Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 79 - Valeera Sanguinar sneaky troubles

Chapter 79 - Valeera Sanguinar sneaky troubles

Furred head shook in the heavy rain, soaked wet and cold like the gale, pointlessly trying to get rid of the water flowing down the gray jaws. Ashen braids waved to the sides, sodden to a point where rainwater could no longer drench then anymore, simply dripping onto the ground and descending even lower between rocky tiles.

Worgen nose moved softly, erratically as if its owner caught a scent, a trail of something, even as he kept his post by the two ruined towers, guarding path to the upper mansion. Golden eyes turned to his companion, staring at the droplets flowing down assaulted steel and dripping from her shoulderpads.

Faintly illuminated by the golden light of gilnean lantern, which wondrously haven't been yet put out by the rain, she felt his gaze in no time. Sharp, gloved claws moved softly before she turned to him, squinting eyes and showing off snow-white teeth. As they stared of, restless wind raged, bending the defenseless grass and forcing blackened clouds to ride across the sky.

Two pairs of aureate irises met for a short while, silently as blood-bound guards required no words. Hands of the massive, steel cladded guard reached to his waist and took out a darkened bottle of once green glass, eventually tossing it to the she-wolf. Half full flask landed in the smaller claws, her eyes could soon see the faintly remaining letters.

Gilnean fortified brandy.

Wolven eyes upturned from the alcohol. Drinking on duty was far from permitted, even less for blood-bound guards standing watch before king's mansion. Even so, the night was young, unforgiving and harsh, not to speak their task would last for many hours more. Staring at the dark sky, jeweled with countless stars, golden pupils remained motionless for a short while.

Black cape fluttered on the wind as chilling gust came from the west, reaching to the bone and granting a freezing sensation, unasked but unstoppable. Her companion canted his head softly, eventually looking back at the twin carriages stationed behind them, at wooden constructions nearly moved by the nightly zephyr.

She was a Gilnean Sentinel, honor-guard of the crown, over one hundred and seventy pounds of muscle and fur. With the recent events and lack of true threat of the Forsaken, there wasn't much to worry about.

Half of a bottle wouldn't make a difference.

Sharply, she rose the flask to tawny jaws and poured liquid fire down her throat, pleasantly scorching her inner walls with flowing heat, fighting the unforgiving chill of the night. Natural, golden drops of liquor dripped onto the ground as worgen jaws weren't made for gobbling down alcohol.

Finishing with a quiet growl, she threw the empty bottle to her partner, continuing to stare into the empty darkness below as dark glass was yet grasped by another claw. Male sentinel let out a deep sigh, realizing there wasn't anything left and simply threw the container down the cliff.

Meeting with the cold, hard stone, empty flask shattered and its remnants continued to tumble down the steep cliffs, hitting the gray rock and eventually making its way into the stirred, raging waters of gilnean coastline, where rubble and debris crashed against each other, ripped off the submerged villages, long claimed by rising waters.

Turbulent waves shattered floating boards against earthy slopes down below, set into motion by powers most whimsical and uncaged. One wooden creation met its end on the hand of immovable rock, just to be replaced by another and enter watery grave..

Ruined remnants of tiled roofs and carved beams piled up by entrance to sewers of olden days, abandoned even before the invasion of gilnean land. Oaken doors smashed with the tides, hitting against steel bars, shattering into splinters and holding by the stone walls, kept there by will of waters.

From broken, floating trash and wood a hand emerged, a scarlet glove soon grasping bent steel rod above. Moment after the second followed and talasite gems shined in the light of striking thunder, inserted into the blood-shaded fabric. Pulling itself up, a body surfaced, shapely like no other, soaked to the last string.

Cold water flew down monstrous buttcheeks and chilling river formed between grand breasts, taking a decent amount of time to traverse plump flesh, turning the thin leotard somewhat transparent even if it disappeared fully when drowning between Sin'dorei buttcheeks.

She attempted to make her way through the vast, widely open breach in steel bars, likely smashed out by the neverending debris. First forcing the imposing bust, she barely fit into the opening, yet it was the elephantine rear that turned out to be the true challenge. Broad, flawless pounds of ass-meat halted on cold metal, far too wide to squeeze through.

Clenching teeth, she rested hands on the inner side of the bars, using all of her strength to push herself forward, stuck in position where cold tides repeatedly smashes against the round, nearly fully uncovered hind-quarters, wetting the innate cushions with unfriendly chill. As the blood elf struggled, water drops flew down the wiggling, glorious bottom.

With a sharp breath and roar of a thunder, she forced her body through the breach, unsure whether the steel groan was just a misheard noise or true answer of the rods. Even so, shapely assassin finally stepped into the wet canals, exhaling silently and moving scarlet hood off blonde head, turning the fel-infused gaze onto the passage, at the Gilnean crest proudly carved into the ceiling.

It would seem Genn won't have anyone not knowing where they stand, even the insects. Valeera stepped a bit closer, looking at three cuts over a ring, the symbol of Gilneas, much resembling a clawed hand of the wolf. Scarlet heels took her a bit closer, allowing a better look at the old stonework.

Aging back in time, even before worgen curse took over its people, it was somewhat coincidental. As gilnean kingdom was founded upon splintering of the Arathor, tale tells that house of Greymane was founded by prospective marriage of three noble families, later known as Wolves of Arathor.

It's as if you couldn't deny nature's course. Assassin rubbed her skin whilst moving deeper into the underground canals, leaving the carving behind. Wolves will be wolves, just like lions will be lions.

It haven't been much since the liberation of Gilneas and there was still some days before the very celebration. Now, far above her, nobles of the Alliance slowly gathered, amongst them no one other than Lady Jaina Proudmoore and King Varian Vrynn.

Shame Broll won't be here, we would have a little reunion. Shapely body moved over aged crate, grand buttcheeks wiggled up and down as she moved, letting out a quiet clap. He never was much for this kind of fun. Neither was I.

Long unaffiliated with the Horde, she remained in shadows, not an ally to the Alliance but neither an enemy. She sometimes began to wonder how things shall unfold, her people and culture still were an important matter to her, even if her heels haven't tasted soil of Quel'thalas for a decent amount of time.

Now, with Forsaken losing substantial ground in Gilneas and if rumors weren't false, also briefly pulling out of Silverpine, path to Silvermoon would be open, should Undercity fall. Lor'Themar knows how well his position is fortified, the capital would easily hold for years, even without the aid of the Horde. Her thoughts were self-assuring but not absolving her of muffled worry.

Even so- Her train of thought was cut as if with a knife, scarlet figure crouched immediately as steps echoed in the abandoned passage. Hood made it onto golden strands as heavy treading reached her once more. Curvaceous body squeezed into a niche between supporting columns and the elephantine buttocks adapted to sharp corners, filling them entirely.

Enveloped in shadows, she heard a snarl and soon saw the massive guard making his way across the dry sewers, golden iris staring forward as he patrolled. Huge, bulky and hulking, looking more like a giant ball of muscle and fur rather than a person.

Greymane surely got more fond of feral brethren. The entire area was tightly packed with sentries, guard dogs and check-ups. Every ambasador and visitor, even invited ones, had to be individually escorted all around the place, often by four or more guards.

From what Valeera seen so far, it would appear that Greymane is straight on paranoid about everything around him. What exactly didn't click with her and was the very reason she decided to find out on her own what exactly is happening.

Old wolf does not act like this. Forsaken were pushed out of Gilneas, border with Silverpine was never this safe and they were in heart of his kingdom in his own house. Genn was never one to act in such mania of safety, not to speak that he carried himself with confidence and was about to celebrate.

Her suspicions would be lesser if the guests were allowed to walk on their own considering safety of the area but it wasn't the case either. Limited and watched at every step, his guests were kept out of any trouble there could occur.

Or simply, they weren't supposed to find any trouble. Wolven guard passed the crossing of the canals, even his golden, sharp gaze couldn't spot the shadowmelded elf. Sin'dorei shade awaited in the dark, listening to the steps of Gilnean sentry, exhaling softly. Varian probably considers this just an overzealous fervor of the wolf. Hothead always let down his guard around friends, I probably could stab him in the open.

Her senses were tingling and something was telling her that the sudden rise of feral individuals in Greymane's guard wasn't accidental. Awaiting a few more minutes, she heard the furred warden return, having him pass the intersection once more.

Patrols in the underground, certainly we're guarding something. To seal the entrance or simply guard the very exit would save manpower, time and effort, had they worried for the safety of that part. Unless there is something you want to hide.

The entire manor was nearly filled with stench of hunger and thirst, she would like to say bloodlust but Valeera had enough experience to recognize that one, especially from an angry wolf. Yet, what the wolves exactly wanted, she couldn't tell.

There was a chance she simply was wrong, Gilnean troops couldn't wait to retake more of their land and Genn wanted to ensure that the celebration will be absolutely perfect with no slightest chance of an incident.

But she lived for too long to believe that.

Cackle of a torch resounded as the patrolling warden returned, making another round across the canal. As she guessed by the carried echo and how rest of the underground was arranged so far, it was likely that it was just a long, straight path to another entrance, one located slightly higher than the one she used.

Closing eyes for a short moment, she inhaled. Had the wolf heard anything, he would turn around and instantly spot her, which would likely end disastrously, regardless whether it would be an alarm or just a single, cold wolven body to be found tomorrow. She was no alliance but to murder Varian's subjects didn't lie with her.

No mistakes then. As always. Fel-infused gaze shined in the dark as soon as the guard passed the intersection, scarlet shadow emerged, right behind furred back, advancing into the very opposite direction. She was swift and agile, there was no doubt about those but yet, she was more than just that and a body like hers couldn't be forgotten.

Likely the most gifted of all blood elves to date, rogue stood as thickest Sin'dorei to walk the soil of Azeroth. With grand bust to be challenged by only very few sentient beings and hind-quarters of monumental size, Valeera was without a shadow of doubt the most curvesome assassin in history to perform such a role.

Yet, to master one's art was to first master your own body, allowing her to tread undetected even when the dummy thick buttocks clapped with every step. Knowing her ways in and out, she instinctively synchronized the sound of her bosomy flesh with the noise of worgen steps, merging both into one, seemingly indistinguishable from each other.

Stone passage took her higher as the floor curved upwards, making it just a little bit harder to walk in the tall, scarlet heels. Considering how far below they were beneath the mansion, she expected this to be the usual now, all till the systems would connect with direct entrance to the manor.

Fel-infused gaze fell onto the open portcullis, guarding a path to vastier room ahead. Cracked ceiling leaked rainwater, Gilnean downpour lasted for long enough to soak the soil even this deep. Rogue stepped over the wet tiles and carefully peeked into the canal chamber.

As hooded head softly examined what lies ahead, massive buttcheeks wiggled just behind the corner, bouncing to the sides with every tiniest movement of the assassin. Pounds of grand meat served as an extension to rest of her body, following but at times uncontrollable.

As the room appeared to be empty of any potential watchers, she walked in slowly, knowing that any potential worgen guard would be heard from a mile away, not to speak about the one that would soon return through this path. Gloved hand ran across wooden lids, as the four walls appeared to be filled with barrels, one next to another with only few corridors between them.

Smuggling? A bit too much for a single party, especially that the manor has its own storage. She looked at the crests of origin; Teldrassil, Stormwind, Gilneas, nothing that seemed too much out of the ordinary. But then it's not like he lacks the funds to… Sharp eye fell onto yet another symbol. Now this shouldn't be here.

Stepping silently to the container, she laid her hands onto the carving that she wouldn't mistake. Shattered porcelain mask shedding tears, resting atop of a trio of arrows, one of which broken. Everything on a shield in the shape of a raven, symbol of death.

Forsaken. Did someone make a deal? Greymane's story echoed through the Alliance not without a reason, Gilean forces reportedly suffered a great defeat at the hands of undead forces when Genn tried to take Undercity. Yet, not much after everyone suddenly heard about Banshee Queen pulling out of the kingdom.

Now things were in motion, everything to celebrate the Liberation of Gilneas, as if the tables have turned out of nowhere and worgen forces had every advantage they could have. And now Windrunner was pulling out of Silverpine as well but when did she lose? I don't think anyone heard of any battle, the wolves weren't exactly talkative. It almost screamed about betrayal.

Valeera bent forward, resting on the wooden top and covering most of the crest as respectable bust spilled across the barrel. Except it doesn't make any sense. From all the people that could ally with Sylvanas, Genn is the least likely one. He suffered the most on the hands of the banshee, his kingdom, his family, his people.

Her eyes widened and she backed off from the lid as a thought shoot through her head. What's even in the barrel? If it's blight… We can not have another wrath gate. Scarlet gloves fell onto the lid immediately, unclasping it and rising to find out what was in the container.


Sin'dorei conscience calmed down as glowing eyes could observe the bubbly, stagnant nectar inside, sluggishly holding by the walls, filling the barrel halfway through. Not blight.. Good. Not blight. She repeated it in her head as if to reassure herself.

Valeera once more exhaled with relief, resting on the edge of the container and allowing her monstrous breasts to hang down into it, almost touching the bubbly surface. It does smell funny. Did they really store only food in here? With the scent mildly dumbing her down, a thing she couldn't know, she decided to jump onto another thought.

In a way it was softly disappointing, on the other hand, deeply calming. It did mean that everyone was safe, for the most part, even if it still didn't make sense. Why would they steal food from Undercity? Or ship whatever the case. Tirisfal Glades as of current day wasn't exactly known for farms and cuisine.

She bent a little further, settling her grand body even more on the wooden edge and making aged, cut down oak groan in a helpless manner as there was quite a bit to support. Her grandiose front continued to hang right above the thick mass, deeply pinkish nipples nearly spilling out of the scarlet corset as their areolas were more than just peeking outside.

Why would they-

Long, slick elven ears twitched as noise came from another corridor, a strange female cry of something she couldn't name and a simple growl. It was but a split of a second before she looked around the underground storage, rushly rising from the barrel and making her breasts jump up like a voluptuous tide.

So much for hearing them from a mile away. For reasons she couldn't understand, it appeared that the guards were closer than they should be by the moment she was to hear them. Fel-infused eyes sweeped the area without much success, it was but a chamber stuffed with the wooden containers, which by no means were small but neither easy to hide behind.

With sizes like her it furtherly presented itself as a troublesome situation. There was no time to make her way to the previous canals and the corners were far too well illuminated by the torches. She turned around in some mild hesitance to her own thoughts, as if for some reason they needed more to reach her fully.

There wasn't much choice and she had to act quickly.

Moment after a wolven sentinel marched into the storage, snarling quietly and snoring as the heavy stench hit his nose like a riderless carriage. It was strong and what they stored was already resting for some time, equine, canine, feline, human, you got almost everything there, mixed half of the time. It wasn't a most beautiful medley of aromas for males but for unknown to him reason, ladies didn't seem to mind at all.

In fact, they seemed to react most eagerly when it was properly presented. So eagerly that every decent woman he has seen eventually was degraded to nothing but a starved bitch in heat. Most of the affected women quickly developed a rather strong addiction which soon forced strict dependence on the nectar, should be they able to function on daily basis.

That's why regular feeding had to be ensured if their sows were to remain cognizant of the world around them.

And he got the short end of the stick when it came to duties.

Picking up one of the barrels, he heard the thick whiteness slosh inside it, wave from one side to the another, splash against the walls but in rather odd manner. Displeased snarl left the worgen jaws; the thing weighted for two if not three barrels for some reason and wasn't even full.

Descending deeper into the underground canals, he carried the thing on his shoulder, feeling as the weight switched from one end to another with every step, waving back in forth inside the container. His fist smashed against the lid with force, ensuring that it's closed properly and nothing will spill.

The long stored jizz had a nasty habit of sticking entirely to anything it touched, soaking fur and clothes, permeating everything with seed-stained stench that lasted for hours. Most of the ladies wouldn't mind but explaining to other males why do you smell like an used tissue wasn't most appealing.

Wolven watcher eventually made it before steep steps, leading somewhere below to another storage of the lowest level. His eyes widened softly and muscles tensed on the very first step as the weight suddenly slipped out of his hands and fell onto the stairs with a deafening thud, nearly smashing against the cold stone.

Only steel rings kept the wooden construction together as it began to fall down, roll and turn on the steps, its contents doubtlessly stirring inside and mixing even further. As the stairs ended, so did its descent, eventually simply rolling into the next, tiny storage and stopping against a wall.

Staring down at the miraculously intact barrel, worgen guard lowered his ears softly and then followed in slow manner; it wasn't his plan but nothing broke and the container was where it was supposed to be. Considering it as a success of sorts, he stepped into the small chamber and approached the barrel, simply rising it to vertical state.

Left next to a wall in wait, barrel remained motionless. Wolven guard turned around, shaking his head and returning back to the previous, larger storage chamber for a second barrel and for the human emissary that he discarded on the way.

As soon as the worgen stepped out of the second, much tinier storage which seemed to hold nothing but barrels, some of which seemed to rather licked clean than just emptied of contents, the lid twitched with a loud punching sound. Another followed and the cover raised a little bit, just to then jump up as third hit was given.

Long, slick ears peeked out of the barrel, escaping through the holes in glued, messy hood that lost most of its proud, strong scarlet, now darkened and indecently shining from the sealed nectar. Covered in shadows of her cowl, dripping face raised from container, rising up in slow, heavy manner.

Grand bust followed, sluggishly escaping the tight prison, her innate cushions spilling out of the barrel, no longer squeezed and forced to adapt to their jail that was far too small to contain such a monument of sin'dorei flesh. Freed, her udders gradually regained plump shapes, just to then jump out alike a tide shattering against a cliff: highly and with force, leaving the robes behind and spilling in all of their glory.

Halfway out, Valeera inhaled deeply but in sharp manner, grasping edges of the container. Loud groan followed as the hardest part was just to come; for her colossal bottom shared the same issues as her front but in a manner of tenfold. Vast beyond common sense and otherworldly in size, it struggled to liberate itself.

The indecent pounds of ancient ass-meat, by some miracle shoved into the barrel in time of rush, now appeared stuck in the thing. Forced inside, they found little to no space to accomodate all of their glory. Having no other option, they filled every corner and every nock of the wooden insides just like water in a glass.

Another mixed noise left the blood elf as she fought to free herself, her mind occasionally asking itself how did she fit in by the first time. Bathed in spunk she couldn't name, assassin stood permeated with scent beyond her comprehension, tensing her muscles to somehow pull herself out but to no avail.

Soaked clothes reflected the light of nearby torch, shining alike some sort of vulgar star with her bare, pinkish nipples only adding to the indecent nature of that sight. With a heavy pant, she felt as something began to give ground. Clenching her teeth, she put the very last bits of strength into her arms and the wood groaned loudly.

Yet it was not the leviathan buttocks that gave up first but the barrel itself. With a loud crack, she suddenly found herself free and lying on the ground amongst shattered planks, sprawled across a puddle of spilled white thickness that just some time ago splashed against her face.

She curled and the shadows suddenly left her face, showing the messed up, red as tomato expression. Slovenly stained with nectarous ooze, Valeera looked back at her rear, seeing their shade was much similar to her cheeks, likely from all the pressure they just went through. Sun's grace what is this...

Gloved hand jumped between her legs as she inhaled deeply, letting out a quiet scowl. Her leotard was drenched, the very fabric covering love parts of her body stood soaked and the feeling was dumbing. Sun's grace what is this… Her mind managed to come with a single, repeated thought as her skin felt otherworldly, not to speak about the very ladyparts.

It was like heat but scented with something more, some sort of a hunger that her body now inherited from the sensation of being submerged in the white thickness. Very memory of the oozing, bubbly nectar splashing against her face caused her hand to jump between the plump legs, to press against covered holes and give her some sort of appeasion.

Valeera clenched her teeth, feeling an unnamable wave of carnal pleasure running across her flesh. Spreading from between the plumpest thighs, it deafened her mind for a short while, reducing her sentience to a mere sensation of rubbed ladyparts.

As her kind knew addiction to magic, she now felt something much similar or at least, a sprout of something that possessed similar nature. It was unnatural but a thousand fold worse, for she knew how easy it would to appease it with mere touch.

Gloved hand was pulled back with great difficulty, just to support itself on the stained ground. Tainted scarlet disappeared in shallow pool of spilled whiteness, trying to aid her in standing up but to no avail.

She knew too much of addiction, her kind was consumed by it centuries ago and only that sort of unexpected experience allowed her to withstand the burning of her flesh. Drugs. What sort of a drug is this... It was potent and worked immediately, half of each sin'dorei thought seemed to return to the liquid.

Through the clenched teeth she inhaled, shaking her head. It's not blight. They aren't planning to kill anyone. They are drugging them. This realization was no better in her mind, slavery to your own addiction was no better than death. Blood elves of all people knew what lengths one could go to in order to satisfy such craving.

For races that haven't felt the dependency on magical energy, it doubtlessly was irresistible. Slowly, she tensed her muscles once more. The monument of plump, sin'dorei flesh that Valeera was slowly raised from the ground, bathed and stained, drenched to the last scarlet thread.

Soaked like a nectar sponge, she exhaled heavily, her hot breath dispersed across the room, wondrously not stained with the carnal aroma. Mouth shut tightly allowed for none of the filthy whiteness in her mouth, something she was endlessly grateful for, even if kissing the wooden lid for time this long was far from pleasant.

Echo of steps reached the slick, elongated ears, quickly reminding her just where she was. Dripping and drenched, the scarlet shadow began to descend deeper into the underground corridors, leaving a trail of thick nectar. There were only two paths to take, where she has come from or further into the unknown underground and considering the approaching wolf, there was only one way to go.

Ugh. This thing. She shook her head softly, halfway leaning on the wall with every step. I barely can move my body. By the sun it just makes me… She clenched the ancient thighs for a short moment but marched onwards, exhaling deeply. It's like I need to touch something or I'll explode. What sort of poison is this? Her instincts didn't scream of any immediate danger but she knew very well just how numb they were in her current state.

The path seemed to descend even lower, towards a pair of doors, ones that appeared to be of wrought steel with only a small, barred window. A bit of hope presented itself within her mind as she noticed one wing stood partially open, not much but enough to prove they weren't closed.

Heavy body slowly advanced forward, leaning on the wall as grand front swung back and forth with every step, sound of her marching drowned beneath the echo of clapping buttcheeks. Falling on the closed doors as soon as she could, or rather hitting against one half, she pressed stained palms against the edge of the other and groaned, trying to open them.

The metal gave up but slowly and sluggishly, moving at pace that made her slowly lose the shred of hope that was within her. Why is this so bloody heavy. What do they open them with, ettins?! Clenching her teeth, she put the entire weight of her body onto the door, letting out sounds she wasn't exactly familiar with her throat but doubtlessly had to be groans unlike any other.

Move you slab of steel. Valeera cursed in her mind as steps of the bulky wolf neared only closer, standing louder and louder with every step. With the edge of her eye she spotted the trail of whiteness that she left after herself, all as the gap between the door wings was becoming larger and larger. So much for him losing my track…

And what are those noises from the inside… It sounds… gobbling.

With an odd sound escaping her throat, she finally had the doors move properly and open wider by a few inches, turning the hole between metal wings just wide enough.for the well shaped body to "slip" through.

Hastily, she nearly leaped inside, tripping on the very bottom on the frame and hitting the floor like a log. Fucking… Swearing, she shook her head and then looked at the floor, blinking twice. Hay? And it's glued with something. The scarlet, indecently stained hood raised and soon the fel-infused eyes fell onto a sight that made her feel much different than it should.

Naked, stained bodies were sprawled all around the vast, too vast, room. To some mad design, they were not randomly tossed across the chamber but orderly, carefully placed all over. Kept in hog-worthy stalls to one side and chained to iron poles on the other, it appeared to be some wicked mixture between pigsty and prison.

Stripped, bare kaldorei remained on all fours, collared and with faces bound to old, oaken buckets alike mares. Their tongues moved erratically inside the containers, cleaning the wooden walls from the inner side, leaving them spotless and trying to reach thick, white nectar at the bottom of each.

Exposed buttocks seemed to be stained with some writings and tattoos, although she didn't investigate closely, turning the eyes of disbelief towards the shackled, dirty rangers in opposite part of the room. With no doubt the former guard of Banshee Queen, elite agents now seemed not much different to cattle.

Collared and chained to poles on the sides and in the wall, a dozen of dark bodies seemed to fight above a tiny through, forcing stained faces into the box and hungrily catching bits of white ooze from below. Valeera stood frozen, staring at the monstrous crystals sticking out of their bottoms, carved into odd, slick shapes she couldn't name.

Staring with wide, open eyes, she swallowed the richly pouring saliva, initially frozen and yet feeling as the heat inside her body grew even wilder. Sun's grace what in the seven… Plump body shuddered as she turned her eyes onto one of the kaldorei elves, angrily sticking her entire head into a bucket of the nectarous drug from before.

Valeera bit her lips, shaking her head with anger and softly putting the sin'dorei bosom into movement, all to move her hand between tender thighs. This… breedery of filth, by the sun. She exhaled deeply, clenching her hands and rising her palm, looking at the thick love juices forming strings between her fingers.

As some thoughts began to form whole inside her mind, the tall jeweled ears caught heavy steps outside. Heavy like a barrel, she moved forward, between the stalls, passing saddled human females and even few highborne.

The stalls were low and there were dozens of them, yet once again, it wasn't as simple to just hide behind something with body as her's. Swallowing deeply, she looked around the breeding chamber, breathing with heavy, hot breaths, all as her nipples seemed harder than stone.


Heavy doors were pushed with ease, slamming against nearby wall and letting out a prolonged, metalic sound that even if loud, was easily drowned beneath the hungering guzzling of captured cattle.

Snarling, he looked around, trying to find the trace of disobedient one, although seeing little as the dripping track of long gathered spunk ended inside. With most of the hay already glued together and soaked with seed, both of which served for local's meals, he wouldn't see much.

"Well that's what you get then." Wolven guard growled. "You spilled half, you get half. I am not going to make another trip just to feed you and starved…" Bright smile painted itself on wolven jaw. "... you will fight harder to get your part."

Holding the barrel on his shoulder, he simply marched inside, passing the stalls while peeking at them briefly. "The dark whores are chained, you filthy mass, so it had to be one of you."

The wooden container was soon slammed onto the ground, right before the breeding sows of the forsaken. "So it's cannon fodder that gets food today. The irony." Uncorking the single hole of cum-filled keg, he poured the thick, slowly flowing whiteness into old trough, watching as the broken rangers began to guzzle in euphory.

"Enjoy your meal. May be the last." Wolf guard snickered and left the fighting herd to its own, too used to the sight of broken whores to care. It didn't take long for him to leave, all whilst shaking his head softly to get rid of the scents that permeated the air.

The doors closed with ease and this time fully, leaving not a smallest gap, moved as if they didn't weight a single pound.

And as the guzzling of saddled and chained bodies continued, a lonely stall hosted a new owner in the corner. Empty just a few seconds ago, it now stood filled to the brink with shapes beyond common imagination, with monstrous breasts laying spilled across the floor and mammoth buttocks raised into the air.

Heavy, heated breaths entered an empty bucket nearly every second as the current resident rested on all fours. Hiding amongst the other sows, Valeera panted with red cheeks, feeling as the tendrils of addiction dug even deeper into her flesh and mind alike.

He didn't even check… Somehow she managed to convey a few thoughts, staring into the bottom of wooden container, eyeing the tiny bits of someone's former, oozing meal. But better safe than sorry…

She didn't have the time to undress but, to keep the appearance if necessary, put a blacksteel collar over her neck, although not hooking the two ends together. This thing is heavy… I barely can rise my neck. Snow white teeth dug into the scarlet lip as Valeera moved softly, feeling her stiff nipples rub against tiled floor. By the sun, the feeling…

Assassin stopped for a moment, feeling as her body twitched from the sensation. Motionlessly, she rested on the floor with head in the bucket, all while her cheeks were redder than tomatoes from Elwynn plantations. She felt like a giant slab of meat instead of the swift, agile feather she usually was. Yet, her situation wasn't as hopeless.

Behind this very stall she spotted an opening in the wall, the further path appeared to be some sort of a cave. With enough luck it leads outside and then I can wait till the drug wears off. It has to be in the air as well… the fumes. She clenched her fist softly, grasping soaked hay unthinkingly and crushing it in her grasp.

One, two, three… Her countdown was yet stopped by something, however dulled her senses appeared to be, she still could hear approaching steps. Heavy, bulky and with some sort of finesse, as if someone didn't care whether they are heard.

Coming from the very path she just recently spotted.

One… no. Two. That's more than one person but… Something was missing, there was strange unison between the steps, some kind of simultaneity in the march. What the hell are those. Even more, they were heavier than they should, it was as if was a duo of worgens but each weighting for three, since every of the sound of their tread was just as loud.

Swallowing her saliva, she moved her head around in the empty bucket, pretending to be eating it just like the rest of the prisoners. Maybe they won't notice… Though this stall is rather oddly placed, like a pathway straight into some a cave. With some luck, the patrol will assume that just yet another body was added to the herd.

W-What's with that tread.. it's getting closer and only louder. What sort of giants they hide in there? Can worgens even get this bloody big? She blinked twice, stretching her dimmed mind to lengths, all in order to just find out what's exactly approaching. M-Moment, if it's so bloody large and every step has the same weight…

Her eyes spread wider as the giant stopped right behind her and the realization hit her. With struggle, she attempted to rise her head from the bucket and then slowly, erratically look back. As soon as she managed to lay her eyes onto source of the noise, a giant, skull-crushing paw hit the ground just next to her.

Swallowing deeply, she stared at the monstrous, furred jaw that belonged to a beast simply too large to be by any means natural. Heavy growl filled the chamber, deafening all other noise like the rumble of a landslide. Fel-infused eyes stared at the grand, razor sharp teeth, each as thick as her own wrist, likely enough to snap her in half like a twig, should she get between them.

Black fur with gray stripes covered the imposing body, all as heavy, golden eyes stared her down like the prey she was. Valeera stared at the doubtless crossbreed of feral worg and some savage wolf, all while it towered over her body, closer to some overgrown alpha bear than a canine.

"G-Good boy…" She muttered quietly, forcing her lips into a little broken smile. "No need to do anything. I'll get up and leave." The beast canted it's head and proudly showed off it's array of fangs, letting out another growl at the tiny girl below him, bathing assassin in hot, meat-scented air.

"Pretty teeth you have there…" Being caught by worgen guards was one, getting drugged and put into wild breedery of depravity was another but being eaten by a wolf was something entirely different. With that in mind, her eyes grew even wider when the beast raised one of it's paws.

Feeling as it soon fell onto the back of her neck, she tried her best to resist what looked like a good thousand pounds of muscle and fur. With result most obvious, she let out a quiet whine, feeling as her head was being pushed down. "N-No, what are you doing.." Forced down, she felt the paw pressing against the collar.

"N-No, bad boy.." Valeera commanded with voice that certainly didn't have any effect on the wolf. Sensing as the pressure made mechanism of the collar move evidently, she only added. "S-Stop… That's not a toy…" The paw moved a little further and she heard something click and connect. "N-Nooo…"

Valeera didn't rise from the ground when her head was no longer stomped, feeling defeated as the blacksteel ring was clasped around her neck. For a normal person there were only two ways to remove it, with help of a skilled blacksmith or when your head was removed as well.

Monstrous paw raised softly, as if it was finished with its work, just to then rest next to her long ear. This is not good. If anyone finds me like that… The elf whined in a helpless manner, feeling as drops of canine saliva dripped from monstrous jaws, right onto the back of her head.

Why this had to be the only stall with a collar. Valeera exhaled deeply, feeling as more heavy droplets fell onto her back. Why does it salivate so much in first place. Sun's grace it's not going to… The sin'dorei swallowed deeply.

"I hope you aren't thinking of eating me." She slowly began to turn her head again, gathering enough will to try and look at the giant worg again. "I'm just skin and bones, skin and b-bones…"

"You will be better off if you--" Her sentence stopped, as if cut with a knife. Widened, terrified eyes of fel stared at something that, as far as her knowledge went, shouldn't be there in first place.

"B-Bad dog…"

Thick and heavy, it expanded from the wolven abdomen, hanging above her tiny body like a giant slab of red, angry meat. It was slick and inhuman, ridden with dozens of tiny, dark veins all over, spreading like rivers and sometimes turning into more cerise shade on the sides.

Founded on a vast, bulky knot, it almost didn't seem real but to her dismay, it appeared true enough to block most of her vision with its sheer size. Twitching softly, it bumped against her back. As monstrous knot began right above ancient sin'dorei buttcheeks, very tip of the canine cock ended only below her neck.

"Very bad dog, I'm not for… b-breeding and stuff." Valeera stuttered with a little panicky voice, her voice as tense as it could be, all while the tool shuddered softly, causing drops of precum to drip onto her back. "Go find a female wolf or… something." Sin'dorei swallowed her saliva, staring at the meat. Should have followed when dad wanted to show me how to tame a lynx.

As the dog took a few steps back, she instantly fell flat onto the ground with a heavy thud, staring at the floor tiles. Vast elven body trembled softly as she felt the scarlet tip press against her buttocks, smearing them with something thick. S-Sun's grace, it can't find the… way in. Assassin closed her eyes softly, trying to calm down. It will get bored and leave.

She felt the pressure continue for a long while, pressing against her bottom and causing the plump flesh to bend and move, all while only a miniscule patch of scarlet fabric, miniscule in comparison to the rest of her rear quarters, covered the very crack.

Eventually, she felt as heated rod left her cheeks, leaving them sticky and tainted but in peace. Yeah just… leave. Nothing there for you. She swallowed deeply once more, feeling as her rear-meat burned with warmth. Good, it's just going to leave now.. It couldn't find a way in and now is going to le-

Something slammed next to her and she felt the ground shatter, instantly opening her eyes. With fear, fel-infused eye stared at a wide, spreading crack in the floor and followed it to the right. Eventually, Valeera turned her head softly, led to a huge paw that slammed just next to her head, all with enough force to burst the earth open.

Second after, monstrous jaw entered her vision, showing off the rows of sharp teeth that could easily snap her in half like a twig. Sin'dorei gulped in tense manner and raised her gaze a little higher, to meet the bloodied stare of giant, canine beast. She smiled softly in some futile attempt to soothe the beast, one even she didn't believe in.

Yet her expression quickly melted into fear as a thundering growl filled the chamber, deafening her own thoughts with ease. Fangs of the worg breed spread and showed off the stretching saliva strings and the razor tips, far more than he would need for a chained, drugged rogue.

Valeera stared at the direct threat, knowing that not much more would be found than a pair of mangled, spit out daggers and perhaps few straps of stained, scarlet cloth.

She made a quick decision.

"H-Hey big boy…" Her lips bent into into a wide, fake smile that radiated with submissiveness. Shapely body slowly raised from the ground, slowly and carefully, all while she kept the eye distance with the beast. "There you go… I just wanted to take a small break but I'm back up, r-right?" Her happy expression turned even more frantic as she returned once more to resting on all fours.

Monstrous jaw grumbled loudly and she could feel the hot, game-scented breath. Head of the worg breed shook to the sides rushly and tall ears shivered to the sound of an angry, ferocious gnarl. Valera instantly pushed up her hips as much as possible, rising them for the beast, all while pressing her head against the floor.

"There you go, just don't fucking eat me!"

Assassin yelled and closed her eyes, waiting motionlessly while still able to feel the heavy, blood-starved gaze on herself. Come on… A few heavy snarls bathed her face in heated air as she awaited the judgement, knowing there is just enough of her to satisfy the crossbreed's belly.

A few tense seconds followed and then she could feel as the beastly jaw retreated.

Valeera exhaled deeply and opened her eyes, staring at the floor before her, feeling the deep relief inside her heated body. N-Not filling dog's belly today. Not the kind of a victory I had hoped to achieve here but whatever the house's rich into. Now I just need to- Yet that respite was quickly broken when she felt something heavy pressing against her rear entrance, hidden under the loincloth.

"W-Wait, no-" Panicked voice was cut silent as soon as it arised, all as she felt the ground grumble to a sound of worg growl. Feral snarl ensured her compliance as she only swallowed deeply, staring blankly into the stall entrance in front of her, letting out not another word for the time being. Drops of sweat went down her heated skin as she felt the wolf reposition behind her.

As the beast slowly took a better position, looking somewhat awkwardly due to the sheer difference of size, she put all of her dimmed brain to use. In assassin's mind, there had to be something to do, she couldn't simply be just put into position and then bred. Even so, carnal fire inside her flesh and the drugged mind left her only a looming awareness of what was about to happen; all while her head was obediently meeting the ground, all while grand asscheeks were preseneted like prey.

Like prey to her predator.

Canine crossbreed, moving a little behind the monumental body, let out a few uneasy sounds. His shining tool soon backed enough, sliding across the vast loincloth, staining it with richly flowing precum, leaving even more indecent, reflective stains across the silk. The tainted fabric was by no means small but yet so insufficient if one was to look at what it was supposed to cover.

A drop of sweat dripped down from her chin as she felt the angry tip press against her hole, lay a burning kiss that made her shiver. Fel-infused eyes looked at the crack next to her, stared at the broken floor, reminded itself of the image of wolven paw. Her muscles tensed and breath shuddered, Valeera could feel the sheer need that was getting only worse. While her thoughts still seemed to at least appear troubled, her body wanted to feel what the beast was.

Even the very idea of wolven paw stomping her body down made her excited and against her very will.

A new, indecent sound escaped her mouth when she felt the slab of meat push further against her posterior, trying to descend between the plump asscheeks of her ancient rear. Wetted cloth strained and was slowly pushed between the buttcheeks, enchanted and sturdy far beyond a common work of a tailor. The beast panted quietly, finding issues with making its way to the sin'dorei hole.

Valeera blinked twice, realizing where it was aiming. "T-That's the wrong-" Her sentence was cut yet again as something slammed her from behind, making her slide forward with force. Her teeth clenched and sparks shoot sideways as blacksteel collar grind across stone floor. Iron chain tensed momentarily and only another, unhappy growl of a giant crossbreed followed.

Stretched loincloth refused to give ground, so did the leotard below it, defending the elven ass-heritage even in the face of monstrous beast trying to force its way through. Canine let out a quiet whine and then backed off a little, awkwardly thrusting forward once more and burying scarlet silk even deeper but yet to no avail.

Valeera stared at the ground, feeling the impact on her asscheeks and swallowing deeply, just like her plump mounds swallowed her loincloth, leaving but a scrap of it outside. The wolf growled deeply and clearly moved back once more, this time making distance and loudly showing his displeasure with the state of things. Her attire was enchanted and warded, it would not break but the beast wouldn't stop either.

And as the crossbreed growled and leaped forward at her, the realization hit her, making the fel-infused eyes spread wide. Her head instantly turned backwards as she screamed.

"W-Wait, the fabric--"

Drool erupted from her mouth a moment after as her head hit the ground, letting out an uncivilized, inhuman voice that she would never expect to leave her own throat. With clenched teeth, she stared into the void with eyes open wide, all while sound of her sharp nails, scraping against the floor, filled the stall.

"Uuuuuoh...." Valeera let out something that was a mixture between a whine and a groan, adding to the pleased pant of a monstrous crossbreed whose scarlet meat was wrapped in fabric of crimson shade, stretching it all around its angry meat. She felt it, deep inside her, hot like molten steel and spreading its warmth from the inside of her body.

Ancient buttocks wiggled wildly, sent back and forth by the sheer force with which it was slammed into her. As the grandest rear of Azeroth was jiggling, its skin turned scarlet to fit rest of the attire, reddened by impact of giant knot meeting innate cushions.

Her eyes rolled up in shaking manner, slowly and not fully, all as the beast put a paw on her collar and slowly began to pull out, rising furred hips in its primitive, animalistic manner, making the steel whine and bend down on verge of breaking.

Seemingly reduced to nothing but the sensation of her ass being not only rammed in a mere second but also being stuffed with a heavy slab of meat, forcefully wrapped in her own loincloth, Valeera felt the blackout of her own brain. With her perception shrunk to one, hot and filled hole, her mind turned absent, soon able to only feel nothing else but pounds of heavy, wolven cock sliding out of her asshole.

The crossbreed panted and saliva dripped onto her, all as she felt the throbbing rod rubbing against her inner walls that still tightly clung to scarlet length, causing her body to twitch with every inch making it out of her newly claimed hole. It was as if her mind couldn't reach further, made only to melt under the wolven touch.

Pulling the entire body back with itself, veiny tool at last slipped out of her, just enough to give her a respite; for the closer it was to the knot, the thicker it was and the very first outer parts of her anus were now wide enough to host scarlet tip and yet not feel it. Fel-infused eyes returned down and her mind seemed to be present once more, albeit different, as if shattered on the outskirts.


T-This thing… Valeera thought, grasping air greedily.'s going to fucking kill me… Her breasts stood covered in fabric and yet exposed unlike ever before. Disregarded and strained, enchanted vestments stood forced into the body of their owner, a good dozen inches of scarlet, stained cloth now lined the sin'dorei insides as if to make the worg's sensation more silken.

Stretched, the leotard now mercilessly wrapped around opulent bust, leaving little to imagination, clinging skin-tight to plump mountains and showing them off in all of their glory. Pushed to the extent of its thinness, scarlet material couldn't hope to cover the large areolas and proudly stiff nipples, allowing them to form tiny, beautiful bulges in the surface of the fabric.

Valeera's drool formed a pool below her chin, all as she felt another drop of saliva drip onto her. The beast shook its head softly and her nails sung against the floor once more. You fucking dog, stop, don't- Another thrust pushed her entire body a little forward, angry meat once more filled her insides, leaving not a nock unfilled. Her loincloth seemed to simply dig between her buttcheeks, closer to a single string than a wide sheet of fabric like before.

Assassin let out a heavy whining sound as she felt her attire become even tighter, digging between her lower lips and choking monstrous breasts even more. It felt like a hot, lightless darkness, illuminated only where her flesh was under attack and ignited even further whenever that happened.

It was as if she was blind, able to sense only the sheer torment of pleasure put upon her body.

Merciless thrusts resumed and her body was put to use once more; her sensitive breasts rubbing against the ground and obscenely uncovered buttcheeks wiggling back and forth as if given their own life. Heavy, slapping sounds filled the stall, carnal and lined with thoughtless moans of pounded elf.

Crossbreed panting added to the medley of primal and vulgar sounds, saliva dripped onto the used doll as she was slid further and further across the floor. Canine hips shook back and forth in this basic and simple manner whilst ancient buttocks of sin'dorei heritage were pushed up and high,

Plump thighs stood tensed, nearly burning with the effort of keeping such giant pillows soaring and ready to take another pounding. Valeera clung to the very last, tiny remnant of her mind, feeling the ravagery put upon her body. Her stiff nipples kissed the cold ground against her will and overflowing ladyparts leaked wildly, endlessly stimulated by the stretched leotard pressing against lower lips.

Drool escaped through clenched teeth and air was greedily sucked, for her lungs were emptied with every slam of heavy, canine cock. Pounded, blood elf was pushed over the edge of sanity, further and further with every thrust, her insides slowly remolded, repurposed to service scarlet meat.

Beastly precum gushed out of the ruined asshole, no longer soaked by the fabric trapped inside as the knot approached ancient hole, closer and closer; all as her flesh was stretched and rammed aside to make space for the fat, wolven prick. Heavy slab of hot meat repeatedly disappeared inside grand body, shapely beyond imagination and yet seemingly too small for a monstrous rod of the crossbreed.

Her brain seemed to slowly crack ,shatter away into pieces, break under the worg cock as every thrust seemed to directly pound against the edges of her mind. Hips of the beast grew faster and faster, taking this dog-like, rapid pace that would soon leave her insides in a mess, completely reshaped in the wake of scarlet meat, bound to serve it and nothing else.

Sin'dorei body shook back and forth like a cloth doll, its owner suddenly twitching as she felt the knot kiss her anus. D-Dont.. you fucking… She thought while grasping the fur of worg belly and holding to it hopelessly, rising herself a little. … fucking dog!

The wolf slammed her for the last time, pushing her forward and causing the chain to tense, keeping her in the place and choking while his knot angrily fought with her anus that already seemed to be overwhelmed. Don't you even… that will fucking break me if you-- She clenched her teeth even more in some final desperation, drooling as her face was painted with hopelessness and depravity.

All while her ass began to give ground.

Don't- Her ass fought for just a second more, facing the grand, monstrous knot and then, just in a moment, swallowing it obediently. Fel-infused eyes shook upwards as droll sprouted out of her mouth; choked, spread apart and stuffed with pounds of heavy, canine cock, she felt the beastly knot spreading her asshole without any mercy and reshaping her insides in unredeemable manner.

Knotted, she soon received the white avalanche as heavy, black balls of the worg began to dry themselves. Gallons of thick, dog cum began to pour into the shapely body, painting it from the inside and marking her body with scent of a canine release. With hot, nectarous buckets pumped into her, Valeera felt as her mind slowly drowned in the sensation, all as if she herself was drowning in spunk.

Saliva dripped from her chin as the wolf howled, happily emptying his ballsack and turning the collared bitch heavier and heavier, swelling her belly with his seed and then panting like a house pet, all while legendary rogue melted under his cock. The beast shook its head softly and then stomped the dented collar once more, keeping his mate in a single spot as he tried to pull out of the used body.

Clenched asshole fought for fewteen seconds, stubbornly holding to the giant prick before the beast finally managed to free its scarlet tool out from the blood elf. As it took a few steps forward, sin'dorei grasp seemingly no longer could hold to his belly, causing the heavy body to fall down onto pigsty floor, hitting it with a heavy, wet thud. White thickness began to pour out of gaping, widely spread anus, nearly in the shape of worgen knot.

As it panted in a pleased manners, few last bits of his release dripped from the giant tool. Falling down, dog spunk painted the elven face in disgracing manner, flowing down the cheeks, all while seemingly empty eyes stared forward and scarlet lips moved, repeating the same words over and over.

"Fucking… dog."