggheads re-invented the steam engine. What a dummy you were. Hell invaded there first, just probing the defenses before the real invasion. At least, that was what happened in his universe.

To your surprise, the man people called the Doom Slayer wasn't exactly the same Flynn Taggert you knew, but a version of him. Doc Hayden had tried to explain the whole multiverse and versions of Hell thing to you, but to be perfectly honest, he kind of lost you around the whole 'Cybernetic Knights' part. Still, apparently you were close enough the Doom Slayer's version of yourself that he felt he could trust you. Not that he had a plethora of options. He made it clear that Samuel Hayden's opinion was as valuable as dirt to him, and the ARC was an unknown quantity. So that only left you for perhaps the most important task you had ever been asked to do in your life.

Guard Duty.

Ok, it was more complicated than that, but that was what it essentially boiled down to. You figured it was time to address the elephant in the room. If Hell was real, then was Heaven? The answer, as it happened, was yet. Unfortunately for everyone, Heaven also sucked. According to Hayden, God, or as everyone called him 'the Father' had been missing for some time. Without him, the Angels – who called themselves 'Maykrs' – had gone a little insane and were desperately trying to keep Heaven, or 'Urdak' (Jesus, these names) up and running. And to that, they turned to the same Argent Energy that Earth had been using. Which, of fucking course, came from Hell. And if something involved Hell that meant that the Doom Slayer would be all over it. Sure enough, Flynn invaded Hell just as the Maykrs were preparing their final Hail Mary after defeat after humiliating defeat. That would be the giant goat-headed fucker that stomped over DC. And when Taggert came back after killing that thing, he brought along a guest.

Which brought you back to guard duty…and your new roommate.

"This is humiliating. I had the ears of God! Now, I'm to be settled as the war prize of some human animal."

That was the lovely dulcet tones of the Khan Maykr – the defacto leader of the Maykrs after the Father's disappearance. And the person responsible for Hell's invasion of Earth. Stripped of her powers and banished to Earth as a prisoner of war. You weren't sure how, again Doctor Hayden tried explaining and again you stopped paying attention. In any case, now, she was your problem. While the rest of the world was busy trying to recover and snuff out the last of the UAC and the Doom Slayer was off in Hell to finish off the remnants of its armies, you were under essentially house arrest with the queen bitch herself. Flynn, you son of a bitch. That might be a bit unfair to someone who had saved the Earth, but you were at your wits end with her. As you might expect from a literal fallen angel, the Khan Maykr was a whiney, holier-than-thou entitled bitch and ever since being stranded on Earth in your care, all she had done was whine about how unfair it all was. And you had to listen to it. All. The. Damn. Time.

Taggart, you silent bastard.

"You lost, we won. Get over it." You bluntly retorted to the fallen angel, not even turning to face her as you were too focused on cleaning your guns. Behind you, you could hear the Khan Maykr scoff and without even needing to turn around, you already knew the look on her face. That bitchy, 'Shut up, even though you're right, but I won't admit it' look, complete with rolling eyes and hands on hips.

"I will not 'get over it', mortal! How dare you even have the nerve to address a being like me in such a disrespectful manner!" And she was off again, goddamnit. "I am older than the star that gives this miserable rock life and infinitely more divine. You should be begging me to even let you lick the dirt off my boots!"

"You don't wear boots." You dryly responded. "And even if you did, they wouldn't have dirt on them." It was true too. Apparently, part of the power draining process involved transfiguring the Khan Maykr's body into something more…human. Basically, no more tentacles. Instead, she had actual feet now, though she still preferred to go barefooted around your house. Getting her to try shoes had been a disaster, and the lest said about teaching her how to eat the better.

The Khan Maykr stomped her bare feet in angsty frustration. "Impudent wretch! Do you have any idea who you're addressing? I am the KHAN MAYKR, I am Divine! The only use you and your filthy blasphemous kind have is to give penance before us!"

With a groan of frustration, you roll your eyes and slap your hands on the workbench in front of you, standing up before turning to fully face the Khan Maykr. "Correction," You bit back, your temper now fully lost. "You were all that. Now your nothing but a pain in my ass who won't shut up. And as for all that 'penance' stuff, for what? You want us to just line up for Hell to rip and tear through? All just because some Archangel wannabe with shiny pigeon wings told us to?" You snorted in her face, your eyes meeting her burning yellow gaze head on as she grimaced in silent, impotent fury at you. "Blow me."

You expected the conversation to end there at best. At worst, you braced yourself for another tirade of entitled whining. Instead, the Maykr's face flushed with anger, and she stood there gaping like a fish for a few seconds, seemingly unable to find a response amidst her indignation. At last, she finally regained her voice, and her response came in a breathless, scandalized gasp instead of the shriek you had been expecting. "Y-you… you've gone too far this time! How dare you ask a GOD to perform such a humiliating task!?"

You didn't know what she was talking about at first until it finally dawned on you. She thought you had been serious. That you had legitimately ordered her to get down on her knees and… You swallowed, your throat felt very dry suddenly and you looked at the Khan Maykr in a new light. For as much of a bitch as she was, there no denying that the Khan Maykr was hot as hell, if you'll pardon the pun. The fallen angel in front of you was a walking exemplar of feminine beauty and sexuality, with long lithe legs below a relatively short frame, a toned yet not overly muscled abdomen and two of the biggest, perkiest, most perfect tits that you have ever seen that bounced and wobbled with each agitated step the Maykr took.

Below that was a slender waist, a pair of wide hips and a fat ass that you could actually see from the front of the angel's lithe body. Even the severe frown on her face only managed to draw one's eyes to her sensual full lips, and gleaming, eager eyes which hinted at decadent pleasures most people couldn't dream of. If nothing else, you mused, aware that the angel was speaking but her bouncing tits and swinging hips were far too distracting, she'd make an excellent distraction to any man with a pulse. You approached the Khan Maykr as she continued her ranting, your pants tightening. Without speaking, your hand suddenly seized the back of her head firmly. As the fallen angel let out a shocked gasp, your mouth met her plump lips with an almost primal hunger, your tongue slipping between them. You kissed her forcefully, your other hand slipping around the Maykr's waist. Her arms wrapped around your neck as the kiss deepened, with your tongue probing into her mouth deeply, fervently.

Panicked, the Khan Maykr tried to break away, but you had her in a vice-like grip, and while she was trying to escape, you slipped your hand down across her soft backside to the opening between her legs. Ah, there! Two fingers found the spot and began a soft steady rhythm, stroking and pressing her clit in circles with her fingertips and the Khan Maykr gasped loudly against your mouth and trembled. You moved your other hand down from her head and ran it over the Maykr's massive tits, squeezing them almost painfully, while the Khan moaned and squealed. The chaste Maykr was unprepared for how sensitive her body was, and her nipples grew obviously erect as you groped her breasts, leaving pink hand-prints over her massive, alabaster breasts. At last, the Khan Maykr managed to break the kiss, leaving a delicate string of saliva between your wet lips and back away into the wall. She was flushed, and had the look of an animal on her angelic face, an animal that was getting ready to bolt… or lose control.

"How dare you touch me, you lecher! Who do you think you-no don't come any closer!" You strode forward and slam your hands onto the wall behind the Khan Maykr. She gasps and gulps, her eyes gazing up at you in worry. "No, please don't do this."

"Do what?" You playfully taunt, reaching up to rub one of the strange horn-like things that orbited her head. You kissed her neck, causing her to shudder. "It's been a couple of real long weeks stuck here with you, what I want is some release."

"Some relea-no! Leave me alone." She licks her lips, and almost seems to be pushing her breasts forward a bit. Maybe it's the way she's pouting, or the way her thick thighs seem to be rubbing together, but the Khan Maykr seems to be getting hot and bothered.

"How bout a trade, then?" You licked down the length of the Khan Maykr's neck before giving her a soft bite and she sobbed. "You put this mouth of yours to good use for once, and maybe I'll talk to Flynn about transferring your house arrest back home to Urdak, huh?"

You move your hand to cup her cheek, and she growls as you move to grab a hold of her bottom lip. "Y-you…" Her gaze is fiery, but there's no hiding her blush, or the hardness of her nipples. "You cannot be serious about that! What an indecent proposal…" She was thrashing, trying to escape your grip, so you used your free hand to trace down her stomach and slip it back between her legs. "J-just the thought alone, uh, ah, makes me want to wretch." The Khan Maykr glared at you; her face flushed. You thought it was sexy and doubled the pace with your fingers. "N-not to mention even considering it." She gasped and you increased your pace even further, corkscrewing your fingers into the Maykr's pussy. "Oh! S-stop!" The Maykr begged and leaned against you as your other hand mauled her big fat breasts. The fight was leaving her and to prove it, you gave her another savage kiss, and this time her tongue offered no resistance as you plundered her mouth. The angel sobbed as you broke the kiss, panting and shivering in your grip. "Now, I understand why the Slayer put me in your capable hands when he decided to go back to Earth…"

You pushed the Khan Maykr to her knees with a 'Thud' and she looks up at you, waiting for your next move. "So be it, here I k-kneel. Prepared to receive my penance… for failing to subjugate humanity when I had the chance…"

Hmm. Looks like she still had some fight left in her. You reply by yanking your thick cock out of your pants. The Khan Maykr only has a second for her face to shift into a wide-eyed open-mouthed gasp before you smack your cock across her face. She's totally dazed as you casually place you shaft across her pretty face, from chin to forehead. She goes cross-eyed trying to look at it, the look of absolute wonder on her face exposing her cocklust. "Y-you…" She closed her eyes and struggled to center herself. When she opens them again, her face is schooled into disdain. "Hmmp, that…huge…brutish thing…i-is befitting someone of such a rancid race. And it's all to appropriate that a people raised to be slaughtered for their betters have genitals like those that hang between the legs of beasts of burden…"

The Khan Maykr inhaled deeply only to gag and gasp as your cockmusk left her feeling dizzy. "Grah, and that stench! It would not be incorrect to think than an animal like you refuses to bathe, but that strong, heady, aroma…! Mmph, s-surely this musk is intended to entice a mate to breed, no? Something that makes you females fall on their hands and knees and shake their asses for men like you?"

"Sure, if that makes you feel better. Now, why don't you quit stalling and join them?" You sure wouldn't mind seeing the Khan Maykr shake her fat ass for your pleasure. Maybe after this you could get her to give you a nice lapdance? "You do know what to do next right?"

The Khan Maykr stammers and gets her glare back. "I am not stalling, and I know what do next! J-just let grab the shaft with my hands and then I…mnfff~" You groan as the angel wrapped her cool hands around your throbbing cock. Gulping, the Khan Maykr closed her eyes and leaned forward, plating a soft kiss on your throbbing cock-head, lingering for just a second longer than she probably should. "B-by all that is holy, what am I doing?" She whispers out loud before pressing another kiss to your cock. Chuuu~ She nervously glanced up at you and nearly flinched at the almost bored expression on your face. "D-don't look so impatient, mortal!" she weakly demanded. "I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't have much experience doing this! If you wanted a better 'blowjob' then you should have paid one of your whores from Earth!"

"Why should I pay someone for something I can get from you for free?" You disparaged. The Maykr tched and continued servicing your cock to her limited ability. "How bout trying to use more tongue?" You suggested.

The Khan Maykr growled up at you in flustered indignation. "Grr, the indignation in being told to "use more tongue!" Not that it stopped her from doing what she was told. "Ah…" She dragged her tongue across your throbbing length, whimpering as your taste infected her mouth. Mnnfff~ She gasped and moaned as she dutifully serviced your cock, whimpering as your scent kept her dizzy. Slliiiiick~ You glared up at you, her mouth open and tongue hanging out, pre-cum staining her pale face. "Is that better, human!? This tongue, one which mastered ancient languages created before your kind ever learned to rub two sticks together, now slides up and down your length like it's good for nothing else! Is this to your pleasure!?"

"Yep," you saw, grinning wolfishly down at her.

The Khan Maykr's thick thighs squeezed together at your taunt. Despite her reluctance, the angel's pussy was getting so wet at being used as a human's whore. "Pig!" She remarked, before kissing your cock a few more times. Slrrrrrppp~ Slluuck~ Slllppp! Hot, nasty precum dripped from your cock onto her face, onto her massive pale breasts. The Maykr shivered at the heat. Her beautiful body being stained, violated by a human's disgusting seed. How depraved~ "Your filthy kind, they just take what they want. D-don't think that just because you have a God o-on her knees for you, sucking your disgusting cock means that I'll just… hah…s-spread my legs for you!"

You decided to test that statement out, and you started by grabbing the Khan Maykr's thing wrists. "HUH?!" She seems taken aback as you push her arms up and against the wall, the press your cock against her plush lips. She turns her head trying to look away, but you keep pushing your cock-head against her face, your thick precum splashing onto her giant tits. "I-I'm not some toy for you to…urgh…" She reluctantly turns back to face you and opens her mouth wider, your invitation to push yourself deeper into her mouth. She chokes and gags as your monstrous length is shoved into her throat, and you nearly lose your footing as the pleasure of the silky-smooth angel-throat hits you.

You begin to pump in a slow, steady rhythm, keeping the Khan Maykr's hands held up high as you move your hips in and out, pushing a little deeper into her throat each time. The gagging noises are loud and messy, and every know and then she coughs, slobber spewing from her mouth, which just makes her throat all the easier to fuck. Her eyes are watering, her glare is furious, but her pussy is absolutely drenched as you take exactly what you want from her, just as she totally hates you doing.

As you pull your cock from her spit-soaked throat and slap it across her face, it's clear from the Khan Maykr's enamored look that all she cares about is returning to Urdak. That's all one her mind, making sure she does a good enough job so you'll let her go home. Surrendering herself to some nasty, big-cocked human is certainly the last thing on her mind… "W-wait, what are your hands doing-? ACK-!" Her yellow eyes widened as you suddenly seized on to the horn-like apparatus that orbited her head and plunged your fat cock into her beautiful mouth. GLUCK~GAGHK~GRGLK~BRGLK!!! "Th-those are not handlebars, h-human! You-!" The Maykr managed to rasp out before her throat was once more violated by throbbing human cock. GAK~SLRPH~GAAAK~SLPPPH!!! The messy, sloppy sounds of a bitchy angel getting her tight fucked hard by monster human cock spread out across the entire house. As the Khan Maykr spread her meaty thighs apart into a lewd squat that popped her fat ass out, you smiled down at her from ear to ear. GAGHK~GAGHK~GAGHK~GAGHK!!! The Maykr's throat was pounded raw, and her eyes watered from the intensity with which you disciplined her tight throat. Her naturally puffy cock-sucking lips wrapped tight around your length, her own body was betraying her as her natural instincts as a human's busty angel whore worked against her.

The Khan Maykr was simply designed from the ground up to worship massive human cock. She couldn't deny her calling as a cum-slurping blowjob angel…but she could certainly try. She whapped her palms against your strong legs, but couldn't even slightly move you. She was totally helpless! Even when she felt your shaft swell up to dump a load down her throat, the Khan Maykr could do little more than accept it with a glare on her face and a "Breed Me" look in her eyes.


The first taste of nasty human cum that touched the Khan Maykr's tongue might have been the catalyst of what she would be like afterwards. The tangy, rich taste of human seed flooding her tight throat ensured that the angel would never be able to you out of her mind. She would huff and scoff and roll her eyes, but her pussy would moisten, and her nipples would stiffen the second you ordered her to get on her knees or spread her legs.

"Mmmph…good girl." You sighed. The Khan Maykr clenched her thighs together, refusing to accept that her pussy had just gushed from hearing you say those words. Lewd gulping sounds came from her straining throat as she was forced to swallow every last drop of your cum. You yanked your cock from her mouth, a stream of human seed pouring from her full lips and dripping down her chin, landing with wet splats on the fallen angel's huge tits. You jerked your cock and began shooting more ropes of cum all over the Khan Maykr's face, thick streams crossing over the already messed up visage of the fallen angel as she fell to her hands and knees. She closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out like an animal, and was rewarded for her subservience with a harsh cockslap.

"T-t-there…it's done!" She pants out loud. "O-one blowjob…a-and that's all…" You chuckled at her worlds, and let her handlebars go to wag your finger at her. You tell her that wasn't a blowjob at all. She looks at you in confusion. "W-wha?" You tell her that was a throatfuck, something very different to a blowjob. They're nothing alike at all! She looks at you incredulously. "Y-you have to be kidding me…" The Khan Maykr pants. "If…if I give you a blowjob, you'll just shove it all the way down my throat again! What am I supposed to do?" You grin like a wolf, and the Khan Maykr's pale face turns red. She knows exactly what you want.

The Khan Maykr turned around, presenting her massive, pale ass to you. She looked back over her shoulder with a glare. "D-do it then, you disgusting human thug! A-Ahhn, I won't be defeated by human cock! I will tame it instead~! You will soon be bowing before me and begging for my touch~!" The fallen angel was shaking her ass the whole time she was saying this, and her expression suggested less that she was getting her second wind and more that she was waiting for the inevitable retribution for her defiance. The way she licked her lips, savoring the lingering taste of cum, and circled her breeding hips like a dancer on stage, gave way her true intentions.

"You're a real piece of work…" you snarled at her. You moved fast, and shoved the Khan Maykr's head down hard, gaining a loud moan from the emerging slut. "I'm not just gonna fuck you, you fat-assed angel slut. I'm gonna get you addicted to my cock!"

The Khan Maykr turned her head, as little as she could with you grabbing her, and looked up at your eyes with a sparkling, nasty expression. "Prove it…" She declared in a hot, husky voice.

You stepped back and placed your cocktip right against the Khan Maykr's soaking wet pussy, The fallen angel froze in place as the intrusive cock rubbed against her, getting nice and wet from her juices. She gritted her teeth as you began to slowly, teasingly slide into her fat ass…before slamming all the way in one you got halfway! The Khan Maykr's back arched and her eyes shot open as she came helplessly as you shoved your whole cock deep into her pussy.

The fallen angel gave a high-pitched, girlish wail of pleasure, the most humiliating sound she'd ever made, as you shoved every inch of your cock into her, driving forwards so your hips collided with her asscheeks and produced a loud, vibrant SMACK! Her ass jiggled wonderfully as tongue spilled from her open mouth and her eyes crossed one again. "Ouhhh~!" You rested inside her for a moment, tormenting her with the feeling of your giant cock throbbing balls-deep in her pussy. She clenched around you, gripping you with her burning core and making you stir. You raised a hand high in the air and then dropped it on her ass, slapping her again, sending a big ripple through her enormous asscheeks and causing her to croon. Another depraved noise, deep and longing, telling you exactly what she wanted – and exactly what you were doing to her mind. "Ahhn…~"

Then you gripped her tight, sinking your hands deep enough into her fat ass to leave big, red handprints come morning – and started to WHAP, WHAP, WHAT her pussy full of cock! You slammed her hard and fast, beating your heavy falls against her clit and making her eyes roll back further into their sockets as she moaned for mercy! Her huge boobs swung and bounded between her arms as she crooned in sweet bliss, her fingers on the floor, trying and failing to brace herself against your hardcore pounding. "Ahhhh, w-wait, no more!" She pitifully begged as you dominated her pussy. "Huffhuff, enough, please!" You made her your plaything, mauling her big fat ass and you pounded into her helpless, climaxing body. The Khan Maykr sobbed and wailed, her massive tits quaking between her shuddering arms. "My body…M-my mind…your cock is doing something to me…I d-don't like it. I don't welcome it!" Each buck rocked the fallen angel back and forth, made her croak and whine and gag on her own pleasure, her cum-coated expression growing blurrier with each second that passed.

Your cock rushing in and out of her again, an amazing display of vanishing and re-appearing. Spittle hung from the Khan Maykr's tongue and splashed across her massive bouncing breasts. Each collision made her convulse with bliss, a spike of pleasure driven up her spine and into her brain. Her tongue dangled when she wasn't grinding her teeth together. Her ass wobbled constantly, and her muscles clenched beneath her glossy white and red skin as she tried and failed to brace herself. The pleasure was constant, and burning, and mind-melting…and all she wanted was more.

She never stood a chance.

As you grew harder and more ferocious in your thrusting, the Khan Maykr's voice grew high and higher pitched, until at last, she canted her head and gave a high, warbling squeal! She came hard, gripping your cock and squirting around your massive shaft. She howled in deep, thunderous bliss as she came. Her arms gave out and fell flat on the floor, her massive tits squished against the ground as she wailed in ecstasy. She slammed her fat ass up and back against you, while you squeezed her waist and growled in overwhelming pleasure. You hips became a blur, bucking into the Maykr without concern for her own orgasms; all that mattered was your own, swiftly approaching climax.

When you hit your limit, your bottomed out with a SCHPLORT and unleashed the floodgates, unloading massive volumes of thick, churning cum into the Khan Maykr's womb. You filled her womb just like you had her belly, each thick pump flooding her further toward the brink, until she groooaaned in deep, simmering pleasure. She twitched and bucked and trembled around your dick, which throbbed incessantly throughout your massive orgasm, your balls clenching up as you scrubbed your fingers through the overflowing flesh of her asscheeks. You kept on pumping, growling as you bucked into her needy pussy, before bottoming out again and holding himself still, simply basking in the feeling of her cunt gripping his cock.

Finally, you pulled out of her pussy and grasped your cock in a fist, pumping it hard, spurting the last few ropes of your giant load over the Khan Maykr's fat ass! At the same time, cream erupted from her pussy in arching salvoes, splattering and slopping out across the floor as she gargled and whined. You slapped his cock between her asscheeks and jerked it back and forth, massaging your shaft using her doughy rump while she made a big puddle of cream between her knees.

At last, you let the Khan Maykr topple onto her side, where she lay groaning and oozing seed from her stretched, destroyed cunt. "You better stay on your best behavior from now on, your 'holiness'."

The Khan Maykr could do little but lift her head and nod weakly, completely mindbroken by you. "Yessshhh…" She slurred, completely fucked silly. She wet her lips and reached a naughty hand between her plump-as-fuck-thighs, starting to play with her slippery, cum-stuffed cunt. "Gonna be such a good goddess for you, master…" Schlick, schlick, schlick…