Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 104 - Sylvanas Windrunner, Fucked by Vereesa Windrunner

Chapter 104 - Sylvanas Windrunner, Fucked by Vereesa Windrunner

The ringing of metal against metal could be heard as Silver Covenant recruits trained in the yard. Dalaran was abuzz with rumors of war.

Vereesa briefly looked out of her tower's window at those men and women below, their blades reflecting the torchlight even into the late hours of the evening. Her glowing blue eyes drifted to the other side of Dalaran, where the Sunreavers dwelt. Her intelligence reports hadn't picked up on anything going on in Dalaran, but she knew that tensions were running high with the Horde-aligned Blood Elves.

Vereesa's eyes lingered on the windowsill. For some reason, her gaze drifted to a small plant there, next to a small bowl of water. A reminder of Quel'Thalas, her homeland. The small silver leaf only sported a few leaves but it held on defiantly. She smiled faintly, before turning away from the window and returning to her work.

I do hope Sylvanas isn't planning anything rash... She hasn't been herself since, well... thought Vereesa, her thoughts drifting briefly to her beloved sister. Their relationship had been strained in recent years and their most recent meeting had not gone as well as any of the three Windrunner sisters had hoped. Yet, there remained a sisterly bond between them and one which was not so easily severed.

Vereesa briefly eyed a missive she had written, a few weeks prior. It lay there, on the corner of her desk. She had wanted to send it to Sylvanas, to see what her plans truly were... To arrange a meeting, to ask for forgiveness. She had so wanted to mend their relationship.

Should I... Just go meet her? I wonder if they would let me into the Undercity.

Her hand reached up to finger the ruby locket at her neck, a painful reminder of what had been and could have been between Sylvanas, Alleria and herself. And her brother... A sad sigh left her lips, her finger moving to the letter, unsealed. It had just sat there, waiting to be sent.

Vereesa couldn't find the courage in her to send it.

She might not even be in the Undercity.

Vereesa's hand rested on the letter, as she briefly looked out the window. The training recruits could be seen below, fighting in the courtyard of Dalaran.

Vereesa's gaze lingered on them, her hand slipping down to cup the bulge in her tight leather pants. Another... souvenir from her last family reunion. When Sylvanas and Alleria had exploded with death and void magic during their retaking of Windrunner Spire, Vereesa had been too close to them, it seemed. The combined energies had seeped into her body, granting her a massive cock that was in constant need of attention. The thing had grown to massive proportions over the span of a few weeks and was now nearly a foot long and thicker than her wrist. And along with this prodigious size came an ever-increasing appetite.

She'd probably fucked half the new Silver Covenant recruits in the last few weeks.

A soft whimper left Vereesa's lips as she tried to pull her thoughts from the tight asses and fat tits that had graced her enormous pole in recent days. She tried to focus on her work, but her mind kept going back to Sylvanas... and her sister's fat, wobbling tits, always on the cusp of falling out of her armor. . Those thick, meaty thighs...

Her cock hardened in her pants. The thought of jerking off crossed the woman's mind... but she could ill afford losing such time when war was on the horizon. If her lusts didn't soon fade, she would most likely have to take care of it. Even after blowing her load three times in the last day, the damned thing remained unsatisfied still.

I've been so busy; I haven't even had the time to bring someone here. The one time I tried to fuck in the barracks, a new recruit walked in on me... Things did turn out in my favor when that recruit joined us, but still...

A soft sigh left Vereesa's lips, as she leaned back, closing her eyes for a moment, trying to push those lustful thoughts from her mind.


The voice made Vereesa jump and she spun to a combat posture to see Sylvanas sitting on her bed, cross-legged with that usual smug grin on her lips.

"Sylvanas? What are you doing here? You know I could have you arrested..." Vereesa said, lowering her guard slowly. Her eyes inadvertently glanced down at the mile long cleavage Sylvanas sported.

Fuck... Did her tits grow even bigger...?

The truth was that, as Warchief of the Horde, Sylvanas was not permitted entry into the Silver Enclave.

Sylvanas smiled at Vereesa, looking her up and down, admiring the sight. As Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant, Vereesa was extremely fit, much like many of her Quel'dorei kin. Yet, like her sisters, she had enough curves to make the term "hourglass figure" seem like an understatement. Her clothes clung to her lithe form, hugging her tight ass, thick thighs and wasp waist. Her white-and-blue Silver Covenant tabard bunched up between her huge knockers, each fat orb quite nearly as large as her head.

Sylvanas's eyes lingered on the tent that Vereesa was pitching in her pants for a brief moment.

"Getting turned on looking at your sister's tits, are you?" Sylvanas said with a mocking tone, leaning forward slightly and crossing her arms under those massive mammaries.

"I wasn't looking at... What are you talking about?" Vereesa blushed, blood rushing to her face and crotch.

"Please. Haven't met a single person in the last decade that hasn't immediately started drooling at the sight of these obscene fucking titties of mine. You're no different. Even as young women in Eversong, you'd always be staring at whatever pair of tits wobbled into your field of view. I'm more perceptive than you think, Little Moon. Though, I don't seem to recall you having such a... telltale sign of your arousal before," the Banshee Queen noticed, eyeing the fat bulge running along Vereesa's thigh. Even with her Silver Covenant tabard, the hefty log's outline could be seen.

"Sylvanas... I... Please, just go." Vereesa pleaded, avoiding eye-contact.

"Or what, dear sister? Are you going to have me arrested?" The Banshee Queen chuckled. "Please, you don't have the stones. Or maybe you do, now that I think about it," she teasingly added.

"Why are you even here?"

"I came to see my dear sister one last time. Things are going to change in the next few weeks and months... More than anyone can imagine. I'm giving you one last chance to join me..."

"In Undeath? Is that what you are offering me? It's an offer I will refuse again."

Sylvanas shook her head. "I didn't think you would. But... Perhaps I can help you tame this new affliction of yours," she said, standing up slowly.

Vereesa's breathing quickened as her sister's heels clicked on the stone floor. Her eyes watched the other elf's enormous, overgrown tits jostling within that metallic bra she wore. "What are you-?"

Her breath caught in her throat when she felt Sylvanas's icy cold hand slip down between her legs and squeeze her cock. Vereesa let out a gasp, biting her lip, her entire body tensing.

"Sylvanas! We can't-..."

"There are no guards outside your door, little sister. This tower is empty, save for you and me. You'd pitch a massive fucking tent like that and then pretend as though you aren't some nasty pervert who gets hard staring at your sister's tits? Always have you been the worst liar among the Windrunners," Sylvanas whispered, rubbing her fingers on Vereesa's stiffening pole.

"Sylvanas! Sis... Fuck... This is wrong. We-... we are sisters!" Vereesa moaned softly, gripping the desk behind her, trying to take a step back but finding herself sitting on the wooden surface. She could feel precum oozing from the head of her cock, beads of that clear liquid running down her thigh.

Sylvanas's hand continued rubbing her sister's cock through her pants as though she hadn't heard those weak protests. She knew just how long Vereesa had been wanting this. She had seen the woman's journal entries... The dreams she'd had... Though she had obviously also been attracted to men, her younger sister had always found herself staring at her big sister's big, fat tits and wide hips. The only thing more obscenely erotic than the Banshee Queen's body was her mind. The way she talked... the way she moved... She was a natural dominant, a huntress who enjoyed humiliating her prey...

And what better way to humiliate prey than by showing how much of a filthy degenerate they were? A nasty, perverted woman who got turned on by the sight of her sister's tits...

"Tell me you don't want it. Tell me you don't want my hands on you. Tell me you don't want to cum." Sylvanas demanded, her voice deep and husky. She felt the tent in Vereesa's pants swell, her hand gliding along that enormous shaft, feeling it grow harder under her touch.

Vereesa could only whimper in response, a small moan escaping her lips. Her breathing was heavy, her eyes lidded with lust. She felt her sister's hand slip up under her tabard, touching her skin. It was so cold! It made her gasp.

"You want my hands on you, don't you? You want me to get under that armor, to take that cock into my mouth... Suck it until you cum and fill my belly with cum," Sylvanas said, voice low and soft, barely a whisper.

"Sister... It feels so good," Vereesa whispered, looking at her sister with those glowing blue eyes. She could feel precum oozing from the head of her cock at a greater rate now.

"I know. And you know what I want?" Sylvanas said, tugging on the leather belt at the front of the woman's pants.

Vereesa shook her head. She knew that the Banshee Queen was toying with her, but she couldn't resist. Not when Sylvanas had a hand on her cock.

"I want to see that monster of yours." Sylvanas growled, pulling the belt off and tossing it aside, unbuttoning the silver-haired elf's britches. Her free hand slid down between the woman's legs, fingers finding their mark in an instant, pressing down on Vereesa's large, swollen balls.

Vereesa groaned in pleasure, biting her lip as she looked at her sister, who was now sinking to her knees in front of her. She reached out and touched Sylvanas's metal-plated chestpiece.

"Now, now. I haven't gotten to see yours and you already want to see mine? Have we not taught you patience, dearest sister?" the Dark Lady chided, gently pushing her sister's hand away.

Vereesa opened her mouth to respond but her words were cut off as Sylvanas began tugging her pants down. The root of the Ranger-General's cock was an impressive sight in and of itself, the pale skin of that wrist-thick behemoth causing Sylvanas's eyes to widen. Her pussy became wet as she eyed the pink shaft, precum oozing from the tip of it already making a large stain on Vereesa's pants.

The Banshee Queen leaned down and inhaled deeply, eyes closed for a moment as she smelled the thick musk of her sister's cock.

"This is how you'll make amends with me, little sister," Sylvanas purred, pulling Vereesa's pants down to her knees in one swift motion. The enormous, tumescent piece of meat that was revealed was far larger than Sylvanas had anticipated and it bounced upwards, slapping Sylvanas under the chin before landing square on her forehead.

"Sister... I'm sorr-..." Vereesa started to say, looking at the damage she'd caused, only to have her words cut off again when she saw the Banshee Queen's mouth move to the underside of her veined monolith, her lips kissing at that gigantic pole while her tongue bathed it in saliva.

Sylvanas wasted no time, removing her gloves and gripping her sister's cock by the base with one hand, the other hand gripping it nearer to the tip.

The coldness of her older sister's hands upon her prick sent shivers down Vereesa's spine. It was not wholly unpleasant, she thought. It felt so good, the feeling of those cold, smooth fingers wrapping around her cock like that. The way they moved, stroking along that steely pole, making Vereesa's body shiver in response. It was a sharp contrast to the intense heat radiating from her throbbing fuckspire. Vereesa let out a sigh as she felt her sister's mouth descend upon her tip.

Sylvanas took Vereesa's enormous cock into her mouth, her tongue moving along its underside, lips stretched thin around the girthy thing. It was easily the size of the Banshee Queen's forearm and thick enough that she couldn't get her hand all the way around it. Her head bobbed slowly up and down, her hand pumping up and down at the base of the shaft while her lips made slurping noises as they went up and down on that monolithic meatstick.

Vereesa's eyes rolled back in her head, a soft moan escaping her lips as she felt the Banshee Queen's hot mouth move up and down on her dick. The high elf thought it odd that Sylvanas's mouth would be warm when her hands were so cool but that train of thought was quickly brushed aside when she felt her sister's hand gliding up and down her cock, jerking her off in time with her bobbing.

Sylvanas looked up at Vereesa through her eyelashes, her gaze meeting her sister's. Vereesa's eyes were lidded, her lips parted in a silent moan as her sister continued to jerk her off. The sight only added fuel to the fire in Sylvanas's gut. Her own cunt was getting wet, the thought of sucking her sister off and making her cum all over her face and big, fat tits making her wish she could touch herself, to reach down and play with her pussy, to finger herself until she came and then have her sister suck her clit and lick her juices off her fingers.

Focus, Sylvanas. Vereesa hasn't cum yet and she is still trying to be proper...

Her hand continued pumping on Vereesa's cock as her head went down, taking more and more of the shaft into her mouth. She would have gagged when she felt the head of her sister's dick hit the back of her throat, but undeath did have its advantages. The Banshee Queen moved her head up and down along the thick member, her lips forming a tight seal around it.

Her free hand slipped down, touching Vereesa's balls, feeling them in her hand as she jerked Vereesa's cock off vigorously now.

Vereesa groaned, biting her lip and gripping the edge of the desk with both hands. Her cock throbbed hard, precum oozing from the tip, pumping constantly onto her sister's tongue and into her throat.

Shit! She's about to-...

"S-Sylvanas..." Vereesa whimpered, the high elf gripping the edge of the desk tighter. She took in a breath as she felt her sister's hand move quicker on her shaft, jerking her off faster and harder, making the veins bulge out more. The thought of cumming in Sylvanas's mouth was making her even harder and she couldn't help but buck her hips forward, trying to thrust deeper into her older sister's mouth, her eyes closing for a moment.

Fuck, I can't take much more of this! thought Vereesa, clenching her jaw.

Vereesa moaned out loud, the feeling of her sister's mouth around her cock, her tongue running along the underside of that thick shaft, made her whole body tingle. It felt so fucking good! The sensation of that soft, smooth tongue moving along her dick, tracing every individual vein while her older sister's lips went up and down on her prick...

"I'm sorry, sister," Vereesa groaned, her hands gripping the sides of Sylvanas's head, stopping her movement.

The Banshee Queen looked up at Vereesa with confusion in her eyes but didn't have much time to ask what was wrong before Vereesa began thrusting her hips, fucking her sister's mouth with abandon.

Vereesa's cock sunk deeper and deeper down Sylvanas's throat, making the Banshee Queen's eyes open wide. As an undead being, she probably could last a long while without air, but it all depended on how long Vereesa took to get off... It felt good, however, that thick rod forcing its way down her tight throat, pushing past her tonsils, causing saliva to spill out from her lips as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

The Dark Lady's hands moved to Vereesa's thighs, gripping them tightly, eyes fluttering closed as her sister fucked her mouth, driving her cock in and out of her throat.

Vereesa moaned, thrusting her cock down Sylvanas's throat, causing the warchief's throat to bulge out obscenely from the sheer size of the thing. The sound of wet sounds echoed throughout the room as the Banshee Queen's face was rapidly coated in a mixture of saliva and precum. She could feel her sister's cock twitch, precum oozing into her throat.

With each thrust, Vereesa's fat, apple-sized nuts would collide with the Banshee Queen's chin. She groaned as her sister's cock sank down her throat again and again, her hands gripping her sister's thighs. Her tongue lashed out, trying to find purchase on the throbbing, veiny monster. But Vereesa was in control, now.

And both of them found themselves liking it.

The calm, patient and reserved Vereesa, could now be seen slamming her oversized she-dick into Sylvanas's mouth repeatedly, slamfucking her older sister's face as she would any common whore. The thought made Sylvanas's clit throb and her hand drifted down to that rock-hard pearl, fingers playing with it as Vereesa facefucked her, her lips stretched taut around that pole.

The Dark Lady moaned, feeling Vereesa's cock throb again in her mouth as she shoved it in deep to the hilt and Sylvanas found her nose pressed against Vereesa's bald crotch.

With both hands holding her sister's head, it didn't take long for Vereesa to reach climax. She bucked wildly against Sylvanas's face, fucking it so hard that the Banshee Queen feared she might get a tooth knocked out from that violent rutting. The bedicked elf's rhythm became jagged as she felt herself throb, unable to hold back that mind-drowning pleasure. Eyes shut tight, Vereesa let out a wholly inelegant grunt, bending over somewhat as she started unloading into Sylvanas's mouth.

She held the other woman's head there for a long while as fat, porridge-thick ropes of molten jizz poured into Sylvanas's clenching throat. The Dark Lady moaned and shuddered, trying her hardest to stay upright as Vereesa continued to hold her firmly against her crotch. She could feel it throb, feel it gush its load down her throat, the liquid heat causing the banshee to let out a muffled cry as she, too, gave herself to pleasure and came.

"Fuck... I'm sorry... I-... I..." Vereesa panted, looking down at Sylvanas. She slowly drew her length from the undead elf's mouth, thick ropes of gooey precum and saliva linking them for a long while before breaking and landing onto Sylvanas's cleavage with a wet plap. The older sister gasped, trying to catch her breath as she recovered from a short, yet intense orgasm.

Her blue eyes wandered downwards to Sylvanas, still on her knees. The Banshee Queen burped up a little bit of cum, some of it coming out of her mouth and hanging from her lower lip before being wiped off. "Guh..." Sylvanas groaned, holding her stomach.

The sight of Sylvanas in such a cum haze caused Vereesa's flagging erection to find vigor once more and that fat rod stood straight up.

I really shouldn't... But... thought Vereesa, as she slowly allowed her base instincts to take over.

She placed a heel to Sylvanas's shoulder and pushed the fat-titted warchief onto her back, nearly causing those tremendous jugs of hers to fall out of her metal-and-leather bra. The purple-grey-skinned elf fell to her back with little resistance.

Vereesa was soon on her, hands ripping at the woman's metal bra and tossing it aside, freeing those gargantuan fuckpillows. They appeared far larger than Vereesa's own massive mammaries, wobbling about as they settled upon Sylvanas's chest like two poached eggs, waiting for the pale-skinned sister to kiss and fondle those enormous orbs.

Not yet done stripping her sister, Vereesa tugged at the leather thong she wore, surprising herself with how easily she removed the thing. Her cock throbbed hungrily at the sight of the Banshee Queen's sopping gash, nectar coating the area around that perfect elven pussy, glistening in the soft light of the room.

Vereesa wasted no time, taking one of Sylvanas's legs and placing it over her shoulder. With that, she was able to reach her target more easily and with a deep, resounding moan, the woman plunged her cock into the tight hole. Sylvanas's walls tightened around that fat cock, hugging it tightly, her insides quivering as they gripped the intruder inside them, squelching noises melding with the woman's moans.

"Ohh..." Vereesa cooed, starting to move her hips, pushing her entire prick deep into Sylvanas's stretched-out hole. She pulled back until only the tip was still in her, then she plunged forward again, eliciting another loud moan from her partner as she pounded Sylvanas's pussy.

The Dark Lady's face contorted in a mix of pleasure and pain, her hands gripping futilely against the stone floor, as though trying to grip bed sheets that were not there. The excitement of fucking her older sister nearly made Vereesa blow her load right then and there, but she held on and started fucking Sylvanas in earnest.

"S-Sylvanas... I... Fuck!" Vereesa groaned, moving her hips faster and faster, going deeper and deeper with each thrust, causing Sylvanas's enormous, jiggling fuckmountains to bounce back and forth, nearly slapping the elven whore in the face. She had no trouble keeping up with her sister's relentless pounding, in fact she was even moving her own hips along with Vereesa's thrusting, wanting to take as much of that huge thing inside her as possible.

Vereesa kept fucking Sylvanas hard, so hard that it felt like she was trying to ream the Banshee Queen's guts out. Sylvanas's eyes were wide, staring up at the ceiling as the pleasure kept mounting and mounting inside her.

The Ranger-General let go of Sylvanas's leg now, and she could soon feel both her partner's heels digging into her back as she began fucking her harder and harder, holding the undead warchief in a mating press. Vereesa's balls smacked repeatedly against Sylvanas's ass now as she slamfucked her brutally, each long thrust nearly throwing her over the edge into the blissful arms of orgasmic oblivion.

It was too much for Vereesa, and she knew it was too much for her sister, but she couldn't help herself. She moved her hips faster, fucking Sylvanas even harder, now, her eyes staring at the woman's face as she leaned forward, holding her there, pressing her fat, pale tits against her sister's much larger ones.

The Banshee Queen was drooling, eyes half-lidded and mouth agape as she was fucked harder than ever before. Her hands gripped Vereesa's forearms hard, fingers digging into the skin as she felt her orgasm approaching. Her body started to tense up as she felt the woman's cock twitching inside her. The sensation sent her over the edge and she moaned loudly, feeling her pussy spasm around that monster of a fuckstick.

"Ngh!" Vereesa grunted, feeling Sylvanas's tight cunt contracting around her cock. She couldn't help herself and started unloading deep into the other elf's womb, spraying hot seed into the tight, slippery hole. Sylvanas's womb was soon filled to the brim with that hot, potent nutbutter and she nearly cried out when she felt the Banshee Queen's pussy clamp down on her cock, as though trying to suck it even deeper inside and trap it inside.

She could feel Sylvanas's legs shaking, her toes curling, the woman's hands holding onto Vereesa's arms for dear life as she kept coming, feeling the hot seed continue to spray into her womb, making it feel so incredibly full. Sylvanas could already feel life taking hold inside her womb, a fact that should have been impossible, were it not for the magical nature of Vereesa's cock.

After what felt like an eternity, Vereesa finished unloading her seed deep inside Sylvanas's snatch. She felt herself getting tired and slowly moved her hips, pulling her cock from Sylvanas's cum-soaked pussy.

They basked in the moment, hoping none outside had heard the banshee's wails.