Finally, it's time for training I work hard in class for times like this said Hayato as he stretched. Yes, time to get to work, I'll dunk everything today said Liam as he smiled. Oh, good evening Yukio, Takahiro are you guys ready for training? Asked Liam. Yes I'm looking forward to today's session replied Yukio.
Me too I was getting sick of sitting in the classroom for so long said Takahiro as he stretched. I wonder where Nanaho and the first years are, it's unusual for her not to be here said Yukio. Ow, ow, ouch!! Are you going to frickin tear my ear off that hurts god dammit said Noboru in pain.
Shut up!! Said Nanaho angrily as she punched him in the head. Yes she's really pissed remind me not to get on her bad side said Makoto. Yes, hopefully I don't as well said Shino. Tetsuo who was walking with them to the court was lost in his thoughts. Her eyes, they changed once more, so gloomy and sad, nothing but darkness, nowhere to turn to. Pain and suffering is all I can see in them said Tetsuo to himself as he recalls the fire that took the life of his parents.
Alright let's go said Makoto as he dribbled the basketball at the top of the key where Hayato stepped to guard him. Tetsuo then cuts through the key and Yukio sets a screen for him so he could be free from Takahiro's defense. Makoto quickly made a pass to him but as he was about to shoot a mid range shot Liam jumps into the air and swatted the ball to the ground.
Makoto and Hayato then quickly ran after the loose ball however, Makoto caught it and touch passed it to Yukio who scored a layup. Wow, nice shot Yukio-senpai!! Shouted a girl.
Tetsuo stood in one place and looked down on his hand in silence. Hey Tetsuo, are you okay? Asked Makoto. Yes, I'm fine , let's get back on defense said Tetsuo as he got back.
As Hayato came down the court he made a pass to Liam in the post who overpowered Yukio and dunks the basketball. Makoto then came down and called for a screen from Yukio. He then spins to get pass Hayato and shoots a two pointer that swishes. Hayato passes the ball to Takahiro who was guarded by Tetsuo. Takahiro then dribbled and got by Tetsuo and scored an easy floater.
Nice one Takahiro said Liam as he smiled and gave Takahiro a high five. Shino was in a corner practicing his dribbling by repeatedly attempting to do the behind the back dribble. I really wanted to play out there with them today but I need to improve so that I can keep up said Shino to himself as he concentrated.
God dammit this sucks, why am I the only one here doing pushups? Said Noboru frustratedly while he struggled.
Oh I don't know, maybe it's because someone got a detention. Do you know how much trouble I had to go through to bail you out of detention? I had to beg Hamada sensei to let it slide and thankfully he did however, at the cost of me helping him mark all of the first year exam papers. So now you're gonna pay with two hundred pushups and fifty suicides said Nanaho.
What but that's unfair how am I going to finish all of that and still find time to train? Well anything you missed out on today can always be made up for tomorrow said Nanaho as she smiled. This girl is insane I can't keep up with this anymore said Noboru.
On the next possession, Makoto passes the ball to Tetsuo who shoots a three pointer over Takahiro's hand that hits the rim and misses.
Yukio and Liam jumped into the air and competed for the rebound however Liam won.
As soon as he came down with the ball, Makoto quickly tipped it out of his hand and made a pass to Tetsuo at the three point line once more. Tetsuo then shoots another three pointer that swishes. The girls spectating screamed in excitement that he scored. Tetsuo is really something else isn't he said Harumi to herself as she smiled.
Nice shot Tetsuo said Yukio as he raised his hand for a high five. Yes Captain said Tetsuo in a low tone as he jogged back on defense.
Is it just me or did Tetsuo looks a bit off today, he's more quiet than usual and not to mention he was playing sloppy defense today, that's not like him said Makoto.
Now that mention it he did seem a bit off, that was the first time since I started playing with you guys that I was able to block him said Liam. Today was the first time I ever saw him miss a shot also so it's kinda concerning said Hayato.
Are you guys dumb he's still the same, he's always been quiet and reserved, and he hardly says what's on his mind at all. So what if he missed a shot or gets blocked by you, even great players has an off day or two said Noboru. You have a point Noboru but in his case there seems to be something going on, he even left earlier than the rest of us and normally he would have waited said Nanaho with a worried look on her face.
Think about it Noboru or maybe because of how dull your brain is you wouldn't know if something feels off about him even if he broke a leg you wouldn't even be able to tell said Makoto. What I'm not going to sit down and get insulted by a lazy bump who can't even concentrate in class.
For your information, I might not be awake in class but I study the content later unlike you who does nothing but annoy everyone and fail to understand the basic concepts , your whole existence is but a comedian's dream said Makoto. Why you... said Noboru as he was about to go after Makoto however Liam lifts him into the air. That's enough, it's not good to fight amongst each other said Liam as he smiled. Hey let go off me right now you big giant said Noboru as he tried to shake out of Liam's hand. Come on everyone let's go home said Liam as he walked off. Didn't you hear me? I said let go!!
What do you think is happening Yukio? Asked Nanaho. To be honest, I'm not sure myself but we can't be worrying about it too much. He won't stay like that for too long he'll be right back to the Tetsuo we know in no time, let's go Nanaho said Yukio as he walked off.
I'm home said Tetsuo in a low tone as he shuts the door behind him and took off his shoes. Welcome home big brother, I was getting tired of waiting for you. I made dinner tonight as well said Usagi as she smiled. Thanks I don't know what I would do without you said Tetsuo as he pats her on the head. Big brother are you okay? You're not acting like your usual self what happened? Asked Usagi concerned. I'm fine , there's nothing wrong replied Tetsuo.
I might not fully understand you at all because you always keep everything bottled up however, I can tell that something is bothering you so please tell me said Usagi with a concern look on her face. Tetsuo then looked into her eyes and sighed. There's this girl I met at school in the literature club and the first thing I noticed about her was her eyes they were cold as ice and they had no light in them. So I figured that something terrible must have happened to her in the past that must have caused her eyes to be so empty.
Her eyes reminded me so much of mine, it's like I was looking into a mirror at my reflection whenever I look into them and for that reason I felt drawn to her. So I subconsciously decided to help her however it's seems like I've made the situation worst that why I've been like this all day, it's a new feeling to me said Tetsuo. No you didn't make it worst, im surprised that you went out of your way to try and help that girl,thats new for you and im reallly happy that you feel this way.
However , don't blame yourself for trying to make her feel better because it was out of the genuine kindness. You tried your best and she acknowledged and accepted that, she knew that you meant her good so don't let this get you down said Usagi. Thanks for that Usagi, I really mean it said Tetsuo.