Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 134 - Mirajane turns Fairy Tail into her cum-addicted fucktoys.

Chapter 134 - Mirajane turns Fairy Tail into her cum-addicted fucktoys.

October 23rd X784...

"Are you sure this is the place?" Levy asked as she scrutinized the run-down appearance of the two-story house. Peeling forest-green paint clung to its derelict exterior like a sickly rot, exposing it's atrophied wooden bones like the skeletal rib cage of a decomposing body. Broken balusters hung like a row of gnashing teeth, giving the front porch the distinct appearance of a mouth poised to consume whatever entered its derelict interior. Levy hesitated for a moment before stepping onto the crumbling narrow walkway, her petite frame casting a shadow over the field of dead grass extending their wizened stalks to the merciless sun's searing rays. Levy's strapless sunflower yellow dress, which was cut distractingly low, whirled in the gentle autumn breeze, promising constantly to reveal her thick bubbly asscheeks exploding within the comforting caress of her lacy cotton panties, but always managed to renege.

Her guide, a peppy brunette sporting a variety of colorful bangles on each wrist, merely giggled and pushed her forward as she said, "She looks exactly like the pictures in the magazine! I don't think she's ever come out of that place. I mean, what a dump! right?"

"I sure hope your right!" Levy said flatly as she turned and handed the spirited teenager a slim stack of jewels, hearing the musical clinking of her bangles as she enthusiastically snatched the bills and merrily sauntered off, leaving Levy alone in front of the house. She blanched as she rubbed her arm and slowly made her way up the eroding steps, feeling the disintegrating mass crunch under her sandals as she raised a dainty fist and knocked on the door.

"Mira!" Levy cried as she pounded on the door again, her short blue hair whirling from side to side as she stared at the dust-caked windows on either side of the entrance for any sign of activity. She let out a small huff of frustration as she heard the faint sound of music bleeding through the walls, confirming that at least something dwelled within the dilapidated building. "Gosh, this place should have been condemned."

Levy gripped the paint-chipped golden door handle and slowly turned, hearing a sharp "creak" as the door slowly opened like a cadaverous maw exposing the wretched state of its decaying insides. Levy's curious brown eyes flickered to every corner of the dimly-lit musty room as she inspected its miserable state, her nose wrinkling as she stared at old pizza boxes and dog-eared take-out containers randomly deposited on the hardwood floor. "Eww, there's no way she would hole herself up in here! This is seriously gross!"

Bass vibrations began to pulse rhythmically across the floor like the heartbeat of a dying animal, luring her forward with each beat despite her better judgment until she stood before the closed door that failed to contain the synchronized female vocals blasting from the speakers.

Hey you

Baby Blues

Show me whatcha gonna do?

The floor creaked under Levy's feet as she raised her fist to knock, her hand trembling as she felt a sudden burst of apprehension urge her to abandon her amiable intentions. She could feel it leech away her resolve, begging her to turn away and leave, but her loyalty to her friends outweighed her well-being.

"Mirajane! Are you in there? It's Levy!" Levy shouted, trying to be heard above the din in the bedroom as she pounded on the door with her dainty fist. But despite her effort, no response greeted her in return other than the raucous bluesy vocals of "Don't Stop the Devil" by Dead Posey, prompting her to release a huff of frustration that jostled her baby-blue bangs.

...Only your touch gonna get me wild

Say I'm not a sinner

But you make me a liar

Levy steeled her nerves and gripped the door handle, feeling it vibrate as the song transitioned into its main chorus, fueled by the electrified riffs pumping vibrations through the creaking floorboards. She slowly opened the door and winced as it's rusted hinges emitted a sharp squeak of protest, but as her gaze swept through the dimly lit room, her expression quickly gave way to surprise, shock, and ultimately confusion. Crimson candles were arrayed haphazardly around the room, tinting vintage metal band posters on the walls with a sickly reddish gleam. That same feeble glow spread its tortured ethereal fingers over the fake webbing that clung between the twisted gothic furniture positioned neatly around the ample interior, filling the room with a dim lighting that exposed the veil of scented smoke choking the air. Music pulsed through the air like a maelstrom of vibrating sound and bass that rumbled through the walls like the heartbeat of a predator poised to strike; emanating from dimly-glowing multi-faceted crystals that floated above the terrain of soft rippling bedsheets and exposing the silhouette of a particularly curvaceous female.

"Mirajane? Is that you? The whole guilds' been worried sick abo-" Levy shouted, stopping mid-sentence as her eyes widened in shock as she gazed down at Mirajane. Puffs of violet smoke billowed from Mirajane's lips as she took a long drag from a slim black cigarette, her corrupted crimson eyes glowing like a pair of hot coals that contrasted sharpy with her messy long hair draped over her bed like a sea of soft white silk. Mirajane laid on top of the bed with her head resting against the edge, her large tits adorned with her enticing bubble-gum pink nipples, her knees bent and spread wide to expose the obscene tubular bulge between her legs that quivered to life as she gazed hungrily at Levy and licked her lips repeatedly. Levy put her hand over her mouth as her eyes stared with a mixture of horror and disgust at the disproportionately large cock draped casually over Mirajane's slender thigh like an alabaster python lounging in the sun. Her flat stomach sported thick pearly lines of lumpy sperm tinged by the dim lighting until it appeared like crimson syrup splattered over her midriff.

I like the games we play

When you're inside my veins

No a little good

Don't stop the Devil

"Mira, A-are you okay?" Levy stammered, struggling to be heard over the music playing as she took a hesitant step forward only to fill the room with a loud "Squelch!" Levy grimaced in disgust as she stared down at the floor and discovered a plethora of wadded up cum-coated black lacey panties dotting the floor! A strange musty odor slid up Levy's nostrils as she took another unsteady step forward, the room spinning as she suddenly found it strangely difficult to think.

"I'm hungry," Mirajane replied as her black painted lips curled into a lecherous smile, her cock jerking and stiffening while she arched her back and emitted a seductive purr that filled Levy with the horrifying realization that something was seriously wrong with her. Mirajane snapped her fingers and instantly plunged the room into silence before rolling over and getting on her hands and knees, her cock stiffening into a quivering ivory pillar flanked by a bloated pair of balls that throbbed with a sickening need to vacate their creamy contents. Mirajane tilted her head like an animal as she smiled and waited for Levy's response, jolting the addled girl out of her reverie.

"I-um, I could t-take you out to eat if you'd like," Levy said anxiously, blushing as she tore her eyes away from Mirajane's sinful curves, trying not to stare despite the fact her eyes irresistibly flickered from Mira's eyes down to her stiffening tumescent girlcock. "It would be for us both! We could go over decorations for the Halloween party the guild wanted to invite you too, haha!"

But Mirajane simply purred and looked up and down Levy's body, shamelessly checking her out before she stated, "I'm not hungry for food, Levy, I'm hungry for you."

Levy blushed shyly as she slowly backed away, her hand reaching behind her scrabbling for the door handle as she smiled unconvincingly to mask her dismay. Something terribly has gone wrong since Mirajane used Satan Soul to defeat Freed, something that was outside Levy's ability to discern, and the more she stood before her corrupted friend, the more that unease showed. "You know, on second thought, I'll just dash off and let everyone know you're doing just fine!"

Before Levy could even think to react, Mirajane vanished into a blur of motion, slamming the door shut with her outstretched hand and leaning against it casually as she smiled down at Levy and said, "Now, where do you think you're going so soon? I really really missed you and you're not leaving until we get to spend some quality time...catching up."

Levy shuddered at the ominous declaration, panic blossoming in her chest as Mirajane caressed her cheek suggestively and barred her only escape from this delipidated hell. She wracked her brain for anything that could help her escape Mirajane's clutches, but in the end, her only solution was to try and reason with her and hope there was some remnant of Mirajane left. Levy's brown eyes stared worriedly up at Mirajane as she blurted out, "Something is seriously wrong, Mira, this isn't like you! Please do-"

"You talk too much," Mirajane murmured as she leaned in and kissed Levy's forehead for a long moment, cutting off the panic-stricken bluenette as she infected her petite body with her demonic magic. Levy's arms dropped to her sides as her body posture slackened, her forehead adorned with a purple lipstick mark that throbbed with an eldritch glow as it emptied her mind and rendered her as little more than a puppet in Mirajane's depraved embrace. Levy merely stared blankly up as Mirajane as her corrupted friend smiled down at her while she twirled a line a pre-cum hanging from her rotund cockhead like a thick rice noodle and plunged it inside her mouth. Despite the curse melting her thoughts into molten slag, Levy shuddered as Mirajane spread the lumpy goo inside her mouth as if it were a treat fed to an obedient animal, her senses choked with its salty taste as her tongue spasmed across the finger swirling against the inside of her cheeks. Mirajane tilted her head and bit her lower lip as she moved behind Levy and wrapped her arms around her, her nostrils flaring as she took in the intoxicating fruity scent wafting off Levy's creamy skin.

"I always imagined it was you that would come," Mirajane whispered in Levy's ear as she ran her hands possessively all over her dress, stopping only to slid her glistening tongue up the side of Levy's neck. "You were always such a good friend. It felt so right blowing my thick, creamy loads thinking about putting bun after bun in your oven."

Emboldened by her perverted confession, Mirajane led Levy like a docile animal to her bed, pushing her over and arranging her petite body so that she was prone on the bed with her ass raised majestically as if forced to offer her jiggling fuckpillows as a tribute. Mirajane's throat rumbled with a seductive purr as she slid her body on top of Levy, brushing a lock of blue hair away from her ear as she hissed another wanton confession inside Levy's ear like a seductive honey that set her own cock throbbing with depraved need. "Nngh, you know how many times I jerked my big fat dick off thinking about running your beautiful face all over the mess I made. mmm...Nothing drains my bloated balls like imagining what it would be like to fuck and lick every part of your gorgeous body."

Levy's nostrils flared as she inhaled the potent musk spewing from the gelatinous globs of lumpy cum sprayed across Mirajane's bed like a wanton web that she found herself enmeshed in. Not even quick glances at Erza's perverted books prepared Levy for the influx of sensations and smells overloaded her brain as Mirajane pulled her lacey panties off and began greedily groping her ass. Mirajane's eyelids hung heavy with intoxication as she groped and kneaded the thick doughy globes of Levy's bubble-ass, her tongue forming thick glistening trails of wanton lust as she licked up the curve of Levy's derriere and tasted the mouthwatering tang of fresh blueberries. Mirajane let out a seductive giggle that caused Levy's pussy to dampen with forbidden lust just before she punctuated her lewd worship with a sharp "smack!" as her raised hand roughly spanked her ass and formed a deliciously red handprint. Levy squealed as she spasmed on the bed, whimpering at the rough foreplay until Mirajane's warm hands parted the thick fleshy spheres of her perfectly proportionate ass and exposed her immaculate asscrack to her half-lidded gaze. Helplessly before the heavenly aroma of ripe blueberries tainting every breath Mirajane took, she pressed her dexterous tongue against the puckered rim of Levy's asshole and buried her glistening muscle as deep as she possibly could inside.

Levy's eyes widened as an immensely pleasurable sensation rolled up her spine and suffused her mind with a strangely relaxing bliss. She still wanted to escape, but that part of her mind was strangely cut off and buried in some distant corner of her head, forcing her to enjoy Mirajane's tongue slithering inside her asshole. Her palms pressed over her mouth as she struggled to restrain a torrent of needy moans aching to make themselves heard. Instead, only Mira's moaning filled the air, followed by her depraved slurping, audible licking, and loud lip-smacking as she relished the divine taste of Levy's ass.

"Be a good loving friend and use Solid Script for me," Mirajane purred as she reluctantly pulled away from Levy's ass only to slide her swollen shaft against Levy's spit-slick backdoor. Levy raised her head in confusion, her thoughts slowly trickling back into her head like a dripping faucet filling a sink, leaving her with a strange sense of smoldering arousal between her legs even if her embarrassment and disgust sought to quench that forbidden heat.

"N-No Mira, you need to stop! This is not right, we need to get help! Erz-" Levy exclaimed as she tried to crawl way, her palms slapping wetly on the cum-plastered sheets as she tried to pull herself forward, only to release a yelp as Mirajane roughly pulled her back in position and roughly spanked her for her disobedience, filling the air with a sharp ringing noise that left Levy gasping at a strange infusion of pain and pleasure permeated her jiggling assglobes.

"I said, Now," Mirajane ordered, her eyes flaring as she connected with Levy's squirming figure and forced her to obey. Levy's eyes widened in fear and shock as her hands moved on their own and caressed the small of her back, her fingers tracing intricate swirls and lines until a golden flare lit the room for a moment as "Anal Whore" tattooed itself in cursive lettering just above Levy's jiggling derriere. Levy's eyes crossed as Mirajane rubbed her girthy shaft up and down the deep valley of her asscrack, causing a maelstrom of pleasure crashing through her body and wrenching a torrent of high-pitched moans from her soft lips.

"Good Girl!" Mirajane moaned out as she leaned in close and whispered more of her depraved confessions in her ear, aching to corrupt her guildmate down to her very core and coat her body in her filthy lumpy cockbroth. "I've always wanted to fuck your ass, Levy. To drown your shitpipe in my cockmilk and force you to squirt it out of your ass for my amusement. I love fucking Good Girls like you…"

Mirajane moaned as she licked up Levy's cheek, punctuating the raunchy gesture with a firm kiss that left a visible lipstick mark plastered against Levy's face like a badge of depravity. Loud "shlick" noises permeated the room as Mirajane hotdogged Levy's ass and groaned at the exquisite feeling of her soft jiggling cheeks massaging the sides of her massive cock like her own personal fleshlight. But soon the temptation to finally penetrate Levy's ass and dump her gooey bounty deep in her sluttified asspipe proved too great. Mirajane shuddered in delight and anticipation as she pressed her bulbous cockhead against Levy's puckered rim, feeling her squirm underneath her as she struggled to make sense of the newfound sensations sliding up her spine like a hot needy wave demanding absolute compliance to milk every drop of mind-melting pleasure. Mirajane grunted as she tried shoving her girth past Levy's clenching pucker, feeling it slowly give way like a fleshy gate overcome by a pulsating battering ram. Levy's mouth opened in a silent scream as a loud "Splort!" echoed around the room as Mirajane buried the head of her girthy shaft inside Levy's tight anal canal.

Levy's eyes rolled up in her head as Mirajane grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her head back as she sunk cock deeper inside her. Levy's first anal orgasm tumbled through her body like a tsunami battering a small island, wiping away her thoughts and replacing them with a carnal bliss undertoned with a depraved desire for more. Pent-up moans poured from Levy's parted lips, mixing with Mirajane's feral grunting as the shemale model finally buried the rest of her massive cock deep inside Levy's ass.

"Your thick ass is such a greedy little fucktoy!" moaned out Mirajane as she reveled in the feeling of Levy's tight anal ring clenching around her veiny girth like a constricting pink maw that inadvertently massaged every inch of her obscene length with a caress softer than silk. The lewd sound of flesh slapping against flesh mixed with the debased "Splorch! Splorch! Splorch!", forming a melody that filled the room as Mirajane thrusted rapidly inside Levy's jiggling rear, her balls slapping wetly against Levy's drooling honeypot as she milked every drop of pleasure she could from the petite bluenette. Levy's tongue lolled out of her mouth as rapid-fire orgasms reduced her to a babbling wreck, torn between pleading for her to pound her slutty ass full of hot throbbing cockmeat and pleading for her to come to her senses. Her perky breasts jiggled wildly as she found herself forced to fuck back, her body enthralled to appease the carnal greed imbued in Mirajane's rapid thrusts. Levy could hear her grunt and cry out as she lodged her engorged shaft deep inside her ass and laid on top of her, pressing her deeper into the bed as she animalistically licked up and down her cheek as hot sticky goo erupted from her cockhead and stuffed her bowels full of the salty cream.

Levy couldn't help herself, she could feel the lewd heat from Mirajane's ejaculations suffuse her body with the sickening realization that she became nothing more than a meat condom for her massive girth, her eyes irresistibly rolling up in her head once more as a mind-melting orgasm tormented her body with spasms of delicious pleasure. Levy's ass sluttily gulped Mirajane's shaft deeper inside her, hugging the tumescent girth like a needy lover as it quaffed down the copious ejaculation with a greed that overcame all of Levy's rational inhibitions. Levy shivered in delight as Mirajane's plump lips parted next to her ear and emitted a torrent of satisfied moaning, filling her dumb-fucked mind with the sound of her passionate orgasm as hot creamy ballbroth squirted out of her ass like a waterfall of ivory sludge that pooled on the bed like melted frosting. Squelching noises filled the room as Mirajane renewed her rapid thrusting, her merciless cadence filling the room with the symphony of her carnal addiction as she sought to turn Levy's thick ass into a dumping ground for her viscous hyper-fertile cockslop. Mirajane moved her upper body away from Levy's spasming figure and pulled on her arms like a pair of reins as she stuffed every inch of her cum-glazed girth inside the slutty bubblegum pink maw of her anus, groaning at the surge of pleasure as her balls rubbed enticingly against Levy's quivering folds. Consumed by the intoxicating ecstasy flaring from her sluttified ass, Levy twerked like a horny bimbo begging for a raunchy fuck, her sweat-oiled ass bouncing back and forth, slapping gently against Mirajane's waist while her anus milked hot globs of salty pre-cum. Levy became an animal, submissive like a pack bitch before a dominant alpha as she transitioned from twerking to fucking back as her body began to crave the destruction of her tight ass. Fragments of perverted fantasies slid like molasses in Levy's fuck-drunk mind, corrupting her as she visualized her gaping ass gushing with Mirajane's sperm like a backed up sewer pipe clogged with pearlescent gunk. That seductive image alone propelled her into a zealous frenzy of twisted perverted thinking that subtly warped Levy's personality.

After all, it's what friends are for, Levy thought in her lust-crazed madness as Mirajane dumped another load of hot gooey cream inside her stuffed asshole, giving her a parody of a pregnant belly as her body struggled to contain the gelatinous sperm. Getting their asses fucked senseless by hot pulsating cock! Getting fucked and fucked and fucked like a dumb Cum-dumpster! I need to help her...I'm too weak to ask the guild...i'll be her rapetoy instead until she drains those big yummy balls in my ass!

Levy's eyes rolled up in her head as her wanton fantasies blended together into a buffet of cocks and cum that sent her careening into a maelstrom of filthy orgasms magnified by the sea of sloshing goo packed in her guts. She felt herself drown in a sea of corrupting seduction, her mind permeated by mind-addling whispers of twisted voices and howls of primal ecstasy. She could dimly feel the sensations pouring through her body like molten lust filling a human fuck-puppet as Mirajane pulled out of her ass and unleashed a howl of ecstasy as she painted her curvy back and thick ass with a thick gooey coating of porcelain-hued fucksludge. Levy's eyes stared blankly into space as she trembled at the heat sinking deliciously into her skin, her tongue mindlessly licking at any stray globs of cold slimy cum that pooled like miniaturized rivers in the terrain of rippling silk bed sheets. Her mouth parted in a silent scream of ecstasy as thick lumpy globs of hot sperm slid out of her ass and splattered all over the bed with a disgusting noise that reverberated in her blissed-out mind and set her loins aching to feel the same debased sensation.

When Levy could finally think again, free of the strange perversion afflicting her body and mind, she found herself laying on top of Mirajane's sweat-oiled body as the white-haired wizard took a long drag from a freshly lit cigarette. She could hear Mirajane's satisfied purring as she released a puff of violet smoke, her head nestled against the curve of her swan-like neck as she gasped for breath and struggled to contain the pleasure and lust permeating her body.

It's finally over, I thought she would never stop fucking my ass! I need to get out of here and warn the guild...she's different now, and unless I do something, I'm just going to wind up as her sex toy! Levy thought as she dug her palms into the bed and pulled her sweaty body off Mirajane's only to feel her graceful arms wrap around her body like a snake coiling around its squirming prey.

"Mmm, now where do you think you're running off to?" Mirajane said playfully, her sultry tone slithering inside Levy's ears like honey, filling her the depraved temptation to simply stay put and enjoy the attention and lewd sex. "I'm not quite finished with you yet…"

Levy merely whimpered as Mirajane rolled her over and laid on top of her, pinning her down on the sperm-splatter sheets as she hugged her close while she winked coyly at her and took another long drag. Levy stared submissively up at her, shuddering as she felt her large breasts press her against the mattress with their size and heft, her lips parted in a silent plea as she begged, "Please stop it Mirajane, you need help! I'm you're friend..n-not your toy! I can't take it anymore, please let me go!

But Mirajane merely smiled and leaned in close, her lips parting just to slide her slender tongue over Levy's lips as she said, "That's exactly why I'm doing this to you. You're my friend...and no one other than you should be my little breeder. Now stop talking, I'm getting hard just hearing you beg…"

Mirajane exhaled and let out a breathy moan as she pressed her lips against Levy and slid her tongue between her slender lips. She moaned as she coiled her dexterous tongue around Levy's, tasting her like a fine wine until her lust got the better of her and led to a series of raunchy kisses that painted levy's lips and her surrounding cheeks with black lipstick marks that drained Levy of her panic and resistance. Levy's dumbly smiled as she kissed back, her mouth parting after each long kiss and revealing her tongue spasming in her mouth as if missing its animalistic playmate. Her eyes were half-lidded and swamped with lust as she coiled her tongue around Mirajane's, her arms wrapped around her and pulling her closer all in the lustful pursuit of kissing her deeper and deeper. Nothing Levy had ever felt, with the exception of getting her ass fucked to a gaping ruin, could ever compare to a heaven like this, to coiling her tongue around Mirajane's and infusing her tastebuds with the heavenly taste of ripe strawberries. By the time Mirajane finally pulled away, Levy succumbed to her inner lust, a giddy smile lighting her lipstick marked face even as Mirajane slapped her stiffened cock against her drooling folds.

"I can't help it...I need to knock you up. Over and over and over-nngh" Mirajane moaned out, her confession lost in the sea of ecstasy thundering from her veiny girth as she lifted Levy's hips and slammed her engorged shemale cock deep inside her slick honeypot. Levy tilted her head back and groaned, her perky tits bouncing on her petite frame as she struggled not to orgasm right then and there. Mirajane groaned as she pushed Levy's legs forward, placing both of her knees on either side of her head as she drilled her cock as deep as it would go, all in the pursuit to feel her love tunnel clamp down on her shaft and milk it for each searing squirt of fertile honey. Despite being reduced to a primal animal hellbent on breeding and knocking up her friend, Mirajane laughed like a fuck-sick maniac as she pierced past Levy's cervix and relished the sacred head of her womb. Mirajane surrendered to her primal instincts raging through her bloated balls, lost in their demands as they yearned to dump their syrupy bounty deep within the smoldering furnace of Levy's womb and drown her ovaries in legions of its corrupted sperm. This was what she wanted more than anything, more than being on Sorcerer Magazine, more than jacking off her own dick and pouring her creamy load all over her lavish bed, more than dominating her friends and twisting them to server her carnal demands. Mirajane knew all she wanted, all she desired, was to breed.

Mirajane's thrust grew more feral as she hammered inside Levy's cunt and purred like an animal in heat, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and drooling her saliva all over Levy's sweat-coated body. Her groans transformed into needy howls that rattled the walls as her balls churned their syrupy sludge and propelled it up the massive shaft and directly inside Levy's womb, drowning her ovaries in seconds as hot lumpy squirts filled her womb within moments. Levy's eyes rolled up in her head as she surrendered completely to her new life, driven over the edge of her sanity by the feeling of Mirajane's sperm sliding inside her eggs and invading her sacred spheres. A fuck-drunk smile glossed her lipstick marked face as Levy opened her mouth in a silent plea for more raunchy kisses. But Mirajane was lost in an ecstasy of her own, her eyes fluttering closed as her copious ejaculation robbed her of any thought and feeling that wasn't related to dumping her genetic bounty deep inside her friend.

By the time Mirajane came to, Levy's pussy gushed with her hot alabaster ballbroth, forming a thick deluge of hot cum that pooled between their bodies like freshly churned cream as levy's cum-drowned cunt frothed at the folds with Mirajane's prodigious ejaculation. Mirajane nuzzled against her cumdump, her broodmare, her meat condom, her friend, and her everything and slid her tongue between her lips; testing her compliance and relishing in her adorable submission until the two friends lost themselves in the demonic corruption twisting and warping everything around them. So consumed by the mind-altering lust consuming their bodies, Mira barely noticed the days that went by as she fucked Levy senseless to sate her own curse permeating her body with its eldritch machinations.

She didn't care anymore, not until Levy learned what it truly meant to play with demons like she did.

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