Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 127 - Fairy tail in trouble with Demons 8

Chapter 127 - Fairy tail in trouble with Demons 8

Looking around did Jackal see four humans trembling in fear looking at(For sake of writing while Jackal is in control of Lucy's body I'm referring to him as a female.) her. Looking further did she notice the horde of demons threatening to slaughter them all. "You know up till now I've let this body of mine get fucked." Cracking her neck. "Now I think its time I did the fucking." Reaching for the ring of keys attached to her belt.

Simply hearing the words escaping from Lucy's lips the remaining Fairy Tail members knew it wasn't their Nakama in control, and Samantha wasn't lying about there being a demon within.

Holding a silver key in hand swiping it in the air. "Open Gate of the Lyre: Lyra, Open!"

Instead of gentle looking blonde harp player dressed in a more traditional blue dress appeared A woman dressed in black tight ripped punk clothing with green spiked hair with a sleek black guitar in hand. "What would you like Mistress?" Fingers itching to start rocking the guitar.

"Disturbed: Down with the Sickness!" The demon requested to be played which Lyra began to play and sing the song(if you want open up a new tab with youtube and get the song fired up while you continue to read) imitating the artists male voice. Now grabbing a gold key now that she had background music playing. "Open Gate of the Archer: Sagittarius, Open!"

Much like Lyra had come forth in a new appearance so did Sagittarius. Instead of a man dressed in a horse costume did a Centaur appear with a long black horse body with a human's top half coming from where the horses head should. The man's body heavily muscled only covered by a single leather strap holding his quiver of arrows attached to his back, bow already in hand. "Moshi!" Taking in his surrounding with red piercing eyes.

"Kill them all!" Jackal ordered as she slapped her hand on the quiver filled with arrows.

Drawing several arrows to fire them on his bow. "As you wish, Moshi!" Firing numerous arrows in rapid succession.

Clapping his hands together seeing a number of arrows heading his way. "Ice-Make: Shield." Gray creating a ten foot wide shield of ice to protect them from the arrows fired at them.

"Not enough!" Samantha shouted grabbing Cana and Wendy to pull them back while kicking Gray down onto the ground to make him a smaller target.

Upon impact the arrows exploded shattering the shield into chunks. Then again that was only four of the arrows. Nearly all the others had pierced straight through demons and then exploding taking out any others close to the shots fired. The once peaceful forest instantly caught fire filling the air with heat, smoke, and ash.

All the three Fairy Tail mages were stunned. seeing all the damage done. Let alone that it was all coming from Lucy, no the demon using her body to do its bidding.

Samantha store at the blonde woman intensely. "Its combining both its powers with its hosts so naturally." She'd only ever heard the powers the higher demons possessed. Never did she imagine such power, let alone coming from a body that wasn't its own.

Unsure what to call her former partner. "It took out nearly half of the demons." Cana in awe of how much damage had been caused by that volley of explosive arrow. The craters created at the base of Gray's shield. Several trees decimated, bodies of killed demons littering the ground, and smoke starting to surround them from the fires caused from the explosions.

Seeing the same things as Cana. "So this is the power of one of the nine demon gates!" Gray said knowing seven more of them were still out there. Now beginning to wonder if this fight could ever be won by humans.

"LUCY! PLEASE WAKE UP!" Wendy begged not wishing to see anymore bloodshed.

Seeing the remaining demons turning their attention to her. "Sorry little girl, but that sluts not home right now." Dismissing Sagittarius before grabbing a second key. "The names Jackal!" Staring at the humans. "Open Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus, Open!"

Before them stood a twelve foot tall Minotaur with a thick black hide wearing only a loin cloth to cover it neither region. Its long horns ending a foot in front of its head that looked like they could shred through solid steal. Even more freighting was the great battle ax it held that was as long as it was tall that it charged the lesser demons slicing through four of them with a single powerful swing. "NNNNNNGGGGG!" The spirit snarled looking around at the demons beginning to show it fear.

Noticing her lesser brethren realizing it wiser to attack her instead of the raging bull. "Looks like I just have to call out another spirit." Walking backwards grabbing her third gold key. "Open Gate of the Giant Crab: Cancer, Open!"

Standing between its master and those wishing her harm did a crab nearly as big as Taurus appear. Its blood red shell covered in intimidating spikes. Reaching forward did it grab a tree with a demon in front of it. In one snap of its great pincers did it cut through flesh, bone, and tree like it was nothing.

Body trembling in excitement from what she was witnessing. "Brutal!" Enjoying the handy work of her new celestial spirits turned demon. "Hahahahaha!" Laughing maniacally through the woman he controlled.

All through out the blazing battle field could the cries of the demons be heard screaming in agony as the two celestial demons laid waist to them. Only two noise were trumping those screams. Lyra's singing, and the maniacal laughter escaping from Lucy's possessed lips as Jackal took pleasure witnessing the slaughter she was in control of.

All while this was going on the three members of Fairy Tail hurried to move Laxus's body out of harms way before any attempts to wake up their other blonde Nakama. Once secured did they run back as soon as they could.

Meanwhile Samantha took in everything that was going on. She was told of the cruelty of these creatures, but never did she think it would be this intense. Still it was her duty to slay them, and with the weaker ones nearly all gone soon all that would be left was One of the Nine Gates. "I'm sorry Lucy." Tightening the grip she had on her knife and revolver that only had three shots to it. "But I have to kill the Demon...Even if it takes you with it."

The combo of Sagittarius's arrows, and Taurus's and Cancer's brute strength had wiped out all of its lesser brethren in the burning battle field. "Now its just you four." Seeing the purple haired woman never moved while the other three humans were running to rejoin the fight. Dismissing the two spirits while turning her all her attention to the four humans.

"Lucy..." Gray yelled while running with Wendy and Cana close behind him to try to talk her down only to see the purple-haired woman charge in on her.

"So you wanna die first." Waving her hand to cause a chain of explosions at the charging woman.

Only Samantha was faster than anticipated and closed the distance taking a swing with her knife that managed to cut through the clothing around the blondes right shoulder making her small vest fall off leaving her only in a white tube top.

"Too close." Slapping her hand on the other woman's chest placing an exploding ruin on her. "Goodbye." Jumping back as the bomb went off. Seeing the bomb she had placed never went off. "How?" Only instead of feeling the blood lust raise did a burning pain fill her left shoulder as it was shot through sending major jolts of pain through the humans more fragile body.

"I'm a Devil-Slayer." She announced proudly touching where the ruin was placed with her knife hand(left). "I know how to counter basic curses like this." Her left hand glowing white to dispel the exploding ruin off her chest.

"AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Jackal screamed out in pain from getting shot in the shoulder. Grabbing at the wound stumbling backward into a burning trees.

As it was screaming in pain the Slayer walked up to it keeping the two-shot aimed between her eyes. "Please forgive me Lucy." Taping her forehead, center of her chest, left shoulder, and finally the right shoulder in quick succession. "May you find Piece." Pulling the trigger.

'Not like this!' Screaming at its possessed body to move out of the way.

"ICE-MAKE: SHIELD!" Gray cast the spell between the two women just in time to save Lucy from the bullet.

"Son of a Biscuit!" Jumping back pissed that one of her precious bullets had been wasted. Not taking her eyes off her target she anticipated when the demon would show itself. Only she felt two cold strong hands grabbing her by her boobs from behind trying to pull her in. "KYA!" Turning to stab whoever grabbed her. "Pervert." Missing her mark seeing it was Gray who grabbed her.

Realizing what he grabbed his face would have gone red if not for the situation. "I can't let you kill Lucy." Defending his actions. "I want to stop whatever is possessing her, but I won't allow another one of my Nakama to die."

Letting the two other women run past her to battle the Tartarus member while she began to argue with the male. "Your Nakama is as good as dead already!" She yelled hearing explosions and magical attacks being shouted behind her.

"Don't you dare say that!" Ready to fight her if necessary, even if he did owe her his life.

"She's possessed by a demon for Fudges sake." Nearly cutting him with her knife while the moved her hands as she talked.

"She's still my friend." Knowing Lucy had to be stopped. "Can't you exercise the demon without killing Lucy?" Hopping that Jackal could be expelled.

"I don't nearly have enough spiritual energy left to exercise something this powerful." Pointing out all the destruction caused by the sole demon.

"AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGG!" Unsure who's scream that was between Jackal, Cana, or Wendy.

"And the longer I wait for my energy to come back the more its curse will built up and be able to fight me back." Pause "It'll kill us if we don't kill it!"

"Only someone who doesn't care about life can say that!" Gray yelled angrily at her having learned the hard way just how precious life is and just how necessary it is to fight for it. Only for some reason did he notice tears falling down her face.

"You think I want to kill you friend Lucy?" Samantha no longer yelled. Turning around did she see the combo of Cana and Wendy using their magic in attempts to fight Jackal while trying not to hurting Lucy.

Watching the fight as well did he notice that the Slayer beside him began to tremble.

"I hate my magic." Seeing her fellow Slayer battle with a fierce demonic goat like demon that Capricorn had become while the Card-Mage fought a heavily armored black scorpion that must be Scorpio. "It forces me to kill when I don't want to."

Gray had seen a couple sides of this strange woman since he meet her ten or twelve hours ago. A fierce fighter, a healer curing the curse on Laxus, and a goofier side of her while eating. This time did he see the true Samantha. A girl just younger than Lucy who hates to fight with a magic she was forced to learn. A magic that went against her vary being that forced her to kill. A magic she learned long ago that would one day be needed. A day that to her was a nightmare looming over her. A nightmare she was forced to share with him knowing the enemy was an all powerful demon army.

"I don't want to kill Lucy." Cocking back the hammer of her revolver with a shaky hand. "But I can't allow her to use this kind of power on others." Taking aim on the demon that was focusing on the two female Fairy Tail wizards. Only before she had the shot did she see the raven-haired man step in front of her completely topless except for his silver necklace.

Feeling hot tears running down her cheeks getting warmer and warmer seeing the mans muscular back. "This is one Demon that you won't have to kill its host." Voice oozing with confidence.

"Gray?" Wanting to believe what he said.

"It can't fight back if I knock it out." Charging in to help his Nakama fight the demonic celestial spirits. Jumping over the blue haired girl. "Wendy!" Punching Capricorn back. "Ice-Make: Frozen Excalibur!" Charging in the Goat Demon charging him.

Catching onto his plan instantly the young slayer began to chant. "Power of the stout arms that tears heaven... ARMS.." Wendy Casting an enchantment on her Nakama allowing him to slice through the spirit with one powerful swing to send it back to the celestial realm.

"Keep going." He ordered seeing Cana was on the ropes against Scorpio who had her pinned down ready to sting her with its massive black tail.

Placing a second enchantment of him. "Fast wind that run the heaven... VERNIER..."

Watching that deadly tail coming down at her in what felt like slow motion did Cana shut her eyes anticipating the deadly blow. Only not only did if never come she felt the giant scorpion remove its weight from her. Opening her eyes did she see not only its tail removed, but a frozen blade impaled through its thick exoskeleton that soon vanished from this plane of existence. turning around as she stood up did she see a glowing Gray between her and Lucy. "Gray."

"Looks like someone is ready to fight." Jackal relishing the defiant look in the human's eyes. "Maybe you can show me what this new body of mine is capable of..." Before finishing did he move so fast she couldn't see him getting right in front of her.

"Sorry." He whispered before punching the woman he considered a younger sister square on the jaw as hard as he could. So hard he heard and felt something pop in his right hand that he hit her with. Gray had no problem hitting women when necessary, but this time he felt horrible having to hurt his Nakama's body to knock out the demons controlling it.

"Whoa!" Jackal groaned not believing how hard she was punched right then. Failing a couple of times to get back to her feet "What happened."

"You picked a bad person to possess in this kind of fight." He said behind the stumbling woman punching her again with the same hand this time knowing he broke something in his hand as he watched the blonde's body bounce on the ground a couple of times before landing. "In terms of magic Lucy is on the same level as me, but when it come to hand to hand we're worlds apart." He claimed as he now stood over her body after walking to it to look into a set of violent looking brown eyes. "You're going to give Lucy her body back!"

Both Cana and Wendy looked away from the scene just before the Ice-Mage landed the first punch. But that didn't stop them from cringing when they heard the impacts made from the punches and Lucy's body being rag-dolled on the ground of the burning forest.

Samantha watched in amazement of his work having believed him incapable of doing what was necessary. Now she was seeing the real Gray. A man capable of doing whatever task needed to be completed to save the ones he cared for. "He's going to save her." Wanting to believe what she just said.

Barely holding onto its conscious as Jackal's vision darkened starring up at the Ice-Wizard. 'Silver?' Weakly raising her arms up. "Never." Letting it drop to the ground. "Virgo."

Out of the ground burst a gorilla esc woman dressed in a maids uniform picking up its master in its massive arms. "It's been done Hime!" Virgo spoke with a deep husky voice. Turning its back to the mages as the ground below them began to glow red.

None of the Fairy Tail members had time to react. Samantha having seen the same glow on her chest minutes ago came to realize that the giant maid had dug an explosive ruin underneath them the entire time they had been fighting. Dropping her knife and gun did she make her hands glow white hoping to dispel the ruin only her hands never touched the ground.


(If Disturbed's 'Down with the Sickness is still playing turn it off as Lyra is now gone.)

The explosive ruin below them decimated everything around them turning the once beautiful forest into a pile of rubble sprinkled in ash as the smoke was slowly staring to dissipate. Through using all of her magic Wendy cast a defensive spell on Gray, Lucy, Cana, Samantha, and Herself helping them to survive the deadly explosion completely exhausting her small body.

Being the furthest away Samantha was the first to raise. That is until her left leg gave out on her as it had been banged up the hardest to the point of it bleeding through her long black socks. Unable to see though the smoke from the explosion she could sense the weakened demon who caused it in the area.

Gray was the next to wake up. Only he was unable to get up, but not due to injury. He had his legs nearly get crushed under the heavy boulder that had him pinned down. Slowly he waited for the smoke to clear to see. After a few second of waiting did he see something that looked like a horror scene only it was real.

Being the last to wake up Cana's vision slowly came back into focus. Waking up on her side did she see a pair of slender legs standing right in front of her. Looking up those set of legs to see they belonged to Lucy. Still looking up did she the infuriated murderous intent in what used to be gentle brown eyes. "Lu..." Stopping when she felt hot red ruins beginning to cover her entire body.

"Cana!" Gray wanting desperately to save his former lover, but the weight of the debris covering his body was too much. More desperation he tried to launch an Ice-Spear that most likely would kill its target only all his magic was all gone.

Unlike Gray Samantha wasn't buried, but with her leg there was no way she could help her in time. looking for her gun did she see it two feet away from the brunette's long hair. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus..." She began to chant hoping that she hand somehow recovered enough spiritual energy to exercise what must have been a severely weakened demon.

"Cana!" Lucy somehow managing to take back control of her body. Only she was unable to stop the explosion her inner demon created to kill her dear friend. She was now forced to witness Cana get blown into oblivion strapped into a front row seat.


The explosion was short and nowhere as powerful as the last, but never had a time passed so slowly in all of existence. The smoke much like the explosion faded fast. All eyes hopping beyond hope Cana had somehow escaped. Only there wasn't a single sign of the brunette to be seen.

Wendy still unconscious didn't see what happened.

Gray couldn't believe it. Only hours after witnessing his current lover be incinerated was he now forced to see his first love be taken out the exact same way. What little was left keeping him together finally broke no longer caring if he lived or died. "Cana!" Screaming out in pain more so for the death of the woman than his crushed legs once he let the rocks go so he could wipe his cascading tears. 'Could I have saved you?' Wondering what could have been if he had let Samantha do her job. Knowing the blood of Cana's death was as much on his hands as it was Lucy's.

What Lucy would have wiped under the floor as a bad memory replayed itself over and over again in her mind just like the entire week about sleeping with random guys. Only she knew that it was no nightmare. Her precious celestial spirits were forced to give up what made them, them and forced to savage demons instead of her guardian angels. The cruelty and pain she put her few remaining Nakama through. Finally taking back control of her body only to see Cana's last moment alive. Falling to all fours she all but buried her face into the ash covering the ground. "What have I done?" She wailed.

Memories of their partnership during the S-Class trials that later turned into the war with Gimoir Heart. How they fought to stay alive together, How they worked to make Cana's dreams become true, How she had given her friend the courage to give it one more chance, How she finally revealed herself to Gildartz about being her daughter. Now here she was ending whatever the future had for her.

Tears streaming so hard she couldn't see. "CANA!" Screaming to the heaven for her friend who was sent there far too soon. Sobs blocking out all noise around her. "Cana I'm so sorry." Feeling all of the blood of her death bathing her skin.

Seeing all the guilt running through the blonde as the purplette crawled her way to the gun that was just over a yard away from the blonde. Slowly and painfully she managed to get to it, pick it up, and aim the final bullet at the weeping woman. Every fiber of her being ordering her to pull the trigger. Urging herself to her feet she did so and kicked the grieving woman from a kneeling position to her back re-aiming the shot.

The pain of being kicked on her shot shoulder didn't even register to her. Hell she could barely see who kicked her from how heavy the tears were. Slowly though did she see the barrel of a silver gun aimed right at her. Feeling like she no longer deserved to live after what she had done did she spread her limbs out to make herself as easy to hit as possible. "Do it!" She begged the owner of the gun looking into but not seeing the conflict in her confused black eyes.

The longer she store at the human the demon had possessed the harder and harder it became for her to pull the trigger. As much as she hated to kill it was easy to do it when the eyes looking back into her own were filled with evil intent. Only this time did she look into the eyes of someone who had lost all of her innocence to the demon who had taken her. Only twice in her seventeen years of life had she had to kill someone possessed by a demon like this. Both times the unfortunate souls begged them not to kill them as the demon hoped it would be enough for her to spare it. This time however the demon's victim was begging her to end it. Only this time she couldn't do it. Samantha Stonewall the last living Demon-Slayer couldn't kill the demon.

Lucy looked up at Samantha as she put her gun back in the holster. "What's going to happen to me?" She asked watching her pull out a pair of hand cuffs with inscriptions etched all over them. Knowing what the intent was she gave her arms to the woman who should have given her the sixth bullet instead. Hearing the cuff click around her wrists. "What's going to happen to me?" She asked again.

"I don't know." All she knew for sure was that she couldn't kill innocent human Lucy to save her from cruel demon Jackal. Looking over did she see Gray in the same state as the blonde, and over once more to see Wendy still out of it, finally using the vary last of her spiritual energy she could feel Laxus breathing just fine unaware of everything that had been taken from him in the last twenty-four hours. "I just don't know."

On the vary edge of the forest spared from all the destructive powers of the possessed Celestial-Mage stood the being that had watched the whole ordeal since Magnolia's bombing. All of its killing intent now simmered away. "So that's what They're like." Turning from the destroyed acres of forest no longer burning. "I guess I can head back to Tartarus now." Jumping into and soon from tree to tree heading towards the giant floating cube miles away from him. "I'm coming home, Mother."