Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 41 - Mordor Uruks in trouble

Chapter 41 - Mordor Uruks in trouble

Hope was all that she had, and it would be hope that finally crushed her spirits. Eryn heard the shouts from her cage and she knew in her heart long before she saw the truth that he had come for her and that he had failed. It shouldn't have been such a surprise. Really, Mordor was a cruel place not meant for the race of Men, yet it utterly devastated her all the same when she was pulled from her prison by the roots of her hair and dragged to the slave market center of Uruk's Hollow and she was forced to face the man that she had hoped and prayed would be her salvation kneeling with a foot on his back and three uruks surrounding him from behind and at his sides.


No sound escaped her. Nothing, not even a whimper, as tears rolled down her cheeks and the uruks deafening cheer echoed around her. Eryn didn't want to witness the end but she couldn't take her eyes off of his, even as the headsman declared his transgressions and prepared to raise his axe. As their eyes locked, the ruckus around them waned until it faded. She could only see his face and hers twisted in agony as she read his final words upon his busted and split lips that somehow twisted into a grim but honest smile.

"I am sorry, my love-"


It all happened so fast… For a moment- only a brief, passing moment, Eryn saw the love of her life. A face that she hasn't seen in many moons but one that she always dreamed of seeing one last time… But it shouldn't have been like this. Not like this… Her world ended as her husband's head fell from his shoulders, a sudden and brutal blow that left her own head reeling and in total shock. She couldn't believe it. It couldn't have happened to her Hirgon…! But it didn't stop the blood from gushing from the stump of his neck nor did it stop the headsman from raising the ex-ranger's head high so that all could see that the manscum that tried to poison the lot of them was dead and dusted. Eryn flinched and blinked rapidly as something flew over her head, wet droplets speckling her face making her feel faint and her stomach dropping to her feet.

"Hey! Guess Norûk will finally get to try out that game he's always prattling on about!" There was a roar of laughter around her that made Eryn's ears vibrate. Her knees felt weak and for a brief moment, she contemplated on whether or not she could flee from this place.

Or, perhaps, if she tried, they would finally kill her as well. It was attractive to her, and just as her muscles began to tense, the grip on her hair increased twofold and Eryn was all but yanked off her feet as she was pulled forward, towards the platform that- that… t-that…

"Put 'er down there! Right up front! Just move that scum outta the way! We gotta 'nother to punish, boys…" Eryn's eyes went wide as a loud cheer- more like a roar- rose around her. Her heart sank to her core and every fiber of her being began to tense.

No. No, she can't. She can't do this! Not again! She can't take this again-!

Kicking and screaming only excited the crowd further. Eryn's already petite and now thin bordering on emaciated frame was spat at, slapped, jabbed, punched and kicked as she was pulled towards the market's platform. Her threadbare dress was pulled until it began to rip at the seams. All she could do was cry hysterically as she was pulled through the crowd until the backs of her ankles painfully bounced off of the wooden stairs that led up to the platform.

"P-Please- PLEASE! PLEASE, JUST KILL ME! K-KILL ME, YOU COWARDS-!" Eryn was silenced with a blow to her gut. Something inside of her shifted, forcing a mouthful of frothy bile to expel from her cracked and split lips. Again, she is deafened by the raucous crowd of uruks. She is unable to resist any further as she is thrown down, a now chilled but sticky liquid clinging to her- Wait- N-No-!

A raspy scream escaped her as she tried to backpedal away from her husband's blood. She was allowed no quarter and she was roughly dragged back to the spot, again by her hair, and she was held in place and forced to face the crowd of uruks that were all but salivating at the things they were about to be ordered to do to her. As if they needed the order at all-

"That manscum that broke in 'ere 'n tried to poison us? He came for 'er!" They jeered at her, some brandishing weapons, others simply giving her a look that had her guts revolting against her control and her bladder about to fail.

"An' you boys know what the punishment for attempted murder is!"


"Kill 'em back!"

"Kill the manscum!"

Eryn stared at the blood spot under her knees and struggled to remain conscious.

"But what 'bout co-conspirators? What d'ya think we should do to this little harlot?!" Eryn cried out as her hair was pulled hard enough to lift her off the wooden platform. Cries of cruelty erupted around her and it made her head spin.

"String 'er up!"

"Throw 'er in with the beasts!"

"Feed 'er shrakh!"

"Throw 'er to us-!"

They all knew what would happen to Eryn. She knew what would happen to herself. Eryn still struggled as sharp claws tore into her dress and ripped it from her thin frame completely, leaving her totally bare in front of hundreds of rabid and mad uruks. Some cheered, others howled at her, some shouted about the things they would do to her and- and-

She's already wet-

"I think this little slut could make things right…" There was a loud roar from the crowd but Eryn couldn't focus on anything other than the shame that burned her entire body.

" suckin' the poision out the only way she knows 'ow!" Again with the laughter and the jeers… Her stomach was already cramping and her mouth was salivating in spite of her already being dehydrated. Eryn shook her head but was forced to face the uruks, face no longer hidden from her hair, red and clearly flushed with arousal. She gritted her teeth and forced back her tears.

"It's all a tark healer's good for, anyhow!" They were ready and she was not. Eryn's heart throbbed in her ears and prayed for someone- anyone, anything- to save her from this torture. But-

"Have at 'er, boys!"

An all out brawl broke out as the lower ranked uruks fought to get in line. Eryn was intimately aware of how the higher ranks took what they wanted before throwing their scraps to their boys and this time would be no different. Her head was pulled up, a handful of her long, dark brown hair pulled free from her scalp painfully as she was met nose-to-face with a thick, long, hard and throbbing cock. Its greyish-green skin was speckled with grime and filth and the sight alone could make anyone's stomach turn. But its smell-! Eryn couldn't fight back a gag and unfortunately for her, the captain wasted no time in shoving his dick all the way down her throat.


Tears streamed down her face as they laughed at her. Eryn gagged one again, hot saliva rising to the back of her throat but she wasn't allowed to pull away from the massive cock that plugged her mouth. I-It's too big-! She- Her jaw will break-!

"C'mon now! Open up wide 'n do what ya do best!" As she tried to pull away the hand in her hair forced her head to meet the thrust of the other uruk's hips.

"Don't be like that! Ya gotta suck it out right! It's the least ya can do after yar manfilth tried to kill us!" Eryn choked as she was forced to deep throat the captain. Her eyes were wide and the more she tried to breathe the more she gagged, nearly suffocating on her own spit and uruk precum and filth. Her face was red with effort and she was slipping on t-the- the blood soaked planks underneath her feet and knees.

H-Hirgon… Hirgon-! P-Please…!

Why did you have to-?

"GURK-?!" A foul combination of salt and copper and something sour hit the roof of her throat as the captain cummed in her mouth. In her panic, Eryn breathed in and out rapidly, causing a stream of semen to shoot out of her nostrils. She was suddenly yanked off that cock and her face was splattered in steaming-hot cum. No sooner than he stepped away was another cock of equivalent length and girth was crammed down her gullet.

Putting her arms up did nothing to stop the continuous assault from unfolding. Eryn's scalp was raw and bleeding from her hair being ripped out and from being scratched. The corners of her lips began to tear as larger and even thicker cocks were forced into her petite mouth. Her body was covered in cum and piss as uruks jerked off around her and relieved themselves upon her.

"Gotta make sure all the boys are clean, you know?!" One laughed as her face was pissed on. Some got into her mouth and Eryn spat blindly into the crowd that had formed around her.


"Awww look! She's still feisty!"

"Looks like she ain't broke in after all!"

"Guess we gotta fix that!"

Eryn screamed as she was manhandled onto her back. She kicked and screamed her throat raw until she could taste blood and the sour taste of cum in her mouth. Her wrists and ankles were grabbed and pinned down. One uruk grabbed her hair and forced her head back, shoving his green cock down her throat with little resistance. Another straddled her chest and grappled with her breasts, pinching her nipples hard enough that she thought they would be ripped off and squeezing her breasts so tight that they felt like they were ready to pop. He shoved his hard length between her cleavage and her skin burned from the heat and the friction of his dick rubbing between her tits. When the thick head of a cock began to prod at the entrance of her cunt, Eryn's back arched, Hirgon's partially dry blood sticking to her skin as she strained against her assaulters.

"Fuckin' hell! This tark's soakin' wet! This little bitch must really love uruk cock!" Something inside of Eryn began to shift. She felt like she was about to be sick.

N-No! It wasn't true! IT WASN'T TRUE! She tightened herself as a spear was directed towards her abused cunt. It would fit, she knew it would fit. She didn't want it to though. She didn't want it! Her toes curled as her sensitive nub was rubbed and slapped with a heavy uruk cock.

"Guess that manswine didn't do much for 'er! She's- NNNGHH-! suckin' down my stick l-like 'er life depends on it!" NO! IT'S NOT TRUE! Eryn wasn't trying to move her tongue or trying to suckle on the stinking thing in her mouth! She strains once again but her struggles stutter as sweat-slick balls sat atop her nose, effectively smothering her and her attempts to put up a feeble display of defiance.

"Ha! If she loves it so much, then I'll just-!"

"HURK-?! NGGHHH!! MMMPH-!!!" The uruks holler and cheer as the real raping began.

The uruk groans as he sets his pace, fast and rough and deep in her ass, giving Eryn no time to adjust to his size or speed. Instantly there is pain, but accompanying the pain was a blinding hot heat that made her stomach warm and her already scattered mind to go fuzzy and white. Both her cunt and her asshole were used to this treatment yet she was still tight and hugged his cock hard enough to be painful. But it only encouraged him to loosen her up even more and soon enough, her walls were becoming softer and more compliant and Eryn couldn't stop herself from moaning and moving her hips down and her tongue around the shaft that was still assaulting her mouth.

"F-Fuck! She's suckin' me in deep-!"

"WOO-! That's it, tarkee!"

"This whore's finally learning her place!"

"Hurry up! I wanna turn with 'er!"

Eryn couldn't hear them talking over her own heartbeat and her struggling, choking breaths. With one, two, three hard, sharp thrusts the cavern of her ass was filled with thick, sticky hot uruk spunk. Eryn's hips rose and twitched with her own climax, her pussy left relatively untouched but her body was stimulated enough so that an orgasm was inevitable. She wanted to cry, to beg Hirgon for forgiveness… but she couldn't remember or even think of anything other than the cocks that emptied their sacks across her face and onto her chest and how one after another, cocks invaded her gaping asshole and pumped their stinking seed into her bowels.

"UGH-! N-NO MORE-! PLEASE, LET ME REST! P-PLEASE-! MMMPFHH!" A cock was shoved into her mouth as she spoke.

"If ya got time for yappin' ya got time for suckin'!" Eryn's nose was pinched hard enough that she was sure something was bruised or even broken.

"You should be grateful, manslut! You hadn't eaten in over a week and you're complainin' about gettin' fed?!" A cramp had formed in her guts hours ago and has yet to leave her be. Eryn wanted to vomit or maybe even evacuate her bowels but she wouldn't have the chance to do so with how her gullet and asshole were constantly plugged and pumped full of uruk cum and piss.

Her body was stained with her husband's blood and the emissions of her captors and rapists. Eryn was flipped onto her side but the raping didn't stop. It merely escalated as not one, but two girthy cocks fought their way into her loose asshole.

The burn and stretch was enough to make her scream. Something down there tore wide open but it only urged the uruks to start pounding away inside of her, to the hilt, until their balls were crashing down onto her thin legs and the curve of her still supple ass. Those cocks were rubbing against one another! In her asshole-! It's breaking her apart! I-If it keeps up, she's going to- She's about to-!

"Move o'er! Le's see if there's room for one more!" Eryn's bloodshot eyes went wider as even more pressure was added to her tearing ass.


She drowns in cum as three meaty uruk cocks plunder her backdoor and fight one another for dominance. Her insides snap and a flood of piss, cum and shit surges towards her gaping opening. Instead of pulling back in disgust, one grabbed her hips, another her thighs, and the other her shoulders, and continued to violate her as she lost control of her bodily functions.

Eryn vomited as she cummed. Thick, hot, white chunks cover her chest and the side of her face and her hair as her body is rocked like a boat trapped in a violent sea. She can't feel the cum that pours inside of her stretched hole nor does she realize when they pull out of her, their cocks covered in her filth. She can't muster up the will or energy to resist as those cocks are smeared onto her face and forced into her mouth.

"Yer supposed to clean us, not dirty us up more, manwhore!" Eryn could only gag in response, barely able to feel the hot spurts of piss and cum that were aimed at her ruined asshole.

Eryn always provided an ample amount of pleasure and entertainment for the uruks but even they could grow bored with nonstop rape and domination. Or at least, they could grow bored with this kind of domination with ease. This slut would remain for their use, as the warchief had commanded her to remain alive but totally spoiled and ruined from torments of their own making. But she wasn't the only manslut in Uruk's Hollow. There was another on display at the fighting pit, one that challenged a Black Captain and failed utterly in her conquest for revenge and justice.

"A princess, you say?! That 'ore there?!" One uruk pointed to a naked woman, unusual for her dark skin and her light, flaxen hair, that was trapped in a pair of stocks that held her head and hands hostage. They couldn't believe it!

It was Princess Lithariel of Nurnen!

She was as stubborn and proud as the tales portrayed her to be. Lithariel gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, counting the number of uruks she could spy from her… compromised position.

One… seven… thirteen… t-twenty two-

There was too many to fight even if she wasn't already stripped naked and placed into a pair of fucking stocks! The jeers and vulgar comments from the crowd had blood rushing to her head and between her legs. Foul beasts… She would slaughter them all! Her people will slaughter them all! If they so much as lay a finger on her-!


Her body jumps as a large, warm hand touches the bare skin of her back. Lithariel tries to look but she can't, so she yells-

"What-?! How DARE you touch me you filthy-!" The uruk ignores her yapping and addresses the audience that filled the fighting pit's stands.

"Looks like we got a good one 'ere, lads!" They roar in agreement. What? WHAT?! Lithariel tries to kick him but she realizes that her ankles were chained to the stocks.


"I will fucking kill every last one of you if you even think about touching me- EEEEKK!!" The Princess was caught off guard as her pussy lips were spread wide open.

"OHHH-! Looks like we have a PURE one here!" Lithariel strains on her bondage but isn't able to do much other than quake in place and fail her fingers about.

"W-What the FUCK do y-you think- DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!" She snarled, though it came out more like a pathetic squeak. Some uruks laughed at her, hollering about how no manthing ever 'wanted' her, while others called out about much of a prude she was and that this 'purity' wouldn't last very long here in Mordor. The uruk touching her releases her pussy lips, though not before spreading them so far apart that Lithariel thought something would tear or pop.

"And these hips!" A sharp hiss of breath is drowned out by her heartbeat as either side of her bare waist was grabbed. The fingers were boney and tipped with sharp claws that dug into her soft, supple skin as the fat of her hips and ass were pinched and pulled.

"Great for grabbin' and for birthin'!" Lithariel's eyes went wide.


"Now these-" She chokes on her words as her breasts are grabbed from behind.

"-are little to be desired, but they should plump up with the right kind of… stimulation." Lithariel bites back a cry as her tits were roughly massaged and her nipples were pinched and rolled between the uruk's sharp nails.

"D-Don't-! A-AHH-!~" Why does it feel so hot?! Her cunt was throbbing and a wetness was already beginning to dry in the cool Udûn wind.

"W-What do y-you think you are doing?! Y-You insufferable-! NGGHH!!!" She grits her teeth as her breasts were squeezed and pulled hard enough that she thought they might be ripped from her chest.

"Looks like the beastmaster's gettin' 'er ready!"

"Think take after one time?"

"Nah! A virgin bitch's gotta be bred at least a dozen times for it to take!"

Lithariel's blood ran cold, uncertain if she just heard those brutes right. Her heart was pounding in her ears and the shame that pooled in her lower gut made her feel dizzy and weak. Just like those hands did when their grips softened, or when something hard pressed into the puffy, wet mound of her-

"D-DON'T-! Don't fucking touch-! OW-!" Nurnen's princess jumped and clenched her cunt shut as a thick finger began to prod at her entrance. It's sharp and-! Muscles in her abdomen suddenly began to cramp and it felt as though something deep inside of her was set on fire! The motion hurt like hell and Lithariel began to strain against her bindings once more.

"How tight is she?!"

"Bet she'd break its cock-"

"I'd bet my ration of grog she'd take it all in one go-"

"That'd be the difference between a lowly Outcast cunt and a pretty Princess cunt!"

Lithariel struggled to breathe as her virgin pussy was violated by a dirty uruk finger. A beastmaster's finger-! No man has ever touched her before and yet- yet this thing was violating her?!

"I-I WILL KILL YOU!! I WILL K-KILL ALL OF YOU-! UGH!" She never thought something could go so deep down there! The warrior princess gritted her teeth and continued to thrash, a roar turning into a pathetic mewl as a foreign warmth began to build in her loins.

"Now, now… None of that! I swear, all you unbroken cunts are just the same!" The beastmaster hooked his finger against something inside of Lithariel that made her knees buckle and her sight become speckled with stars.

"Always bitching about this and that, bitching about how you don't want or need that cock yet you always turn into mewling little sluts when you're pumped full of jizz…" Lithariel's body nearly collapses when the uruk begins to rapidly drive his finger in and out of her unused pussy.

"D-DON'T-! A-AAHHH-! YOU C-COWARD! F-FUCKING C-COWA- AAAHHH-!! R-RELEASE ME A-AND F-FIGHT LIKE AN URUK- NGGGHHH!!!" A blinding pain deep in her core threatened her bladder control. The beastmaster laughed at her. All the uruks laughed as she was finger fucked by something that should be within ten meters of her at all, let alone alive and certainly not touching her- not penetrating her-!

"I tell you what-" He said as he tapped his finger onto something that nearly made her gag from how overwhelming the sensation was.

"-I'll give you a choice to make!" His finger began to retreat from her sore hole, and just as the blonde began to sigh in relief, she stuttered and choked on her own tongue as a sensitive little nub was rubbed with the beastmaster's now cunt-slicked finger.

"Either I soften up that barrier…" Lithariel's stomach twisted into knots as her entrance was tapped. Instantly, she opened her mouth to spit at him, but the vitriol died as he pointed to something that Lithariel hadn't noticed all this time.

"...or he does."

The blood drains from Lithariel's face as her gaze is directed to one of the largest dire caragors she's ever seen. It was so large that it had to lay on its stomach to fit in the cage it was forced into. A shiver wracked her body as she watched it sniff the air while maintaining direct eye contact with her. She could barely feel the beastmaster teasing her virgin pussy with his fingers anymore. Not when imagining how monstrous that beast's cock must be.

"D'ya know that caragor's got these sharp lil barbs on their cocks?" Lithariel swallowed thickly and jumped as the skin on her pussy lips were pinched.

"They keep 'em in whatever hole their breeding…" She fought back a moan as a different finger was slid inside of her slick folds.

"...make sure she's nice and fucked…" The hot, sour breath on her ear made her cringe and Lithariel gritted her teeth.

"If you're the slut they think you are-" She knows he's talking about the other uruks watching this violation unfold. Her face heats up as one of her breasts is grabbed and fondled.

"-then they expect you to take that beast and let 'im pop your little cherry…" A second finger was forced inside of her, making Lithariel cry out a little in pain as she struggled to create distance between the beastmaster and herself. It didn't work.

"Or you can let me do it-" A thumb rubs circles around her clit, partially numbing the burn of her cunt stretching too far for comfort. Lithariel struggled to keep her eyes open as even more heat surged up through her body.

"An' I'll try not to break that pretty pink little hole of yours and soften you up for my beasties…" The wet SQUELCH of her cunt was now loud enough for the audience to hear. They catcalled her, called her a slut, a whore, a filthy princess…. Lithariel gritted her teeth.

Damn it.

D-Damn it…

"...f-fine-" The beastmaster tutted her.

"Oh no. No, you're gonna have to beg for this cock. You think you're gonna get out of your punishment? Manswine like you gotta beg and plead to get fucked and bred." It was said with a smirk and loud enough for all to hear. Instantly, Lithariel's pride revolted and she set her jaw, her ears ringing with rage and shame and with the sound of a couple dozen uruks crowded around to watch her be deflowered and raped.

"Y-You fucking-" She spluttered as her nipple was tugged harshly.

"Oh? You don't want me? You want him?" The beastmaster looked at the dire in the cage and Lithariel nearly fainted on the spot.

"N-NO-!" The crowd 'oooh's in response.

"No? Then what do you want?" Her head is pounding with blood and fear. She can't- She fucking can't- The princess grits her teeth and stutters out.

"I-I want y-your c-c-cock…" They boo at her and the beastmaster clicks his tongue.

"C'mon now! You can beg better than that!"

SMACK! Lithariel cries out in shock as her ass was slapped.

"Beg for it like you need it! C'mon, slut!" SMACK! SMACK!

"UGH- OW! OKAY, OKAY! I-I NEED IT-! I NEED YOUR- YOUR FUCKING C-C-COCK-!" He hums as he continues to finger her.

"And?" Lithariel hangs her head in shame.

"I-I need you t-to fuck my little pussy-! Break my- my… c-cherry? J-Just fuck m-me in the cunt with that d-disgusting uruk cock already!!!" Tears began to well in Lithariel's eyes. It was- shameful. Disgusting. Pathetic… If she lives- There is no living after this. If they don't kill her than she-

"Atta girl!" With yet another hard SMACK to the soft flesh of her ass, the beastmaster removes his fingers from her pussy. Without wasting another moment, his hands slip off her body, no doubt to f-free… that thing. The thing that will steal away her- her…

Lithariel screamed as her hymen was ripped by the beastmaster's bulging cockhead. It stung- It burns-!! Tears marked paths down her dirt-covered cheeks as she gritted her teeth together. In her gut- Her stomach-! How can it hurt so damn much?! There was no pleasure to be found in this act and Lithariel was sure that, even in far different circumstances, that this would still be akin to torture. Without giving her a moment to adjust or really fathom that an uruk cock was plowing her virgin field, the beatmaster shoved the rest of his length inside of her tight cunt-hole, a groan cutting off the laughter that rose to the back of his throat as he watched droplets of virgin blood coat the jaundiced skin of his dick.

"OHHH FUCKIN' HELL! Ain't NEVER had somethin' so tight before-!" Lithariel couldn't so much as breathe let alone speak. It HURTS-! Her insides are being torn up! It feels as though she's being split in half! Every time she goes to breathe the air is forced from her lungs by that bastard's cock!

Lithariel hated how this felt. The feeling of being torn open, the twitching and cramping of her abdomen, the way the uruk's balls slapped against her womanhood and thighs, the sound of a rapist's cock entering her sacred place over and over again, her ragged breathing, the shouts and cheers from uruks that took enjoyment in watching a defenseless woman have one of the most precious parts of her torn to shreds inside of her-


Just as the words 'DON'T CUM INSIDE ME' formed on her lips did the beastmaster's thick, hot seed flood inside her cunt. Lithariel felt sick as a sort of warmth washed over her body. She felt… dirty. Disgusting. Soiled- It was relieving when he pulled his cock out of her and Lithariel wasted no time in forcing out that- that shit from inside of her with the straining of her muscles.

"Y-You… You-" Her entire body shook with rage and humiliation. Another cry escaped her as the broad side of a palm was released against one of her sore asscheeks. The beastmaster walked around to the front of Lithariel while gesturing with his hand.

"Aww, don't look so miffed, princess." Lithariel tried to bite the fingers that tilted her chin up. She only made a fool of herself, though it wasn't as though she had much dignity left.

"I was just the warmup. Remember?" The fight in Lithariel swiftly died as the beastmaster pointed to the caged dire caragor. The cage that was slowly being opened- No. No- No-! No! They were-?! He was serious-?!

"D-Don't- Don't-! D-Don't do it- D-DON'T! PLEASE-!" Cruel laughter deafens her ears.

"Beggin' now, are we? Bit too late for that, don'tcha think?" With a whistle, the beast springs from its cage, making an immediate sprint in the bound princess's direction. Struggling won't help. She can't escape! Gods help her! She's going to die!

M-Mother-! Mother!

She instinctively leaned away from the caragor's snout. Her breaths came out in short, gasping breaths, much like the beast's. Whatever it smelled, it snorted and recoiled a little. Will it kill her? Please- Please- Lithariel's heart seized in her chest as the dire caragor attempts to mount her.

"NOOOO-! YOU FUCKING- YOU BASTARDS!! YOU SICK- GET OFF ME!!" There was more laughter but it was muted underneath the beast's heavy pants and snorts of frustration. The beastmaster reached up and patted the caragor across its spiny white cheek.

"Aww… Having trouble, my boy? Here, allow me to give you a hand-"

Lithariel began to hyperventilate as something stiff, prickly and hot touched the crease of her thighs. The caragor managed to hook its massive front paws onto the stocks. It used both the device of humiliation and the small human woman's body as a means to balance itself as it tried and failed to thrust its monstrous sized cock into her sore pussy. It won't fit! IT WON'T FIT! She screamed and thrashed but the caragor didn't seem to really notice or even care. The leaking, bulbous tip of the great cat's cock was lifted and carefully lined up with her cunt hole.

"S-STOP! IT WON'T FIT- IT WON'T FUCKING FIT- STOP-!" It was already too late. First thrust missed entirely. The second immediately slipped past her cunt. The third thrust pressed somewhere between her bleeding hole and her ass but didn't breach her tightness. But on the fourth-


The puckered skin of her asshole began to split and tear open as the spiny head of the caragor's purplish-black cock penetrated her. All at once, the pain rose in intensity and threatened to overwhelm Lithariel's senses. She couldn't think. She couldn't do anything even if she wasn't imprisoned within a set of stocks. The pressure inside of her was already enough to make her feel faint but when the beast began to eagerly thrust into her a guttural scream escaped from deep within her core.

W-WHYYY?! WHY?! She wanted to scream it but Lithariel couldn't even breathe! The spines on the caragor's cock dug into the soft walls of her asshole and tore into her with every violent thrust of its hips. She couldn't hear it, but the uruks were laughing at her. The beastmaster slapped her on the ass, something she could barely even feel in the face of her guts being speared by such a massive fucking cock-!

"You look surprised, princess!" He sneered as he bent down to meet Lithariel's weepy, bloodshot, light coloured eyes. Her eyes snap in his direction as bile and frothy saliva pools in the corners of her mouth.

"I said you're gettin' fucked, but you never asked which hole!" More laughter. Lithariel's eyes go even wider from this revelation and they roll skywards as her asshole is stretched even wider. The thickness is forced inside of her, causing yet another scream to ring out in Uruk's Hollow.

"You begged for me to pop your cherry so much that I couldn't possibly deny you! Can't say 'no' to a princess, right, boys?" Lithariel couldn't hear the roar of agreement over the feeling of steaming hot cum being pumped deep into her bowels. She's going to- She can't-

"-ILL Y-Y-YOU-!!! I-I-I'LL K-K-KIL-LL Y-Y-Y-OO- OOOOUUUUGHGHH-!!!" The pressure was too much! She's going to fucking die-!

Lithariel began to vomit uncontrollably after the fourth time the dire caragor jizzed inside of her. Her bile tasted salty and had an unpleasant texture that was slimy yet sticky. Slowly, the pressure at her hole began to shrink in size, but the bloated feeling in her guts only grew as the beast cummed more and more. She can't take it anymore-! She can't-! She'll fucking DIE!!!


She almost didn't feel the caragor's cock soften to the point that it slipped out of her gaping asshole. The brief relief from the stretch was swiftly replaced with the need to defecate, and the princess couldn't stop the torrent of shit and cum from rushing out from her red-raw anus that was nearly pulled out of place and exposed for all the uruks to see.

"HA! 'er ass 's nearly popped out of itself!"

"Look at all that waste! The beastmaster's gotta do it all over again!"

"Guess the pack'll take sloppy seconds as always…"

No more… No more… Please… Lithariel was bleeding, soiled, ruined. They must kill her, right? There must be an end to this torture… this madness… Lithariel's body weight was held up solely by the stocks she was stuck in. She can't feel her legs… Her abdomen hurts… The beastmaster claps loud enough that Lithariel rolls her red eyes in his direction.

"You're still alive?! I must say, you Wildfolk are a breed different from those Outcasts!" Lithariel didn't have the energy to do much other than curl her lip as he took her chin into his bony fingers.

"Guess that'll make what comes next much easier for me." Lithariel's center of balance began to shift towards the ground.

"W-Whaa-?" Her blood surged as her eyes went wide. One, two, THREE CARAGORS?! Not dires but normal-! No-! NO! Not again! NOT AGAIN!

"See, caragors are pack beasts. What's the leader's 's their's-" He pointed to himself and to the dire that was once again resting in its cage. There was a brownish-red stain across its white belly.

"-and what's their's is also their's!" He points between the dire and the three other caragors that were trotting in her direction.

"...just kill me…" Her voice was a broken whisper but the beastmaster's keen ears picked it up with ease. He barks a laugh at her.

"'Kill you'? No, no! Whatta waste that would be! You're too good of a toy to just kill!" He patted Lithariel's tear stained cheek as he turned to walk towards the fighting pit's stands.

"I wouldn't scream if I were you! It really gets them all going!"

They fought over who would mount her first. Lithariel was scratched and bitten as the first beast mounted her, plunging its prickly cock not into her bleeding and perpetually open asshole but into her still tight and perky pussy. It brought great shame to her that, somewhere in the midst of deviance and rape, that her core tightened until something hot and wet snapped inside of her. Lithariel's toned legs trembled and quaked as her cunt was quickly filled with the beast's seed. Its cock swelled inside of her and her cunt refused to let it go. The other two, not satisfied with waiting their turn, fought to mount either her or the other beast that was already knotted inside of her.

Their thick claws dug into her soft skin as they scrambled for purchase. The stocks were well built and seemed to be forged with this sort of torture in mind. These lesser caragors' cocks were nowhere as large or thick as their dire counterpart but they were massive in comparison to their master's. Somehow, one of the other caragor's managed to angle its hips just right so that its spiky cockhead could slip into her gaping anus with ease.

Lithariel was in pain but it was nothing in comparison to that dire's monster of a cock. The spines rubbed her walls raw and she could feel the beasts' cocks rubbing against through her thin walls. Their odd shape pressed against her abdomen with such force that Lithariel was sure that their outline could be seen against her skin. Before the second caragor could knot inside of her, the third quickly fought its way in between the two other beasts and somehow managed to slip its cock into her ass as well!

SHE CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE-!! There was too much weight on her back- too much pressure inside of her-!! Lithariel was bleeding and suffocating from the heat of the beasts' hot breaths. Her pussy quivered and clenched as her asshole was filled by both caragors. The knots that formed in her anus formed a plug that made her ass stretch until she screamed and cummed from the intensity of both pain and pleasure. Her screams were so loud that it roused the other woman facing similar punishment from her stupor.

Eryn was laying face down, ass up, with her hands tied behind her back. In their newest form of torture and humiliation, they have placed her in one of the filthiest places in Uruk's Hollow- in all of Mordor, most likely. The latrines. Eryn just wanted to die. The hollow tube- or pipe, as they said- that was shoved up her ass was not only humiliating but painful. She had no relief no matter how she moved her body. And whenever an uruk goes in there-

She cried and fought against her bindings as a disgusting warmth flooded her insides. What was it? She didn't care to know. Eryn nearly vomited as she screamed, but she was kicked in the face by an uruk that was posted to guard her.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'll give you somethin' to cry about, slut!" Eryn whined and pulled at her wrists, which was the exact wrong thing to do. A fist ful of her hair was grabbed and a grimy cock was forced down her sore throat.

"This bitch never knows when to shut up!"

"That's one way to shut her trap!"

The force of the uruk's thrusts has her body fucking against the refuse pipe that cut and scraped against the soft walls of her bowels. The uruks immediately point this out and laugh.

"Look! Cunt's so horny she's fuckin' anything that in 'er!"

"Are all mansluts like this? We gotta start capturing more of 'em!"

Eryn didn't have the strength or the will to put up a fight. They are beasts… No, they are worse than beasts! She would rather fuck every creature of Mordor than to have even one more uruk cock shoved into her mouth or her ass, than to have any more of their jizz forced into her belly or their piss or shit- The beasts had to be better than this. They don't have the cruelty of their masters, do they? As a few uruks gathered around to have their turn with her, others began to talk among themselves.

"'ave you seen the slag in the fight pit? That 'un's fuckin' beasts!"

"Oh- We gotta go there! 'erd she's gonna be fucking a graug! A GRAUG!"

Eryn provided immediate relief to uruks while Lithariel provided overall entertainment. The so-called "princess of Nurnen" was now a ruined whore of beasts. It was an impressive sight: the ashen haired woman was tied in a sort of harness that was attached to a massive horned graug's shoulders and hips. Her holes rested atop of its gargantuan cock, blueish-grey and as long as the woman was tall and twice as thick as she was wide. It had thick spines that were more akin to armoured plates that ran along the underside of the beast's length and its tip was flat with a point that hooked skywards. This hook penetrated Lithariel enough to give her a taste of what was to come.

"I WILL DIIIIE!! DIE! STOP THIS MADNESS!! STOP IT! STOOOOOP IT-!!!" There was no fighting her way out of this. Try as she might, she is soundly tied to the graug and its cock was pressed flush against her throbbing cunt and aching ass.

The monster's cock twitched against her. With each breath it took it pressed into her more and more. The beastmaster patted the graug's rough, stone-like skin as he smirked to himself.

"I don't know, lads… Some of ya seen how she took those caragor cocks, right?!" There was a roar of confirmation in the crowd. The horrifying humiliation was nothing when compared to the possibility that this was something that she could possibly take inside of her and survive from.

"I think we should take bets! After we go for our walk, we'll see if the tark-slut is still alive after taking a graug's stick!" Lithariel shakes her head and cries out.

"PLEASE NO! NO-! NO! NOOOOO-!!!" Her cries were abruptly cut short as one of the graug's massive hands grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down onto its monstrous cock.

It wouldn't possibly fit-! But sure enough, slowly, her cunt hole was stretched, and stretched, and stretched- Her pelvis shifted and widened to accommodate the thing that tried to force its way inside of her. Lithariel didn't recognize the animalistic howling that echoed around the Hollow as her own screams. With a CRACK and a POP, Lithariel's body slid down the head of the graug's cock.

"HAHA! Look! She's took it!"

"Fuckin' hell! She's still alive?!"

"A true princess can take any cock, I suppose!"

Lithariel's body fought between remaining conscious and fainting, from pulling away from the agonizing pain and losing control of all her bodily functions. The graug roared, deafening the trembling woman and the other spectators as it began to move her body as though she was a lifeless ragdoll.

There was an audible SQUISH as the graug's cock ravaged the princess's insides. A noticeable bulge formed on her abdomen whenever it pulled her body down its shaft and receded whenever it pulled her back up. Lithariel was unable to make a sound as her lungs were forcibly compressed every time her guts were pressed underneath her ribs.

"Alright! Let's go for a walk and show those Outcast manswine what happens when you fuck with the uruks of Mordor!"

It was a shocking display. A human woman shouldn't be able to take something so large and… cruel, but the graug managed to pull Lithariel nearly halfway down its monstrous stick, leaving nothing to the imagination as a clear shadow of exactly what was in her cunt was visible against her skin. Cum and blood ran down the beast's balls but somehow Lithariel was still alive.

This sent a clear message to any slave or Outcast that were unfortunate enough to come across this perverted march. All men of Mordor knew of Queen Maven's fair haired daughter, Princess Lithariel, and they all recognized that it was indeed her being plowed by one of Mordor's most fearsome creatures. Slave and Outcast rebellions all across Mordor began to sizzle out as word of Lithariel's fate began to spread. The men didn't wish their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters to meet that sort of humiliation and torture, and soon Outcast sightings died down until they hadn't been spied in months- years, even.

With no further resistance in Mordor, the uruks captured any humans that were bold enough- or stupid enough- to cross their borders. They would find out first hand that the fallen princess of Nurnen had not only suffered the fate of becoming a broodmare for Mordor's beasts but that other women suffered similarly, too. Such as Eryn, who's ass was always plugged with either a latrine's waste pipe or an uruk's cock, just as her mouth would be, too.

The cruelty of uruks had no boundaries and seemed to only grow the more that Sauron and his generals grew in strength and boldness, certain to hit a fever pitch during the first proper war that has been fought in Mordorian soil in many, many years.

The siege of Minas Ithil.