Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 101 - Reeves Khan vs. Khameleon

Chapter 101 - Reeves Khan vs. Khameleon

Outworld, Shao Kahn's Fortress...

In Shao Kahn's Fortress as the Shao Kahn himself was sitting in his throne with his Cerberus-like pet by him along with his beautiful wife; Sindel and his silent red but deadly assassin; Scarlet as they were both watching fights on the portal screen. He continues watching the Shaolin monks in training sessions with their students and it was Kung Lao and Liu Kang leading the class but grew bored of them and changes the screen.

"I grow bored of the Earthrealm warriors that I've been fighting for years to come. I haven't seen any new potential powerful warriors in 500 years. Speaking of which, where are Kitana, Mileena, and Jade?" He demands.

"I haven't heard from them either. They've should've reported in by now. Shall I search for them?" Sindel asks.

"No, they are capable of returning to me unless if they are held captive, I can draw them out. In the meantime, Shang Tsung!" He calls out.

Shang Tsung teleports into the throne room and bows to him. "You've summoned me, master?"

"Yes, it is time for a new tournament. Set the preparations. I will be expecting warriors worthy of my time and I will this tournament and conquer Earthrealm!"

"Of course, master." He bows once more before leaving the throne room. "Master, have you noticed any strange activity? Such as strange energy coming from Earthrealm connecting to ours?" He asks curiously.

"Yes, I have. It seems we have a new warrior among us and he's ripe for the taking. A new warrior to add my warrior line up. Now prepare the Tournament."

"At once, Master." He bows again before leaving.

"Sindel, you will be part of the tournament and win it. Make sure the others know as well."

"Yes, my love." Sindel rises from her throne and walks towards the door as Shao Khan couldn't help but stare at her large wide hips, though she looks good for her age. Scarlet was even surprised that he doesn't even make a baby with her naturally instead of just cloning his so-called children.

Earthrealm, Earthrealm defenders Headquarters...

While in the base of operations for Earthrealm and outside of it, it's usually busy with battles of Shao Khan's doing or Kane's illegal black marketing but nothing was going but Lord Raiden was getting a bit worried about Kitana and Jade. They have not returned from their scouting mission. Kabal enters the room and sees he was trouble.

"Something bothering you, Raiden?" He asks curiously.

"Hmmm, yes. Kitana and Jade were sent on a scouting mission to Outworld to find out if Shao Khan was planning anything to take Earthrealm. Seems they've haven't reported back yet."

"Probably something caught up with them. I'm sure they'll be back before you know it. It's not like she'll turn against us."

Raiden looks at his amulet as it was slowly shattering, scarring him and wondering why it's breaking in the first place. Sonya and Jax enter the briefing room to report what's going on. "Raiden, something's weird is going on."

"What is it, Sonya?" He asks curiously.

"Some kind of paranormal lightning struck in New York City, Queens. We're not sure where it came from but its readings are off the charts." Sonya answers.

"We thought it would be you but it's almost Outworld like energy from that lightning." Jax adds.

"I do find this strange indeed. We must investigate to prevent this from happening. Sonya, Jax see if you can send Stryker to investigate and join him as well." Raiden orders.

"We got you, Raiden." Jax complies as they both leave the briefing room to inform Stryker while Raiden checks his amulet as it slowly shatters once more. Until he suddenly starts to get visions of Wolf-like Shokan warrior fighting his way through the tournament, breeding the known female warriors, having children and ruling all realms. He groans as it was giving him a major headache rubbing his temple.

"You alright?" Kabal asks worrying.

"Yes, but I was having visions of a new warrior among us. I fear this warrior will be the turning tide of Mortal Kombat Tournament. I'm not sure if he's fighting for Earthrealm or for a different purpose." Raiden answers.

"That doesn't sound good. All I know is that this guy is dangerous and we need to take him out."

"You are correct but he might be an advantage to ending this all once and for all. I saw Kitana, Jade, and Mileena in my visions with him."

"Maybe they convinced him to be good but I ain't taking any chances."

"Understandable, we must take caution. He may well very be the new Earthrealm protector or a great menace. We must keep a close eye on him." Raiden finishes.

Meanwhile back in New York City as Stryker and Johnny were at the home of Reeves, searching his nearly destroyed room looking at a few destroyed items and strange green ooze on the floor.

"Wow, and they say my room was a mess." Johnny commented.

"I'd hate to see it." Stryker notices something unusual about the green ooze on the floor, all over the couch and on the table. He puts on his forensics gloves and began scooping up samples of the green ooze into a tiny capsule for safe keeping. Johnny kneels down for a closer look as he scoops with his bare fingers and sniffs it for a bit.

"Where this stuff come from anyway?" Johnny asks seriously.

"Don't know but it's sperm." Stryker answers.

"WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Johnny jumps as he shakes the sperm off his hand and wipes it off the wall. "DUDE, YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME!" Johnny spoke furiously.

"Nah, it wouldn't be funny now would it?" He chuckles and finishes scooping the last bit of the samples. "There we go. We need to get this back to HQ if we're gonna find out who he is. Come on." Stryker says as he takes lead back to the vehicle and Johnny follows.

"Hey, Stryker... promise me you won't tell anybody I touched that stuff? Because you know I ain't into dudes."

"Don't worry, Johnny Cum." He chuckles under his breath and crosses his fingers behind his back.

Somewhere else in New York City...

In the deepest part of New York City on an unfinished subway tunnel, most likely abandoned due to recent sightings of lizard men spotted in the tunnels. Reeves and the three Assassins approached the unfinished tunnel with some lights still working and few dimmed with construction vehicles around. Reeves was wearing a large cloak for his size to look more intimidating.

"Tell me Kitana, is this where they are now?" Reeves asks curiously.

"Yes, the Saurians believed your City was the perfect place to repopulate their species but... had no luck with so much disturbance." Kitana answers.

"And now they are on the brink of extinction..." Jade adds.

"This is the only way to get to them. I'll lead my love." Mileena adds as she takes the lead while the other three follow until Jade and Kitana caught up to her.

Reeves watches Mileena's hips swaying, making him grin while watching the other two, large asses swaying along with hers. He tried not to get an erection since he could find a better place for it as Mileena looks back to notice he was getting a boner and winks at him seductively and giggles.

"Seems Master hasn't had enough of us yet." Jade whispers to Mileena.

"I agree. We should give him some love when we get back." Mileena whispers back.

"Yes, we should. After all, we are his lovers." Kitana adds, whispering back.

Thanks to Reeves enhanced hearing, he heard everything that needs to be known but tries not to show it. "We are close, Master." Jade announces to Reeves.

As they were close to the entrance of the Saurian's tribe Reeves felt a slight gist in him as the potion took more effect on him. His massive cock grew larger as it limps in his pants, his body grew larger than an average Shokan and lastly grew more teeth like any Tarkatan. The others don't realize it and he would prefer to keep a secret them until they see it themselves. They approach a large double door, leading to the Saurian tribe as Reeves opens it the large doors and witnesses the tribe with his own eyes. As they entered the tribe, he looks around seeing humanoid dinosaurs with males having stubby or no tails while females have long tails and range scale color from brown, green and rarely white how there were mostly male soldiers and less female among them including children with little resources left.

"I can see now why they struggle to survive." He spoke gently.

"Yes and almost every day they lose one unless something changes then they won't survive to next year."

"Sounds like insufficient leadership. What they need is a real leader to lead them to salvation. A savior to look up and be blessed. Who is there leader? Reptile?" He asks.

"It's Khameleon." Jade answered.

"Take me to her palace." He orders.

He follows Jade to the center of the tribe as the other two follow behind him as Kitana notices he was a bit larger since they left his home. "I'm sure you've noticed he's quite massive now, more than before." Kitana whispers to Mileena.

"That means our soon to be husband will have more fun with us." Mileena whispers back and giggles softly.

"Husband?" Kitana blushes deeply.

"Of course, he already gave us children. So that makes us his wives." She grins and giggles.

Soon enough they arrive at the center palace, probably where the Queen is residing. "My love, you'll need to wear this cloth." Jade passes it to him.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because she doesn't know you. Nobody does at least not yet plus element surprise." Jade winks at him.

He puts the giant hoodie cloth on him covering his face and partially his body. They reach the front doors until two Saurian guards block their path with their spears aiming at them.

"Who dares to enter the Queens Palace?" The guard asks.

"I do and how dare you block the way of the future ruler of Outworld." Mileena growled.

"Apologises, Princess Mileena." The second guard bows.

The two guards bow in apology and stood out of the way as they enter the palace as they please while another warrior watches them invisible and returns inside. They reach the throne room to find a female saurian with greyish green scales, long silver hair in a green leotard with a green bandana, green mask, green leather fingerless gloves, and long high heel leather toeless boots. She had the same facial structure as Reptile and the rest of her species but more female slimmer type. The group approaches the throne as she wonders what they want from her.

"Who dares to enter my throne room?" Khameleon asks demandingly.

Reeves approaches her at the bottom stairs and reveals himself to her. "I dare, Queen Khameleon."

"And who are you, Shokan?" She demands.

"I am Reeves Khan." He answers.

"Whoever you are. You've come a long way just to die."

Without him knowing something slides on the floor and trips Reeves as Reptile reveals himself while hissing at him. "No one hurts the Queen!"

"We'll see who get hurts." He snarls and grows as he draws his blades on all arms.

They both charge towards each other as Reeves gets the first hit, pushing Reptile back until he sends a floating bubble of acid towards him. The acid bubble bursts on impact as he felt the acid burning his arms a little but barely phases through him. He slashes his blades towards him as Reptile continues dodging his slashes until he does a slide attack on Reeves, tripping him once more. Khameleon grins and chuckles watching him being beaten by her right-hand bodyguard being entertained and amused by their masculinity especially towards Reptile.

Reeves suddenly felt flame within his chest and shoots out a stream of fire, burning Reptile screaming in agony pain until he shakes off the flame. He then charges at him, pins him to the ground with his lower arms pinning him and begins pounding him into the ground to a bloody pulp. She was shocked to see him getting beaten by such a brute Shokan. He keeps going for another few punches to him at least till acid blood sprayed a bit onto the floor and till he can't see straight.

He rose up from his paralyzed body and walked over him, leaving him for dead or at least that's what he believes. While his back was turned heading towards Khameleon, Reptile recovers as if Reeves never laid a finger on him, covered in his own blood and bruises. Hearing Reptile recover after a beatdown just only irritated him, making him snarl and turns his attention back to Reptile for one last time.

Reptile snarled back at him and went for a full bull charge right hook until Reeves right kicks him in the gut, right hooks him in the face, left hooks in him with no chance of slowing down and lastly uppercuts him hard. Reeves finally roundhouse kicks Reptile in the face as it fractured his skull a little and broke a few of his teeth, finally knocking out completely.


The girls were shocked by how powerful he was against Reptile but Mileena was of course entertained and so was Jade to see him won. He only spits on his unconscious body to show his dominance.

"Do yourself a favor and stay down Lizard!" He growls.

He turns his attention back to the Queen with a large grin on his face and wipes the blood off his lip while Mileena drags Reptile out of the way in case he does recover quickly. "I'll keep him out of your hair, my love." She mentions.

"That you do, Mileena. Last chance for salvation, Queen Khameleon. Don't do this for me, darling. Do it for the fate of your people. For their survival." Reeves grin showing his gesture towards her.

She growls and hisses at him as she stood up from her throne before preparing herself to fight. "I'll gladly kill you before I had my people over to you!"

"So be it." He growls deeply.

He draws his blades preparing himself for her as she gets into her Eagle Claw position and charges towards him first. She gives a couple of good high kicks into his chest pushing him back a bit but not enough to beat him. At the right time, he then knee's her in the stomach and into her chin knocking her down a bit, nearly breaking her jaw until she teleports into the air and kicks him in the face catching him off guard then throws him over her with her leg down the stairs.

He tumbles down the stairs till reaching the bottom and joins him to continue the duel. She attempts to kick him again but instead counter attacks by grabbing her leg disabling her from moving and knee's her in the chin sending her back a bit but it didn't stop her from coming back. She charges at him with her claws but he grabs her in an arm lock, socks her in the face with his upper arm and lastly, arm sweeps her with his lower arm to the ground.

On her last feeble attempt, she rises one last time does a roundhouse kick as he easily shoves off the attack pressing on with her kicks until she had one lucky right hook on him but did little damage to him. He then gives her a hard right hook to his left making her dizzy and lastly uppercuts her hard into the air and lands on her back. She groans in pain in a hissing fashion as it seems she won't be getting back making him grin and getting a better look of her scale body in the tight suit.

"Queen Khameleon... I bring you salvation to help your species from the edge of extinction and you rather ignore my offer and battle me. Quite a terrible negotiation, my dear."

"What? Do you plan to kill me? I said I'll die before I hand my people over to you."

"Oh, I don't plan to kill you. Oh no, I've got something better for you." He grins and growls lustfully.

"What do you plan to do?" She growls in pain.

"You'll find out." He grins and chuckles.

He grabs hold of her head as she groans in pain while she was at his crotch level watching him grab his pants and pulls them down pulling his horse sized cock out fully erected with his large ball sack hanging out. She was shocked to see how massive it truly was probably bigger than Goro and Kintaro combined. He then rips her bra off with his claw exposing her large breasts with hard nipples, making her gasp in shock and lastly pulls her mask down to her neck.

"Please... I beg you..." She looks up at him with fright in her eyes.

"It's too late for begging now, Queen. I heard your species have large mouths to swallow heads. Try swallowing mine."

She shutters as she watches him shove his massive tip into her mouth and pushes his cock halfway into her. She began shedding tears a little as her mouth was being raped by a half-bred Shokan human never thought it would come to this. She muffles a bit as her mouth stretches from his shaft while he was moaning deeply feeling how her mouth was the right size for his cock. He then begins thrusting her head into his cock while holding her head with one hand as it seems she's powerless at that point. She looks up at him while she was eating his cock with her tears messing up her makeup as he looks down at her doing so.

Meanwhile with Mileena, Jade, and Kitana watching unconscious Reptile and watching Reeve's defiling Khameleon's mouth. Reptile slowly wakes up regaining conscious only to see Reeve's face fucking Khameleon as he was about to jump in but Jade had her pole against his neck from behind.

"You will not interrupt my future husband." Jade warns.

Reptile could only witness but in a way was getting a bit aroused by how rough Reeve's is with her. Mileena notices him getting hard watching Khameleon getting sexually humiliated.

"Seem's like you are enjoying the show. Eh Reptile?" She giggles.

"Bite your tongue, whore. This is humiliation." He growls.

"Well, you never had a chance with her, to begin with, but... just for fun. Let me help you." She grins as she draws her Sai, cuts his pants a hole where his crotch is and his pink fleshy cock slides out but hard.

"Unhand me, half-bred! I will not be seduced by you." He rejects.

"Tell that to your little friend down there." She giggles as she goes behind him, grabs his cock from behind with her head over his shoulder and slowly stroking his cock while he watches them. He tried not to blush as he groaned and moaned quietly but she knew he was enjoying it.

Back with Khameleon and Reeve's as he continues thrusting her head into his cock. She grew weary in her eyes taking it in as she grunts from him thrusting her head making his cock covered in saliva and wet. He grinned knowing it was time to take it deeper into her.

"Let's see if you swallow it whole." He grins.

Her eyes open wide shocked as she muffles for mercy but he enjoys her begging for mercy. He then grabs hold of her head and forces it down her throat gagging and choking from his cock as a bit of saliva squeezes out making her drool. Then starts thrusting deeply into her throat while holding her head in place with no mercy as she felt her throat being enclosed by his cock that she can only breathe through her nose. His cock was massive to the point of seeing a large bulge in her throat while she moans, groans and muffle cries a bit as he continues enjoying throat fucking her.

Mileena continues stroking his cock with a large grin on her face seeing that he was really aroused by the situation and couldn't bear it anymore. His cock grew a bit building up as it got a bit thicker after each stroke, wanting to cum so badly but squeezes it to keep him from doing so. He groaned in a moaning way, cutting him off before he could cum.

"You're not cumming on me just yet, sweetheart. Such a shame too. You could've claimed her but you were too chicken to take her." She giggled diabolically.

She continues stroking his cock but harder and a bit faster making him hiss louder and moan loudly can't help but enjoy himself. Reeve's continue thrusting furiously into her throat as now she was completely broken and taking every inch of him while he moaned deeply and loudly. He was getting close to climaxing into her throat as she was just waiting for it, begging that it would end her misery.

He thrusts faster and harder into her as she felt him getting rougher in her throat hearing large gulps and more saliva drooling out. The girls watch in amazement seeing how he never slowed down for one second until one final push into throat deeply with her mouth hitting the base of his cock he cums hard and deep into her throat. He shoots his large amount of hot thick seed deep within her forcing her to swallow every drop he had making her stomach bloat a little as if she was pregnant. She muffles and gags on his seed and cock as some of it leaks out of her mouth gagging as he holds in her for a few seconds until she finally gave in.

"Drink every drop, Queen. You've drunk a true rulers seed." He looks down at her as she looks back up to him with a completely broken look, tears shedding and even a small blush.

He slowly pulls his cock out of her throat as she felt every bit of him while air slowly came back until he pulled out completely. She breathes heavily for air panting heavily drooling with her tongue hanging out while cum and saliva mixed together as they drip onto the floor. "Please... no more..." She cries begging.

"I'm not quite done yet, Queen." He smirks.

He picks up her weak body into a standing position but pulls her back close to his chest with his upper arms holding her arms as his lower arms pull her suit aside exposing her vagina and ass while she was on her tippy toes. He was surprised to see her having a large ass for woman smaller than him but also grinned looking at her tight womanhood as he pushes his tip against it trying to force his way in as she shudders a bit.

"Please... you're too large... It can't fit..." She pleads.

"I'll make it fit." He growls lustfully.

She sheds more tears as he forces his way in making her scream loudly in pain feeling him penetrating her entry and immediately begins thrusting into her. She only felt half of his shaft thrusting into her giving her the taste of what's to cum. Her tongue hangs out gasping for air as taking his massive girth was taking so much strength from her that she could barely breathe for a second.

"I'm quite shocked to see you're a virgin. I thought Reptile would be your mate of choice but then again..." He chuckled while grunting and moaning deeply.

She moans in pain as her virginity was being torn apart breaking her insides while her virgin blood drips out onto the floor while Reptile continued watching as Mileena continued to jerk him off at a faster pace making him moan louder and pant harder.

"I can't hold it much longer." Reptile moans loudly.

"Uh-Uh, not until my husband cums inside your Queen." She giggles as she continues forcefully jerking him off.

"But that means..."

"Yes, she will conceive his child. Not yours." She grins.

She moaned loudly as her large breasts jiggled roughly while he thrusts harder and rougher in her vagina hitting her womb entrance. Her pain was slowly going as more pleasure began to come out with her cum lubing his cock while she felt him push deeper into her vagina, bulging her vagina further. She was feeling all senses of pleasure from his might but tried not to show it.

"What is this I'm feeling? His dominance, masculinity... Not even Reptile had the courage to breed his queen despite my hints..." She thought to herself.

"Well Queen seems you're vagina is loving me. Seems you can't deny it anymore." He growls lustfully.

She moans loudly but in despair trying not to show that it was for pleasure. Reeve's cock was lubed enough to push past her bodies limit as he forcefully penetrates into her womb making her scream loudly. It made her stands back to him, legs are slightly apart and bent in knees, her body was bent forward, hands are pulled behind the back as he was still holding onto her hands. Her upper body hangs with her large breasts jiggled more as Reptile's build up was up to it's maxed as Mileena squeezes his cock was again to keep him from cumming.

"Don't deny it anymore, Queen. It was your destiny to be bred by a true ruler such as I. The contraction of your womb tells me otherwise." He chuckles deeply.

Even Khameleon couldn't resist the pleasure and him being right especially the position she is currently in. The amount of pleasure pushes her to stand on four limbs, but not on her knees, leans on her arms and toes, with elbows and knees slightly bent, exposes her ass up. His legs spread wide apart and knees slightly bent and he leans forward. His lower hands are on her buttocks and he penetrates deeper.

She moans loudly just begging for him to unleash his seed into her womb but it's mostly teasing now at that point or at least when he feels ready to unload his seed. Mileena continues to sexually torture his cock as her nails dig a bit into his shaft while jerking him hard and fast.

"Stop resisting Queen and embrace it. It's what you've truly wanted." Reeve's whispers into her ear.

The lustful whispers in her ears made it irresistible and couldn't withstand it anymore finally giving in to him. He grins finally seeing her end her resistance as he picks her up by the hips showing off pussy with his penis inserted to Reptile. She takes her his shoulder over his head on the elbow for support and continued thrusting upwards into her with no mercy. Reptile couldn't help to watch her being unwillingly penetrated by another that wasn't him as Mileena continues jerking him with all her strength.

"This could've been you, Reptile but there you are over there!" He chuckled loudly.

Reptile accepts that now as Reeve's continues until sits back onto her throne with her on his lap, legs are bent in knees and began riding him with his upper hands fondling her breasts making her moan uncontrollably and his lower hands against her hips no longer holding her lust back even in front of Reptile. Reptile couldn't hold back his climax any longer, ready to release load as Reeve's picks up the pace, thrusting her down rapidly and hard with her realizing he was going to cum as well.

"You've been blessed with my cock. Now you shall carry my child." He growls lustfully loudly.

"No, I can't! I'm not ready for a child!" She cries out.

"You will! Admit it, you know my cock is superior and you've been waiting for a long time to have something this good!" He roars out.

"Never! I will never admit it!" She tries resisting. He grins knowing it was a bright white lie until one forced push into her womb she screams loudly in pleasure ecstasy as her womb bulges stretching her insides out wide. He keeps thrusting furiously into her womb with no mercy until she finally mentally and sexually breaks with no remorse.

"You are right! I've been waiting for so long to a true ruler to breed me! You've blessed me with your great girth! Now bless me with your child, my true husband!" She moaned out loudly begging.

Those words finally made him unleashing his massive load deep within her womb as they both moaned loudly, quickly filling her and fertilizing her egg. While at the same time Reptile also's release's his load, squirting almost across the room as most of it got onto her hands with most of the sticky residue behind. She licks it a bit, tasting Zaterran cum for the first and giggles.

"Saurian semen isn't so bad as I thought but my husbands tastes better." She grins licking her lips.

Khameleon's vagina leaked his hot thick cum as she shudders in pleasure feeling every drop as she turns her head towards him and tongue kisses him deeply willingly. Reptile stood by and watched as Mileena releases him knowing there was not much else he can do now. He puts his cock back into his pants and approaches the throne watching them slobbering against each other.

"There's so much... I can't hold in so much of your seed." She hisses softly.

"But you will carry my child, so you shall hold my seed." He growls lustfully and softly licks her cheek.

"Of course my love." She spoke and moaned softly.

He slowly pulls out as she moans lightly until it was completely out with more of his cum oozing out of her making herself comfortable in his lap while Reptile waited for him until he was ready to speak.

"You said you were to bring salvation for my people. To bring us away from extinction and bring the glory back to the Saurians. Is it not true?" He asks.

"Yes, it is true. I will bring your kind from the edge of extinction and help rebuild your species but you must pledge your allegiance to me and accept me as your new ruler."

"If it means to bring the glory of the Saurians to the surface then I will humbly serve you and support the child you've implanted." Reptile bows.

"And what could you possibly offer me that I can't simply take?" He asks curiously.

Just as Reptile was about to answer Skarlet and Baraka burst through the doors to only Khameleon on his lap and Reptile bowing to him wondering what has happened.

"Reptile! How dare you bow to this half-bred?! Your loyalty is with Shao Kahn!" Skarlet answers angrily.

"That was before Reeve's Khan offered to bring my species out from the edge of extinction and back to its full glory. Shao Kahn would never let my kind roam free again." Reptile answers calmly.

"You should be lucky that Shao Kahn even allowed you to live." Baraka added.

"Until I outlive my usefulness to him."

"Yes, now what was that you were offering Reptile?" Reeve's asks.

"Before I was interrupted, I offer my men's loyalty and service to you along with a powerful formula that'll help your strength and powers that Shao Kahn used. I know how to make more and make it permanent power." Reptile answers.

"And I offer my support with all Saurians to accepting you as their new ruler and my body and child belong to you." Khameleon answers.

"Hope you haven't forgotten about us." Mileena spoke out

"Jade? Mileena? Kitana?! What is the meaning of this?! The daughters and assassins of Shao Kahn following this Shokan. Your father will be disappointed." Baraka answered.

"Traitors! You are all traitors to Shao Kahn and Outworld! He will hear this and have your heads!" Skarlet spoke last as she uses her blood magic and teleported themselves.

"Shall I go after them Lord Reeves?" Reptile asks.

"No, I want Shao Kahn to know his end is coming sooner than he thinks. Soon his rule will be over. Once I have this formula, nothing can stop my plans." Reeves answered.

"And what is that plan?" Khameleon asks curiously.

"I don't plan to spoil my plans. Not just yet... but for now we must prep your best men and rest well before we storm the surface. Mileena, contact Kano and bring him for a business meeting. We've got work to do." He commands.

"It shall be done, my love." Mileena bows before going off to contact Kano.

"If you truly want your plans to follow through, then I suggest one thing especially ending his rule. Enter the Mortal Kombat Tournament and defeat Shao Kahn. Only then will your dreams will come true." Khameleon suggests.

"Of course, the Mortal Kombat Tournament. Then I shall enter the tournament and destroy him with my bare hands." He grins while clenching his fists.

"Oh, I'd love to see you beat our father." Mileena giggled.

"I'm sure you'll get the pleasure of watching especially for you Kitana considering he took your world Edenia. This is a perfect time to avenge your fallen world."

"He's right. He absorbed our world into his and now we live under his rule. Now, with my true love taking the fight to him we can live to see a new Edenia." Jade agrees.

Kitana clenches her fist knowing they were all right, looks towards him and nods only to make him grin knowing she will be fully committed to the fight even if it means going against her so-called father. Khameleon slowly passes out in his arms with her close to his muscular chest while moaning and hissing softly as she still feels cum oozing out of her and it consuming her egg.




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