Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 167 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (Movies 1984-1994)

Chapter 167 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (Movies 1984-1994)

1428 Elm Street

Springwood, Ohio

You sigh and stretch after putting down the last box filled with miscellaneous objects and decorations. It had taken all morning, but you finally moved your stuff into your house. 'Your house'. Heh. even now, just thinking it felt unreal. After 23 years of living under your parents' roof, you had finally moved out and were living on your own out in the wild of suburban Ohio. The house you had managed to find was a literal godsend. After hours spent browsing apartment listings and places for rent near the university you were studying at, you managed to find a beautiful two-story Dutch colonial in a town called Springwood. The town was only a few hours away from your hometown and a 45-minute drive to the school. The best part, though, had to be just how cheap the place was. Seriously, for a two-story house in the suburbs there was no way you should have been able to afford it. Yeah, it had a mortgage, it probably needed a coat of paint, and those weird metal bars bolted to the windows would need to be removed at some point, but it was yours.

Suddenly you yawned, and felt a wave of exhaustion roll over your body. It made sense, you've been away since 4 in the morning. The drive from your parents' house to your new place took three hours and moving your stuff inside took another four. Wearily, you stumbled over the couch and collapsed on to it with out any grace. A small nap wouldn't hurt after all the work you've done this morning, right? You can just put everything away later, after you wake up. Moving onto your back, you let out an exhausted sigh and drifted off to sleep…


"1…2…Franny's coming for you…"

You blearily blinked as a distant sound drew you from your sleep. The inside of your living room was dimly lit by the orange glow of the setting sun. You sat up and stretched. Shit, how long were you asleep?

"3…4…Better lock your door…"

The sound came back and this time you dimly recognized it to be what sounded like kids, little kids, singing some kind of song. You walked over to the window and glanced outside. That's weird, no cars on the road. I mean, it was a quiet neighborhood from what you had seen so far, but still. You would have thought there be some business on the street. Still, you saw just where the singing was coming from. Out on your front yard, there were three girls playing jump rope. Frowning, you wondered just how long they had been out there. It was getting late, wasn't it? Shouldn't they be getting home by now?

"5…6…Grab a crucifix…"

Crucifix, what? Was this some kind of church nursery rhyme? These kids looked like they should be starting middle school, why were they singing about crucifixes in a stranger's front yard? Why were they dressed in these frilly dresses? Where were their parents? You opened the window and tried calling out to them. "Hey! Hey, kids! Look, I don't know why your in my front yard, but don't you think it's time to start heading home?" The girls just ignored you. They didn't look at you or even stop jump roping. They just kept playing and singing that weird, kind of unsettling now that you think about it, rhyme.

"7…8…Better stay up late…"

Alright now you were starting to get annoyed. There's no way those kids didn't hear you, they were barely two meters away. You tried again. "Hey, listen, I'm trying to be nice, but if you don't pack it up and go home in the next 5 minutes, I'm calling the cops." That was a lie. You weren't actually about to call the police on a couple of 5th graders just for loitering, obviously. You just figured the threat would be enough to scare them off. What you had no way of preparing for was for them to immediately stop jumping and turn to face you and HOLY SHIT! The three girls stared at you with black empty sockets where their eyes should be, dark and thick streams of blood oozing from the vacant holes in their heads. They opened their mouths and in perfect unison, their blank, emotionless voices finished the rhyme.

"9…10…Never go to sleep again."

"JESUS FUCKING CRIST!" As you stumbled away from the window in shock, you tripped and fell backwards. Instead of landing onto the wooden floor of your house however, you fell onto the metal grate of a catwalk. Scrambling back onto your feet, you were shocked to see that your living room has disappeared entirely, replaced by what looked like an abandoned and dilapidated boiler room of some kind. The room was bathed in red light and filled with the sound of creaking metal and dripping water. You shivered; it was freezing. "W-what the hell is this? Wh-where the hell am I?"

Your rapidly beating heart nearly leapt into your throat as behind you, you head a low, almost sultry chuckle. "Well, you're sure as shit not in Kansas, Toto." Spinning around, you saw that on the far end of the catwalk, bathed in the dim red light, stood a young woman. A very voluptuous young woman. A very voluptuous young woman dressed in a tattered red and greens striped sweater, a frayed dark brown hat and a glove with massive sharp knives welded to the fingers! The woman tilted her head to the side, grinning at you with a toothy parody of a friendly smile. "You lost, puppy?" Her smile widened to the point it almost looked painful. "You wanna come home with me?"

You gulped. "Oh my god."

The woman snorted at that. She raised her knife-fingered glove close to her face, blades shimmering in the red glow. "This…is God."

Oh, fuck that. Spinning around, you ran like hell as fast as you could away from the creepy knife chick, her mocking laughter ringing in your ears. Your heart was thundering in your chest, your lungs were burning, freezing cold sweat ran down your body as you fucking booked it. The boiler room was a veritable labyrinth of twisting, pipe-lined corridors and hallways. As you ran around another corner, you ran blindly down a hallway only to end up nearly crashing face first into a blank, brick wall.

"Aw man. What the fuck?"

"What the fuck, indeed, puppy." Oh shit. Turning around, you saw the woman in the sweater standing at the opposite end of the corridor. Screeeee… The knife glove screeched with an ear-bleeding sound as the woman slowly scraped them against the rusty pipes of the wall, sparks flying everywhere as she stalked forward, her wide hips swinging with every step.

You tried pressing as close as you could against the wall only for the wall to slowly start moving forward on its own! "Wha-what the hell? What the fuck is this place?" You asked, trying futilely to keep the wall from going any further.

The woman chuckled, clacking her knives against the pipes. "This is my world, bitch."

"I-I-I'm dreaming." You stammer as she drew closer and closer. "Gotta wake up." You slapped yourself. Hard. "Wake up. C'mon wake up." No luck. "Wake. The. Fuck. Up!"

"Aww, does the puppy want me to pinch him awake?" The woman mocked, clicking her knives together and waggling her tongue at you. By now, she was right on top of you, pressing her body against yours. You weren't proud to admit this, but the feeling of her massive, apparently braless, tits pressing against you was very distracting. Pressing her near-bare thigh between your legs clued the woman in on your 'distracted' state. Her lips curled into a chesire cat grin and her eyes twinkled.

"Ohhh…mmm…is the puppy excited?" She teased, rubbing her leg against you. Too close. She was way too fucking close. Your entire field of view was taken up by her smug, grinning face. She slowly walked her gloved hand up your body before non-too gently grabbing your chin, her knives threatening to pierce through your skin and draw blood. She licked her lips, and your eyes were locked onto her tongue as she did. "You know…I was going to kill you and be done with it, but now? Now, I think I'm gonna keep you." She reached up with her gloved hand and gently ran her copper-covered fingers through your hair. "You like the sound of that? You wanna be Franny's puppy?"

"Uh…I…" You began.

"Good boy!" She interrupted, before grabbing you by the back of the head and slamming her lips onto yours! Schmuuuuah! The woman's – Franny, apparently -lips locked with yours, and there was a thump as she slammed her palms against the wall behind you, pressing you back hard. Her tongue, slick and warm, plunged into your mouth to roll and lash along with your own, while she groaned and giggled in the depths of a deep, passionate makeout session! You reacted with shock, grasping Franny's hips, but you weren't strong enough to hold the woman back. Her breasts smushed into your chest as she stole your breath away, refusing to give you even a moment's reprieve. She sucked and slurped noisily on your tongue, gazing deep into your eyes as she drove you down further and further…until you were sitting on the floor with Franny straddling your lap, her thick rump smothering your crotch, your bulging boner through the fabric of her booty shorts and your pants. Shmuaaa…schmmmp… She kissed you without mercy, pushing her fingers through your hair and holding the back of your head while she nestled and rolled her hips in your lap.

You, totally overwhelmed, could do little but squirm as Franny tried to such the life out of you. Your eyes blurred out of focus, and you grasped her thick, plush asscheeks with one hand, the other seizing her ratted hat, the only things you could think to grab onto! Your finger sank into Franny's delicious cheeks, almost swallowed up by their heft, and you claws and pawed at them desperately as you swapped spit with the dream.

Franny didn't need to breathe, and she apparently didn't care that you did. Her orange eyes bore into yours as you grew more and more desperate for air, turning pale from asphyxiation, your eyes rolling into the back out your head…!


At last, Franny broke the kiss – splattering drool in every direction as your lips popped apart. She licked around her mouth, rolling her slick pink tongue in a slow circle while you gasped and wheezed for precious air. Franny gazed at you as spittle hung from your chins, connecting them in a drooping, shining bridge. She tilted her head to one side, as though confused by your exhausted state, before touching her tongue to your bottom lip – a soft dab against your kissers. "Auh…"

She made as if to get up, digging her feet into the floor beneath her and lifting her thick, doughy ass…but then she dropped back down on your lap with a whump, clobbering her perfect cheeks on your bulge! You were pushed over the edge, and groaned as you came in your pants, spurting thick ropes of creamy cum that soaked the inside of your jeans and made dark spots all down your right leg. Franny glanced back over her shoulder to watch you twitch and spurt, spurt, spurt a truly massive load inside your clothes!

Once you were done, Franny looked into your eyes, her half-lidded glare filled with a deep, knowing lust. Your vision was going in and out, darkness creeping in out of the corner of her eyes as she smirked down at you. As were finally consumed by the black, you heard her sickeningly sweet, mocking voice all out. "See you tomorrow night, puppy."

You eyes shot open as you instantly sat up, drenched in a freezing sweat and wearing very wet and sticky pants. Your heart was racing in your chest as you heavily panted. WTF was that? Was that a nightmare or a wet dream? Did you need to go to therapy? As you pondered just how you were going to pay for therapy, something fell off the couch. Looking down, you nearly collapsed back onto the couch at the sight of a tattered, brown fedora. The exact same hat the dream woman was wearing. With a shaking hand, you hesitantly picked up the hat. Inside, you saw something written on the tag: Fran Krueger.


The next day saw you visiting the local library, looking for any information you can on the dream woman. Searching the internet and local newspapers led you to some relevant information. Francis 'Franny' Amanda Krueger was born on May 16th, 1942 to Sister Amanda Krueger, a Nun of the Westin Hills Psychiatric Hospital. One day, Amanda was accidentally locked inside the psych ward with 100 mentally disturbed patients and gangraped for hours until she was eventually rescued. 9 months later, she gave birth to a baby girl, the so-called 'bastard daughter of 100 maniacs', who she later gave up for adoption. Franny grew up into a troublemaker, being bounced around from foster home to foster home and repeatedly in and out of juvie for aggravated assault, disturbing the peace, and true threat. At age 24, she was accused of being behind the disappearances of seven college students, each a resident of Elm Street alongside Franny herself, but was later acquitted due to lack of evidence. That didn't satisfy the parents of Elm Street however and Franny was found dead that winter, having been immolated within her car after it apparently slipped of the road, though it was suspected that she had been driven off the road and the vehicle set alight by vigilantes. A mugshot taken showed that Franny Krueger was near-identical to the dream woman, red and green sweater and all.

As if your house potentially being haunted by a dream ghost wasn't bad enough, the story only got stranger. In 1984, 16 years after the disappearances and Franny's death, a series of strange killing occurred on Elm Street, leaving 4 dead with the sole survivor being Nancy Thompson, resident of 1428 Elm Street. And it only continued from there.

5 years later, 1989. A fire broke out at the Webber home, killing 6, not including the unsolved murder of a gym teacher the week before. Sole survivors were the Webber family and Jesse Walsh, resident of 1428 Elm Street.

1990: 6 deaths occur at Westin Hills, victims include 5 at-risk teens and gradstudent Nancy Thompson, deaths chalked up as suicide. All former residents of Elm Street.

1991: Another six teens dead, including the three survivors of the Westin Hills suicides. All residents of Elm Street.

1992: Three more deaths, residents of Elm Street.

After 1992, things would be quiet until 11 years later. 2003. A total 21 deaths occurred, this time coinciding with sightings of a tall woman in a hockey mask wielding a machete. The strangest part was that two of the victims were found at Forest Green, New Jersey. Despite being nearly 600 miles away, the two victims were residents of Springwood, Ohio.

A total of 47 deaths, all centered around that same goddamn house. Your goddamn house! One thing was certain, however. You weren't about to let yourself be #48. As you were searching up sleep or dream suppressing drugs (Hypno-Cil seemed promising), the librarian came up to you, wearing an ugly green sweater.


"The library will close soon, sir." she said, clacking her long, fake nails on the desk.

Jesus, was it really that late? You must've lost track of time. You started x-ing out of windows and grabbing newspapers to return.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

"Sir, you need to leave."

You rolled your eyes; the clacking noise was really starting to grate on you.



"Yeah, I heard you the first time!" You snapped, turning to glare at her clacking hand, only to freeze in your seat. Those weren't fingernails making that clacking sound…

A familiar knife copper and leather glove was resting on the table, it's gleaming knife-tipped finger clack clack clacking away, scratching shallow grooves into the wood. Your gaze trailed up a slender arm hidden under a red and green striped sleeve before meeting a familiar pair of orange eyes staring at you over a chesire cat grin.

"Hi, puppy," Franny Krueger greeted. "You preparing for our date tonight?" You didn't answer. You didn't trust yourself not to scream. Franny took your silence in stride. Her grin widened when she glanced at the computer screen. "Looking for performance enhancers? I didn't think you were the type." You still didn't say anything, you were pretty sure your heart was taking up space in your throat right now. "Cat got your tongue, puppy? Here, maybe tyour will get your jaw unstuck." Franny grasped the hem of her sweater and lifted-

Her bare breasts jiggled in the open. As your jaw fell open, she stuck out her tongue and bounced on her tiptoes, making her big, fat titties bounce and smack together. Though she succeeded in getting your jaw unstuck, Franny seemed satisfied with your reaction. She was pressing her tits together and licking her lips. Her tongue was really long…

You suddenly jerked awake, sitting up from where you had been laying your head on the desk. Standing over you was not a topless Franny Krueger but the actual librarian. She was glaring, not at you, but at the newspaper your head had been on. Shit, was that drool? You were gonna have to pay a fine, weren't you?

"Sir?" She said.

"Um…yeah. What is it?" You asked, blinking the sleep out of your eyes.

"The library will be closing in an hour; I suggest you start packing up and head home."

You swore your heart nearly froze and for a moment you were afraid (hopeful?) that you were still dreaming. But no, you were pretty sure you were in the real world this time. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I'll be done soon." You promised, x-ing out the windows. The librarian was still glaring at the newspaper.

No. Not at the paper, at the headline. Suspect of Recent Disappearances Acquitted was printed out in bold, bulky letters at the top of the page. Underneath was that same mugshot of Franny Krueger, that smug 'I-know-something-you-don't' look on her face staring back in black and white.

As you were leaving, the librarian called out to you from behind. "You shouldn't read that gruesome stuff you know." There was a strange look on her face as she did so, almost like she was afraid someone else was listening in. "It'll give you nightmares."

You nodded, an uncertain look on your face. "Yeah," you said, distantly, "I'll…I'll keep that in mind." With that, you started heading home, only stopping to pick up an over-the-counter bottle of Hypno-Cil.

Strangely enough, the pharmacist didn't ask any questions.

Back at your house, you were sitting on the couch again, a pot of coffee on the end table beside you. You took two tablets of the dream-suppressant with your first cup of coffee and were already on your third. In front of you the tv was blaring some movie about mutant desert cannibals, but you weren't exactly paying attention. You just had to stay up. You could do this. Just like pulling an all-nighter except under the threat of death rather than failure. You went to pour a fourth cup when you collapsed back onto the couch, eyes closing. "Ah sh-"


-it." You 'awoke' tied to a chair in a small room. The chair was the only feature, no windows or doors. At first you thought you were alone, but then she emerged into view: Franny Krueger, pacing the floor, arms crossed under her chest as she muttered to herself. You looked down at your restraints. You were dressed in nothing but your boxer shorts, which was either the set up for torture of kinkplay and from what you read about her, it could go either way. Even so, your eyes inevitably darted toward her swinging rump each time she passed by: she had an ass for the ages, rocking pendulously with each agitated stride.

At last, she grasped your hair and yanked your head back. When she saw you staring up at her, she clicked her tongue in annoyance before stepping fully in front of you.

The blonde glared at you from under her tattered hat, arms folded under her impressively-sized tits. A look of faint amusement played on her lips as she looked at her bound captive. She leaned against the chair, resting her knee between your legs in a way that suggested she could just as easily kneel on your excessive, over-sensitive bulge.

"You know something, puppy? It's really rude to try and stand up a girl." She said, her glare cruel and heavy as a glacier. By now Franny was leaning all the way over you, her orange eyes leering down into your face. Your proximity to her body made you wriggle: she was gorgeous, her full tits straining her sweater, her ass stretching her khaki shorts. The way she leaned brought her crotch close to your groin. Your cock throbbed brutally in your boxers, swelling as gave a savage grin.

"I don't like being forgotten you know," she said slowly. She loitered back – and kicked the chair, sending it spinning into a wall. You grunted at the impact, but just as suddenly were dragged back into the center of the room by your hair. "Being dead, that's the easy part. I'm dead, and I've seen so many other brats die, but being forgotten? Now that's a bitch!"

You relaxed back into your chair as she released your head. "Is that what this is? A cry for attention?" Terror brought out the snark in you.

Franny twitched. Her teeth pulled back in a violent grimace, and she slapped you across the face (thankfully not with her gloved hand) – though you couldn't help but notice the flustered blush on her cheeks. Her palm stayed on your face, pushing your head back, baring your throat while she huffed and puffed shaky breaths over you, her giant chest heaving in and out. "I don't exist if I'm not remembered," she snarled. "And I'm not about to share the limelight with that big-boobed brain-dead hockey puck again!"

As she hooked her finger-knives under the waistband of your boxers, you tensed and clenched your teeth, staring desperately at your tight-packed boner. With a single wrench, the dream demon cut through your underwear and freed your enormous cock. She gasped as it sprang up in an eruption of dense, vein-knotted flesh – her bottom lip quivered as she stared down at the vast rod pulsing against her belly – all the way to the bottom of her heaving breasts. You tried to pump your hips, but her weight on your thigh prevented you from moving. You were forced to watch, hopelessly horny, as Franny stepped back from your twitching cock.

"I'm gonna make sure you don't forget me, bitch," she hissed, her voice barely rising above a whisper. She grappled her belt, tugging through the loop and then dropping her stretched shorts. Her gaze never left you, never strayed from the savagely massive cock bobbing back and forth as you tried to break your ropes. Her tongue crept across her lips more than once as she peeled the fabric away from her awesome body, revealing herself at such a slow pace it was torture.

At last, Franny stood over you bottomless, her named rump and shapely legs exposed – all except for her pussy, covered with a pair of small red and green striped panties, of course. She straddled your thighs on the chair, lifting her ass as high as she could before dropping it, twisting it, wringing your massive cock between her pillowy asscheeks. Franny smirked as she lowered herself into a squat, making sure to swirl her plump rear around your pulsing rod as she descended. At last, her ass kissed your pelvis while your cock rode up her back. Franny gave a satisfied sigh, resting her fingers on your chest and glaring into your eyes while holding herself tortuously still.

"Now," she said. "Say it. Say my name."

"What-" you started, but then your eyes rolled back as Franny began to move her hips, swirling her ass in wide circles and stirring your massive dick. You gushed precum in potent spouts, gasps escaping you as she rocked from side to side…back and forth…in cruel figure-eights…

"How do you like that ?" Franny growled as she twerked on your cock, driving her gorgeous ass in brutal thrusts around your throbbing cock. Her cruel grin widened when you fired a thick rope of precum up her back, and grasped your neck, digging her gloved fingers in deep as you shivered and groaned. "Not so quiet now, are you, puppy? Come on – say it. Say my name!"

You held her gaze, a vengeful look in your eyes. "You're a crazy bitch," you said, your voice thinned by the pressure on your neck – and then gurgled as she clamped tight down, constricting your windpipe as she rested her face against your forehead. Her lips were in front of your eyes, slightly parted, huffing and puffing hot breaths across your face as continued her sadistic lapdance. You could feel the hot damp of her panties squishing against your stomach when she brought her wide hips down, her arousal so obvious it was embarrassing. You wanted to teach Franny a lesson – if only your arms and legs were free, you could have pinned her down in a mating press and slam her into oblivion. Occasionally your cockhead caught the strap of her panties and pushed it upward, digging the garment into her soaking pussy and causing her to gasp.

"Mmnh…I'll show you…just how crazy I am," Franny told you, releasing your windpipe and curling her arms around your shoulders. She SLAMMED her hips down onto yours again and again, each powerful beat sending a shock of ecstasy through your body. You couldn't hold back any longer: you were losing your mind one thrust at a time, devolving into a mess of desire. You shook as you came, erupting a geyser of spunk onto Franny's back! She gasped as white seed splatted down onto her, coating her favorite sweater. Her mouth dropped open in disbelief and she sed in shocked ecstasy – cumming hands-free! Her eyes titled back and her tongue spilled from her mouth while she jerked her hips over your pelvis as she squirted through her panties.

"Aahn! Fffuck!" she cried in angry bliss, trying and failing to suppress her spasms. Her hips jerked back and forth in a rampant rhythm, grinding her exposed pussylips against your bare flesh as her panties dug all the way between them. "Mmngh…mmnhhaahh…" A line of drool sparkled on Franny's chin. At the last few ropes of cream spasmed out of your twitching cock, she slowed her movements to a crawl, her chest billowing against yours as she wheezed for precious air. "Ah…hah…hahhh…" Franny rested against you, sitting in your lap now, her teeth grazing your shoulder and neck as she tried to gather up what little willpower remained. "Ngh…no. I won't allow you…" She climbed off of you, turning away so she didn't have to look at that throbbing monstrosity. You were still hard despite the massive orgasm, standing mighty and proud and… Franny grimaced and folded her arms beneath her chest.

You exhaled. You had gone beyond lust and into a place of Buddha-like comprehension. You let out your breath to shrink your torso, slipped your muscular arms free of their restraints, and grasped Franny's ass in your powerful hands. She tensed and eeped, surprised by your grip – but before she could pry herself free, you pulled her sharply back, pushing your cockhead between her perky cheeks and against her tiny, twitching asshole. In that brief moment, Franny understood what was about to happen. She gave a soft eep.

"How about I give you something to remember?" You said.

"Wait—" Franny said, but you adjusted your grip and, without another moment's hesitation, pulled her down onto you with all your might. She screamed as your cock ploughed through her panties and deep into her ass, impaling her guts and bulging her sleek belly around the obscene mass of your cock. Her thick asscheeks mashed over your thighs, soft and warm and delightfully squishy, while her red hair came into contact with your face. You wrapped your arms around her belly, squeezing her against you in a vice-tight embrace while she gurgled and kicked and struggled to understand what she was feeling: this intense, gaping pleasure… …

Without thinking, Franny started to move her hips. Even the slightest motion caused a spasm of bliss that made her squeak and tremble, but she was already a slave to the pleasure. Her ass shifted from side to side, stirring the base of your cock while you leaned back and enjoyed the sensations of her insides clamping, clenching, rippling and squeezing around your monstercock.

You took the opportunity to tear off Franny's top, exposing her huge breasts in their entirety. They looked delicious, twin mounds of perfectly pillowy flesh that jiggled free into your hands. They were so large that you could see them from behind – especially when you grasped her arms and made her cross her hands in her hair. All the while Franny quivered around the base of your cock, baking your meat in her hot, clenching insides. You smacked her ass to get her moving: her instinctive reaction was to bounce, and once she started bouncing by herself she didn't stop, picking up speed with every circuit. You released her boobs at last, watching them bounce and smack as her thrusts reaches frantic speed.

"N-No…I won't…lose…!" Franny cried, but such a declaration seemed meaningless while she was railing your cock like a depraved whore. "Fuck…fuck…" You no longer needed to guide Franny: she rode your cock of her own volition, planting her hands on your chest and yelping each time her asshole clopped down his cock. Her dream-enhanced abilities made her a fuck to remember: by the time she reached her peak she was practically raping your cock, throwing her hips back and forth in savagely graceful motions. Heels planted on the floor, she used you cock like a dildo, leaning forwards and grasping her knees as she drove her ass back against pelvis like a squishy battering ramp. Each CLAP and SMACK of colliding flesh caused your vision to whiten with bliss. You knew you couldn't hold on for long, but endured with all your strength, clenching your dick– overwhelmed by the need to cum. Just when you thought you'd pass out, the floodgates burst. You gasped, stunned by the wall of pleasure that slammed into you as you launched a salvo of hot cum into Franny's guts.

Franny hissed in shock, feeling the rush of spunk inside her. She took you balls-deep and sat back, leaning against your sturdy body as you blasted rope after rope of dense seed through her. The way her mouth hung open suggested she was ahegao-ing, sweet little coos and croons warbling forth as her asshole flexed around your hilt, milking you for every last drop.

"Oooh…!" Suddenly Franny arched her back, spiking her hips against your own and resting her head on your shoulder as she reached a bright, burning climax of her own. She shuddered in your lap, clenching her clamping, rocking and rolling, reaching up to clasp you face between her hands as she squirted like a broken faucet all over his thighs – cumming from having her asshole destroyed by a prime cock! Then her lips pursed tightly together, and she fell silent, still quivering with lingering ecstasy. When she finally managed to look at you, she was offended to see you were grinning. Your hands idly played with her tits, squishing and pinching, lifting and dropping, letting her glossy udders slide under your palms as you spoke to her.

"If you let me go, I'll show you the rest."

Your words rang in her skull like a chorus of angels. Franny bit her bottom lip and shook her head. She was the nightmare, not you. This was her world! She wouldn't be your little bitch! Not in a million yea-


"Fuck me!" Franny squealed under your mating-press, her calves bobbing beside her ears as you pressed her legs parallel to her body. Her slippery-with-sweat titties bounced against your chest with each noisy, wet SLAM into her sopping cunt, and her belly lurched in and out in big, angled bulges that squished her g-spot and threatened to break her mind. Her tongue flopped down her chin, free for you to slurp and nibble and lick at while you fucked her into sloppy submission. "I'm your bitch! I'm your bitch!"

She certainly was and would continue to be, night after night.