Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 62 - Garrosh master plan

Chapter 62 - Garrosh master plan

The clicking of metal heels against the stone floors of Wyrmrest Temple echoed throughout the silent building as Sylvanas Windrunner strode down a corridor. The Banshee Queen's pace was agitated, her face locked in her trademark scowl as she clenched her fist, further crushing the crumpled up note in her palm.

'How dare he summon me like some common dog,' Sylvanas thought viciously. Sure she had known that there would be repercussions for her little acts of defiance the last time Warchief Hellscream had come to visit, but she had assumed that Garrosh's temperament would lead him to confront her directly, not drag her to this frozen corner of hell to witness his tantrum.

'Or perhaps this is supposed to be his attempt at cleverness,' she mused. The dragonflights were not exactly the biggest fans of Sylvanas at the moment after the events of the Wrathgate, no matter how much she protested that she knew nothing of Varimathras' and Putress' rebellion. Not that admitting as such made her feel any better, conceding that the betrayal was a result of her incompetence and not maliciousness. Neither motivation seemed to matter to the various dragons patrolling the temple anyway, given the way they glared at her whenever she passed one.

Nominally, the summons read that the meeting was being held in a neutral site to reduce the likelihood of the Alliance spying on it, but that reasoning was flimsy at best. Sylvanas knew that Garrosh was simply trying to unbalance her, moving her away from her seat of power and into what could now be considered hostile territory for her.

Finally, Sylvanas reached the underground room where the warchief would be waiting for her. Normally she would have deliberated a little longer and made the headstrong orc stew for a few extra minutes, but there was only so far she could stretch that string before it inevitably snapped, and now wasn't the best time to push it.

Sneering at the dragons guarding the door, Sylvanas made to stride into the room when the two suddenly crossed their polearms and barred the entrance.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sylvanas spat. "I am expected."

"You must surrender your weapons before you go in," one dragon said, not apologetic in the slightest. "This is neutral territory, we wouldn't want any unfortunate accidents occurring."

Sylvanas was certain that last bit was meant to be a slight towards her, but the dragon met her challenging stare unblinkingly. "Fine," she eventually acquiesced. "I wouldn't want to disregard the rules of hospitality."

The Banshee Queen unslung her bow from across her shoulders and unclipped her quiver before handing them to the other guard. Then she pulled her twin shortswords from their sheaths, twirling them once and turning them in handle-first.

"Thank you for your cooperation," the dragonguard said as he moved his own weapon aside. "You may now proceed."

Not bothering with an acknowledgement, Sylvanas pushed past him and entered the room, a short dagger still clipped inside her boot. For the Banshee Queen, going anywhere without a weapon would be signing her own death warrant; there was no shortage of beings on Azeroth who wouldn't hesitate to attack her if she were unarmed. And if the dragons were too stupid to check her for hidden blades, that was their problem.

Her first moment of trepidation came when she felt the aura of an anti-magic field spring up around the room as she stepped inside. There was a fine line between security and paranoia- a line that Sylvanas crossed every single day- but it seemed out of place for the dragonflights. 'Unless they really are so dedicated to this 'neutrality' nonsense,' she thought.

Sylvanas was startled for a second time when she caught her first glimpse inside the chamber, as not only was Garrosh seated behind the table, but Baine and Vol'jin were there as well. As far as Sylvanas knew, the other two leaders were meant to arrive with her, and judging by their posture, the three men had already been present for quite some time. The Dark Lady was caught off-guard, and when she was caught off-guard, she masked her trepidation with sarcasm.

"Greetings, Warchief," she said smoothly, "I apologize for not realizing the time of our meeting had been changed, or I would have gotten here sooner." She wouldn't have, of course, but Garrosh didn't need to know that.

The massive orc waved his hand dismissively. "It wasn't. We simply had some matters to discuss before your arrival."

Now Sylvanas was truly on edge. Garrosh never passed up an opportunity to rage at her, and with the trio of Horde leaders meeting without her, there's no telling what they might have been discussing.

"But now that you're here," Garrosh continued, "let us begin." He stood from his chair and began pacing back and forth behind the table like a caged tiger. "Your actions have not only been disgraceful as of late, but some might even call them... treasonous."

Sylvanas mentally rolled her eyes. 'Is he really still on about this?' Out loud she said, "As I told you before Warchief, without the Val'kyr, the Forsaken will eventually go extinct. The Horde will lose its foothold in the Eastern Kingdoms and the resources of Lordaeron will fall to the Alliance."

"What resources?" Garrosh snorted. "Plagued water and diseased food? And as disturbing as your use of the Lich King's pets may be, that is not what I am referring to. Were you, or were you not ordered to stop production and use of the blight?"

Sylvanas stilled. "The blight brought down Gilneas! Countless Forsaken lives were saved! A war that would have lasted years was over in a matter of weeks!"

"That was not what I asked!" Garrosh slammed a fist down on the table. "Were you ordered to stop using the blight, yes or no?"

"Yes, Warchief," Sylvanas muttered.

"What's that, I couldn't hear you."

"Yes, Warchief!"

The light of triumph shone in Garrosh's eyes. "Then you did in fact go against my orders. Not exactly the actions of someone who proclaims to serve the Horde, are they? At first, I simply wanted you killed for your insolence, but the others convinced me that you might still be made loyal, and a useful piece for ending this war."

Sylvanas' eyes flickered over Baine and Vol'jin, whose stony faces gave nothing away. "Others, Warchief?" she asked.

As if waiting for her question, three figures emerged from the shadows, and Sylvanas recoiled as she recognized the foremost heroes of the Alliance, Genn Greymane, Prophet Velen, and Varian Wrynn.

"Alliance curs!" the Dark Lady shouted, her instincts kicking in and drawing her hidden dagger as she shot across the room before she had time to think. Blade raised to cut off Greymane's snout, Sylvanas was shocked when the old wolf easily reached out and snatched her wrist in his iron-grip. Without the aid of her magically-enhanced possession, the Banshee Queen was no stronger than an ordinary elf, and certainly no match for the worgen king.

Before she could prepare a second strike, Genn had snatched the dagger from her hands, snapping the blade over his knee and tossing the pieces skittering into the corner. Sylvanas had just wound up to punch Genn in the face when everyone else broke from their stupor. "ENOUGH!" Garrosh bellowed. "Again, your treacherous actions threaten to sabotage my Horde, Windrunner! Attacking Alliance diplomats under a banner of truce!"

Sylvanas scoffed. "You expect me to believe these men are diplomats?"

At last, Baine spoke up. "It's true," he nodded gravely. "And your rash actions nearly undermined these peace talks."

Sylvanas struggled to wrap her head around what had just occurred. Garrosh Hellscream, one of the most notoriously gung-ho warmongers the Horde had ever seen, was suing for peace?

"Think nothing of it," Varian said into the silence. "I understand just how... unruly the Banshee Queen can be. That is why we are all here, is it not?"

The rest of the men nodded, Greymane finally letting Sylvanas drop to the ground as the Alliance delegation circled around the table and sat as well, so that all six leaders were facing the downed Banshee Queen like a tribunal.

"All that remains now is to decide what happens to you," Garrosh rumbled. "Naturally, some of us lobbied for the most extreme punishment, but as a coalition we decided that you should be given the opportunity to prove your loyalty. What say you, Windrunner, are you as dedicated to Horde as you say you are? Are you willing to put aside your cruelty for the sake of peace?"

Sylvanas feverishly glanced between the six dispassionate faces staring down at her, wishing she had more time to think. She was a plotter, a schemer, someone who relied on cunning and treachery to ensure that her plans went off without a hitch. But here, in this light-forsaken room deep beneath Icecrown, she had none of that. Already off-kilter from the surprises of the day, she fell back to her basic instincts.

Above all else, Sylvanas Windrunner was a survivor, Arthas' citadel aside. No matter how often it seemed that Azeroth would finally be rid of her, she always found some way to hang around. She hadn't endured the Lich King's enslavement, forged a new path for the undead, and entered a pact with the Val'kyr just to balk at the first sign her designs for the planet might be slipping through her grasp. She would play along with this folly for the moment, then strike when the opportunity arose.

"Of course, Warchief, High King," she nodded to the aforementioned leaders in turn. "How may I be of service to this new… union."

Garrosh's answer came callously. "On your knees. With your mouth."

"What?" Sylvanas shrieked, outraged. "How dare you suggest such a thing! I'd sooner see the world ablaze before I submit to the likes of you!"

"This is your punishment!" Garrosh shouted her down. "Retribution for your numerous crimes! The assassination of Marshall Garithos! The blighting of Southshore! The hundreds of soldiers your troops defiled at the Wrathgate! Make no mistake, bitch, you will pay for your sins with your head, one way or another."

His piece said, Garrosh left the incensed ranger to fume at her fate. Everyone in the room knew what her choice would be, they had ensnared her so thoroughly in their web that the outcome was assured, and they'd get exactly what they wanted from her.

"Very well," Sylvanas spoke through gritted teeth. She would weather this new defilement, perhaps not with her dignity, but at least with her body and her machinations intact. The Dark Lady rose up from the floor into a squat, resting her ass on her ankles and looking up as the six men approached, circling her like vultures coming in for the kill.

Sylvanas didn't know which way to look as loincloths were shifted, armor was removed, and robes were parted until a veritable feast of cockflesh was displayed to her awestruck gaze. Simply put, the six were the most enormous manhoods elf had seen in her entire extended lifespan, undoubtedly bigger than any of her kin, and dwarfing Nathanos' several times over even while he'd been alive.

There wasn't a single member amongst them that wasn't as long or thick as her forearm. But while they were all united in approximate size and girth, each was still easily distinguishable given the separate races onto whom they were endowed. Vol'jin's was slightly longer and more slender than Garrosh's own bitchbreaker, and neither could quite measure up to the absolute monstrosity that Baine was packing, swinging like a log from his bulky frame.

On the Alliance side, Genn's was most easily picked out of the lineup thanks to its furry sheath and already swelling knot, while Velen's prick was adorned with small, prehensile tentacles whose function Sylvanas wasn't sure she even wanted to know. Finally, except for the fact that it was over a foot long, Varian's was the least extraordinary of the group, but it still pulsed just as eagerly in preparation for getting to feel the Banshee Queen's lips wrapped around it.

"Let's get rid of these," Genn said, ripping Sylvanas' clawed gauntlets off her hands and tossing them uncaringly into the corner along with her broken dagger. "Wouldn't want them to cause any unfortunate injuries." Sylvanas just whimpered as the first pieces of her armor were discarded, too caught up in the overwhelming display of dicks and in the enormity of what was about to happen to respond properly.

"Don't just sit there you stupid whore, suck," Garrosh demanded, jolting Sylvanas out of her cock-shocked trance. With trembling fingers, she tried to do as he commanded, reaching out to either side and grabbing onto two dicks at random. The Dark Lady couldn't tell from feeling alone who'd she'd unknowingly selected, but she suspected that wouldn't be the case by the end of the day given her status relative to the others.

Her hands quickly started to work up and down the two shafts as Sylvanas stretched her face out toward Garrosh's crotch, desperate to get the whole ordeal over with as quickly as possible. And from the very first moment her lips touched his hardened rod, she knew satisfying all six men was a challenge that might very well be beyond her.

Sure, Sylvanas was no stranger to sex, after all, high elves were not exactly known for their restrained culture, but a few trysts during her ranger days and her relationship with Nathanos hadn't exactly prepared her for having to suck off a half dozen of the largest cocks on Azeroth. And she certainly hadn't been getting any action after her death and rebirth at the hands of Arthas, so having to retrain her body in the art of blowjobs seemed like an insurmountable task.

Sylvanas could barely fit her mouth over the head of Garrosh's cock, and the first few bobs she made were absolutely pitiful in their depth. Even during her most powerful banshee screams, the Dark Lady had never spread her lips this far, and now she couldn't even fall back on her unholy resilience to assist her. All the effort she needed to put in had to be natural, and aches she'd long forgotten existed settled into her jaw as she did her best to contend with the huge orc dick before her.

So consumed was she in focusing on her oral task, that Sylvanas neglected to keep her hands moving, at least until her wrists were seized and pulled back and forth as the owners of the cocks she was now stroking used her hands to jerk themselves off. The Dark Lady quickly got the message, doing her best to keep her mouth and fingers moving at steady rhythms to please each of her current tormentors.

But no sooner had she felt somewhat comfortable, then her hands were grabbed once more and yanked over to two new shafts, forcing her to fumble a bit until she regained her tempo. This time she knew one of the pricks had to belong to Greymane based on the swollen bulge her hands ran into whenever she stroked down. A shudder raced through Sylvanas' spine as she realized that fact, that she was willingly playing the whore for her most hated enemy.

Fortunately or unfortunately for her, Sylvanas had little time to dwell on that issue as her head was suddenly seized just as her hands had been and turned sideways until she was eye-to-tip with a new cock. The Banshee Queen only caught a flash of blue before her mouth was suddenly filled once more, although at least this time it wasn't being stretched quite as painfully. Not to say it was comfortable in the slightest, just a marginal improvement over where she'd been just a second ago.

At least until that cock started prodding at the back of her throat, making the squatting elf gag and sputter as Sylvanas suddenly found herself working overtime to keep up. Her tongue was being pinned to the floor of her mouth as the lengthy troll dick worked its way forward and backward across it. Spit bubbled incessantly from her lips as the glands she'd thought were deadened sprang to life at the taste of cockmeat, no matter how unwelcome it was.

Just when Sylvanas felt that Vol'jin was about to shove himself down her gullet, she was pulled away once more and then driven right back down onto another thick pole. From there the process was repeated countless times, passing Sylvanas' mouth back and forth like a party favor and giving her a few quick pumps before sending her off to the next man. Her dainty elvish hands were likewise utilized, the men letting the banshee slut jerk them off a bit before harshly reminding her not to neglect any of the others.

The six were incessant, rudely prodding their raging erections against the Dark Lady's face whenever they were left unattended and squishing her cheeks under their heft. They rubbed their shafts all over her porcelain features, leaving slimy trails of dripping pre-cum and her own saliva up and down her cheeks. Sylvanas quickly became accustomed to the sounds and sensations of a thick cock slapping down on her face, her pallid blue skin turning pink and tender under the lewd assault.

It was crude, it was insane, but it was the price Sylvanas would have to pay for her disloyalty and her depravity. She felt herself dissociating, her body working on autopilot as she tried to block out the sights and sounds and smells of the oral gangbang to which she was being subjected. As much as she tried to ignore them, even her deadened senses were alight with the taste and scent of overwhelming masculinity, trapped as she was in a circle of the most alpha male specimens on the planet.

But despite the horror and debauchery Sylvanas was enduring, she was determined to make it through. And the more she licked and sucked and stroked, the more she thought she might just be able to pull it off. All she had to do was keep moving forward, let the taunts and jeers roll off her back, and once their bodies were spent and their revelry concluded, the Banshee Queen could go back to deciding just how she was going to get her vengeance for this humiliation.

Too bad for her that the men were not going to be satisfied with letting her get away with the bare minimum. Sylvanas Windrunner was an elf who had a lot of payback coming her way, and the six men knew they were the perfect instruments of justice. "Enough of this pitiful effort," Varian grunted. "I want to see her suffer."

"Ay, let me have the first go at her, mon," Vol'jin cut in. "I be gettin' her nice and warmed up for ya." Ordinarily the leaders would have been at each other's throats, fighting with each other to get first dibs as if Sylvanas was a previously undiscovered continent, but here in this room they were perfectly content to work it out amicably, as it meant they all could continue to abuse the Dark Lady. Plus, Vol'jin's suggestion made a lot of sense. His long cock would get Sylvanas' mouth nice and trained up for the rest of them without utterly ruining it like Baine's might.

"I knew Thrall should neva have let you in de Horde," Vol'jin told the Banshee Queen as he grabbed her chin and jerked her face up to meet his own. "Since den you've done nutting but cause trouble. But mehbe all along you just needed someone to put you back in your place." The lanky chieftain punctuated his statement with a loud " ptuh!" , landing a glob of troll spit on Sylvanas' dainty nose and adding to the sticky mess coating her face.

"How dare-MMMPH!" Sylvanas began, but her protest was quickly muffled by Vol'jin shoving himself as deep into her mouth as he dared. This time he wasn't content with merely abusing her mouth, this time he was going to make her swallow every inch of his cock. To that end, he wrapped his fingers around the Dark Lady's slender ears, using them as handlebars to control her head as he began to roughly ravage it.


Obscene noises spilled from Sylvanas' lips without her volition, the plundering of her mouth too fast and too violent for her to handle. Both Vol'jin and his elven cocksleeve were operating on instinct, unknowingly falling back to millennia of inclinations. While the Darkspear weren't as violent as the Amani, the divide between trolls and elves was endemic to their respective races, and Vol'jin's blood was singing as he subjugated one of the long-time enemies of his people. Few trolls were as connected to the Loa as Vol'jin, and he could hear the spirits whispering in his ear to push on ever harder and faster.

Vol'jin saw no reason not to listen, increasing his pace until his hips were little more than a rapid blur as he savaged Sylvanas' face with every ounce of power he possessed. Even when he felt the first bits of resistance from her body, he wasn't going to let a silly thing like that slow him down. Without hesitating and without faltering, he breached the Dark Lady's throat, sheathing himself nearly to the base in her gullet.

It took all his willpower not to cum right there and then as Sylvanas' airway clenched and spasmed around his shaft, unconsciously massaging and stimulating his length. The surrounding men could see the slight bulge in the Banshee Queen's neck where Vol'jin's cock was lodged, physical evidence of just how outmatched physically the fallen Ranger-General was compared to the shadow hunter. But while it might have been fun to simply keep himself buried to the base in her throat and let her struggles get him off, Vol'jin was never one for sitting back and letting others do the work.

The troll began driving himself in and out of Sylvanas' mouth with long, smooth strokes, forcing her to deepthroat him with every thrust and slowly but surely forcing her lips toward his base. He was acutely aware of Sylvanas' palms slapping against his thighs as she tried to force him back, but had nowhere near enough strength to pull herself off. Thus she was helpless but to choke until Vol'jin at last managed to plant himself balls deep in her throat.

Vol'jin took a moment to savor keeping Sylvanas's nose buried in his stomach with her lips kissing the base of his cock, before he finally relented and let the Dark Lady pull herself free. But no sooner had she gasped a single unnecessary breath than she was forced right back down again. So great was the power with which he was ravaging her that Sylvanas' feet couldn't support her, she faltered down to her knees in oral submission. To further compound her humiliation, choking tears began rolling down Sylvanas' Frostmourne-scarred cheeks, her body unable to fight its natural response to her airway being clogged.

The sorry sight had Vol'jin's balls churning feverishly, reducing the proud and haughty elf to a kneeling, drooling, dripping cocksucker. "Here it comes, banshee whore," Vol'jin warned. "And ya better swallow it all." It only took a few more strokes for the troll to bring himself to completion, graciously helping Sylvanas obey his vile command by driving as deep down her throat as he could before unloading.

The Darkspear Chieftain fired rope after rope of hot, sticky cum straight into the Dark Lady's stomach, a never ending tide of troll spunk that warmed Sylvanas' cold body from within. Even before he finished firing, Vol'jin started withdrawing from the undead elf's depths, making sure to save a few shots for her tongue and finishing with a couple more across her forehead and cheeks until her face was practically more white than blue.

Garrosh laughed. "I should have taken a stronger hand to you to begin with, bitch, it seems as if submission comes naturally to you."

Sylvanas glared back, at least as best she could under a thick layer of glaze. "Let's just get this over with."

"Very well, you heard her," Garrosh shrugged, "who's next?"

Sylvanas heard a quick shuffle behind her, then the warchief's question was answered when her cape and hood were torn off, a hand gripping her hair and tugging her head backwards. As she opened her mouth to cry out, another wad of spit landed directly in it as Prophet Velen continued the work his troll predecessor had started. Now the Dark Lady was forced to stare upside-down at another meaty cock, this one more purple compared to Vol'jin's blue, and no less intimidating. No less easy to handle either as Sylvanas immediately discovered as Velen went to town on her mouth.

"The Horde aren't the only ones who can facefuck a stupid slut!" Varian declared, urging on his compatriot.

Whether Velen heard his king's directions or not, he set just as brutal a pace against Sylvanas as Vol'jin did. His task was made slightly easier by the fact that the troll had gotten her mouth warmed up and stretched for him, but the flipped nature of their positions meant that the Dark Lady had a whole new set of uncomfortable sensations to deal with.

For one, the prophet's balls were involved even before they delivered their payload. The bulging, wrinkled sack swung pendulously and brushed up against Sylvanas' eyes and nose, filling her senses with the sight and smell of the draenei's cum tanks. For another, with her head angled toward the ground it meant that instead of the combined fluids dripping down her chin and sloughing off her breasts, the rivulets ran down her eyes and nose as well, all the way down her forehead and matted her brittle blonde hair.

Velen didn't care about how uncomfortable the position was for Sylvanas, for he too had a grudge of tens of thousands of years to settle. The darkness could not abide the light, and if Sylvanas Windrunner was anything, it was a creature of darkness. Thus, Velen would purify her as he would any other abomination, albeit in a much more pleasurable manner.

Sylvanas was startled to discover that there was no sign of age or reluctance on the prophet's part, he fucked just as viciously as any other man, and it had the Dark Lady's mind reeling. 'Did this old man just spend his days fucking his acolytes to train them?' she thought despondently. 'How is he so virile?'

Regardless of the answer, Velen continued to pound away at her freshly-loosened throat, taking very little time to reach the same speed and depth as Vol'jin before him. But with his hands locked around the back of Sylvanas' head, he could pull with even more strength, fully utilizing the Banshee Queen's mouth as his personal fleshlight and channeling all his righteous fury into the skullfucking.

"Your body will be your repentance!" Velen cried, not struggling for breath in the slightest despite the intensity with which he was moving. "Let your filth be cleansed by the Light!" Despite his words, there wasn't much cleansing happening for the moment, if anything it was the opposite. The slime on Sylvanas' face continued to accumulate, an obscene cocktail of sweat, spit, and cum unbefitting of royalty, but a well-deserved mark of shame for one so reviled as the Banshee Queen.

From the prophet's position above the kneeling Sylvanas, he was treated to a front row seat of her prodigious bust heaving inside her too-small armored bikini, as well as the way her slim throat bulged around his girthy cock just as it had for Vol'jin. Every thrust saw the protrusion sliding along her esophagus, another physical demarcation of the Dark Lady's sacrificial submission of her body to her superiors.

Despite the draenei's discipline, such an enticing sight proved enough to tip him over the edge. Just as Vol'jin had done before him, Velen hilted himself in Sylvanas' throat as deep as he could go and pulled her face as far into his crotch as possible. This time instead of having her nose buried in troll pubes, it was squashed against a draenei nutsack, forcing her to inhale the masculine aroma and feel the twitching of his balls as they unloaded down her gullet.

Another warm, salty release no less hefty than the first settled into Sylvanas' stomach, already stuffing her to the brim with spunk and she'd only taken two loads. The Dark Lady had been able to swallow all of Vol'jin's climax that he'd allowed her to, but with her head trapped upside down, she had no such luck with Velen's. Even before his climax was spent, a backflow of cum came bubbling back up Sylvanas' throat, splashing over Velen's flagging erection and running up her face in a pearly wave until her nose, eyes, and hair was clogged with semen.

Sylvanas was left in a state of utter debauchery, her arms and knees splayed wide with her head thrown back as if in rapture. But she would not be saved from this misery, she had brought it upon herself with her deeds of violence and cruelty. Slowly but surely, the Dark Lady raised her head to look upon her captors once more, only for it to be jerked violently to one side as a weighty tauren dick smacked across her face.

Apparently Baine was the next man up as he gave the kneeling elf a few more cockslaps before plowing into her mouth once more. If Sylvanas had thought the previous two manhoods were hard to handle, they were nothing compared to the absolute beast that the tauren chieftain was sporting. Longer and thicker than either Vol'jin's or Velen's, the Dark Lady's jaw was stretched to its limit as Baine laid waste to her throat. Sylvanas could practically feel the tauren's tip lodged in her stomach from how down her gullet his shaft was buried.

Snorting and huffing, it didn't take long for Cairne's son to reach his peak as well, pumping load number three past Sylvanas' lips, at least until she was forced to spit it up once more as it proved too much for her to handle and created an even bigger puddle of cum on the floor. After Baine came Varian, but he had barely gotten started when Genn cut in, frustrated.

"This is taking too long," he growled, tapping his foot impatiently.

"I don't know what you want me to do about that," Varian replied. "I can only get off as fast as her worthless throat will let me. And besides, she only has one mouth."

Suddenly a wicked gleam appeared in Greymane's eye. "While that is true," he said slowly, "we're all aware of what a big mouth it is. If she can be bitching all the time, perhaps her mouth is big enough to take two of us at once."

"I like the way you think," Garrosh grinned. "Wrynn, give the wolf some room."

Glaring at the warchief to let him know he was only moving because he wanted to, not because he was listening, Varian nonetheless shuffled over, keeping his cock lodged in Sylvanas' mouth the entire time. He never ceased pumping, and from this new diagonal angle, rather than thrusting all the way down, he was now bulging Sylvanas' cheek with the head of his prick, prodding the soft, wet flesh and discovering an enticing new stimulation just as exquisite as her tight throat.

And once Genn was in position, he tugged her mouth open wider, creating a tiny gap that was just big enough for the old wolf to fit his tip in.

"MMMPHH! NNMMMMPH!" Sylvanas' protests were audible but incomprehensible under the assault of two big cocks spreading her lips wide open. Not that the men would have listened anyway, far more thrilled with the prospect of really pushing the Dark Lady past her limits and unloading years of pent-up vengeance on her unlucky mouth.

It took some straining and jostling, but eventually the two men found themselves in the enviable position of both getting to facefuck Sylvanas Windrunner. Although there wasn't nearly enough room for them to both fit down her throat, the two Alliance kings were seemingly content to just abuse her mouth as much as possible, giving the Dark Lady a double-barreled skullfuck she had no hope of being able to handle properly.

With no way to keep her lips sealed, the trickle of spit leaking down Sylvanas' chin had become a veritable waterfall. She choked and sputtered, retched and gagged as rivers of saliva and leftover bits of cum continued to drip down to the stone into the ever-growing pool of filth between her knees. Her fists clenched impotently by her sides, longing to wring the necks of the two vile men raping her mouth but knowing it would spell disaster for her if she dared to retaliate in any way. She couldn't even glare at them properly as her eyes were being squeezed shut from the unbearable pressure on her cheeks.

But whether it was the result of having been raring to go yet needing to wait until the end, or simply the heady experience of impaling Sylvanas' clever mouth on two Alliance cocks at once, both Genn and Varian were rapidly approaching their triumphant climaxes. Their hands tightened their grip on the Dark Lady's head, their perfect tandem faltering just a bit as their breathing and thrusting became more ragged and irregular.

With a few more mighty slams of their hips, Genn and Varian erupted simultaneously, flooding Sylvanas' mouth with a double burst of Alliance cum, two more loads than the Banshee Queen ever hoped to experience. But that decision was out of her hands, she was trapped in the basement of Wyrmrest Temple with no allies able to find her or hear her, and so she was forced to subject herself to the wins of her most hated foes and men who simply wanted to see her suffer.

Although Sylvanas' stomach received somewhat of a respite since there was no way for both Varian and Genn to fit in her throat, her mouth took the full brunt instead. Her cheeks puffed out like a Silvermoon squirrel, stuffed to brim with cum until they could hold no more and it all came spilling back out. Without withdrawing their discharging cocks, the two kings watched as a torrent of their seed washed back over their erections, dribbling down the Dark Lady's face and splashing onto the tops of her blue breasts before running through the valley of her cleavage, pooling in her navel and dripping between her spread legs.

"Stupid bitch is wasting the gift we gave her," Genn said, then re-tightened his grip on the Banshee Queen's scalp. "But don't worry, I'll help you get it back." He forced the elf's head to the ground, rubbing her face in the cloying quagmire of spunk until she was completely coated in it. Only when Sylvanas was wearing as much jizz as she had swallowed did Genn allow her to scramble back to her knees, turning her to face the orchestrator of her humiliation, and the only man who hadn't yet taken a turn with her.

"This is a much better look for you," Garrosh began, "and how I should have put you in your place back at Silverpine. But being patient has provided me with a new opportunity to show you your weakness, and it's proven even better than I had imagined. And as much as I would enjoy showing you what true strength looks like, we have a schedule to keep. Genn, you may proceed with the next phase."

"Next phase? What- Hnnngh!" Sylvanas' question was cut off as once again the old worgen forced her head to the floor. But rather than rub her face in it again- literally- this time Greymane's claws went to the Dark Lady's metal bikini bottom, cutting through the metal straps and sending the armor skittering to the growing pile of scrap in the corner. Under the plate, Sylvanas was wearing nothing more than a skimpy black thong, the silky strings of which were nestled between her plump asscheeks and the folds of her bare blue cunt.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sylvanas demanded harshly as Genn began to rub her pussy through the cloth. "How dare you touch me like that! I never agreed to this!"

"Oh, so now you care about honoring agreements," Garrosh sneered. "You didn't seem to have much of an issue with that after I forbade you from using the blight in Gilneas. And did you really think a few pathetic blowjobs was enough compensation for the years of misery you've inflicted upon the rest of us? No, Banshee Cunt, your entire body will serve as atonement for your crimes. I have altered the deal, and you best pray I do not alter it further."

Now feeling the first real stirrings of fear, Sylvanas shrieked in dismay and despair as she realized just how much trouble she was truly in. She wouldn't be able to smooth-talk her way out of this, she just had to hope that she could survive the ordeal with her mind and body intact.

"Cry all you want," Greymane grunted, "but your body betrays you. I can feel how wet you are. It doesn't surprise me that a disgusting creature like you would get off on this treatment."

"No, that's not true!" Sylvanas proclaimed, but the proof was evident in the damp spot on her underwear. Proof that Genn exploited, rubbing his cock along the silken material and poking at the entrance to her womanhood.

"I have been given the honor of taking you first," he explained. "As justice for my land, and for my people. I will never forgive you for the death of my son, but at least we're going to find out if your worthless body can give me another one."

Without bothering to move the thong aside, Greymane thrust in, trapping the lace between his cock and Sylvanas' inner walls. The Dark Lady's red eyes went wide as her cunt was suddenly and violently penetrated, her mouth opening in a silent scream as she was claimed for the first time since her death.

Genn wasn't sure what was hotter, the vice-like grip of the Banshee Queen's near-virgin pussy, or the fulfillment of all his dreams of vengeance. With one hand still keeping his enemy's face mashed to the ground and the other locked around her slender waist, the worgen king sawed his way back and forth, every push forward forcing Sylvanas' walls to spread a bit further around his girth. It was unsurprisingly slow going defiling the Dark Lady's womanhood given how tight she was, and as much as Genn wanted to go full throttle right away, getting to draw out the torture was a more than satisfactory compensation prize.

And as stubborn as Sylvanas' twat was, Greymane's strength and determination were easily enough to outweigh it. Every primal thrust opened her further and further to his lewd vengeance, his singular focus to skewer the Dark Lady on his entire length. Inch after inch of throbbing, red wolf cock disappeared into her clenching cunt, its strokes getting smoother and stronger as it started to glisten with their combined arousal.

Sylvanas wanted to deny the pleasure she was feeling, but it was all she could do to keep herself from moaning out loud. She had long thought that the pleasures of the flesh were beyond her undead body, but she was quickly discovering otherwise at the hands- and cock- of her main rival. Instead of spitting out cutting remarks, or even trying to bargain for her freedom, she was forced to bite down on her lip to keep the men from realizing the effect they were having on her.

Not only was Greymane's prick large and thick in all the ways that made her pussy gush like a fountain, but the feeling of her co-opted underwear rubbing along her inner walls was providing such delicious friction like she had never experienced before. Despite the harshness with which she was being treated, despite the way her hands scrabbled at the stone as Genn rocked her back and forth, a haze of lust was beginning to settle over the Banshee Queen, a startling development that quickly threatened to undermine her sanity.

Either oblivious to or uncaring of Sylvanas' trepidation, Genn continued to ramp up his intensity, savagely hauling the Dark Lady back in time with his thrusts and feeding her greedy pussy more and more of his mighty bitchbreaker. For all the protesting her upper lips had been doing, Sylvanas' lower lips were doing the opposite, slicking themselves and welcoming their fleshy invader as they tried to coax the virile worgen toward a gooey conclusion.

Genn grit his teeth as he felt the elf's walls clamp down around him, her silken sluthole just as hot and ready as any other bitch's. But the worgen king's stamina was unsurprisingly inhuman, there was no way he was going to give up until Sylvanas had taken every millimeter of his rod, including the fleshy bulb at its base. To that end he suddenly twisted his fist in her hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail and using it like reins to give himself more leverage.

Now that he didn't have to keep her pinned and could utilize both hands, Genn made rapid progress in his efforts to go balls-deep into the Dark Lady's cunt. Soon his knot was bashing away at her twat, Sylvanas' blue labia turning purple and tender as Genn slammed into them again and again. His heavy, furred balls swung wildly, brushing up against the Banshee Queen's clit and driving her wild with the stimulation.

As much as she tried to fight it, Sylvanas could feel the lightning of arousal pulsing within her. Every little jostle of her love button sent another shock of heat racing through her veins, and even the stinging jolt of pain from her cunt lips were igniting a fire she'd assumed was long since doused. Sylvanas had always been the dominant one in her relationships, both high elves and Nathanos being thrilled just to be given the chance to lay with the beautiful Ranger-General that they let her do whatever she wanted with them. But now, being on the other end of the equation, she was starting to realize just how much she was enjoying the submissive pressure she was under.

The only sounds in the room were the wet slap of flesh on flesh, Greymane's grunts, and Sylvanas' mewls of discontent, and least until there was a loud ripppppppppppp as the Dark Lady's thong finally tore from the abuse it was taking. But that didn't stop Genn, who continued to use Sylvanas as an unliving cocksleeve and the outlet for his primal aggression. Growling, the worgen hiked the Dark Lady's hips up higher, adjusting his angle as he increased the power of his fucking.

He could feel his balls simmering, more than ready to pump the banshee bitch full of hot wolven jizz, but he refused to let go until she was fully hilted. And with one final mighty thrust, Sylvanas' pussy finally gave way, spreading around his knot and letting Genn ram himself down to the base. He howled as he unloaded, his first climax doing nothing to diminish the quantity of his second as he hosed down her insides with sticky worgen spunk. The only thing that saved Sylvanas' womb from desecration was her shredded underwear, the silky fabric acting as a pseudo-condom and becoming utterly defiled.

But that wasn't enough to save the rest of her from ruination, as the combination of finally being knotted and the burning rush of cum within her sent Sylvanas' thoughts spinning as her body seized up and wracked through a tremendous orgasm. Her red eyes went cross, her little pink tongue dangled from her mouth, and her muscles clenched and unclenched as her sullied pussy twitched and coated Genn's cock with her quim.

So shockingly blissed out of her mind was she, that Sylvanas remained completely limp even until Greymane's knot deflated, the worgen king pulling himself free along with the remnants of her thong. The Dark Lady was just starting to come back to herself when suddenly she felt herself being rolled onto her back, her eyes coming into focus just in time to see Velen looming above her and shoving her cum-stained underwear into her slack mouth.

"I think the world has heard enough of your poisonous words," he said sagely, as if he was doing nothing out of the ordinary.

Sylvanas could taste herself on the wet fabric, a bitter tangy aftertaste that showcased how her sex was functioning exactly the way it was supposed to despite her obvious affliction. Not to mention the mingling salty swirl of Greymane's semen, creating a potent concoction of filth that shouldn't have tasted as delectable as it did. Given that the combination was so strong that it overwhelmed even the Dark Lady's undead taste buds, the effect it had on her libido after being pumped inside her and now sampling it on her tongue made a frightening amount of sense.

But the prophet didn't care about the after-effects of gagging Sylvanas with her own panties, he just wanted her silent as he proceeded with her baptism by cock. And so after hooking her knees around his elbows, he leaned forward once more and clapped one of his large hands over her mouth, preventing the Banshee Queen from spitting her thong back out, while the other he posted up beside her head as he flattened her to the ground in a savage mating press.

It didn't take much effort for the surprisingly hulking draenei to slip inside Sylvanas' pussy after the thorough gaping it had undergone, but the physical resilience of her undead shell meant that her walls were nearly just as tight as they'd been before Greymane had obliterated them with his knot. And so Velen found his length squeezed and massaged in the most enticing of ways and started to slam himself downward into the Banshee Queen's clenching cunt.

Pinned below Velen's massive frame, the diminutive elf could barely be seen underneath him. All the other observer's could make out was the bobbing of her feet where her ankles had been secured beside her ears, and the twerking of her ass against the stone as the prophet railed downward with vicious force. Capping off the erotic sight was the small trickle of spunk that started to leak from her pussy and down the crack of her ass, squelching and spurting from the abuse her womanhood was taking.

Nor could the Dark Lady's muffled squeals be heard above the rhythmic clap of Velen's hips slamming down against the backs of hers, a beat echoing the obscenely wet sounds he was drawing from her now-drooling cunt. And although Sylvanas was the one taking the full brunt of Velen's ferocity, the other men were just as surprised to see the incredible pace and power of the draenei prophet. The wizened sage was currently going toe-to-toe with Greymane's best efforts, and he showed no sign of letting up at all.

Keeping the squirming banshee restrained was a battle all unto itself as Sylvanas strained against him and tried to jerk her hips free. But Velen would not be denied, keeping her impaled on his length as he cored her again and again. With her legs locked over her shoulders and her pussy speared on draenei dick, the Dark Lady twitched in vain as she tried to escape both her undignified position, as well as the creeping heat beginning to bubble up inside her once more.

The sight of such a wicked creature struggling fruitlessly as he delivered her penance was a just as arousing for the crusading prophet as the feeling of her twat wrapped around his dick, and knowing that there was still much more punishment to be delivered, felt no shame in bringing a swift end to this episode. With a few more solid thrusts, Velen found himself balls deep once more in one of Sylvanas' holes, and just like before he drowned her insides with a hefty portion of light-infused spunk.

And this time there was nothing blocking the entrance to the Dark Lady's innermost depths; the sticky heat pouring into her womb with such volume that a slight bulge developed in her taut tummy. And when the prophet pulled himself free, there was nothing keeping the rest of his load trapped inside. Sylvanas' pussy walls were nowhere near up to task, instead they merely fluttered weakly while a river of semen spilled forth.

Velen stepped back and admired his work, leaving the disheveled elf ass-over-ears on the floor as Varian stepped up beside him. "I believe that means it's my turn," the human king said. Varian saw no reason to adjust Sylvanas from her discarded state, and decided to pick her up off the ground exactly as she was, locking his arms under her knees and clasping them at the small of her back. Now the Banshee Queen could remain folded in half even while he held her aloft.

It took some adjusting, but once the Alliance king had his angle aligned, he dropped Sylvanas straight down onto his shaft, nearly bottoming out inside her on the first stroke. Crushing the lithe elf against his broad chest, Varian began bouncing her up and down on his prick, the assistance of gravity and the wetness of her twice-defiled cunt letting him drive ever deeper. But even that wasn't enough for the vengeful king, as he had it in his mind that not only was this justice for the people of Stormwind, but also for the citizens of Lordaeron, as well as any other human settlements that had been the target of the Banshee Queen's dark designs.

Therefore he lowered his stance slightly, giving him more leverage to rail upwards at the same time he pulled her down. And while not quite so well-endowed as Genn or Velen before him, Varian was certainly big enough to make Sylvanas feel every inch of him. Big enough to send her eyes rolling back in her head from the unendurable onslaught of pleasure, and big enough to make her doughy tits bounce wildly even contained by her metal bra.

It was the jiggling of those plump orbs that drew Varian's eye next, and he paused his reaming long enough to lean down and bite and suck at the tops of them. He marked her blueberry breasts with both teeth and tongue, his only regret that he couldn't yet get at her nipples. But that was easily remedied.

"Genn, would you mind helping me out?" Varian asked. "I want to see her tits dance."

"Certainly, old friend," Greymane chuckled as he stepped up behind the pinioned elf. With one slash of his claws, he severed the strap keeping Sylvanas' boob armor in place, then tossed the metal plates aside. "And while I'm back here, do you mind if I help myself to her ass? I'd like to finish collecting the set."

"Be my guest," Varian smirked, "I don't think she's in any position to refuse such a humble request."

While Varian's words were true, Sylvanas gave her best effort to prove otherwise. She still couldn't make verbal protests thanks to her makeshift gag, but she furiously shook her head and squirmed in the human king's grip as Greymane tried to align his tip with her backdoor. But Genn's approach was inexorable, and Sylvanas' wiggle room was limited, so soon enough the worgen found himself docked at her rear entrance.

Even with his animalistic strength, Genn was unfortunately stymied for the time being by the simple fact that Sylvanas' asshole was even more unyielding than her cunt had been. Coupled with the imperfect angle of penetration and the elf's resistance, there were more than a few false starts, Greymane's cock sliding up her ass or across her cunt instead of digging in. However, the worgen king was relentless, and his tapered prick was biologically designed for prying open tight holes, meaning that even Sylvanas' rosebud eventually bowed to its might.

"MMMMMMMMMMPHHHH!" Sylvanas letting out a muffled yell signaled to Genn that had found some purchase and from there he began working his hips back and forth, feeding his length into the Dark Lady's behind- which was even more untouched than her cunt had been. If not for the sopping fluids still clinging to his cock, Genn wasn't sure if he even would have been able to gain any ground inside her. He still would have eventually of course, he wasn't going to let something silly like Sylvanas' discomfort slow him down, but his quest had certainly been aided by his and her combined arousal lubing him up.

Every time Sylvanas thought the men had reached the depths of their depravity, they kept finding new ways to surprise her. Blowing them had been bad enough, two cocks in her mouth had been even worse, and now both her lower holes were being ravaged at once. Plus Genn and Varian were working in perfect tandem, the two kings matching each other thrust for thrust and ensuring that their fucktoy was never left without a solid filling of dick.

Pillared between the two strong men, Sylvanas was little more than a ragdoll in their grasp, a tiny elven cocksleeve for them to slake their lust and aggression on. And slake them they did, brutalizing her pussy and ass both, railing the Dark Lady to within an inch of her unlife as she thrashed in their grips. Through all her writhing, Sylvanas did manage to spit out her thong, finally freeing her mouth and giving her the space to articulate her protests.

"No more! Please!" she cried. "I can't take it! You're splitting me in half! I'll do whatever you want, just please stop fucking meeeee!"

"This is what I want," Varian grunted. "So shut up and take it like the bitch you are."

"No, no, no," the elf continued to babble. She offered them gold, power, anything to free herself from her lewd punishment, but the men gave her requests all the attention they deserved- which is to say, none. But Sylvanas continued to whine, until eventually Garrosh couldn't take it any more.

"Will someone find a way to shut her up?" he demanded. "Find another rag or something if you have to, the bitch is making my ears bleed even without her powers."

Varian grinned. "I've got a better idea," he said. While he could have simply tried to gag her again, there was no guarantee Sylvanas wouldn't just spit it right back out, they had to find something a little more durable, and he had just the tool in mind.

Slowly, and without withdrawing from the Banshee Queen's pussy, Varian lowered himself to the ground. Genn followed after, keeping Sylvanas impaled between the two of them, and conveniently bringing her mouth down to waist height for the watching draenei.

"Velen, would you mind doing the honors?" Varian asked.

"It would be my pleasure," the prophet replied.

Once more, Velen rammed his cock down Sylvanas' throat, ramping up her double penetration to an airtight Alliance assault, as the trio plowed all three of her fuckholes at once. Varian had his grip around her thick thighs, locking the Banshee Queen in place as he thrust into her from below. Genn's paws were wrapped around her slender waist, his thumbs pressing into the dimples of her back as he drilled her asshole. And Velen's hands were once again twisted in the Dark Lady's hair, this time unencumbered by her hood as he clogged her throat once more with draenei dick.

An argument could be made for any of the men as to who was in the best position. Almost anyone who had met the Banshee Queen had dreamed of shutting her up with their cock as Velen was doing. And scores of men had dreamed about discovering what lay hidden under her metal bikini bottom like Varian was, Sylvanas' death doing nothing to detract from her beauty, and some might say even enhancing it. Finally, wherever the Dark Lady walked, all eyes were drawn to the swaying of her curvy hips, and the possibility that her bitchy personality might be fixed by replacing the stick up her ass with a big, thick cock. And while the winning man might have been unclear, it was known for certain that Sylvanas Windrunner was undoubtedly on the losing end of this exchange.

"This bitch's pussy is so unbelievably tight," Varian grunted from underneath her.

"Not for long," Genn laughed in reply. "And that's nothing compared to her ass. She's practically squeezing my dick off. It's like her body was made to be a piece of fuckmeat. Maybe that's why she prances around in such slutty armor. She was just waiting for us to give her what she'd really been craving!"

If Sylvanas could blush, her cheeks would have been red from the humiliating remarks. She was vain, yes, she liked showing off her sexy body, that was true, but there was nothing about this experience that she liked! At least, that's what she tried to tell herself, but her body didn't seem to be listening. Her entire being was at war with itself, fear and anger being matched against lust and bliss… and lust and bliss were winning.

Sylvanas' back arched upwards as another orgasm quaked through her, her muscles flexing, tits wobbling, and eyes crossing once more as the arousal expanding within her overtaxed body overruled her demoralized mind. She didn't want the pleasure being forced upon her, but there was simply no way for her to fight back against her body's natural responses, as undesirable as they might have been.

"See? I told you!" Genn cheered. "The brainless slut just got off from this!" If the throes of the Dark Lady's climax weren't enough of an indication, the way her holes all harshly clamped down on each man's cock would have been a dead give away. With the sudden rhythmic rippling and increased tightness, there was no way for the Alliance leaders to resist following Sylvanas over the edge, and with a muted chorus of grunts and howls, each one bathed their respective fuckhole with a fresh torrent of jizz.

When the trio pulled back, the Banshee Queen slumped face first to the floor, absolutely flooded with the spunk of three different races. It leaked from her mouth, nose, pussy, and ass, spreading out around her blissed-form like a cummy snow angel.

It was then that Garrosh finally stride forward, sneering derisively at the humbled elf. Anybody who knew the young Hellscream would have been surprised at his patience in letting Varian, Genn, and Velen have their turns first, but the warchief was uncharacteristically content to watch his former enemies turn his current one into an Alliance cumdumpster. Perhaps for the sake of peace, perhaps to enhance the Dark Lady's humiliation, or perhaps simply as another way to try and demonstrate his overall superiority, as it seemed he was about to do.

As Baine and Vol'jin stepped up beside him, Garrosh shucked off the tusks of Mannoroth, leaving the brawny orc completely nude with his monstrous cock rock-hard jutting outward majestically. "That was a decent performance, although I found it a bit lacking," he said. "But now we will show you what real strength looks like! Witness the power of the true Horde!"

Sylvanas heard Garrosh's war cry and looked up in dismay, her undead heart sinking as she realized that her obscene ordeal had only just begun.

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