The story begins with a scene of utter devastation. A colossal battle rages across the skies, gods clashing with a shadowy force. In the chaos, a lone figure—referred to only as The Ascendant—uses the Void Seal to shatter the Celestial Court, scattering its power into the mortal world. As the celestial palace crumbles, the figure whispers, "This is not the end... The cycle will return."
The scene shifts to the quiet, starry night of a small village. A child is born under an eclipse, his cries echoing as a strange, dark mark glows on his chest.
Kael, now a scrappy 16-year-old, survives by scavenging relics from the ruins near his village. The opening chapter immerses readers in his world—his struggles, his resourcefulness, and the harsh life of an outcast. His Void Seal remains dormant, but he's plagued by dreams of ancient battles and a voice calling him to "awaken."
Suspense builds when Kael stumbles upon a forgotten relic—a fragment of a Celestial Spark glowing faintly in the ruins. Upon touching it, a surge of energy courses through him, awakening his Void Seal momentarily. Strange shadows begin stalking the village, forcing Kael to flee.