Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 31 - Dragon Balls gone Wrong. Part 6

Chapter 31 - Dragon Balls gone Wrong. Part 6

King Vegeta cared little for banquet planning. It simply wasn't a matter that concerned him, nor was it an area he excelled in. It was something for his wife to take care of while he dealt with more important matters. The latest meeting with Frieza had only served to highlight two things to him: that he was powerless and that the Frijian tyrant was a complete madman. Unpredictable and malevolent beyond measure; there was nothing he could do to stop Frieza, and yet he needed to stop him.

Vegeta turned to his majordomo, a mustached, older man with a rather scrawny build.

"That scientist's name, what was it?" he asked, "Dr… Rootle?"

It was within the hour that he had the scientist before him again, seed incubator and all. The king stared down at the device and the object it contained, stroking his goatee thoughtfully. If nothing else, having stronger Saibamen would help his warriors grow stronger. The current crop simply couldn't get powerful enough to rival the power of even mid-class Saiyans.

Training against each other was fine, but the fights couldn't end in death most of the time and that meant they had to restrain themselves. Saibamen could be murdered without a second thought; they could go all out against them without hesitation.

"Your Highness." the scientist dropped to one knee again, and Vegeta couldn't help but wonder if he looked so craven when he was forced to bow before Frieza. The thought alone made him sick; the difference in he and Rootle's power may well have been less than the difference between he and Frieza!

To Frieza, he was nothing more than this scientist; useful to a point, but worth exterminating at the slightest provocation.

"Show me its Power Level, worm."

The scientist instantly scrambled to his feet and pressed a button, showing the Power Level readout. It had risen considerably since yesterday, but still wasn't comparable to a mid-class Saiyan. Then again, it was only a seed.

Vegeta rest his temple against his fingers as he sat in his throne, drumming against the armrest with his other hand.

"It…" Rootle stammered, "If I may, your Highness, its Power Level will only grow exponentially as it develops into adulthood! Think of the difference between a fetal Saiyan and a fully grown one! If these could be mass-produced, we could-"

"Silence." Vegeta stated, "I will not gamble my kingdom on 'what if's. This Saibaman may be able to hold its own against a low-class flunky," he stated, "but can it handle a properly trained warrior? I won't hedge my bets when I haven't even seen the pathetic weed fight."

Rootle gaped.

Then smiled.

"Then by all means, your Highness," he grinned, "let's put it to the test!"

The creature's life cycle was strange. As soon as it left the amniotic fluid of the incubation chamber it began to grow; similar to how a Saibaman would grow once placed in the earth. Allowing it to gestate as a seed for longer may have increased its Power Level - truthfully there seemed to be a hundred different factors at play with its development - but the ability to grow them quickly if necessary was appealing to Vegeta.

An army that could be raised from conception within a single day or two was formidable beyond comprehension.

It held the King's attention.

"Saibamen are born with an inherent fighting ability." Rootle observed, babbling to himself a bit nervously as he surveyed the battlefield from their observation chamber, "I can only assume it will be even sharper with this new breed."

"For your sake, you had better hope so." Vegeta warned, "If these 'miracle warriors' of yours need to be trained for years to be decent fighters, no Power Level in the world will make them worth it."

"I am sure that…" Rootle stammered, "I am confident in their abilities!"

"Let us test that confidence." Vegeta said, before placing a finger on the intercom, "Enter."

Vegeta folded his arms as he observed the warrior enter the training room. It was located underground away from prying eyes; a simple room with tiled floor and walls that could absorb full-force Ki blasts with ease. It was sterile except for the ever-lingering scent of smoke and blood, which hung in the air as a reminder of the carnage the room had seen.

One day, Vegeta hoped that his heir would spill blood in it.

Once he had sired one worthy of being born, of course.

Harsh red light bathed the warrior as he entered, looking to the observation chamber where Vegeta and Rootle stood. He offered a bow of respect before looking around, his enemy nowhere in sight.

Vegeta raised his chin a centimeter.

This warrior's Power Level was only about 2,400. He was barely more than a low-class soldier, though he was still more than strong enough to deal with a single Saibaman.

A single normal Saibaman.

The door on the opposite end of the arena opened and his opponent emerged.

It was an ugly creature, two or three times taller than a normal Saibaman. Still, it sacrificed some height to a hunched back that gave it a craven look. A short tail stuck out from the end of its spine, and a few spike-like horns crowned its bulbous head. Beyond these traits, it was really quite like a normal Saibaman; green skin, red eyes, plant-like skin, and a wicked smile.

The Saiyan warrior took a step back, obviously confused.

"Your Highness?" he shot them a look, clearly wondering what this thing was that he was meant to fight.

"Prove yourself, warrior!" Vegeta barked, "Do not be fooled! This is a mere Saibaman! Prove your worth to the Saiyan race and destroy it!"

"Your Highness, do you truly think-"

"I have seen the creature's Power Level." Vegeta interrupted, "His cannot compare. But a battle is about more than just raw power. A Saiyan warrior has pride. Spirit. Training." he turned his attention back to the soldier, "We'll see if it's enough."

Rootle nodded, "I suppose we will."

The warrior nodded curtly before taking on a combat stance, while the advanced Saibaman just stood there. The creature - like its brethren - had little concept of 'martial arts'. Their attacks were savage and relied on nothing more than raw speed and strength. They were idiotic creatures whose only defining trait was their quick maturation and their decent Power Level.

King Vegeta felt a stillness in the air as the two faced off, before suddenly the Saiyan let out a battlecry and lunged forward. He cleared the distance between them in less than a second, swinging in for a high kick to the side of the Saibaman's head. The move was fast and strong enough; it probably would've killed a normal Saibaman with a single strike. But this was no normal Saibaman.

The creature managed to block it easily, stopping the strike dead in its tracks with a single forearm. The Saiyan's eyes widened before he lunged back, obviously alarmed by the ease with which the Saibaman defended itself. The creature let out a rasping chuckle and Vegeta could see his warrior's resolve falter.

Then the man roared in fury and shot forward again. A quick strike to the face was dodged as the creature tilted its head away. A followup strike with the other fist was dodged in the same way. The Saiyan let loose a barrage of strikes, all aiming for the creature's smugly grinning face, but it dodged each one with a surprising fluidity. Finally the Saiyan spun to deliver another kick to the side, but his leg was caught. The Saibaman hugged the warrior's caught leg under one arm, locking him in place, before yanking him forward into a fist.

The punch caught the Saiyan hard in the face, the Saibaman releasing his leg to send him flying across the room. He hit the wall, bouncing from the impact, unable to catch himself before the Saibaman was upon him. The creature met him at the wall with a crushing knee to the stomach, knocking spit from the man's mouth. He was then grabbed by the hair and flung back across the room.

This time, the Saiyan managed to catch himself on the floor and springboard back to his feet with a flick of his wrist, doing a partial cartwheel.

He was only just upright again before the Saibaman was upon him, launching a forward claw strike that the warrior only just managed to block with his cross arms. Still, Vegeta could see the man barely absorb the blow, his teeth clenching from the impact. A followup kick to the side of the head was too fast for the man to block or dodge, snapping his head to the side. He staggered, only to get caught and yanked back towards the hunched Saibaman.

Vegeta's eyes widened as he saw the creature's mouth open, a brilliant light forming within.

"He's finished." the king said, stonily.

The Saibaman summoned an enormous mouthful of energy, causing the red-lit room to glow a sudden brilliant white. It momentarily illuminated the warrior's panicked face before the grinning Saibaman unleashed a massive point-blank blast of energy at him, enveloping them both in an explosion of smoke and force.

When it cleared, the Saibaman released the warrior's lifeless body and let it fall to the ground, charred and motionless.

"Incredible." Rootle breathed, "To think it could overpower a fully-trained Saiyan warrior! It-!"

King Vegeta was already moving, heading towards a staircase that descended towards the testing chamber. Rootle jumped, before taking a few steps after him.

"Your Highness! What are you-?!"

"Do not question me, fool." Vegeta barked over his shoulder. The Saibaman may have been able to kill a lowly warrior, but that didn't mean it was worth a damn. The thing's Power Level was still a fraction what his was, and his was nothing compared to Frieza's! If he wanted to defeat the smug, little tyrant and free his people he'd need something more than just an especially strong Saibaman or two!

He punched in the lock code on a small keypad, causing the metal doors to open with a hiss. Vegeta entered the red-coated room as the Saibaman was hungrily looking around for its next victim. At some point while he'd been making his way down to the test chamber, the thing had planted its hand into the dead Saiyan's chest. Blood coated its forearm as it seemed to absorb nutrients from its victims body.

"Disgusting weed." Vegeta growled.

The Saibaman rose to its feet.


The king flung his cape behind him as the creature crouched and readied to strike. Vegeta tapped his Scouter one final time, analyzing the wretched beast.

Power Level: 3,550.

It had risen 200 points just from defeating one Saiyan, though absorbing his blood may have played a part. It wasn't insignificant, but it hardly made it worthy to face him. Vegeta lowered his hand, his stance relaxed. The creature wasn't a threat to him, after all. His Power Level was more than five times higher; more than enough to crush it like a gnat.

The Saibaman let out a feral cry and shot forward, perhaps sensing the disparity in their powers. It shot its claw towards the king's head, but Vegeta dodged before driving his fist straight up into the monster's stomach. The force was enough to make its mouth burst open, spittle flying from it as it let out a shrill croak of agony. The king transitioned his hand from a fist to a claw, summoning brilliant purple energy to it.

"EXECUTION BEAM!" he roared, before firing a blast of pure, scorching energy through the monster's stomach. It blew a hole in the Saibaman and scorched the ceiling behind it, the creature screeching until the moment it died. Vegeta used his hand to flick the creature's body away, sending it sprawling on the ground nearby.

He turned his attention to the observation chamber where Rootle still stood.

"If that is the best your creature can do, we are no closer to defeating Frieza." Vegeta stated, "His Power Level is barely that of a mid-class Saiyan."

"But my liege!" Rootle called over the intercom, "It reached that Power Level in just a few days! And that couldn't have been its full potential!" Vegeta's eyes narrowed, "Just think how strong one of these things could become! Especially…"

The doctor trailed off.

Vegeta glared at him.

"What? Speak!"

"Especially…" Rootle swallowed, "if it had an even stronger 'host'."

The Saibaman leader watched as the woman was bred and broken once more. Her body writhed in ecstasy on the ground, toes raking against earth, thighs trembling, back arching, her chest raising to accentuate her tits. The Saibaman that clutched her stomach in a tight hug rolled its hips against her as it groaned and growled, vision lost to the rapture as it sowed its seed in her depths. The Saiyan woman whimpered into his beating cock as it brought her to another crescendo, another seed slipping into her already-full womb.

She was too overburdened already, however, and the thick knotty seed was squeezed out of her to join the others on the ground. The Saibaman leader knew it wouldn't reach its full potential this way, but the woman already had at least two inside of her. Assuming they were allowed to grow in her depths, they would reach a potential unlike anything the Saibaman had ever known. Even he - their leader - would be dwarfed in power by this new breed.

But he would still have a purpose.

Only he and his 'lesser' Saibamen could produce the super seeds currently. They were the progenitors of a new generation; a new race. Their children would be warriors and conquerors.

He just needed to sow the seeds.

The leader turned, finding his weaker children already bringing in two more seedbeds. They were unconscious and badly beaten; perfect for his-

He paused.

One of them would not do. It was a male; one unfit to house the seeds of a Saibaman. The two were lain out before him, his idiotic children chattering excitedly. Their smells were similar - the man and the woman's - linking them in the leader's mind. Mates? Perhaps. It didn't matter. He moved over to the male of the species, lifted his hand, and brought it straight down into his chest. His claw pierced the man's heart instantly, killing him without even waking him. The leader cooed as he felt the Saiyan's hot blood soak his hand, which quickly began to absorb it. Energy pumped into his body, helping him grow stronger.


He could tell just by smell that both were weaker than him, but the male's blood still gave him strength. The leader let the rapture of power wash over him before the chatter of his idiot children became too much. He turned to one of them, ripping his hand free of the man's chest.

It was one of the ones who had brought him the unworthy vessel to begin with!

The leader smacked his child across the face hard, sending him flying backwards into the rock wall. Instantly, his spawn began to cower.

"Gyahyahgah!" the leader snapped, pointing to the male, "Gyoohgyah!"

His orders were clear.

Females only.

With that, his cowering children left. There were more of them now; over a dozen. Half went out to gather more victims while the other half stayed around to breed the ones they had. Only the strongest seeds would stay in the Saiyan women's wombs for long, meaning only the strongest children would be born.

Even then, they always needed stronger seedbeds.

Their children could not reach their full potential with such…

The leader smelled the new woman.

…such weak creatures.

Still, as he unsheathed his cock from its inner chamber, he knew that the child she produced would be… potent. The leader smeared the blood of the male on his face as he grabbed the woman's thighs, hugged them to his body, and inserted into her. He could hear the cries of the other Saiyan woman twisting into bliss and joy behind him as she was fertilized again. Her mind was cracking and splintering more and more with each breeding; soon she wouldn't even want to leave. The fluid the Saibamen occasionally dumped in her mouth - the same fluid their seeds matured in - would keep her fed and hydrated.

She would stay here until she was totally broken.

Until she had mothered a horde.


So I've got a lot of chapters done right now, so I'm gonna be dumping them a bit more frequently for a little bit just to try and catch up.

It's funny to me because King Vegeta kind of executes this Saibaman under the assumption that he'll be able to just like... get another one really easily. This does not turn out to be the case, so in hindsight he was really just acting very rashly here xD

Also yeah, this series is gonna involve a lot of casual murder, but like... it's Dragon Ball.


Power Levels:

Saiyan Warrior: 2,400

Advanced Saibaman (Mature): 3,550