Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 81 - The boy miners rebel in Wow

Chapter 81 - The boy miners rebel in Wow

They came in the dozens and dozens, travelers from all over Azeroth who wished to see what was being touted and sold in the darker recesses of Dalaran. Of course they had heard of the fight clubs, the black market where all manner of exotic trinkets and trappings were bought and sold. They knew about the toughs, the thugs, the thieves. It was this sense or ruddy danger that compelled them, the aristocrats of Silvermoon and Suramar, sin'dorei and shal'dorei thrill-seekers, who in their hookah-smoking and wine-drinking excesses had heard of something yet more debaucherous in the sewers.

One by one they took hand-scribbled tickets from the hands of street urchin touts who were no more than boys, promising to pay a handsome fee of gold pieces at the door for the privilege of the Kaja Boys' 'special show. Down into the depths they went, following a giggling assortment of youngsters who beckoned them along, walking in their midst, looking for opportunities to pickpocket with every twist and turn. Boys with sharp eyes and attentive faces, showing promotional acumen on par with the goblins and gnomes of the Darkmoon Faire.

It was to a large and previously unknown chamber that they descended, surely as deep in the floating mage-city as anyone had ever been. The entrance was marked by a hand-drawn sign obviously penned by the unsteady brush-wielding of a youngster - "Kaja Boys Klub" and even before the turn, the slightly off-time playing of circus drums and woodwinds could be heard. Inside, the ceiling was a rough dome of brick and rock, with circular tables, and floors of stone in the foreground and a wooden stage dominating the back.

The place was a bustle, with topless goblin waitresses swinging their hips walking table to table and taking orders from fat and happy marks - top-hatted, robed, smartly-suited one and all, and more than happy to grab a great green handful of breast or rear as they were in their cups. A precocious voice called out from on stage with the flamboyance of an impresario - a human boy who stood in a ragged top hat, torn khaki shorts and an adult tuxedo jacket that hung from his narrow shoulders like a cape. His cheeks were flush with life and ruddy with dirt, and the way you could count the individual ribs on his torso made him seem hungry, like a wolf - an aesthetic that his eager green eyes matched.

"Step right up!" he called. "Come one, come all, to the Kaja Boys' very special show!" Though of tender age, no more than ten or eleven, he showed absolutely no apprehension at the debauchery and drinking in the audience. In fact, the front of his shorts had the curve and protruding bulge of a vanity codpiece, adding to the strange sexualized atmosphere. "I'm Impresario Killey of the Kaja Boys! Now I know you're askin', who are the Kaja Boys? Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you!" He waved a hand, and several boys came from off-stage. They, too, wore torn, improvised clothes, and their hair hung over their eyes in swathes of yellow and brown as they dutifully pushed a wheeled poster-board into place beside the ringmaster.

The board contained an elaborate grease pencil drawing, cartoonish in execution but perfectly understandable just the same, depicting toiling boys in the underground mines, crawling on hands and knees as they excavated chunks of glowing green ore. The title across the top read "The Kaja Boys!" in large block letters.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you know about Kaja'Mite?" the ringleader boy exclaimed, gesturing toward the board. "Well, guess what? It's worth a lot of gold to the right people! And me and my friends started out down in those shafts every day! That's right!" He took a deep breath. "Child labor! Sixteen hour shifts! Barely any food! And three real mean bitches crackin' the whip!"

He raised a hand and pointed to the background of the board, where three female figures were shown in unflattering caricature. One was a dwarf priestess, but drawn squat with enormous breasts and thighs, rubbing her hands greedily over a stack of ore and cash. The second was a purple-skinned night elf in what could only be described as safari-explorer trappings - the beige brimmed hat and pocketed khaki outfit drawn crudely on her stick figure body. Her face crying out and instructing a gaggle of cute boys to jab makeshift sticks into a large and hungry saurian creature. The third figure was a draenei in oversized heavy armor, looking angry, snorting out smoke through her nostrils, and brandishing a whip as the mining boys cowered away.

"Aren't they awful? Explore, exploit, and even execute, that's what they liked to do! We were all a bunch of war orphans, and they scooped us up on the cheap and sent us to an island in the Light-knows-where!" The boy's face turned grave and there was a sad trumpet flourish from his diminutive band. "So that's the end of the road for us, right?"

He looked out over his spellbound audience of debauched drunks as a drum-roll proceeded. And then-

"Nope!" he blurted, and smiled wide, showing one adorable missing tooth that added to his spunky-tough exterior. "See, what these dummies didn't know about Kajamite is that it makes you real smart… and that's not all! So pretty soon, we turned the tables on 'em!" This brought on the biggest flourish from the band yet, and they broke into song as boys ran around throwing confetti made from shredded parchment. The impresario raised his voice and cried out:

"We out-smarted 'em! We captured 'em! And now here we are… givin' them their just desserts!" He raised his arms, and a cheer went out from the crowd that rumbled on and continued as the boys lept into action, removing the board and bustling behind off-stage curtains. There was much discussion about what the spectacle could be - the secret of the Kaja Boys Klub was talked about only in whisper - but a cheer immediately rose up from the horny, goblin-grabbing bougies as the curtain parted and Killey reappeared, top-hat still askew, pulling a leash behind him… with a bombshell-bodied night elf in tow!

The roar was deafening, and Killey smiled and waved as his shamefaced 'pet' crawled after him. She wasn't quite totally nude - the tatters of safari clothes were clinging to her body, shorts distressed into nothing more than a thong, and a ripped shirt barely serving as a bra for two hanging, bulging purple tits. She also wore a pair of scholarly spectacles. Killey took her to the center stage and let his jacket fall off. Now we wore nothing but his top hat and torn shorts, with the strange bulge in his young crotch seeming even more threatening.

"You guys want to see what else Kaja'mite can do?" he cried, and a roar of agreement came up from the audience. His hands fell to his waistband and he unbuttoned it, letting it fall down… and revealing a long, smooth, hairless penis that seemed more than a foot long… absolutely enormous on his thin, short frame! It came complete with a pair of huge testicles that made his flawlessly smooth nutsack droop under the sheer weight of what it contained. A gasp went up from the crowd.

"Amazing, huh?" Killey said, giving a thumbs up. The shame-faced night elf was on all fours in front of him, and had his young penis right in her face, barely able to look at it, turning away from it in humiliation. It was obvious why - not only was she the captive of a mere child, dressed in completely lewd fashion and on public display… but a kid was shamelessly displaying his huge cock, right in her face! "Well," the boy went on, "I know you want to hear more of the story of the Kaja Boys… but I'll let Elydri explain this part!" He reached out and took hold of her dark green hair, which was tied back in a scholarly ponytail, drawing a gasp.

"H-hello… I'm… Elydri!" she stammered. It had the air of a performance, a novice artlessly reading off a prepared script. "I've done a lot… a lot of research on all of these boys' cocks!" The humiliating admission made her hang her head even lower, and Killey threw back his head and laughed.

"Ely's kinda shy, I think she just needs some company to get going!" Killey chirped, smiling like a wolf as he crossed his arms over his bare chest. "What do you all think?"

Another roar from the crowd as more boys emerged from backstage. Human boys, night elf boys, draenei boys with stubby little horns on their heads. The lecherous and horny elven aristocrats leaned toward each other at their tables as they smoked hookah and drank wine, watching the sordid sex show with a deviant's interest, and their whispers wafted up toward the stage.

Splendid! These boys have the penises of breeders, but the fresh faces and bodies of scamps!

Look at how broken she is… to be a child's property… imagine how worthless she must feel!

Soon, Elydri was surrounded by four naked urchins, all with big, hanging penises on their cute little frames - boys who would reach much taller than her navel, had she been standing. They used her ponytail to pull her to a kneeling position, and reached in with grubby hands to the scant clothing from her breasts, making them fall free and bounce. She inhaled and blushed deeply.

"I… was a stupid explorer whore… who discovered a Kaja'Mite mine during an island expedition!" she confessed, and again it was obvious this performance was compelled, one she'd repeated many times. "I treated the boys like… tools… and sent them out as scouts… but-"

WHAP! Killey reached out and smacked her brutally in the face. Elydri moaned and bit her bottom lip, eyes watering. "Thank you, sir!" She raised her eyes to the audience. "They helped me… discover… the most important thing… that… I'm a stupid sex sow who acts as a comfort woman for all my little boyfriends!"

A cheer went up from the audience as she raised her shapely arms and began to give handjobs to each of the eager, stern-faced boys. "Killey's amazing human penis is thirteen inches long, and he fucks me with it every day," she recited, jerking the long, smooth prick. She craned her neck toward the boy and he extended his tongue so she could suck it, exchanging a lewd, deep kiss. Her explorer leanings shone through even in this act, it was easy to imagine her cataloguing each pre-teen makeout session and taking meticulous notes. After Killey released her, strands of saliva stretched, snapped, and broke between their mouths. "I just want to be a good girlfriend to him and kiss and lick him all over!"

She turned to the draenei boy. "And Onro's cock has such a nice animal shape, like the horses of the Alliance!" As with Killey, she opened her mouth and let the boy kiss her lewdly, moaning as she sucked his tongue, mashed her lips against his, and allowed him to lick all over her face. He spat in her mouth and she eagerly accepted it, drinking steadily as the boy let a honey-drip of spit drizzle from his tongue and down her throat. All the while, she used her hand to rub the flanged head of Onro's fat, long equine penis, giving the same treatment to Killey.

The two other boys, high-elf and human, knelt behind her and tore her shorts down, exposing her pussy with it's tuft of green pubic hair that mirrored the color on her head. Like all night elves she had a stunning physique, at the same time muscled and voluptuous, with ass-cheeks as round as globes and enormous, spherical tits. They combined to shove her back down to all fours, and the night elf boy let his long, purple cock flop down between her ass-cheeks, the tip reaching to her lower back and leaking heavy, white sperm into a puddle there. With her face down and her ass up, her breasts drooped all the way to the floor and compressed there.

"Alerias… loves fucking the cheeks of my fat s-stupid ass!" Elydri moaned, looking out at the audience desperately. There was a deep humiliation and sadness in her eyes that only hardened the cocks of the debauched onlookers. It was clear to them even from the boys brief explanation that she had exploited them for personal glory and was now getting her just desserts.

Killey stooped behind the nearby display board and retrieved something - a leatherbound journal with a fancy clasp, and knelt next to Elydri and presented it, all while the boy Alerias was sawing between her cheeks, making her give him a lewd ass-job, leaking cum all over her back. "This is the journal that has all the research that Ely did, all over Azeroth!" the boy announced. He opened it to a random page and threw it down in front of her face. "Come on! Tell us a few of your favorite discoveries!"

Elydri was utterly humiliated as she was made to read from her treasured memento as one boy molested her ass and three more jerked their big cocks off. She cried out her first entry just as Alerias, white-haired and grinning with determination, slid his long, smooth cock into her pussy and began to thrust, making her buttocks bounce.

"I've… discovered… that I'm a cock-sucking piece of shit!" she blubbered, tears welling in her eyes. It became clear that the boys had vandalized every page of her journal and filled it with denigrations. "I… I love sucking and fucking huge boy cocks!" She moaned out at the audience as Alerias stabbed his cock into her soaking-wet pussy at an angle, sending the nasty squelching noise through the chamber. Nothing could hide how aroused she was, despite her deep humiliation.

"Elydri used to dream of being a big deal in the Explorer's League!" Killey laughed, and grabbed a handful of Ely's hair and turned her head to the side, angling his long, heavy boycock at her mouth and stabbing it in. Immediately she gagged as he plowed viciously at her throat, making her take cock from both ends. Slobber and throat slime mixed with the boy's pre-cum and dripped down onto the journal as the audience watched Killey's pert, cute boy bottom flex and thrust with the facefucking motions.

He withdrew far and thrust back in hard, and there was a snapping noise as Elydri's glasses shattered and crumbled between his pelvis and her face, sending one of the arms askew. Her eyes rolled back in her head as her throat fluttered and bulged with the boy's rampaging prick, all while her pussy was being fucked as well! We boobs swung and bounced in time with the pendulum-weight of the boys' balls.

Gluuuuark! Glurk! Huuuurrrrrgh! The sounds she was making were totally obscene, and once he pulled, more spit and cum splattered down onto the journal as a chunky spit-bridge connected her lips and Killey's cocktip. Elydri - gasping, eye-rolling, tongue lolling, dazed - was a pathetic sight for the disgrace-hungry degenerate crowd to devour.

"But what would the Explorer's League think of you now?" Killey asked, giggling and showing the joyful gap of a missing tooth. His top-hatted, redheaded cuteness was a contrast to the heavy scimitar hook of his arm-thick penis, which rose from his crotch and bobbed in the air in front of his prey.

"They would… spit in my face!" Elydri groaned, her voice hoarse and wavering. As if to illustrate the point, the other boys pulled her head back, making a cistern of her mouth as they spat in her face again and again, lathering her features with their saliva. The fourth boy, an orc boy with one spritely snaggle-tooth fang protruding over his lip, acted just as cruelly toward her as Killey, if not more. It was Dalaran after all, and the petty tensions between horde and Alliance held no sway.

"Tell these nice folks what they'd say to you!" Killey prompted, controlling her head as she knelt, arms at her sides, huge breasts lewdly on display - the underside of each heavy tit hung nearly down to the level of her enticing navel.

"They'd say… my breath smells like cum!" Elydri moaned, pathetically, hanging her head as the audience watched and leered. "They'd say… I'm useless unless someone needs a big pair of tits or a fat ass!" The boys giggled at her admission and the audience murmured with delight at her complete embarrassment. The story being told by the boys was easy to follow, if a little artless - Elydri's need to prove herself in the eyes of the Explorer's League had resulted in her using the boys as little more than dinosaur bait… and now they were taking revenge.

She was held up now with five boys surrounding her, all letting their large, Kaja'Mite-enhanced penises hang and bob, with heavy balls drooping nearly to the insides of their knees in each case. One on each side clutched her arms to steady her, while the Alerias the night elf continued to pound into her pussy, clutching desperately at her wide hips, his small hands splayed on her flesh. The audience crowed at the sordid difference in size between his small frame - he was no longer than a human ten-year-old, whatever his true age - and her adult body. She could almost wear the boys as a sort of suit, one clinging to each long, graceful limb, if that feat were the planned attraction.

Their adult-sized features - their penises and balls - seemed to utterly overwhelm her. Killey and the orc boy slid their penises under her drooping breasts, one on each side, fucking her underboob and meeting in the middle of her cleavage as their cockheads butted against each other. Elydri's shoulders slumped with utter humiliation, and after a moment, Killey reached out and struck her with a backhand to the face when she failed to speak her pre-arranged lines.

"Sorry folks!" he quipped, not missing a thrust as he turned to the audience, tipping his top-hat as he stood in silhouette, a round bottom, a big, jutting cock. "Ely here's real stupid sometimes and the dumb bitch needs a good smack in the mouth so she'll remember her place!"

Whap! Her glasses, already askew, flew from her face. Her eyes rolled back as she saw stars, but she quickly swallowed and looked out at the audience as one boy fucked her pussy and two others slid their hot, hard dicks under her hanging breasts. "T-thank you, sir!" she moaned. Her bottom lip, plump and full, was showing a split and leaking a tiny bit of blood. "I'm sorry for being such a stupid piece of shit!"

Her eyes, devoid of any resistance now, turned to the audience, speaking as she was railed from behind. "My only field of research now... is to study the size... of these big Kaja'Mite ore cocks!" Killey and his orc counterpart exploded in between her breasts with criss-crossing streams of thick sperm, the sound of the viscous bursts of wad leaving their fat pissholes audible as a wet splurting sound, and Elydri reached out submissively to grope and cup her palms under their balls, cooing at the weight. "Look how much... cum... they can produce! Nnngh!"

The area between her breasts was a cum-latticed mess, fat horizontal strands connecting one to the other, and her tuat midsection bulged with the depth of Alerias' night elf meat stick as the boy, biting his lip with determination, hilted himself and began to pump his load directly into her pussy. "This… is what you get for makin' me get chased by dinosaurs!" he grunted, and there was again a low, sloppy draining sound as Elydri's womb was filled with the seed of her bratty captor.

Her face fell into a degraded, devil-may-care smile that illustrated perfectly that all of her former goals and self-esteem had been snuffed out by the boys. "My womb has been getting stuffed full of kid cum for weeks," she moaned, weakly. "I'm sure I'll have a baby with one of these boys… their sperm is so dense !" She boys poked and prodded her, ordering her to turn around and show her well-fucked pussy to the audience, an order to which she eagerly acquiesced. Soon, Elydri was face-down, ass-up, showing her round bubble butt and bare slit to every leering pervert in the antechamber. A cheer went up for the audience as the night-elf boy's thick, nasty creampie slid out of her pussy and began to pour to the floor in a stream.

Killey planted a bare, small foot on the back of Elydri's neck as she pressed her cheek against the wooden stage. "What do you say when you're putting on a show?" he barked.

"Look at my cunt !" Elydri recited, obediently. "Look at my fat, jiggly ass! Look at my whore hole! My bitch slit!" She lewdly reached around behind herself and spread her cheeks with two desperate hands, splitting herself apart and showing off every detail of her sloppy cunt and inviting, twitching asshole.

Killey grinned, then paused and looked around with annoyance. "Darn it, where's that stupid ink stick? You guys are always late!" He looked behind the stage, some amount of bustle was going on. A boy wearing goblin-style goggles poked his head up and passed something up to Killey, black writing implement that was probably what had been used to create the illustrated posters that accompanied the performance. Only once the hat-wearing boy had gained it did he show his former sense of showmanship, flourishing it in front of the crowd.

"Time to give Ely here a nice label!" Killey announced, waving the iron. "She wants to go down in the history books… and now, her Explorer League pals can study the runes on her ass!" He moved the charcoal marker into position. Elydri was already in the throes of utter submission and twerking her thick, clapping cheeks lewdly while her sow tits piled on the floor in twin drifts.

"Yes! Please, write on my ass! Mark my flesh as your property, boys!" Elydri gasped, her breathing picking up speed. "I want… I want… everyone here… to know! That I'm the rape slut... of a gang of kiiiiids!"

Killey pressed in, and the audience cheered as he began to write on her bubbly, thick buttocks, moving his small arm with a showman's flourish. The marks he put on Elydri were varied, ranging from spurting, crudely-drawn dicks, a label of 'KAJA BOYS ONLY' with an arrow pointing to her pussy, and on the opposite ass-cheek, a RAPE COUNT tally with dozens of hash marks beneath to display the number of times the adult night elf had been violated by boys.

He pulled away and revealed this to the audience, who cheered loudly and started to catcall Elydri viciously. As their harsh words fell on her large and pointy ears, the defeated night elf wailed with an esteem-suffocating humiliation-gasm and sprayed a huge fountain of piss from between her legs, unable to control her bladder in the extremity of her masochistic, mind-broken pleasure. The flow nearly reached the audience, continuing for several seconds.

The boys raised their arms and cheered as their prey quivered. Elydri's skin was soaked with sweat now, their cum and spit, and her inner thighs splattered with her own unwilling, humiliating piss. Killey took of his top hat, revealing wild red hair that had never seen a doting mother's comb, and held it as a fake somberness filled his young voice "And now ladies and gents, we ask for your donations, as we've reached the part of our show where every Kaja Boy who ever got forced to scout a dinosaur cave will each take his turn. If you like what you see, give a few hundred gold if you can spare it!"

Yvette watched with rage from behind the curtain, her eyes glowing white with intense loathing for what she was seeing. Elydri was always the first of their triumvirate to go on stage, and now she would lay on her back in front of the jeering and catcalling crowd, while one bright-haired, four-foot-tall boy after another slid his obscenely large cock into her pussy. The boys always mated with her like a husband trying to kindle his wife - pinning her legs back and lewdly showing their bare bottoms to the audience so every drunken shal'dorei sex tourist could see the way those big, smooth balls were plap, plap, plapping against Elydri's twitching asshole. And once the boy had fucked her all he wished, he would drop his heavy load and vacate, making a show of it, grunting out, bowing his young legs, hilting his big prick and making Elydri cry out in turn with her fifth or tenth or twentieth shameful orgasm.

That's how many there were - fifteen or twenty. Little bastards who had formerly been in her charge; she had hired on as overseer of the Kaja'Mite operation and had dealt with their escape attempts and mischief for months until the day when the strange ore's effect had allowed them to best her. Yvette's eyes narrowed and shined even brighter.

Killey - that was the one. The redheaded, top-hat-wearing little shit. It had been his plan that had won their freedom, and now, it was Yvette who was in chains, in thrall to the Kaja Boys as they had once been before her. She stared with intense dislike because it was all she could do - she was, after all, totally nude and with her neck and wrists pinned in a stockade. The rest of her - a gorgeously graceful warrior body with muscle and curves in abundance, all the way down to her cloven feet - was near-totally exposed in a shameful microkini.

The bottom was a thong with barely a strip of fabric in front, cutting between the folds of her fat labia. And the cups of the top were barely the size of eye patches, unable to contain her nipples, let alone the massive volume of her heavy breasts! It was a disgrace! Tits hanging down! Swelling, wobbling, jiggling ass cheeks exposed! Fat pussy mound bulging! Every detail of private areas, on display to a bunch of strangers! All of this public humiliation, for one who had once been a proud warrior!

"I'm going to get you little bastards!" she growled… and then gasped in rage as a bucket of water was thrown in her face.

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid cunt!" came the playful, high pitched voice of Teel, a dwarven boy who was in charge of making sure the performers hit their marks. He was as frustratingly cute as the rest of the rotten lot, though slightly shorter and wider, and with the larger forearms and hands that were one of the trademarks of his race. Yet, he was still obviously a young boy in spite of all that, and so his enormous fat penis - nearly a foot long but as thick as her well-sculpted calf muscle - was particularly scandalous. "Killey'll get pissed if you're running your mouth out there!"

Yvette coughed, spat, and struggled in her bonds. The stocks had wheels on the base, which would allow them to move very slowly out to the stage, but otherwise she was at the mercy of the boys. "Just trust in the Light!" Teel added. "That's what you used to always tell us, right? When we were chained up in the mines? It's by the grace of the Light, and all that?" Yvette's posture slumped in defeat as her own advice was tossed back at her. She had indeed said so… but she'd never expected to be on the other side!

Several other boys arrived, orcs and humans, wearing their urchin rags - tattered shorts and vests, bandannas in mustard, purple, and other garish circus colors, and Teel gave them a nod. Outside, beyond the curtain, the crowd was roaring with lewd delight as boy after boy penetrated Elydri and thrust deep into her pussy. After four or five boys, the sounds from her sloppy slit were becoming wet and squelching, and thick semen was pooling under her buttocks. It was the same every week - and once they'd all had their turns, it would be Yvette's time on stage.

That was the way the Kaja Boys' shows were done. Elydri was always first, to warm up the crowd. Yvette was always second in line, and then Dori - the dwarf priestess who had given the expedition the cover of legitimate missionary work - would go on last. Dori was less than ten feet away, and already trussed up wrist and ankle in black lace lingerie, hogtied like a pig, her great pale body a wobbling paradise of tit and assflesh. They'd even stuck an apple in her mouth like a suckling pig.

"Hope those cocks are nice n' stinky," Teel told the new arrivals, and they nodded with wide-eyed enthusiasm.

"Heck yeah! I haven't washed since the last show!"

Yvette let out a dismayed moan. Already her nostrils were flaring at the brutal cock-stink wafting up from the boys' britches. Every week, on rotation, a few of their number were chosen to go without bathing, for the benefit of Yvette's portion of the show. And by the Light, the results for this week were the most pungent yet. They were all such horny little bastards, always fucking and masturbating and sexually engaging with their captives, and the tale of those weeklong activities was plain to smell. In outward appearance, they were just war orphans, cute little human and orc scamps, running the sewers with their urchin friends. But Yvette knew the truth - they all had huge, musky, nasty cocks, with long, thick foreskins, and big, sweaty, hanging balls! And in just a few minutes-

"Uwaaannngh!" There was a cry from onstage as Elydri's eyes rolled and her body spasmed in yet another orgasm. The boys had been taking turns on her for nearly twenty minutes, pounding her cunt with their big pricks, sitting on her midsection and sliding their shafts between her boobs, feeding their hanging balls into her mouth. She was totally covered in cum, and Killey top hat was filled with donations that he would add to the communal pool the boys all shared.

"Well, she's good and knocked up!" the red-haired boy announced, putting the hat back on his head after clearing it of loose coins. He nudged Elydri with his foot, making her breasts wobble. "What do you think of that, Ely?"

"I'm gonna have a baby… with an underage brat!" Elydri blurted, her eyes rolling and her voice hoarse. She pulled back her legs at the knees and moaned with humiliation as a bubbling, farting mess of cum spurted out of her cunt and added the pool. "I'm pregnant for sure from all of their thick cuuuum! I'm a breeding sow for big-dick boys!" Her babbling was cut off when Killey planted his bare foot over her mouth and addressed the audience again.

"Make sure you all come back in eight or nine months for a real birthing show!" he announced, tipping a sharp-toothed wink. "The door charge is a little more but it's worth it, that's for sure. And who knows what sort of baby she's even gonna have! Could be a boy, or a girl! Or maybe twins! Will it be a human? An orc? Or maybe one of her own kind?" He shrugged his shoulders theatrically. "Come see and find out!"

"It's gonna be an orc for sure!" cried Nugg, the orc boy who was not standing with his long, green cock and fat balls hanging low. His blue mohawk and pointy fangs seems to bristle with diminutive warrior pride. "I pissed a whole bunch of cum in her womb! It all came out in one big stream!"

"No way, it'll be a kal'dorei!" Alerias interjected, and his greyish-blue cock and balls, dangling nearly ten fat inches, seemed every bit as intimidating as Nugg's, in spite of his shortness. The fact that the anatomical particulars of hybrid-race birth and pregnancy were unknown to them did little to stop the boys from speculating.

Yvette saw all of this from behind the curtain, and when Killey laughed and told the audience to place their bets on what race of child Elydri would have, Teel slapped her on the chin to secure her attention and worked with the backstage boy-troupe to start wheeling her out. Working as four it was still a trial, and she could do nothing but shamefacedly walk along, stooped down at the waist, tits hanging like cow udders in their bikini-top hammocks, thong-swallowing buttocks wobbling enticingly with each step. Her tail swished and flicked in the still air of the antechamber as they proceeded, and she couldn't bear to look up at the catcalling audience as Killey made his introductions. She was wheeled to center stage, Elydri was dragged out (leaving a trail of cum as she babbled mindlessly about boy cock) and soon it was Yvette and her voluptuous battle-bitch body that was front and center.

Killey made her introduction, which she had heard dozens of times. She had been the mining pit boss and had treated the boys unmercifully, whipping them if they failed to reach their Kaja'Mite quotas and justifying her mistreatment as a character-building exercise from which they would emerge having learned a valuable lesson about faith in the Light, and understanding one's place.

In the end, with Kaja'Mite giving the boys all sorts of very adult ideas, they had tricked and subdued her, taking over the whole mining operation and luring the other two sponsors back to camp, falling on them as well. All of this was a familiar story; Yvette barely heard it as the audience oohed and aahed along, helped in their understanding by a series of crudely-drawn images on banners, held up by the boys at the appropriate time.

"Yvette here was always whipping us if we didn't meet our quotas," Killey was saying. "So we thought, let's put her to the test and see if she can perform under pressure." The audience cheered, and Teel, the stout dwarf boy with the big expressive blue eyes, stood on sturdy, stool-like perch to tie a blindfold around her eyes. "She was always makin' us wash in the river, just in case we were hiding any Kaja'Mite in our clothes! And if we weren't totally clean, we'd get more whippings! So now, Yvette is gonna do a cleaning job of her own… and if she doesn't give the right answer… we're gonna give her big butt some punishment!"

The boys all gathered around on stage, and passed crude twine-and-board signs with their names painted on the front, so the audience could tell them apart. Killey, Alerias, Nugg, Teel, Onro, and four or five others. Those who weren't already naked stripped, showing off their hairless pubic areas and the long, thick cocks that hung from them like fat sausages. Several had heavy halos of foreskin around the large heads, including Teel the dwarf boy, whose extra skin extended several inches past the tip of his foot-long shaft, ending in a pooched bulb.

A platform was put in place for the boys to stand on - otherwise Yvette's head would have been too high - and it was Teel who stepped up first as the audience made licentious noises of enthusiasm, loving the visual of such a cute young dwarf boy presenting his cock to an adult draenei woman. Especially since the draenei weren't particularly loved in Azeroth for their haughty ways.

Yvette's nose immediately wrinkled at the scent coming from Teel's sweaty, unwashed dick. She turned her head away, and the other boys surrounded her with leather straps at the ready, poised to deliver blows to the beautifully-complexioned light-blue flesh of her hanging boobs and pert, muscled butt. After a moment, she extended her tongue and pressed it against the tip of Teel's foreskin, wiggling it inside. She immediately dry heaved and hung her head down, coughing. "Nnngh! It stinks so bad!" she moaned. "And there's way too much foreskin!"

Teel then reached out and grabbed her distinctive draenei horns, using them to control her head, and mashing the knob of his prick against her mouth. His half-hard status only helped humiliate her as the languid tool squished and piled up against her face so her nose and mouth were totally covered by sweaty boy-cock!

"Come on, stupid," Killey announced from nearby. "This is an easy one! Don't tell me you're going to get whipped on just the first round!"

No guess was possible, however, as Teel was enjoying himself too much, smearing his dick on Yvette's face and making sure her nostrils were totally plugged with his cock knob. He even held up his fat, sweat-slick balls and shoved them into her nose and lips, first one heavy orb, then the other. He was careful not to say anything - his voice would give it away - but Killey kept a running commentary going, offering 'advice' to the draenei captive.

"That's it, take a deep sniff! Really get your nose in those balls!" Yvette took a deep inhale, her sculpted and somewhat regal nose reduced to the task of sniffing sweat droplets from the furrow between a big pair of boy-nuts.

"I know the answer!" she gasped, as soon as she could get her mouth free enough to be intelligible.

"I don't know," Killey chided, his voice full of mischief. "I think she needs more time, just to be really sure! What do you all think?" The reaction of the audience was as expected, the wine-drunk and hookah-buzzed blood elves and nightborne wanted only to see more humiliation. And so Teel turned on the stool and bent over, exposing his pert, smooth young bottom as his cock and balls hung down lewdly.

"Come on, get your tongue in there!" Killey ordered. And as Teel pressed his butt back against Yvette's face, her tongue slid out to greet it. The dwarf boy's wide blue eyes went half lidded with pleasure and satisfaction as the adult draenei woman plunged her wet tongue into his crap-chute, wiggling it around the walls of his bowels. Soon, his buttocks were pressed against her cheeks and her mouth and lips dovetailed perfectly with his exposed anus. Yvette let out another muffled groan. Because her neck was caught in the stocks, she had no way to retreat, and could only satisfy the requirements of her kid captors by planting wet, slurping kisses on Teel's spit-slick ass rim, alternately sliding her tongue as deep as it could go inside and scraping his earthy, slippery shitpipe, or hollowing out her cheeks as she pursed her lips and sucked directly at his anus.

Teel, biting his lip comically to avoid crying out, clutched the wooden stool with his toes as Yvette felched and slurped his ass. The desperate sound of her trying to gain the boys' approval made the spectacle even more obscene, and after several minutes of rimming and ball sucking, the dwarf boy couldn't help but jerk his jutting, rock-hard penis and bite his lip, on the verge of cumming from her ass-licking service. The other boys produced a large glass pitcher, and he took aim into it, leaning forward a little. At last, Yvette's mouth was free, and she cried out - "Teel, it's Teel!" as the audience applauded at her correcting picking the name on the boy's name placard.

This applause doubled as Teel seethed through his teeth and began to spurt thick, heavy ropes of chunky semen into the receptacle. The issue was lumpy and off-white, unbelievably thick and virile for his tender age, and the thickest strands piled on the container bottom like bursts of jelly. The boys with leather straps, who had been poised to give Yvette's tits and buttocks a whipping if she guessed wrong, had mild looks of disappointment. It wasn't totally unexpected, though. Teel was always easy to guess because his foreskin was so long and distinctive, and his body was even more cute and stubby than the other boys.

"She did it!" Killey cried, and applause continued to rain down, out of respect for Yvette's correctness as well as Teel's virility. Killey put a mocking finger to his chin, tilting his head, causing his top hat to nearly fall off, and addressed Yvette. "How were you able to guess so accurately?"

Yvette hung her head, tongue out, panting from all her ass-sucking and ball slurping. She looked totally degraded. At first, she wouldn't respond to Killey's question, but the redheaded trickster gave his boy-cronies the nod, and there were snapping noises as they whipped her boobs with several lashes of leather, causing her to cry out and start talking. "B-because!" she groaned. "I… I know the shape of his cock!"

"But why would you know the shape of a kid's cock?" Killey asked, smirking. "What are you, some kind of whore?"

Yvette's eyes filled with tears of frustrated rage. No matter how many times the farce was performed, she found it so brutally degrading that she could barely function. "I… I suck his cock… every night!" she admitted. "I know the taste of his cum... and his sweat… he even makes me clean the nasty cock cheese from his foreskin! I'm not allowed to eat anything… except what I can suck from his f-feeding tube !"

"Oh wow," Killey chuckled, shrugging at the audience. "Only the stupidest slut in Azeroth would be able to tell us apart by our cocks, huh?" The assembled onlookers broke into cruel laughter, and the next boy took the stand - Alerias the night elf this time. The contest proceeded apace, with bets being taken by the goblin waitresses on how many iterations of the foul 'taste-test' would be performed before Yvette was forced to take a whipping. Alerias took pleasure in reaching behind himself to grip Yvette's curled ram horns, pulling on them to hold her face flush to his bottom, making her make out with his asshole and bury her tongue deep in his hairless, puffy shitter for nearly five minutes. At this point, she made her guess - correctly naming him - and he too delivered a huge, multi-rope load into the glass pitcher, filling it to perhaps the twenty percent mark.

"Wow, two for two!" Killey announced, then winked at the audience. "Shall we go for three?" Yvette's posture slumped as all dignity was snuffed out of her anew, her humiliations renewed with each boy on the stool. Each one degraded her blindfolded face, smearing her nose and mouth with their foreskins and balls, making her lick and suck their asses, and in each case she guessed correctly and was forced to reveal her victimhood by explaining how she knew. Alerias she knew from his penchant for grabbing her horns. From Onro, she recognized the taste of his cum. Nugg ripped a loose, degrading fart down her throat as she sucked his anus, much to the delight of the audience, and she was forced to admit that he had done so with such frequency that she could tell just who the emission belonged to. Four, five, six boys took their turns, all wearing name placards above the waist and nothing at all below, and each time she admitted her familiarity and serviced them until they came into the pitcher.

Killey took his turn last, bidding her open her mouth before he let fly into it with a thick, heavy jet of piss. She choked, she coughed, and at least she drank, her face soaked. He did not cum in the pitcher, but pissed in it as well when he'd judged that Yvette had swallowed enough, finishing the task of filling it to the brim. The crowd was raucous as the debauchery reached a crescendo, the boys with the leather straps were taking aim at her boobs and buttocks should she get an answer wrong… but Yvette croaked out "Killey", as soon as she'd cleared enough hot, steaming piss from her throat to do so.

All in all, Yvette had serviced and been degraded by over a dozen boys, and given evidence against her own dignity after every act, confessing to untold depravities undertaken in private - she knew the taste of their feet, their spit, the wrinkles in their assholes, the veins in their fat, hairless cocks. When it was over, there wasn't a person in the audience who didn't think she was the biggest whore in Azeroth. Only once the last catcall had been given and the last confession made did the boys open up her stocks and allow her to fall down to hand and knee, tits and buttocks pouncing in great grey mounds.

And yet, it wasn't over. "Looks like she was so good at the game, we didn't get to whip her!" Killey lamented, his face showing a fake regret. "I guess we'll have to just move on-"

"Whip me."

The voice, desperate, hollow, defeated, was Yvette's own. No trace of defiance or self-important was left in it. She was a devastated shell, utterly mind-broken, a piece of meat. "Whip me anyway," she went on, pulling off the blindfold with hands that were finally free - but would never dream of disobeying. "Please whip me!"

At last, the whipping boys who had been so patient were unleashed. They slapped the leather strips down on her huge, bouncing ass, they swung them in sideways against her heaving, hanging boobs. She gasped with pleasure and submission, rising to her knees, arching her back, letting her buttocks and breasts get beaten and strap-marks laid across her flawless grey skin. She looked out soullessly at the audience as the pitcher of cum and piss was placed within reach. Yvette took the nasty, coruscating receptacle as if it were her destiny, and raised it to her lips, taking thick, chugging swallows that made her throat bulge, all the while having her huge ass and massive jugs slapped and whipped.

"I'm drinking the cum and piss of all these young boys. And there are so many thick chunks," she gasped, lowering it momentarily after three fat swallows. "I have to chew it to swallow. And… it stinks… so fucking bad! But..." she trailed off, then let loose a worshipful, broken sigh. "But… I… love that!"

She hoisted it to her mouth, high, and started swallowing harder, swilling the cum and piss like a sow, while the boys continued to abuse her body. Sensing that the act was reaching a crescendo, the audience rose in volume and started to cum themselves, self-gratifying or using goblin waitresses as needed. Yvette drained the pitcher and then slumped forward, a lifeless doll, cum bubbling around her mouth, eyes unblinking.

Soon, the first boy mounted her pillowy, matronly behind. The audience spit at her, threw drinks, and splattered fruit in her unblinking face. Once formidable, she was now as a broken doll - the performance repeating itself not for the tenth time or the hundredth, leaving her as degraded and befouled as it had the first time.

She did not even react when the first foot-long boycock tore into her asshole. Her throat remained slack as a second cock burrowed down nearly to her stomach. Then, as the fucking proceeded, her hands rose up slowly to grip the cute, tight buttocks of the boy raping her mouth. Caressing him. Groping him.

And begging him for more.

She, and the other two, would forever be the property of the Kaja Boys.