Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 120 - Fairy tail in trouble with Demons 1

Chapter 120 - Fairy tail in trouble with Demons 1

"You sure can take quite a beating Little Robin." Kyouka grinning evilly taking pride in how she had damaged that once beautiful human body with little damage to the face. The demon only wanted pain filled expressions ruin that face. "How much more can you take before you go into shock, or just die from all the pain. Just tell me where Jellal is and I'll let you and your friend go."

"Ne-ver." Blood pooling on the edges of Erza's lips. "Let Mira go." Concerned for her Nakama, and what her captors are doing to her. It might only have been a few days since being taken captive, but if felt like all this pain and torture has been going on for months on end. Currently the only blood leaving her body was from her mouth. Her once fair skin now littered with bruises, and several scars that had long stopped bleeding.

The demon was actually getting a little concerned. 'She really will die if any more pain is inflicted on her body.' Having nearly maxed out her sensitivity to pain. 'She's our best bet in finding Jellal so she can't die yet. Perhaps a different form of torture is necessary to break this one.'

"What's next?" Never letting her defiance disappear as her pain racked body was only being held up by her numb bound arms.

Raising her hand showing a glare of pure hatred as opposed to her calm calculating one.

Closing her eyes the Fairy Tail mage braced herself for the blow. Only it didn't hit her. No she felt the hand only it was caressing her cheek. Opening up her eyes did she see the demon smiling at her sweetly.

"Clearly I can't break you down with the typical form of torture even with your body so acute to pain." Leaning her face in until her lips touched her victims lips.

If she had any strength left in her she would have torn those lips off with her teeth. All she could do was dangle there confused wondering what was to come next. The thing really puzzling her was why those damned lips felt so good pressed to her own.

Separating from the human. "Perhaps a different form a torture in necessary for you Little Robin."

Before she could question it did Titania feel a gloved talon-like hand grab and begin fondle her left boob. Immediately she started to feel major bliss she normally wouldn't have felt without more foreplay.

"Like instead of intensifying the pain you feel I'll intensify how sensitive you are to more intimate touch." Enjoying the beginning of the war between mind and body as the humans face would relax for a second in enjoyment only to squinch up in defiance to deny what her body felt and would come to crave.

"Do yo-your wor-worst." Not believing how sensitive she had become to such simple touch.

"For someone who has yet to bear any children you sure do have a couple of large tits." Roughly rubbing it in a large circular motion. "My Little Robin."

Half biting down on her tongue to hold back moans her body was forcing her to make. "St-Stop." Face heating up from her breast being fondled and squeezed.

"Feeling sensitive are we?" Grabbing hold of the other one with her empty hand. "Seems you've had experienced with this before." Quickly spotting the captured Fairy biting down on her lips. "I wonder how long you can fight my touch with me heightening your sense of pleasure instead of pain the longer we go?"

"Go T-To Hellllllllll!" Mind trying to keep her defiant as her body wanted to give into its base desires.

"Tell me where Jellal is and I will stop." Taking a long lick of the redheads neck from base to the tip of her ear.

Utterly disgusted from being licked feeling shiver going down her spine. "Fu-Fuck yo-you!" Feeling her nipples being teased around the edge making them harden up.

"No Little Robin." Lowering herself until her eyes where level with the naked woman's large bosoms. "I'm going to Fuck you until you love me...Or tell me where Jellal is." Licking the right nipple a few times to harden it up before latching onto it to suck on it.

"St-Stop it." Nearly giggling from the building bliss growing in/on her boobs. One being massaged while the other being sucked/slobbered on by the demon torturer. Words going on deaf ears as they were getting worked on even harder now feeling teeth brushing her hardened buds.

"You taste like metal and blood. Humans don't usually like that metallic taste because how similar it tastes to blood. We demons on the other hand find it intoxicating." Switching up what she was doing the each booby.

Eventually the pleasure got to a point Erza could no longer suppress her moans. "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Cumming only from her tits being played with.

"Tell me where he is!" Kyouka knew her victim wouldn't break so soon. The main thing was letting her know she was more than willing to keep this up in order to get what she wanted. The demon always got what she wanted. "Do so and I'll let him fuck you before I kill him."

"I don't know where he is." Already feeling dirty she wondered just how dirty she would be feeling if the demon kept on defiling her. "And even if I did I would never tell you." Leaning as close to the demon as she could. "I'd rather die than betray someone I love." Face matching the devotion in her voice.

Grinning from what she just heard. "I'm really going to enjoy tearing those broken wings off of you Little Robin." Hovering her lips over the redheads left ear. "Unlike basic torture methods I can keep this up without having to worry about you dying on me." Placing her left palm in the middle of her cleavage and slowly and sensually sliding it down toward her neither region.

Despite what she was telling her body it shivered with anticipation for more of the demon's touch. Eye shooting open when she felt that same hand cup over her vagina. "You won't get anything from me."

"I'll get you to tell me what I want to know." Doubling the mage's sensitivity to pleasure before rubbing those moistening lip with her middle and index fingers. "I'll turn you into a full fledged whore with pleasure if thats what it takes" Shoving not one both fingers inside the woman.

Feeling an electrical tingle intensifying in her core that shot all the way up her spine. "Do-Don't yo-ou da-a-re." Erza threatened as her body shivered from the two intruding fingers started to not only pump in and out, but also wriggle around inside.

"Hmmm. Interesting." Kyouka enjoying the redhead squirm from her touch. "From what I've collected on you I thought you'd be a virgin." Not feeling a hymen as her fingers worked their magic. "Guess this bird got a thrill of flight before I ever got a chance to see it soar for the first time first hand."

"So, so wh-hat?" True she wasn't 'pure', but she was by no means a slut like she was being made out to be. It was her code. If she was with someone in an intimate manner she'd only be with them until they were over with each other.

"What was his name." Rubbing harder on the inner walls feeling her finger getting wetter and wetter as they tightened down around her appendages.

"No-none of your bu-business." Being as defiant as possible through breath hitching as the pleasure she was being forced to feel kept on building and spiking.

"Tell me the man's name who made you a woman." Pressing her thumb down on the clit to massage it to further heighten the stimulation.

Biting her tongue down the equip mage refused to answer such a question. Only the longer she defied the harder it became as the demon quickly bringing her to orgasm. Something she refused to do with those filthy fingers of hers. "MMMMnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNN!" Her defiant wall crumbling down with the sensation doubling.

"Tell Me!"

Fighting as long as she could, but couldn't hold it in any longer once she reached her high. "NATSU!" Screaming the man's name out who she first had sex with as she orgasmed for the second time. "NATSU DRAGNEEL!" Yes Erza's first sexual partner was her lovable pink-haired idiot of a Nakama. In truth all the relationship between the two was purely physical, only using the other to cope with the loss of their first loves Lisanna and Jellal. No one in the guild ever found out as they continued to act as they always did when around others. That was until Natsu had brought Lucy to the guild the sex stopped between the two as they slowly started their relationship. This left Erza in a slump until forced to relive her nightmares in the Tower of Heaven a few months later were she came to terms she was in love with Jellal making her incapable of killing him. In the final minute of the Tower she believed Jellal died only to later be imprisoned after the whole Nirvana situation. Just when she was ready to let him finally go did the two of them finally have their night together. Due to his circumstances with the law they aren't able to be together vary often, but when they get it they cherish every second of it and each other.

Kyouka grinned at finally breaking the human down. "So you can be broken Little Robin." Hand drenched after the woman let out her love juices on release. Licking her talon-like finger. "You taste nice." Leaning down brushing those scarlet locks back so she could suck on her elegant neck.

Erza looked away having lost her first battle of will, leaving her neck even more exposed in the process. Hating it even more now that both women now knew that the great Titania could be broken by this means of torture. Still she was no where near ready to give in. "You're going to need more than those wretched fingers and lips of yours to break me again." Even though the only thing keeping her up at the moment was those damned chains sealing her magic away. If not for them she'd be lying on the floor riding out her release as soft thrilling kisses showered her neck.

"That's fine by me." Speaking in between kisses on the humans neck. "I have something else I wanted to use to break you down." Reaching down to her dominnex skin tight suit she removed the crotch area leaving her bottomless with the leggings falling down her slender bird like legs.

"Wh-What the Hell is th-that!" Not believing what she just saw.

"Like what you see do you little robin?" Kyouka now holding a rock hard girthy ten-inch dick in her hand.

"Yo-You're a-a?" Really beginning to fear what she would be put through to spill her secrets to this devil woman. Body betraying her as more of her nectar poured out of her pussy and down her weakened legs.

"I'm the best of both worlds." The tormentor grinned lifting up her ball sack to reveal her own pussy to her victim. Looking down between the humans leg she could see the mere sight of her cock had gotten her more aroused as the juice were just coming out now. "Without your hymen, and how ready your body is I could put this inside you in one quick thrust."

Fear and disgust quickly took over as she thrashed around doing everything she could to break the chains to get away. That came to an end when both her legs were pick up leaving only her dangling by her bound arms now taking on her full weight. "I'm going to kill you!" Felling her entrance being poked at making her body shiver with anticipation.

Grinning evilly. "No you won't" Shoving her entire length in in one violent trust. Once fully embedded Kyouka felt her lower body get drenched. "What a lewd woman you are Erza. Cumming when all I've done is become one with you." Using her curse in the opposite way on herself she was with Erza so she could fuck her senseless.

'How many more times will my body betray me?' Tightening down around that demonic cock that made her cum simply by having it enter her body. Little did she know her sensitivity was periodically being increased the longer she refused to give her lovers whereabouts.

"Just give in Little Robin." Pulling back. "Give into your lust and tell me Jellal's locations as I give you a glimpse of your heaven." Plunging back in setting a pace that normally would have made a regular woman cry out in pain, but thanks to her magic only the euphoria of sex would be felt without any pain.

"I'll...Never...Tell...You...Anything." Erza panted heavily feeling that demonic cock digging deeper and deeper inside her. Eventually the motion caused her boobs to bounce up and down. "I'll... Never...Betray...My...Loved...Ones!" Legs involuntarily wrapping around the demon raping her.

Caressing the inside of those legs trying to match up to the rhythm she'd set. "We'll well past that point now little Robin." Kyouka said fully enjoying her newest victims face squirm defiantly with each thrust despite the body doing its best to fulfill its lustful needs for several minutes.

Erza's sanity began to dwindle away the longer she was being raped. 'I can't cum from this!' Body willingly allowing the invading cock to ravish it bringing it into a string of continual orgasms.

For Kyouka it had been such a long time she'd had need to use sex to break someone down she had forgot how wonderful it was to have a pussy squeezing around her begging for more bringing it to numerous releases before ever getting its own. Then again thanks to her curse she could control her own sensitivity as well allowing her to last as long as she wanted to last. "I think I'm about ready."

Before she could even ask did she feel it swelling up inside her. "Don't!" Begging like he life depended on it. Her legs on the other hand did their best to make sure it got its release.

"You're in no position to tell me what to do." Picking up her pace ready to cum for the first time with her latest victim.

Fear running rampant through the redheads mind as her body was betraying her feeling yet another orgasm fast approaching, promising to be the strongest one she'd ever had. "JELLAL!" Pretty much begging for forgiveness as she moaned at the top of her heaving lungs expecting for hot semen to enter her. That feeling never came as she soon felt hollow. "Wh-What...Ow" Feeling boiling seed being sprayed all over her front.

"Oh its not yet time for that Little Robin." Kyouka enjoying the sight before her as she continued to stroke her still rock hard cock. "That's what you humans would call a warning shot." Smirking oh so venomously.

Erza barely catching on to what she was being told as her orgasms were excruciatingly slowly dying down, and slowly getting her senses back to be able to think. To say she felt violated right now would be the understatement of the millennium. She felt repulsed feeling that cruel demons seed slowly dripping down her beaten pale skin. Yet at the same time she knew her mind would be broken if she was forced to go through that again. Hell if not for those magically draining shackles on her wrists holding her back her body would be on Kyouka begging for that second go around.

Breaking the chain but not the shackles the human fell onto her curvy ass. "How did that feel?" Mocking the human with a grin pointing her still erect ten inch fat cock in her face.

Erza found herself staring at that bulbous cock-head still leaking white hot seed. The longer she store at it the more she wanted it back inside of her. With what little will she had left she looked away from the masked woman's 'manhood'. As fucked up as the whole situation was that was the strongest orgasm she had ever had, yet still it had yet to simmer down at all. Even though she never wanted to be touched that way again her body felt it could be taken to an even higher euphoria.

"I'll take that defiant silence as the best you've ever had." Crouching down to lick her victims cheek earning a quick sexy moan. "And I'm only getting started with you." Forcing the redhead to look at her she Claimed those red lips

Still riding her string of highs Erza's body acted on its own kissing back. For the first time since escaping the Tower of Heaven she had become fully dominated, only this time she liked it. Next thing she knew she was on her back with Kyouka's larger breasts smashing down on her own still kissing that damned demon like she was the love of her life.

"At this rate you'll do whatever it is I want you to do so long as I fuck you in the end." Feeling yet another human turning into putty in her hands to mold however she wanted.

'She's right.' For the first time knowing her pride would completely vanish if she got fucked like that again.

"I bet you'd feel even better if I came inside you this time." Lining her demonic cock with the human pussy.

Thinking back to her previous sexual encounters she quickly agreed with Kyouka. She only ever let Natsu and Jellal cum inside her on safe days, and it always felt so much better when they didn't pull out. 'No Stop!' Screaming at her body to fight back however it could. Not wanting to become a slave to either this fucking demon, or the pleasure corrupting her.

"You want me don't you." Kyouka's voice bleeding lust. "You want me to fuck you again." Only inserting the head. "You want me to fill you with my seed don't you Little Robin."

And that was it. Erza's mind broke not from the sex, but from the want of having it. "Yes! Yes! YES!" What little shame she felt in her utter defeat soon was replaced with the thoughts of how she would be fucked this time around. "Make this Little Robin yours. Fill me with your seed."

Grinning that she broke the human so soon. Then again she still had yet to meet one human who could resist her sexual torture for very long. "Well then if you really want to be mine." Reaching down south she placed a talon like hand just under the her slaves bellybutton.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Letting out her loudest moan yet feeling her insides melting from whatever her master had done to her. "I want to be yours and only yours!" Now more than ever wanting to have sex.

"Then you'll have no problem bearing my children." Removing not only her top finally revealing her own glorious tits to her lover, but also her breath takingly beautiful face as her long dark blonde hair fell down her back. "Will you?" Halfway inserting her penis feeling the human's tightness welcoming her back in.

"Wh-What?" Somehow regaining her senses, but not control of her body. 'Am I about to be impregnated with this demon's child.' She asked herself fearfully as her womb was begging for seed to drench it. At the same time that fear increased her excitement levels in her making her want it even more. "N-No I'd never."

"But isn't that the reason two being have sex." Slowly getting the rest of herself back inside. "To make a baby." Leaning down to kiss Erza's lips passionately while massaging both sets of boobs with the others.

Breaking away from the kiss. "I'll never have a demon's baby." Trying to squeeze that now disguising thing out of her, or so she thought only feeling her pussy trying to milk it instead.

"It comes down to this simple choice for you little robin." Beginning the second round with her newest love-slave. "Either tell me where Jellal is, or be prepared to give birth to my demon children till your body is unable to do so like I've done to so many other." Using her own curse on herself to speed up the process instead of numbing it like last time.

Fear shooting throughout Erza's entire being feeling a set of orgasms about to happen for both women. "Don't cum inside me!"

"But you just begged me to not so long ago." Kyouka looking hurt by the change of heart.

"I changed my mind." Unable to move her body she had to do her best to stop her with only words.

"Breaking a promise you made to a demon." She tsked. "That will cost you greatly for a demon to ignore a promise a human made to it." Knowing her victory would soon be in hand.

The once proud Fairy Tail mage knew what the price would be for not being impregnated.

"Tell me where Jellal is or bear your first of many demon children with your master Kyouka." During the whole deal making the blonde devil never stopped or even slowed down her pace.

Erza felt herself being torn by the decision present to her. She couldn't reveal Jellal's whereabouts. Not only would they kill him, but they would unleash the power of 'Face'. She also couldn't let Kyouka turn her into a breeding tool for demons. 'What do I do?' Tears streaming down her face. If the redhead didn't make up her mind soon the choice would be taken away from her. Then it hit her. 'Kyouka will keep on fucking me until she threatened to stop until I tell where Jellal is if I ever wanted to keep having sex with her.' In that moment she knew no matter what her blue-haired love would die because of her. The only question was how long could she hold out, and hope to be saved along with Mira from this living nightmare.

"Now or never Little Robin." Threatening one final time before she could no longer hold back a life changing orgasm.

'What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?' Unsure which cruel fate to take.