It was a normal day in earth everybody doing their own thing enjoying their life when suddenly all hell broke loose. Demons appeared everywhere and first weapons like guns and missiles were extremely effective at wiping them out. Until each year passed and the demons got stronger and stronger until guns were ineffective, then explosives, then missiles, then nukes were ineffective. So humans could only adapt.
and so humans adapted but the demons had millions of years to adapt and train with magic or what they call it mahika by language and humans found out why because it is limited when cast upon some even taking days until it could be used again. while its chants are instant yet some take longer until it activates with words increasing per stage. so the humans were slowly being wiped out in masses.
Thousands of years later a woman of light whose power rivaled of the ten demonic kings at once encountered an unknown demon whose shrouded in darkness. she was unprepared and the demon was much much stronger than the demon kings. and they clashed for weeks on end crushing and slicing mountains on a whim. her sword sharp enough to cut atoms while his voice and mahika was enough to crush everything it touches in their battle and it took interest in her. when the demon saw a slip up from the warrioress he took advantage so he captured her.
when she escaped the demon 8 months later and got back to her home town and she arrived at her family mansion and soon gave birth to a boy with ram horns and goat eyes. and the woman soon passed away from child birth and the child were thrown away and never spoken of and evidence wiped as if he never existed.
He ran through the alleys dodging each rock thrown at him. "GET OUT OF HERE DEMON!!" the crowd shouted at the golden haired boy. luckily living in these environments made him quite flexible as he climbed through the crevasse of a wall and when he got on top of the bricked roof He panted as he rested. once rested he stood up and ran to the church and climbed onto its bell tower.
He looked out the city with a bright smile as his golden hair and golden eyes shone as the falling sun reflected off it. the 25 meter walls in the distance surrounding the orange bricked roof and the gray-ish building walls with all standing in different sizes and designs alike. "this view never gets old" he said with a bright smile on his face as his hands reached on his ram horns with a saddening face. "if only i do not have this maybe just maybe" he said with a low tone.
"I KNEW IT I WOULD FIND YOU HERE AFTER MAKING A RUCKUS IN THE MARKET RAM HORNS!" a female voice rang behind him and as he turned around a girl around his age with black hair and red eyes with cross pupils stood menacingly "Just because you are older than me than a few months that does not mean you could disobey the leader ruckus" she said with a frown as she placed her hands on her hips.
He sighs and raised his hands as he looked guilty at her "yes yes i know but i wanted to play with the others too its quite lonely when your annoying voice is all i hear all day" he said completely making the girls face darken
"You know horn ass i hate your guts now lets go to leader ruckus he needs to.... talk to you.. i wish you good luck there" she said her darkened face dissipating onto worry "akumada... n-no horn ass remember we are only still eleven at least you are but. we are not adults you and i will still be weaker than him.. please escape when you deem its dangerous promise me" she said before jumping off the tower onto her feet in the nearby rooftops.
"i know that we could only trust each other kami since that day. i promise i will live" he said before jumping down the tower into the alleyways
It was a dark and rainy night he was 3 years old and was beaten to pretty harshly as he was covered in blood and he was aswell crawling on the ground with broken bones. then kami stood before him kneeled down.
"why do you always persist even though everybody hates you?" she said as she poked his body with a stick "are you lonely? are you stupid?, or are you a masochistic person" she asked dully
"do you not not hate me i mean i am a monster a demon you should be running away" he asked weakly as his wounds began steaming and closing up
"i mean if you were a demon you would have eaten me by now right?" she said with a gentle smile as she placed two of her fingers in his mouth "go ahead bite it off i dare you" she said looking down pitifully at the speechless and weirded out boy.
She smiled as he grabbed her wrist and sat up to her level and his teeth threateningly squeezing at her fingers. he then pulled out gently her fingers off his mouth and he said "Weirdo leave me alone". she then ignored him and said "us abandoned kids need to trust each other and you can trust me. because i am the one who will be the hunter in this world once i grow strong enough. but i need a partner to achieve this and lets get along okay" she said cheerfully with a welcoming smile.
"then whats your name?" she asked with a warm smile
"i dont have one but people call me akuma" he said weakly as he was met with a smile unlike the normal distain once again. "rhipipipi well call me as i call myself kami okami is it not perfect and your name needs fixing its too devilish how about akumada yami?" she asked with a smile chuckling
He smiled as he acquired a friend "sure i would like that Kami!" he said as he hugged her instinctually as she accepted him.
Flashback end
As he stood Infront of the huge 2.5 meter door his hand shivered as he tried to turn the handle of the door. with a heavy breath he opened the door and entered the room slowly and there a man standing in 2meters exactly looked at the 11yo boy menacingly. his dark brown long hair and his onyx eyes looked at akumada with utter Displeasure his figure overshadowed the 11yo blonde. "AKUMADA... you had made a fuss in the market today care to explain?" ruckus said slowly and deeply as akumada began to shake in fear.
Before akumada got to speak a palm crashed on his face as he flew 4 feet back and crashed onto the wooden floor. he spat out blood as he got lifted up by his hair. he saw ruckus curled up his hand into a fist and began punching on akumada repeatedly each strike bruising and cutting akumada's body and as his skin began to blister when the punches hits nearby organs...
After a few minutes of beating down akumada ruckus dropped him onto the wooden floor with a thud and left the room wiping his hands with a dirty towel. "throw him out the streets" ruckus said as the lower bandits grabbed akumada by the collar and threw him out the open market.
Kami watched with a tense face as the bandits by the rooftops as they dragged akumada's body into the crowded market and threw him in the middle. people looked at the bandits then akumada's body as their faces were filled with hate. bey began beating him up even further as kami was unable to do anything but watch as akumada's weak and bloodied body got beaten up even further.
"DIE DEMON!, YOU ARE HIDEOUS!, SOMEONE GET ME A SAW AND WATCH ME CUT HIM UP!" the crowd shouted as akumada got further beaten up and when the crowd opened up there was a man holding a saw walking slowly. and there kami took advantage as she swiftly jumped down and grabbed akumada's body and struggled to carry him and when she climbed the wall she ignored the pain on her fingers as it began to bleed each grab if the bricked wall. while also getting thrown rocks on her fragile body. but she persisted and successfully dragged akumada in the rooftops and dragged his body to their secret hole in the wall in the city.
She grabbed some dirty towel and soaked it in water as she began to wipe his beaten down body "shhh don't worry its me and we are lucky there were no one proficient in mahika at that time" she said softly as akumada's body shivered in pain. his body struggled to move as kami tended akumada's wounds that is taking longer to heal.
after one bloody towel she opened a canned fish that smelled putrid. she then took out a small fish and began to kneed to small bits and slowly fed it to akumada "i know it smells and taste bad but can you not try to spit it out this time? with our potato bag clothes the people in the market will not even sell us food. its only animal feed so deal with it" she said grumpily at akumada as she force feed the food on his mouth.
he tried to spit it out but she covered his mouth "dont you dare spit it out" she looked at akumada darkly as akumada's face making a disgusted face.
After a day akumada got back to his feet fully healed mumbling about how he would get back at her. "Hah! i told you horn ass you wont get me back because i don't get sick" she said smugly pointing at herself "plus i am way more durable than you so deal with it horn ass"
Akumada and kami suddenly stopped as they heard a explosion in the distance when they peeked they saw a demon and since their hole were not far from the wall they saw a ram demon standing on two legs about 9ft tall and black suit, back tophat with a single yellow strip line on its base and white gloves with a chilling smile. and suddenly a horde of black bruned corpses breached through the wall devouring everyone in the roads with like water fluidity.
Their instincts went wild as akumada grabbed kami by her hand and immediately began to run as the streets and alleys got flooded And the houses purged inside by the screaming souls like river. they ran across the rooftops and suddenly kami slipped on a broken tile as she got submerged in the souls like river and with no other choice akumada jumped on the soul flooded city. he searched for her as each second passes he felt the effects but it was weak towards him. time went slowly in his head. when he found her struggling and looking absolutely terrified. he grabbed her by the waist and swam towards a pipeline to the roof.
"kami are you ok i am here its me!" he said hugging kami as he never seen kami so scared. kami screamed and began flailing her limbs tears going down her face.
"Let me go! Let me go! i dont wanna go in there! mama! mama! mama! mama! Save me! don't go! it burns! the sun burns!" kami screamed on top of her lungs as akumada carried kami to a shade cradling her with fear in his eyes as he wandered why he was not affected.
he turned around and saw the ram demon standing behind him with a smile so hideous and petrifying as the demons gaze looked so predatory. akumada cradled kami tightly closing his eyes suddenly the demon left in an instant along with the souls like river. and kami had fallen asleep due to stress and what greeted him on the streets were frightening he could not even explain it he felt disgust and desire to devour as the mangled corpses of people stacked into a mountain that even a demon could not describe how it looked because of how disgusting and disturbing it is.
Akumada cradling kami tried to hold his vomit at the sight as he could still hear their cries and voices even though all of them are just piles of mangled flesh. "Disgusting i need to get kami to a dark place she starts to burn in the sun i do not know why" akumada slowly carried her down the shadowed streets as every pile of flesh he came across smelled sweet as if begging him to devour them his mouth began to drool. but being half human made him able to resist these temptations.
As he walked slowly at the familiar alley it greeted him with sight of bandit corpses littered and lifeless on the ground. He laid kami on a dirty and worn couch as he headed to the large door. he opened it and was greeted by a lifeless copse that looked more like a dogs chew toy it was only flesh, organs and no bones were left and this time due to hate akumada gave in the temptation and he kneeled on the ground and began devouring the corpse of ruckus if you could even call it a corpse. his eyes glowed golden highlighting his horizontal pupils as white angelic wings sprouted out his waist and began to darken and degrade and soon became a raven like wings.
He opened palms before curling it to a knuckle. "that demon reminds me of something...". His knuckled hands began to bleed as his fist tightened "but he is insignificant to my life and because of how this world treated me and kami i will surpass him and rule the world so no one will be able to defy me and no one to stand up on my path may it be king or god i swear till my death i will rule over the world and galaxies" he said calmly as his aura became more like the demon that attacked.
After devouring the corpse he walked out the room and he saw kami standing still in the room. "Kami? are you ok?" he asked but she did not respond and looked at him with her piercing red eyes. Suddenly she lunged at him and pinned him on the ground sitting on his crotch she leaned down and bit him in the upper shoulder he felt immense pain as he felt his blood being drained, But he could not get himself to attack her.
He hugged her as his blood got sucked "K-kami p-please stop this..." he begged as soon as he felt he was gonna pass out he felt kami's lips part away on his upper shoulders with a pink-ish cheeks "sweet" she muttered wiping the blood on her mouth with her wrist. "what happened to you horn ass why are you looking almost passed out" she asked while leaning closer she kissed his cheek and stood up slowly "thanks for saving me akumada that's my payment" she said as she opened on her palms and held fresh water from a bucket and she looked at her reflection. and as soon she was about to drink she saw two fangs on her upper teeth and she just frowned as she drank the water she noticed there was something very wrong.
Akumada stood up looking at kami cupping his kissed cheek her hands shaking "Kami we should get out the city if knights show up and saw us they will kill us on the spot" although she was scared and confused of her sudden change she was trying her best to stay calm.
akumada looked at her calmly she nodded and he grabbed her hand quickly and began drag her from the alley to the streets as it began to rain covering the sun for the new and the only vampire in the current era now fleeing the child of the light and dark born from the strongest mortal and demon.