Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 115 - Jaina Proudmoore and the Seed of Power (2)

Chapter 115 - Jaina Proudmoore and the Seed of Power (2)

Whatever long-dead entity had saddled the bizarre curse upon the forbidden tome of "The Seed of Power", Jaina hoped they were laughing it up in whatever afterlife they landed in.

Hopefully the bad one.

Her first morning after knocking Tyrande up had been spent on cleaning up her quarters. Bedsheets, pillow cases, rugs, walls, floors, couches, tables, stockings, coats, smocks, blouses, robes, skirts, stilettos, negligées, panties, thongs, g-strings, magical crystals, jars of glowing fluids, dried herbs, stacks of research notes and coded journals. Jaina's balls never seemed to run empty. Tyrande Whisperwind was also there, a devoted little cocksocket on hand to dump full of the human's viscous breeding material. But even the night elf had to sleep some of the time.

By the middle of the third day, Jaina finally devoted some of her exceedingly rare free time to developing a spell to clean her nasty nut slime from any surface. At last, she could pump out some jizz without worrying about the cleanup. At last, she got some of her day back. The crafter of this particular 'curse' would have to try a lot harder to ensnare someone with the relentless ambitions of Archmage Jaina Proudmoore. She wasn't some simple pubescent farmboy content to milk himself blind in the barn. She had whole kingdoms to save.

As Tyrande's belly grew, so too did her sexual appetite. The night elf priestess hid her pregnancy under very loose-fitting robes during the day, but at night she returned to Jaina's bed without a stitch of clothing. Jaina's concentration was severely tested on a regular basis: vigorous handjobs while she pored over her notes; sloppy blowjobs while she communicated with the leaders via scrying spells; soapy titfucks while she bathed herself; gyrating lap dances while she tried to eat; and a twerking night elf ass while she tried to experiment with her magic. For the most part, Jaina was capable of walling off her focus, riding the waves of pleasure as Tyrande lewdly drained her fat trouser snake while she studied her arcane notes. But there was one act that not even Jaina could ignore completely, and whenever it reared up she knew that she would soon be throwing her projects to the floor and plowing the priestess senseless.

It was her rear.

Tyrande Whisperwind's ass had been remarkably large, even before Jaina had poured her seed into her. But with her rapidly accelerating pregnancy, Tyrande's hips and ass had exploded outward. Just over the course of a few days, a tsunami of hormones had pushed the night elf's inches of butt meat from the low forties to the mid fifties. Fifty-four inches around, each colossal cheek was a constantly wobbling crescent of thick, bulging, cock-fattening fuck fuel. When she threw her ass back onto Jaina's lap, there was no ignoring it, no escaping it. Her ass slammed down like a fleshy boulder, hammering against Jaina's painfully hard cock until the human mage ripped off her pants and savagely plowed her like a bitch in heat.

By the fifth day, the pregnancy had proceeded almost to completion. Tyrande went on a sabbatical from the temple, claiming that she needed to commune with Elune for a few short days. The thrill of lying to fellow members of the faith filled her with such an excitement that she had immediately ducked behind the statue of Elune,lifted her robes, and rubbed herself to a messy squirting orgasm right there inthe temple, biting down on a knuckle to stifle her pleasured moans.

By the sixth day, her gravid fuck gut was taut and her belly button was popped outward. She stayed in Jaina's tower, pleasuring herself with anything she could lay her hands on. She barely even got out of bed except to pee every hour, and the sight of her cumbersome body waddling slowly between bed and bathroom and back to bed made Jaina's balls churn with molten seed.

On the morning of the seventh day, Jaina received a notification while an enormously pregnant Tyrande sucked her balls.

Valeera Sanguinar was at the gates of Theramore. With Malfurion.

"Oh, damn it all!" Jaina swore out loud, startling a bird from her tower's open window. Her cock was harder than azerite and her balls were heavy enough to give a Tauren a back ache. "Your husband has come, no doubt to see his blushing bride. We have to get ready, Tyrande!"

Tyrande moaned out loud, spilling a torrent of wetness all over the bedsheets.

Jaina pulled her cloak aside before it was drenched in night elf pussy juice. "Now's not the time for you to start cumming, slut!"

Tyrande gaped up at her, her wide eyes glowing intensely. "I think that was my water."

* * * * * * * * * *

Tyrande's hyper-inflamed libido took over most of her mind, her formerly keen senses dulled by the nonstop flood of hormones being poured into her skull to replace her brains that were slowly leaking out of her juicy cunt. It sometimes made the simplest tasks so hard to do, as her interest in her pitiful priestly duties slowly waned.

But when her water broke, her brain fog lifted enough for her to recognize that this was what the experts called a Very Bad Thing. She still loved Malfurion, in a way, even if his night elf prick would never be able to touch the walls of her resized quim again.

Jaina frantically threw her clothes on as they heard footsteps crossing the floor below them. Malfurion's contemplative voice rose up through the floorboards.

"Yes, yes, Valeera, you have the whole week to convene with Jaina about her project."

Jaina grabbed Tyrande's robes—she hadn't worn them at all in three days—and tried to throw them over the night elf's dramatically resized body. Tyrande was quite noticeably taller than the human mage, as were all night elves. But her ass had expanded far beyond what the already tight garment could hope to cover. On top of that, her gravid fuck gut swung out far in front of her, carrying an infant night elf nearly the equivalent size to a five or six year old human. The robe couldn't even pull down over her baby-besotted belly.

Valeera Sanguinar's voice was like a scrape of steel. "I will not apologize for prioritizing Varian's desires over your own. He insisted that we meet with Lady Proudmoore FIRST. You can plant your Druidic seed in your wife's garden AFTER."

Malfurion was gonna have to wait in line for access to his wife's cooch. The only thing passing through that tunnel for the moment was a cuckold's squirming little surprise. Then, after the bundle of joy had been delivered, Jaina was next in line. Her cock was straining against her trousers, her previous orgasm infuriatingly interrupted. The bulge warping the front of her trousers was already big enough to hang down under its own distended weight. Gods, how did men deal with this organ?

Presumably by being much, much smaller than you, Jaina.

"You underestimate the pull of marriage," he said gruffly. His feet were at the stairs leading up to their floor of the tower. "Sometimes, the bow is strung, the arrow nocked and pulled. It must be let loose. It cannot be held for long."

At last, something she and Malfurion agreed on.

As the footsteps began ascending the stairs, Jaina bundled the priestess robes up and whispered into them. An orange glow shone from within like a lit ember, and she flung the fabric toward the door. As soon as it hit, the robes seemed to unfurl into a single sheet of fabric that spanned the room like a large curtain.

"Perception makes reality," she hissed to Tyrande. "I'm not here. Do not address me."

Valeera was the first to knock on the door to Jaina's chambers. Her knock was sharp and precise, a rapping of the knuckles against the door. Malfurion's was heavier, more forceful: banging with the bottom of his fist. More masculine.

Tyrande looked to Jaina, gesturing at her own nakedness as the human took her by the hand and guided her to a sex chair that Jaina had constructed. It functioned phenomenally well as a birthing chair as well. She searched Jaina's eyes for instructions, but the mage was more preoccupied with her spellcasting.

"Uh, it's o-opennnn," Tyrande's voice caught as her baby stirred inside her.

Jaina stood behind her, lifting Tyrande onto all fours, her swollen tummy hanging low and brushing against the cushioned seat. Her pussy was absolutely soaked, moreso than Jaina had ever seen. A huge portion of that wetness was from the night elf's water breaking, but the heady scent of sex made it clear that another part of her wetness was from pure arousal. Jaina started probing her baby momma's glistening purple pussy lips with her fingers, magical swirls of pink light tracing behind her fingertips.

"Ah!" Tyrande purred as the door opened. She stuck her head through the curtain and smiled dreamily at Malfurion. "Husband!"

Malfurion was—like most night elves—almost too big for Jaina's doorframe. His broad shoulders were corded with muscle and highlighted with blue tattoos swirling and crossing over his arms and chest. He wore a belt and armbands made to resemble green leaves, and a fur pelt fashioned into simple breeches. Much like his wife, his ears were long and pointed, his hair was green, and his eyes glowed blue. But unlike his wife—unlike most of his race—he bore a pair of strong antlers bursting from the top of his head, and eagle wings folded behind his back, astestaments to his power as an archdruid. His green hair was coarser than Tyrande's, almost resembling moss, and it hung down to his waist in an enormousbeard.

Beside him was Valeera Sanguinar, and for the first time in her life, Tyrande found herself drinking in the sight of the blood elf rogue with greater appreciation than she did for her own husband.

Valeera's elf heritage gave her the same pointed ears and long, wishing eyebrows of Tyrande and her people, but the resemblance stopped there. Clad in vibrant red and gold with emeralds studding her armor, Valeera's lustrous blonde hair spilled from under her hood and tumbled down her pale shoulders like silken waterfalls. Her eyes glowed an emerald green, and her ruby-painted lips were full of heft and full of promise.

She wore a red choker with an emerald set at her throat, drawing every eye immediately to the creamy expanse of her neck, collarbone, and the top of her chest. Her armored cuirass was edged red leather with gold trim, with a highly detailed pattern over her breasts that drew even more attention to how close her tits were to popping out of it. The tops of her boobs and most of her cleavage were on full display, and the tightly fit shape of it showed off her narrow waist as it tapered down to cover her ass and pussy, while leaving the entire curve of each hip fully uncovered. Pale, peachy skin of her muscled legs and silky thighs immediately conjured an image in people's minds of how strongly those legs could squeeze in the bedroom. Her ensemble was complete with a pair of red boots that extended up to just past her knees, with wrappings of tattered black cloth peeking out underneath.

She had to be the most attention-getting rogue in all of Azeroth, and she knew it.

"Tyrande, I missed you in Darnassus." Malfurion stepped forward and bent low to kiss his wife. He could no doubt taste the salty sweat on her skin. "The priestesses said you had taken a sabbatical?"

"Ah-hhhyessss." She chewed her lower lip. Something slowly shifted inside her, and she felt pressure growing on her cervix from inside her womb. "Yes! I just had to… commune with my Goddess in a more… intimate way."

"I know what you mean. Sometimes it is necessary to seek counsel in seclusion."

"Mm-hmmmmm… I learned soooo much… f-filled with such a b-big, huge… blessing of knowledge. Big… FAT knowledge! Elune wants me here for now, working under Ja—Lady Proudmoore to make babie—MAKE OUR RACES FLOURISH!"

"Are you sure?" Malfurion knelt on one knee to cup his wife's face. "You seem out of sorts. What are you doing in there?" He reached up to pull the curtain back.

"Ah! No!" Tyrande cried out. Her cervix was stretching, dilating around a growing shape. "I'm… uhhh… in private communion with Elune. I must be alone in Her presence."

Malfurion hesitated, his hand still on the curtain.

"I… uh…," she swallowed. "Elune asks her high priestesses to come to her unshielded by mortal vestments."

"Unshielded?" Malfurion had never heard of this before. "You mean…?"

"Without clooOOOoothes! Mm! Mm-Hmm!" Her breathing escalated. "Yes. Oh goddess yesssss. I don't want Valeera to s-see me like tha-that."

Malfurion yanked his hand away quickly. "No," he agreed hastily. "Of course not."

Even from the other side of the curtain, Jaina could detect the hint of embarrassment in Malfurion's voice as he dealt with his wife's nudity in the presence of the blood elf at his side. Grinning from ear to ear, Jaina took a firm grip on Tyrande's plump purple ass cheeks and pushed them apart, opening her up for better access to her dripping, sodden pussy.

On the other side of the curtain, Valeera's glowing eyes traveled around that half of the room with a puzzled scrutiny. "Perhaps I could step away, archdruid," she offered without looking at him. She could feel the subtle air current of an open window on the other side of the curtain. "You were right to want some time alone with your wife after your long journey. I would hate to make this awkward for you."

Malfurion shifted from one foot to the other, unsure of himself. "Uh, yes, I would… appreciate that. Thank you." He added that last part with a touch of petty irritation.

When Valeera turned to leave, Tyrande's glowing, half-lidded eyes were glued to the blood elf's body. Unlike herself or Jaina, Valeera bore the sculpted physique of a martial combatant in her prime. With her strong thighs and brazen willingness to display so much of her body, there was a certainty in

Tyrande's mind that Valeera Sanguinar was definitely a top in the sack. Although such matters would have been beyond her interest before, the changing of her pregnant body and the changing of her mind found Tyrande hungering for more women to join in her own perversion.

And not just more women, but more types of women. Shapely, fat-assed women like her, lithe and muscle-toned women like Valeera, all the different peculiarities of each race set her mouth to watering. She wanted to see Jaina's cock coring them out, knocking them up and swelling their bellies with countless babies. In fact, she wanted more than to see it; she wanted to help make that happen.

The moment felt like a lifetime of mental shifts, but the change occurred in the short span of time it took for Valeera to close the door behind her. Tyrande was left panting, and deep in her belly, something fucking MASSIVE was slowly descending toward her cunny.

"Now that we are alone," Malfurion began, oblivious to the monstercocked human mage pitching a footlong tent while simultaneously trying to deliver their illicit little fuckspawn just a few feet away, "are you sure you can't pause your communion with Elune? It has been an… unsatisfying journey these past two weeks without you, and I have need of you."

Jaina felt for him. She really did. She hadn't busted a nut since yesterday, and she was almost ready to drill Tyrande's frothing cunt in front of her husband. If she had to go a full two weeks, she'd be ready to murder somebody. But Malfurion absolutely could NOT be allowed to see what was on the other side of this curtain.

"You cannot come between a priestess and her goddess, husband. My goddess is mmm… using me as her vessel right now. A vessel for something BIG." The prospect of keeping her legs closed to him made her vagina flood, and the subsequent waterfall of hormones twisted her brain into a dirty, perverted thing as a new idea took hold. "But Elune is kind. She has granted me more than one way to please you." She licked her lips suggestively.

Malfurion hesitated for a moment before realizing that his wife's mouth was certainly better than nothing, even if it was not quite as good as her vagina. He fumbled with his fur skin breeches to fish out his penis, still flaccid, and press the tip against Tyrande's lips.

Jaina bit down on her own shirt sleeve to stifle the groan of her cock tearing her trousers. To be identified as Tyrande's goddess! How nasty could the priestess get? And now she was sucking off her cucked husband while giving birth to Jaina's baby?! She grabbed the enormous bulge of her cock and yanked it over the waistband of her trousers before it completely destroyed her pants. As it sprang free,throbbing and spurting precum with furious need, Jaina spared a few moments to wrap her hand around the tremendous python and give the beastly thing a few strokes. Her fingers seemed farther apart than she remembered, and the hefty appendage felt somehow even heavier than she was used to.

Tyrande pushed her enormous ass further back, with her elbows and forearms braced down against the arm bars of the sex-chair-turned-birthing-platform. Her long legs, coated in a sheen of sweat and twin rivers of juice running down her thighs, were spread shoulder-width apart, revealing her slowly opening vaginal folds and the heavily distended belly hanging between her parted legs. Her pussy lips were positively drooling with honey, fully on display to Jaina's discerning eyes, as was the night elf's puffy, twitching sphincter. Overcome with the perversion of her situation, Jaina couldn't resist leaning in, dragging her tongue from Tyrande's stiff clit along the vertical slit of her labia, drinking in those copious fluids pouring from her hole. Jaina continued across the full length of the night elf's purple muff, taking her tongue through her taint and finally ending by circling her wriggling little muscle around the quivering ring of muscle at her anus.

Tyrande was going crazy, and Malfurion no doubt thought that her erotic facial expressions were for his benefit. His penis quickly hardened in his hand, as he fed it through her lips. She immediately started bobbing up and down on his length, but the momentum also rocked her lower body against Jaina's face and tongue. The human mage devoured her engorged pussy with a ravenous hunger. In fact, Jaina was so loud and passionate about her cunnilingus that Tyrande had to make even louder, sloppier noises with her mouth to cover up the sounds of her whorish pussy.

She slurped and sucked and spit on Malfurion's dick, moaning and grunting and shuddering in orgasmic elation every time his balls smacked her chin. But crucially, she never gagged. The one noise that always dominated hers and Jaina's deepthroat skullfucking sessions was curiously absent here, and the reason was fairly obvious.

Malfurion wasn't big enough to trigger her gag reflex.

"Mmm, you're so eager today!" he exclaimed, placing his large hand on the top of her head. Tyrande moaned throatily as his entire prick easily filled her mouth. Her cheeks turned concave and she sucked him as hard as she could, bouncing excitedly on his cock.

But of course, the reality was made plain on the other side of the curtain: she was bouncing so excitedly because of Jaina rubbing the head of her enormous fuckpole against Tyrande's sopping pussy.

A sizable puddle of cuntslop and precum spread across the floor between them, and the whole room was filled with the noises of a gluttonous little fuckpig getting spit-roasted between her husband and her bull. Tyrande was going crazy, getting stretched even farther as the baby began to push through her cervix.

Her groans rose to a fevered crescendo, but the pain was absolutely crushed under a tidal wave of mind-numbing pleasure. The feeling of fullness pressing against her birth canal was so extreme that Tyrande thought for sure her pussy was going to prolapse on the way out.

"Ahhhn… ohMYGODDESS!" she screamed around Malfurion's cock, her knees buckling in unexpected joy. Cuntjuice sprayed all over Jaina and the night elf's engorged pussy lips began to move, bulging outward as something stretched them from within.

In between her heavy, groaning breaths, Tyrande thought that her pussy was breaking. A huge, wriggling object mashed against her steaming cunt and warped her dripping love tunnel to dimensions that not even Jaina's monstercock could have prepared her for. A huge puddle spread across the floor and dripped in long ropes from her drooling snatch. Another kick in her cock-pocket brought a spurt of milk from her breasts, which geysered onto the curtain in twin darkening patches of spreading stains.

More wetness came, and Tyrande's face was an obscene display of the lewdest, most perverted expression of delirious, cock-dumb euphoria that anyone had ever seen. Her face was sweaty, covered in tears and slobber, deeply flushed from the effort of pushing this baby out of her vagina.

Jaina removed her cock from the opening, no doubt to leave an unobstructed passage for their baby to slide through the priestess's now-gaping hole. Tyrande was stretched beyond belief, stretched beyond sanity, but the cock hammering the back of her mouth gave her something to throw all of her desperate passion onto.

Malfurion was obliviously enjoying his wife sloppily facefucking herself on his cock, turning and twisting her head to spear herself at different angles, bulging out her cheeks and warping her lips around his prick. The obscene splashing and squelching of a monstrously distended vagina was lost to his ears, which was all the more impressive given that those long pointed things could probably pick up sounds from space.

Fifteen minutes later, Tyrande's face was a mess of spit, tears, and runny makeup, her hair was a tangled, twisted rat's nest, and her eyes were glassy blue pools of glowing light focused on some distant point. Malfurion had both hands in her disheveled hair as he bounced her slobbering face up and down his dick. The sound of the esteemed high priestess ruthlessly skullfucking herself on his rigid prick was more than enough to drown out the splashing, meaty churning of her own pussy expelling her baby.

As soon as the baby's head first emerged, Jaina tore her hands off her gigantic fuckspire of a cock and immediately cast a spell of silence around the baby. Its first cries were completely devoid of any sound, although Jaina could easily tell by the look on its face that it had quite the set of lungs on it!

Malfurion was none the wiser to the sloppy, slippery childbirth happening just a few feet from where he stood. Even if the baby wasn't silenced, the archdruid still wouldn't have heard it over the sound of his own cries. He bucked and convulsed, finally emptying what he thought was an enormous load into his wife's mouth. Tyrande mistook it for her own saliva and accidentally swallowed the load all in a single gulp before she even knew he had cum.

Tyrande continued moaning onto her husband's softening cock as the baby was pushed through her muff into the bundle of cloth that Jaina had prepared. As soon as the baby fully passed through her grotesquely gaped, distended cunt cave, Tyrande immediately climaxed at the cool air tickling the depths of her core. She could literally feel her pussy being absolutely blown open. Her trim little twat was a sagging, yawning mineshaft of drooling, squishing meat, a carved-out bucket useful only for cramming full of babies.

Less than five seconds later, Tyrande felt something hot and hard brutally smash into her tingling, sore pussy walls and begin thrusting back and forth, immediately flooding her cavernous insides with thick rivers of precum.

"Ah!" Tyrande gasped, her voice deep and guttural. "You were so… um, good, Malfurion," she cooed distractedly. "Definitely worth the wait."

"Definitely," he agreed. He pushed his flaccid cock toward her lips, hoping she would clean him off. But she turned her head aside.

"Um, actually," her head started bouncing from Jaina's heavy thrusts impacting her ass cheeks, "I think my goddess has need of me, dear husband. Yes, yes, I can feel her preparing to fill me with her radiant, warm love. Oh, yes! So… so much… big… fat… hot… love! You must go, Malfurion! The goddess insists this is her time!"

"Oh, um, of course." He tucked his soft, dripping cock back into his breeches, thinking himself quite the virile specimen for successfully satisfying his wife. "Elune's will be done."


She pulled her head back through the curtain, staring over the softened but still sizable bulge of her belly at Jaina's pleasured grimace. Sweat dripped from the tip of the human's nose, and her cock slid so effortlessly through the ruined corridor of Tyrande's birth canal. Mere seconds after childbirth, and the night elf was already dripping to get plowed again.

She was distantly aware of Malfurion's footfalls retreating back through the door and descending down the stairs, but she was preoccupied with Jaina's mammoth fucklog slamming her loose, slackened cunt. With Malfurion gone, Jaina allowed herself to pick up speed, increasing the clopping, squelching noise of her destructive gut-fucking. It filled the room with their carnal, beastly rutting. Jaina threw back her head and howled at the ceiling. Immediate post-childbirth pussy definitely hit different! There was a hot, meaty, swollen, pliable wetness to everything that Jaina had never expected. She knew that it was only temporary, of course. Tyrande's pussy would tighten back up in time, but that just made the mage dickgirl savor the wrecked hole even more for its temporary nature.

Jaina's head dropped back down, and when her eyes opened, she saw red and gold and green peeking over the edge of the open window. One arm came through, and then another, and then lustrous blonde hair spilled from under a red hood. And green eyes peered over the windowsill, quickly adjusting to the change in light.

Jaina slowed her frenzied thrusting, then stopped altogether. The smile dropped from her face. Valeera Sanguinar hauled herself through the window, her eyes as wide as her gaping mouth. "What. The. Fuck?!"

* * * * * * * * * *

Jaina's cock pulled messily out of Tyrande's sloppily ruined pussy before Valeera's feet had even touched the ground, as if that would make the situation less scandalous. It had the opposite effect, for now the blood elf was forced to acknowledge all of the previous weirdness as well as Jaina's gargantuan, throbbing cock, jutting straight out from her groin in towering, unsatisfied erectness.

"What. The. FUCK?!" Valeera said again.

Jaina took a step toward her, causing her titanic log of cockmeat to sway from side to side in front of her. Valeera saw the enormous size of that fleshy fuckmast and dug a hand into a pocket on her belt.

"I can explain," Jaina began, hands raised in a calm and placating gesture. Although calm and placating were certainly at odds with her terrifyingly intimidating boner. "All of this is for the Alliance."

"I don't serve the Alliance… or the Horde." Valeera retrieved a handful of pellets from her pouch. Her narrowed eyes drifted first to the curtain, then to the window. "I serve only Varian… and his son."

Jaina saw the little pellets and slowly took a step backward. They could have been anything from explosive marbles to hamster food, but knowing Valeera, Jaina was willing to bet smokebombs or stun bombs. Either one would allow for a hasty escape, and once Valeera was in the wind they'd never find her if she didn't want to be found. So instead, Jaina took several more slow steps backward, until her legs eventually touched the side of her large bed. She casually sat down on the plush mattress, keeping herself as non-threatening as possible. But inside, her head was spinning. Her legs felt too weak to get back up anyway. All the blood in her body seemed to rush to her head, making her swoon. Her heart hammered against her sternum. She made the only move she could think of.

"You don't need to use those bombs around the baby," she gestured to the night elf hybrid bundled up beside Tyrande. Valeera gave a startled double take, not having noticed the silent babe at first, as the magic suppressed its noise until Jaina dismissed the spell. "You're obviously on edge, and I'm not talking to you in this state. Go on. There's the door, which I would vastly prefer over you diving back out the window. Take a walk, I won't stop you. Once the shock passes, if you still want to do your duty and report on my project, come find me. I'm sure you're better at finding than I am at hiding."

Valeera's large green eyes blinked stupidly.

Jaina slowly stroked her massive cock, admiring the rivers of precum that spilled down the fleshy monolith. "Go on, then. As you can see, I have to blow off some steam."

Valeera's eyes slid across the room to the curtain, then back to Jaina. Without taking her eyes off the mage again, the blood elf circled around the edge of the room, finally pushing aside the curtain and bolting for the door.

Jaina collapsed back onto her soft mattress, forcefully exhaling. "Well, shit. We'll never see her again."

* * * * * * * * * *

The next day, they saw her again. Valeera was out on the streets of Theramore, walking through the markets far away from the archmage's tower, when they crossed paths. It was broad daylight on a crowded street when she ambushed Jaina.

"What the hell did you do?" she whispered, moving through the vendor's stalls. She tossed some money to a fat man and snagged a peach from his stall.

"And hello to you too." Jaina started to smile, but it faded when the rogue brought out a wicked knife, twirling it between her fingers before slicing it into the peach. Damn, sometimes she forgot that the blood elf wasn't just a rogue.

Valeera lifted a wedge of dripping peach to her lips, pinching it between her thumb and the flat of her blade. She slid it into her mouth, juice spilling down her chin. The sticky sweetness collected between her fingers, and Valeera absentmindedly dragged her tongue through the gaps, wrapping it around each digit, sucking them clean, apparently completely unaware of how intensely erotic she looked eating fruit.

"What did you do?" she asked again, her mouth full. More juice spilled past her lips. Growing up on the streets must have denied her many of the manners that Lady Proudmoore took as common sense.

Jaina moved her hand in front of her groin.

"Can we go somewhere else for this?" Jaina looked around. She pretended to lean forward to examine a stall of potatoes, quickly pushing her groin against the stall to hide her growing tent.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No," Jaina shot back. "I think you're a hot piece of ass."


Jaina turned slightly, just enough to show Valeera a hint of the monstrous bulge sagging the groin of her trousers. "So if you don't want me to pump a load right here, then either take me somewhere secluded or quit… going down on the damn fruit like that."

Valeera was still staring at the pulsating bulge stretching Jaina's pants. The sheer size of it was…

She moved to throw away the peach, but her stomach rumbled. It was a delicious peach, after all. And she'd only had one bite.

"Rrgh, fine. Follow me."

Valeera yanked the mage through the crowd and pulled her through the twisting streets of Theramore. She'd been in the city for all of one day, and she already navigated it better than Jaina herself. She passed through side alleys and shared backstreets, through buildings and courtyards and aqueducts, until at last they came upon the canals at the docks.

Valeera found a narrow alley, partially blocked at the mouth by a pallet of lumber. The alley was still close enough to the water that the blood elf rogue could find a hundred different escape paths if she needed. Of course, as an assassin, she would also know how to dump a body in the water if necessary.

"Now, talk."

So Jaina talked. She talked about the strange cursed book, and the forbidden library, and the enormous cock and balls that were now a part of her. She talked about how it had felt to slide into a molten pussy, and how it felt to churn throatslop from deep in a woman's esophagus, and how it felt to be sucked into an insatiable asshole. She talked about how Tyrande hosed her down in pussy juice. She talked about how her sexual appetite had become so ravenous that she couldn't stand to go more than a few hours without pumping a load. She talked about how she'd pumped a baby into Tyrande's married womb, and how the full pregnancy had spanned a single week, and how the expedient childbirth proved that her project had merit to it.

Through it all, Valeera kept sneaking peaks at the solid lump sagging heavily at Jaina's groin. Tyrande had actually taken that whole big thing inside her? How? Valeera pelted her with questions. How much semen could she produce in a day? How long did it take for her to reach orgasm? Obviously, speedy orgasms would be most beneficial if the goal was impregnating a large group of women. But of course, Jaina's stamina was remarkably high, possibly higher than any man that Valeera had ever seen. Such a lengthy copulation would be catastrophically inefficient to breed high numbers of women. But against a single woman, such an exuberant partner would be very, very good indeed.

Valeera found herself heating up.

Revisiting the events of the past week had a predictable effect on the blue-balled dickgirl, and the intense sexual detail prompted by Valeera's questions didn't help matters. Jaina expanded on every perverse detail, from the size of her nuts to the distance of her ejaculations, from the volume of her issue to the sensitive spots along her shaft, from how best to bring her to climax to how much foreplay was required to fit her monster into the average woman.

"The only woman I've had so far is Tyrande," Jaina added, squeezing and massaging the huge bulge. The waistband of her pants was stretched so far outward that Valeera could see the vein-corded slab of meat threatening to spill over the top. "Night elf pussy is definitely bigger than a human one, so maybe she could take me to the hilt a lot easier. Her gushing wetness certainly didn't hurt either."

Valeera's breathing quickened. She shot a quick glance to the alley's mouth to see if anyone was watching. Even in broad daylight, the blood elf rogue had found them a spot in relative darkness and seclusion, even if it was a stone's throw from a main street.

"So you don't even know if you could fit in a human woman," Valeera reasoned, her voice skeptical.

Jaina felt suddenly defensive. "I'm sure I could make—"

"Or a dwarf, or a gnome…"

"Now see here, I can assure you—"

"Or a blood elf."

Jaina froze, and Valeera took a step toward her. The rogue's hand snagged the waistband of Jaina's trousers and gave a slow tug, dragging it down a few inches until a massive slab of beef flopped over the edge, folded over itself to fit within her pants. It unfolded with painful rigidity, swinging out across the short distance between them and smacking Valeera's stomach with the fist-sized tip. A rope of slimy precum slid down one of her beautiful emeralds.

Jaina gulped. "No idea," she said honestly. "No idea if I could fit inside a blood elf. I haven't found any brave enough to try it."

Valeera yanked the mage's trousers further. Two enormous testicles tumbled out, fat, meaty orbs churning angrily in a smooth sack, stretched low under their cumbersome weight.

"Until now," Valeera whispered, her hand reaching down and closing over the spongy crown. A thick, lumpy wad of precum blasted from her piss slit and poured through the elf's fingers.

Jaina had some kind of plan in reserve to win over Valeera. Something… involving magic. Maybe. It was hard to remember the details at the moment, as Valeera's bizarre armored gloves came off and smooth, soft elven skin began sliding up and down her achingly hard shaft. Jaina's fingers dug into the crevices of the blood elf's armor, caught so off-guard that it never occurred to her to reciprocate.

The lithe elf stroked her with practiced ease, eliciting a pleasured groan from Jaina as she rested her head against the alley wall and simply allowed the rogue to tug her off.

"My clock is ticking," Valeera reminded her. "The longer you last, the worse you are for breeding stock, Proudwhore."

Jaina's eyes snapped open. She'd forgotten that the elf was inspecting her. That sharpened the edge of her focus, somewhat; Lady Proudmoore was not one to fail an inspection of her magical studies.

"And what about you, Val?" Jaina's hands evaporated the girl's leather cuirass with a whiff of magic. Valeera yelped, but regained enough composure to resist covering herself. "Your nipples aren't even hard yet, and your pussy looks so dry. Is this the best that the blood elves have to offer?"

The rogue scoffed, gesturing to her lithe body. Taut abs and strong thighs conflicted with the softness of her pillowy breasts. They sloped downward in ample, teardrops of jiggling fat, with pale pink nipples at the centers of small areolae. Between her legs was an impressive thigh gap, showing off the narrow slit of her quim and the short blonde buzzed triangle of hair that pointed down to it. Her pussy lips were still thin and tucked within her folds, unengorged and seemingly unaroused. "Perhaps you prefer that fat purple cow with her wobbling ass and hanging udders, then? I'll be sure to mention your lack of knowledge around a woman's body in my report to Varian."

Something tugged at Jaina, and it wasn't just Valeera's small hands twisting up and down her solid fuckspike. No, it was a… need… something unlocked by her exploits in the Temple of the Moon. A need to control. A need to subjugate.

"Your smaller body gives me opportunities to do things that I could never do with Tyrande." And then, Jaina grabbed Valeera under her thighs.

She had no idea where this strength came from; Valeera weighed slightly more than Jaina herself, and the mage was not gifted with the toned muscles of the athletic rogue. But she tensed her arms, tensed her back, and suddenly Valeera was lifted upward against the alley's opposite wall. Green eyes widened in surprise, in momentary fear, and Val grabbed the overhanging roof above her to reflexively steady herself, shocked that Lady Jaina Proudmoore had somehow just pinned, lifted, and slid her three feet off the ground. "What are you—"

Jaina's mouth sealed over that blood elf pussy. Teeth raked gently against her clitoral hood, and warm breath tickled her labia. A tongue flicked lightly against her clit. Valeera spasmed and moaned, quickly losing the upper hand in this encounter, as her legs reflexively clamped shut around Jaina's head. "You're the one whoooorrrrggghhh…"

The tongue pressed harder, pushing aside outer lips and tasting the pink meat of her inner walls, probing lightly at first, not quite penetrating. Valeera writhed silently and grinded against Jaina's face, feeling her own body respond against her will. Shivers ran down her spine. Jaina swirled her tongue in small circles around Valeera's hard clit and was rewarded with juice and another moan.

Valeera's head swiveled in all directions. The thought of being eaten out in such a public place, by a preposterously hung hermaphrodite, was suddenly too much to take. The rogue was so accustomed to being invisible that this touched a spot deep inside her most perverted fantasies.

"Keep going…" she felt liquid leaking through the inner confines of her pussy. Her lips felt hot and sensitive. "Don't stop!"

Jaina's tongue stretched her open and probed more deeply. She moved nimbly, twisting and drilling herself deeper into that hot, wet hole. Juices spilled into her mouth, and she drank them down greedily, but some still dribbled down her chin. Valeera tasted so different from Tyrande, although each woman's pussy was delicious ambrosia in its own way.

"I'm ready!" Valeera gasped, shocked at how easily the human dickgirl had manipulated her body.

"I know," Jaina said. The lower half of her face shone wetly with her nectar dripping from the human's chin. "Nice, isn't it?" She lowered Valeera back down to the ground. The rogue's legs buckled and she slid down to her knees, panting at the raging erection pulsating in front of her face. "But my cock is still so dry. I can't fit it in you like this. It would tear up that pretty, tasty pussy of yours."

Valeera grabbed that stiff prick and yanked forward suddenly. Jaina nearly tripped as she was pulled in close. The elf growled and spit forcefully on the head of Jaina's cock. She did it again, and a third time, stroking furiously with both hands as she worked the shaft to a huge size, dripping and lubricated with spit and precum. But she didn't stop, forcefully jerking off Jaina on her knees in a dirty alley with a growing hunger burning in her green eyes.

Valeera cupped one of Jaina's big balls and kneaded it in her fingers experimentally, gasping at the weight. It seemed so heavy and full… definitely enough to impregnate a fertile woman! But for Varian, she had to be thorough in her assessment. She had to—

"They're so big," she moaned, startling herself with the sudden admission. She exhaled all over the scrotum-stretching orb, rubbing it with her fingers, letting it sit in her palm. She reached above it, wrapping her fingers around the upper scrotal tissue that stretched from the weight of the mage's payload. Still jerking her off with one hand, Valeera began a downward stroke of her other hand, effectively wringing out Jaina's nutsack like she was milking a cow. The effort made her gonads bulge against the lowest part of her sack, clearly outlining the enormous orbs through her smooth, hairless skin. The heat radiating off of them was intense; Valeera's palm was sweating. And the size!

The cock in her hand was as big around as her arm, and her balls were each as big as her fist. To be on her knees in a dirty alley, jerking and squeezing, stroking and kneading such an obscene monster in broad daylight, separated from the civilians of Theramore by naught but a dozen paces… Valeera was sopping between her legs at the thought of it. She could feel her vagina clenching at empty air, squeezing out fat dollops of cuntsap in preparation for the biggest penetration of her life.

I'm gonna be walking weird for a month! I'm gonna be speared on that fat pillar so deep I'm gonna be

feeling it in my lungs! I'm gonna… I'm gonna…

"Oh, shitimgonnacummm!" Jaina blurted, suddenly bucking her hips forward and rising onto her tiptoes, ramming her brutally huge cockhead against Valeera's open and startled mouth. With the blood elf's fist still squeezing the skin above Jaina's balls like the pull rope on a town bell, she felt the forceful upward lurch of those titanic cum tanks jerk her hand up and break her grip open, nearly dislocating her fingers in the process.

Jaina's balls smashed against the underside of her groin, and the first thick, jelly-like cum worm blew out of her urethra and immediately punched the blood elf directly in her teeth.

The first rope of spunk was barely even a liquid; it collided with the rogue's face with custard-like solidity, impacting directly against the back of her throat. Before she could even blink, her mouth was flooded full with porridge-y fuck sauce, billowing out her cheeks and blasting back out threw her stunned lips in a great explosion of jizz.

The second surging spray of cum spewed from the human's hugely dilated pisshole, slapping forcefully against her chin and cheekbones. A huge amount of it glanced off the angled planes of her cheeks and continued past her head, only to collide with the inside of her hood. Fat, goopy ropes pelted the back of her hood and began forming a swampy deluge in her lustrous hair, the back of her slender neck, and even down her athletic shoulders. Some strange, never-tapped instinct compelled Valeera's arms to continue pumping and kneading, one stroking the full trunk of Jaina's violently disgorging fucktube, and the other squeezing those fat balls as she wrung out more and more of their salty, gooey payload.

Her face and upper body were pummeled with heavy impacting ropes of semen, piling on her skin, and being followed by another, and another, and another. Valeera gurgled around the spunk clogging her throat as she felt the heat and thickness of Jaina's load overwhelming her. Fat, lumpy, slimy ball bisque filled her nostrils, glued her eyes shut, painted her long ears, drowned her tongue in rich, dense spooge. Smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch. Her every sense was being submerged under Jaina's voluminous load of breeding nut butter.

After only a few seconds, Valeera was completely closed off to the world around her; every orifice in her face had been buried in a humiliating mask of steaming, pungent ball slop. Even her hood was overflowing with captured goo, cascading it down her shoulders in front and down her spine in back, seeping through the fabric in milky white wads and rivulets.

At some point, the rogue felt Jaina knock her still-stroking hands away from her bloated behemoth of a cock. The human mage's panting breaths filled the alley in perfect synchronicity with the heated throb of Valeera's unfucked pussy. Jaina's orgasm slowly subsided, although she continued rocking her hips, nearly keeling over from the exertion and release. Even then, her cock was still cumming, and she gripped the hem of Valeera's hood to hold her in place as she slowly jerked more fat, glistening cum ropes onto her face, her lips, her forehead, and the long wisps of her eyebrows.

Valeera was in shock, keeping her face obediently still to receive all that Jaina had to offer, even extending her tongue so that Jaina could strain one last, chunky, jelly-thick sperm worm onto it in a coiling, pearly-white pile.

"Whew," Jaina wiped her dick off on the inside of her own cloak. Then, with a snap of her fingers, the spreading stain of fresh cum magically disappeared. Damn, she was glad she'd taken the time to learn that spell. She looked Valeera's cum-plastered body up and down, raised her fingers to cast the same spell on her, and then thought better of it. Some nasty little part of her liked the idea of Valeera suffering through a public cum walk.

"Were you still keeping time?" Jaina gasped, brushing sweaty platinum blonde hair back over one ear. "You said it was in my best interest to cum quickly for breeding, but… it usually takes a lot longer."

A fat wad of spunk slid down the featureless mask of semen and splattered on the ground.

"Well, I hope I've given you enough for your report." Jaina stuffed her fat, heavy balls back into her pants, then used both hands to start feeding her mighty python down one pant leg. She didn't miss the glistening, engorged cuntmeat bulging out between the elf's wet thighs. "I'd love to dick you down right here in the alley, resize your pussy on my cock, but you'd be guaranteed to get knocked up. I know that serving Varian would be so hard

for you with a big fat baby gut, so I'll spare your delicious little cunny from getting split open on my log."

She took a step backward, admiring the full scope of Valeera's cum baptism. For fuck sake, she even coated the wall behind her, leaving only a clean negative space in the shape of Valeera's head and shoulders where she'd been kneeling.

Despite her explosive orgasm, one whiff of the elf's dripping pussy was already making her trousers tighten. From some deep, depraved part of her psyche, Jaina added, "If you still want to test my breeding capacity, maybe you could bring me a blood elf whore tonight in my tower? You could watch as I plow one of your people senseless, you know? I'd love to bury this cock in some fresh pussy, and I'd even let you watch and take your little… notes."

* * * * * * * * * *

Jaina smiled in the candlelight of her room when she saw red-gloved hands creep over the ledge of her open window. In the twilight hours, before the moon could fully illuminate the night sky, the grounds surrounding her tower were bound to be dark, and the walls of her tower even moreso. A skilled thief would have no trouble scaling the outside and gaining access into the mage's private quarters unseen. Unless, of course, that thief was already expected.

The scent of a juicy, dripping pussy was so distinct, like a signature perfume. Valeera was in heat, no doubt about that.

She clambered into the room with a grace and poise that seemed almost seductive. Her hips rolled with each step, her teeth raked across her soft lower lip, and her chest expanded to take deep, appreciative inhalations of the fragrant scent of night elf pussy and human cock that filled the room. In the orange and yellow candlelight of the room, the wet, glistening trails coating the rogue's thighs shone golden like honey.

No, not honey. More like peach juice.

"Valeera, I'm so glad you could make it." Jaina sat in a high backed leather chair, with a glass of wine in one slender hand and a naked night elf between her widely spread legs. She wore a dress that would have been scandalous on a normal woman: a backless blue gossamer gown with open slits rising all the way to her hips and a center loin flap that hung all the way to her knees, cut so narrow that it showed off her inner thighs. Yes, it would have been scandalous on a normal woman, but on Jaina? Her monstrous cock lifted the loin cover of her robe over a foot above her lap, jutting out proudly and oozing thick precum through the fabric, leaving next to nothing obscured between her legs. Not her thighs, not her fat nuts, not her enormous prong, not Tyrande noisily sucking on her gonads. "I've been waiting for a good blood elf whore. Did you bring her?" Jaina leaned to the side, directing her eyes to the window behind the rogue. "She's not still clinging to the tower walls, is she?"

"No, I did not… fetch you a whore." Valeera paced slowly, unable to sit still. The scent of raw sex filled the room and made her vagina flood like never before.

"Oh, no," Jaina responded in a display of faked concern. A trail of cocksnot formed a vertical line of pearly issue all the way down her loin cover. "I suppose your report to Varian will just have to be incomplete in that regard." Her legs parted further, and the candlelight threw an obscene shadow of her enormous tent across the floor of her tower. Her erection was already a huge thing to begin with, but the flickering candles played weirdly with her, distorting and warping her shadow to depict the illusion of a woman taller, curvier, more exaggerated in her sexuality, and with a humongous monstercock stretching four or five feet across the floor.

"My sense of duty to King Varian is hard as steel." Valeera stopped her pacing. Her green eyes fixated on the monstrous fuckpole lifting the loin of her dress, raising it high like a battlefield banner. "The report must include a blood elf."

Jaina smiled over the rim of her wine glass. She took a slow sip, savoring the moment. "But I have no whore to fuck, and rut, and plow, and fill with cock and cum. Unless…?"

Valeera stepped forward, swallowing once, twice, three times. Finally, her throat was wet enough to keep her voice from cracking. "I will be your whore," she answered, somber as ever. A drop of wetness fell between her spread legs.

Jaina didn't answer. The moment stretched between them, filled only with the uncomfortably sloppy ballsucking noises that Tyrande so casually emitted. The loud glottal noises and obscenely frenzied moaning were familiar sounds to any sexually active woman. Valeera could clearly recognize the sound of a woman cumming her brains out, but the strange thing was that Tyrande's pussy wasn't receiving any stimulation that the blood elf could see. She seemed to be cumming just from the act of fellating Jaina.

At last, Jaina smiled. "And what sort of details does your report need to contain?" Her cock bucked powerfully under the loin cloth, causing the narrow slip of fabric to bounce and flutter, briefly revealing the vein-corded column of meat underneath it. "The size? The weight of it? The heat?"

Valeera's heart quickened. She felt the warm sea air caress her bare shoulders, unaware that she had already removed her pauldrons. "Yes." She pulled her gloves off, dropped them somewhere without looking. "Yes, and yes."

"The texture of it? All those bumpy veins?"

Valeera stepped out of her boots, continuing her approach barefoot. Her legs were naked all the way to her hips, and her arms naked to the shoulders. Only her hood and her leather cuirass remained. "Yes."

"And the hardness of it, surely?" A spurt of precum squeezed through the fabric, dribbling down the surface like lotion.

Valeera stopped in front of her. Looking down, she saw Tyrande turn her head to her. Precum and saliva glazed her face and hair, hanging in long strings from her chin and making a dozen bridges connecting her to Jaina's meaty nuts. She stared up at Valeera, blue eyes locked with green, half-lidded and glowing with primal, animal need. She moaned, hot air washing over the human's genitals.

"Yesss," Valeera moaned back. She stepped forward, wetness running all the way to her ankles. And then, suddenly, one of her legs was sliding over Jaina's lap. Then the other. The loin cloth fell to the side, and a scalding hot length of hard flesh sliced upward, pressing hotly against her armor-covered pussy all the way up to the bottom of her tits. Jaina whispered something, and the armor disappeared. Valeera's moan was loud enough to almost become a guttural scream, as she felt that mammoth slab grinding against her bare skin, sliding against the soaking lips of her pussy, all the way up over her vulva, pelvic mound, and taut abs.

"Well, then," Jaina began, setting down her wine glass. She opened her mouth, a saucy innuendo on her lips.

Strong fingers practically crushed the mage's shoulders, shoving her back in her chair. She cried out in surprise, her hands coming up to push Valeera away. But before she got the chance, that molten, dripping, sucking blood elf pussy sank down on her brutal fuckrod.

Valeera was tight and small, and not even her excessive wetness could make the passage an easy one. Jaina's enormous cockhead mashed aside the walls of that velvety tunnel and pushed through a vise of coiling, clamping muscles. There was much more resistance than Tyrande had given her, but every inch claimed gripped her with a fierce suction that made it impossible to pull out. Forward was the only option.

So forward Jaina went. She sank half her length into that fuck tunnel before hitting a back wall, mashing her spongy tip against the rubbery ring of an unbroken cervix. It was tightly shut, but Jaina could feel it pursing it's lips, kissing at her cumhole like the mouths of two lovers.

"S-so big!" The elf cried out, and then cried out again when a night elf tongue traced circles around her sphincter. Tyrande—like all night elves—was considerably larger than her blood elf kin. Larger breasts, thicker thighs, a fatter and deeper pussy, definitely a fatter ass, and a tongue that was as wide as Valeera's whole hand four fingers across. It was that wide, wet, forceful muscle that shoved and probed against her tight little asshole, squeezing through the puckered ring and lapping at the inside of her anal tunnel.

"Ahh! Fuck!" she screamed, feeling herself rapidly lose control of this ménage à trois. Some part of her mind was intoxicated with the idea of giving up that control, of allowing Jaina to fill her, to use her, to reduce her strength of mind and muscle down to a quivering molten sleeve of meat for the mage's titanic pillar. But her loyalty to Varian pushed back, reminding her that she was no blushing barmaid, melting in the arms of a handsome patron. She was Valeera godsdamn Sanguinar.

She had grown up on the streets; her sexual journey had been shaped far, far away from the cushioned furnishings and expensive wines and lavishly decorated castles and keeps and wizard towers. If Jaina though that a megacocked hermaphrodite plowing her pussy and a night elf high priestess tongue-fucking her asshole was nasty enough to break her, then these two wouldn't last a day in the arena, nor even an hour at Booty Bay.

Her hips started rolling, working Jaina's cock from all angles, twisting and corkscrewing her vagina up and down that fleshy obelisk. Jaina's hands came up to grab her hips, delicate fingers digging into pale, peachy flesh. "I always knew Elune's priestesses could put their tongues to better use!" Her hair spilled from her hood, raking across Jaina's face in waterfalls of pale yellow. "But do either of you have the stamina to compete with an arena champion? I think not!"

She hammered her pussy against Jaina's cock, always moving, always loosening herself. And bit by bit, she swallowed more of that fat beast, pushing a noticeable bulge further and further up her taut stomach. Her inner walls yielded with slurping, churning protest, blasting a frothy deluge of pussy juices down that thick shaft and all over Jaina's lap. Her pussy was slowly pummeled back, made deeper and wider, reshaped around Lady Proudmoore's huge organ. The thing was longer than anything Valeera had ever taken, but she knew her body still had more space available.

"What's the matter, Proudwhore?" she hissed, struggling to submerge the final three inches of that beastly behemoth. "All those inches, all that bluster, and my tiny little cervix is STILL stronger. Just as I thought: all sizzle and no steak."

Jaina tightened her small, delicate hands on Valeera's hips. "Oh, yeah?" she growled, her stiff prick hosing the walls of the blood elf's cunny with fat wads of precum. The copious glaze made everything inside so slippery.

A second pair of large purple hands reached up and sank into the meat of each pale ass cheek, squeezing a handful of blood elf bubble butt. Valeera's eyes widened in surprise and sudden dread as human and night elf pulled her down together.

She felt a stretching sensation at her cervix, and a growing pressure deep in her core, straining her tunnel with a consistently climbing tension. Her hips were locked between the two women's grips, and not even her considerable strength could fight back against them in her vulnerable position.

"Oh fuck," she groaned, feeling something being pried open inside her. Her legs started twitching, going numb as some colossal intruder crushed the feeling out of her lower body.

"Ohhfffuck," she moaned again, louder this time. Her cervix widened to two inches, just enough for Jaina's wide cumhole to start blasting huge gouts of precum deep into her womb. She was filling Valeera's womb up even before getting her cock in! The warm flood of liquid love made the rogue's tummy melt. Everything seemed to relax, and soften, and loosen, and stretch, and—

"OHHFUUCCCKKK!!!" They screamed in unison, as Jaina's gargantuan pole burst through Valeera's cervix and crashed into the back wall of her womb. Pelvis slapped against pelvis, and a huge tubelike bulge snaked up the rogue's belly, nestling in just under her boobs. Every muscle in Valeera's body seized up, and Jaina felt herself get sucked in those last few millimeters, until pelvic bone was mashed hard against pelvic bone and a newly elongated vaginal corridor coiled around her fat prick, squeezing and pulling with the strength of a giant. Jaina couldn't pull out. Hell, she couldn't even thrust.

Her balls started to clench.

"Oh, I'm gonna…," she bit down on her lip, trying to fight off the rising liquid traveling up her fattening, hardening cockshaft. "…mmph, gonna… f-fucking…."

"Are you kidding me?!"

Valeera went suddenly rigid, feeling each inch of Jaina's cock fatten inside her. Something gurgled and pushed its way down her cumvein, prying open her quivering fuck pocket even farther. There was a blockage around the ultra tight seal of her cervix, but the load kept building and building, and they both knew that Valeera's whole life—and definitely her body—were just seconds away from being radically altered forever.

Tyrande slid her hands around to Valeera's front, kneading and massaging the huge, growing bulge of Jaina's massive cock, and in so doing sealed Valeera Sanguinar's fate forever.

"I'mmm CUMMMMMING!!!" Jaina roared, throwing her head back as her cocktip exploded the fattest, lumpiest, nastiest eruption of ball slop in her life. It was twice as mind-breaking as when she'd blown her first load in Tyrande's slutty pussy. It was a good thing she was already sitting, because all sensation went out of her limbs, or rather, every nerve ending in her body seemed to be pulled straight to her dick instead.

Her heavy balls crashed into Valeera's taint with each upward clench, heaving a fresh tsunami of semen through her convulsing cock and drowning Valeera's doomed ovaries. The interior of her womb changed immediately: instead of velvety soft meat coiling around her dick, Jaina felt nothing but a custard-like soup of her own fuck sauce touching her cock on all sides, like a man submerged in the ocean. There was only the goopy, gurgling, underwater reservoir of rut butter sloshing and slurping around her elephantine fucktrunk.

Valeera's toned abs disappeared as her baby sack swelled fat and sagging with an ocean of cock slime. Not a single drop escaped her tightly gripping snatch, as if her fuckhole craved that salty stew of steaming spunk on a survival level. She watched with growing eyes as her belly grew big and round—a premonition of her future over the coming days. And through it all, the only thought that connected in her rapidly emptying brain was about how GOOD it felt to be filled with Jaina's meat… and filled with Jaina's seed… and filled with Jaina's babies…

* * * * * * * * * *

Valeera's trim and flat stomach hadn't made another appearance for hours; it never got the chance. Jaina kept pumping her full of cock and cum all through the night, swelling her up almost as fast as her body could drain it.

"And in conclusion, my liege, Jaina's work holds promise for a brighter future, positively pregnant with rich abundances."

"With… rich… a-b-u-n-dances." Tyrande noted the sentence's end with an extravagant swell of the "b" and "d", making the letters look like two heavily pregnant women's bellies facing one another. She glanced up from her letter, admiring the bulge of cock and cum that swelled Valeera's stomach as the blood elf laid on her back across the writing table. Her toned right leg was hooked tight around Jaina's ass, while her left leg stood fully extended and pinned in place against the human's shoulder, toes pointing toward the ceiling.

"I keep telling you, Jaina…," Valeera grunted out, waving her arms across the table, knocking aside books and bottles and crystals. "You'll impregnate more easily if I am under you. You should familiarize yourself with piledrivers, mating presses, and prone bone positions. It will really help to literally pour your semen down into a woman's womb."

"I think you underestimate how virile I am. My semen doesn't need any positional advantages or tactical maneuvers to take root in you." Jaina sawed into her with long, hard strokes, savoring the sloppy and meaty grip milking her cock. "But you will be under me soon enough. In the meantime, I will enjoy your hot honeyhole in every orientation I can think of. It would appear as if a woman's pussy is full of surprises that even we are not aware of. Now keep dictating."

Valeera moaned, balling up a loose sheaf of papers in her clenching hand. "But you knooooohfuck… how mages can be, Varian: always quick to dive deeeeep into the nearest hole and lose track of time in satiating their thirst for some juicy morsel… of knowledge."

Tyrande wrote one-handed, her other arm squeezing her turgid nipples to disgorge a fat spray of milk into a bottle for her sleeping baby. "Mm-hmm, so deeeep in every hole…"

"Tell him you want to stay here with me," Jaina demanded.

"I c-can't abandon him!" Valeera pleaded. "Varian Wrynn is my king, and I will serve him well. I will see his kingdom stretch out across the land, spreading in all directions, wherever the sunlight touches."

"Hmm, you want to see a kingdom in the sunlight, huh?" Jaina threatened. Her immense length had hammered Valeera's tight slit into a well-fitting tunnel throughout the night, allowing her to really piston in and out of the blood elf's pussy now in the morning. She drove her whole body into each thrust, skewering deep and making the rogue's entire body feel the force of her thrusts, easily marked by the massive cockbulge punching out her stomach. "You want to see the spread of wealth and influence, is that it?" She grabbed Valeera and spun her around without withdrawing her penis.

Just like in the alley the previous day, Jaina didn't know where the strength came from in her comparatively smaller body. But she lifted with her back, legs, and arms, pulling Valeera up off the table. Her legs flopped and kicked for support, only to suddenly go limp as gravity pulled her slick pussy all the way to the base of Jaina's monstercock, mounting her completely on that tremendous beast.

Jaina lifted a foot, took a lurching step toward the window. "You wanted to see sunlight," she promised with a grunt of exertion, dragging her tongue along the ridge of Valeera's ear. "I'll give you sunlight."

Valeera moaned, reaching over her shoulder to grab Jaina around the back of the neck. She clung to her, pussy convulsing in increasingly frenzied undulations as Jaina carried her toward the morning daylight, fucking her all the way. That mammoth cock carved its way deeper with every juddering step, impaling her to a depth that would probably require Tyrande's help just to pull them apart again. Jaina grabbed her just below her ass, with one hand gripping each leg at the meat of her thighs and pulling her knees up to her chest, legs spread apart. Pussy juices and cum spilled in fat, lumpy deluges from her stuffed twat in a trail approaching the open window.

Valeera watched with a crazed expression of disbelief as this little human carried her mounted on a grotesquely huge cock across the room, one shaking step at a time. Her grip started to falter on Valeera's legs as the sweat from their bodies made her slippery.

"Come on, then, Proudwhore," Valeera moaned, turning her head to lick the salty flesh of Jaina's neck. "A little sweat is your friend! Sweat is the trophy of a hard worker, and I do so love it when you're hard!" Her voice was seething with a ferocity that Tyrande could never equal. The heat pouring off her words was matched only by the heat coming off her simmering pussy. She was soaking wet now, no longer sporting a tight little slit, but instead a bulging, sopping, gaping cunt cave. "You should be ashamed for only cumming sixteen times last night. And then to give up after walking just a few steps? Tyrande and I have really got to whip you into shape if you're going to be a proper breeder. You can barely knock up one bitch per night, dumping your fuckspawn in my baby sack… you literal mother fucker."

"Yes, Jaina, you're so weakened from your ordeal," Tyrande added, rising from her seat and striding over to them naked. Her nipples still leaked fat dollops of milk. "You need refreshment to get your strength back." She lifted one massive udder and pressed her engorged teat against Jaina's mouth.

Jaina's eyes widened in shock at the sudden naughtiness of the priestess, but her mouth worked reflexively as soon as the first splash hit her tongue. It was sweet and warm, with a heady bouquet of aromas and a creamy texture that drove her wild. She sucked harder, filling her mouth with night elf mommy milk, gulping down one load after another as small rivulets spilled down her chin.

Whatever lustful corruption was working it's way through her curse, it was ten times harder to resist it when Tyrande and Valeera were both working on her. She hadn't been soft for more than a handful of minutes all night long, teased back to aching hardness again and again and again, until she started pushing her mind through the exhaustion and into some deeper, darker, more primal place, where the need to breed drowned out the weary cries of her body and the aching pulse of her sore cock.

Her cock seemed to almost grow inside of Valeera, a sensation that even the blood elf noticed. "So big!" She sucked the milky runoff from Jaina's chin. "So hard! She's unstoppable! Breed me, Jaina! Breed me!"

Jaina held her like that, fingers tightening to find purchase on her sweat-slick skin. The ache in her forearms was pushed back, relegated to some distant corner of her mind, and Valeera's superior body weight seemed to lessen. As Jaina's cock hardened and swelled to new limits, the steely shaft helped support the weight of the moaning blood elf. The human dickgirl took another step, no longer shaking.

"You wanted sunlight, Sanguinar," she growled, practically folding the rogue in half with her legs pointing at the ceiling and the back of her knees resting on Jaina's deceptively slender forearms. The warm light of day bathed Valeera's pussy first, then gradually climbed up her body as Jaina carried her closer to the window. She started lifting and dropping Valeera onto her pulsing fuckrod, dumping blast after blast of constantly churning precum into her gaping cunt. Thick runnels of her nectar poured down Jaina's greased shaft and hung from her heavy balls like pearly streamers.

Valeera's feet pressed solidly against the frame of the window for support, but her naked body was fully bathed in the light of day. She stared out over the expanse of Theramore, her keen eyes discerning hundreds of townspeople beginning their day. Merchants and dockworkers and minstrels and guards filled the streets, and Valeera's hugely stretched, stuffed pussy was on full display to all of them as they wandered about below.

"There's your kingdom," Jaina started pumping into her, coring out her uterus and hammering it into the exclusive shape to fit her cock. "There will be a massive harem over there. Women of all races will line up all the way out the city gates to get bred by my cock. Tyrande will use the priestesses to heal everyone's brutally wrecked cunts and bless them all with powerful magic to stretch and expand their tight little fuckholes. I can be as rough as I want, knowing that they can take it, and in time they'll grow to crave that rough, wall-shaking, bone-rattling sex that only I will be equipped to give them."

Valeera listened, imagining the buildings as Jaina described them. Her free hand slid down over the growing bulge of her stomach and found her sopping, simmering pussy. She started rubbing herself to Jaina's story, fingers blurring over her achingly hard clit.

"And while Tyrande and her priestesses are busy repairing all the cock-plundered cunt caves, you, Valeera, will be there preparing hundreds of women a day for my shaft. You'll show them all the best positions to get packed with jizz, all the best exercises to milk my cock, all the best strategies to keep the line moving as fast as possible and keep me cumming as quickly and frequently as possible. Varian's son will inherit more than a kingdom. With thousands of women drilled on my cock, and millions of babies being pushed out of those cock-addicted slut-caves, Anduin will hold a fucking empire!"

Valeera's eyes glazed over as she imagined herself readying whole battalions of drippy-cunted women, expanding in grotesque detail on the advantages of every move in regards to coaxing whole oceans of nasty ball slop out of Jaina's humongous breedhammer every hour of every day.

"Tyrande," Valeera moaned brokenly, fingers soaked by the gushing torrent of pussy juice. "Tell V-Varian th-that…." She started hyperventilating as she felt her cunt stretching more each second. Jaina's hips slapped against her ass with such force that her whole body rippled from the impact. Wet dribbles and squirts spritzed from her pussy and sprinkled out the window, glittering in the sunlight as they dropped like rainfall to the city streets below. "Tell Varian that Jaina n-needs my help… that I need to stay in Theramore a while… longer… that Lady Proudwhore… Proudmoooore…moooore… fuck me moooore… needs all the help she can get…."

The soles of her bare feet dug into the stone grooves of the wall, tickling her with its rough texture. She looked down at her stomach. The abs were gone. Already gone. It had only been a few hours, and already she was showing. She liked it, liked the feeling of being barefoot… barefoot and pregnant…

She could feel Jaina's hot breath on her neck, could feel her throbbing cockhead hammering into her very core. It felt bigger, stretching her in ways that it hadn't before. Her whorish moans and the fleshy slaps of hot balls on her ass carried far through the morning air, and a few people in the streets even cast a look around them, trying to locate the slutty rogue.

Jaina's pace increased to ludicrous levels. Stone dust shook loose around the window and Valeera felt herself being lifted and dropped faster and harder by the smaller mage, as if the size difference was meaningless, as if she weighed nothing.

"Yesss," she hissed in Valeera's long ear, her voice deep and husky. A throaty growl escaped her mouth that sounded nothing like Lady Jaina Proudmoore's voice. "I'll need you again and again, Valeera. I'll keep you heavy and swollen with child, your belly bloated and cumbersome with seed, your movements awkward and orgasmic with raging hormones."

Valeera's eyes rolled back in her head, fingers furiously frigging her engorged clit as the orgasm raced toward her. Her pussy started convulsing, and a geyser of cunny juice suddenly blasted out the window, creating a huge arc of spray so large that the water droplets refracted the sunlight to cast a little rainbow leading not to a pot of gold, but to a fleshy bucket of steaming nut.

Jaina had intended to hold back her orgasm until the letter to Varian was finished, but Valeera's cunt hosing down the city streets pushed ALL the right buttons for her. She gritted her teeth and continued ramming her cock into the blood elf's hungry and thoroughly inseminated womb, while her pink tunnel desperately milked her monstrous member for its seed. Her cock felt so stiff and heavy inside Valeera, seemingly draining cum constantly into the rogue's destroyed uterus. Even though she couldn't see it, she could feel Valeera's gooey pussy walls squeezing and squelching around her organ, and the damn thing felt like it was longer and thicker, with more inches being squeezed and sucked on.

A dark groan passed her lips as her beefy, cum-filled balls clenched violently. Her whole body tingled like lightning was pumping through her. She could scarcely breathe, scarcely think, scarcely do anything except surrender control to the spewing cock sprouting from her groin. It took over, making her a passenger in her own body as thick ropes of gooey, salty, lumpy, steaming jizz poured and gurgled into Valeera's womb. Molten euphoria flooded into her brain like a broken dam, drowning her in an ecstasy that she had never known existed. She was addicted instantly to it, to the act of not just fucking, but breeding, of knowingly impregnating such an accomplished adventurer and reducing her down to a permanent baby maker.

Valeera was a quivering mess when Jaina was done with her. She deposited the heavily swollen rogue on a fur skin rug before dropping back onto her ass, utterly depleted. Her cock was still hard though, still huge and solid and hanging down to her knees, just as her erections always did.

She frowned, then blinked to focus her blurry eyes. No. It was soft. But even flaccid, the tremendous trunk of it was still so solid, so dense and meaty and thick, and it hung down to her knees while soft?! Her cock was as long and thick now as it was usually when erect. That couldn't be right. She scrutinized her balls underneath it. The heavy sack spilled out between her legs with a seething heat, churning and undulating a pair of absolute behemoths inside the fleshy bag. She took one in her hand and had to spread her fingers wide to encompass it. She lifted it. Heavy. So heavy. Completely emptied of cum and heavier than ever. She let it go, flinching from the embarrassingly loud meaty SLAP it made when it dropped back to the floor.

She gulped. "Tyrande," she called out. "Tell Varian we're gonna need more women for my research. A lot more." She stared transfixed at her longer, fatter cock, tracing the networked path of her finger-thick veins down its immense anaconda-like body. "Large women."

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