Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

"And how long did you keep that way?" (Astrid)

"10 whole days. After 10th day, the haze suddenly disappeared around us. That's when we saw each other for the first time at the place. As soon we did, we launched our attack at same time. I was won by slight margin." (Eddie)

Bruce and Astrid looked at Calvin.

"What?" (Calvin)

"Ehm, master, don't you want to do what you're usually did?" (Bruce)

Calvin looked at him with questioning stare.

"The summary, master, the summary! Go on, do your bad habit! Go master, go!" (Astrid)

Calvin was speechless. What bad habit, it's story cutting mode!

"Fine, looked like they're entering some lunatic's base and triggering the activation code. The 10 days confinement were used to mapping their body and mental structures. When the fight was concluded, the base starting their operation. It seemed like it had something to do with the sealing spell." (Calvin)

Eddie looked at Calvin with horror. Who the hell is this person? He guessed correctly.

"Se.. Senior, may I know who you are? You're saying like you saw what had happened back there, could it be that you…" (Eddie)

"Heh, stop the formality, call me Calvin, or Young man, choose those two." (Calvin)

"…" (Everyone)

"Uncle Calvin…" (Eddie)

"You wanna die?" (Calvin)

"Ehem, nope., are you a deity or god? You seem to know that kind of place." (Eddie)

"Heh, god, there's no way I want to take that boring and thankless job!" (Calvin)

"What do you mean Calty? Don't brag too much, do you think it's easy to become god? You are getting sniffy, aren't you? Want to taste another bullet?" (3D girl)

"Hah! Like you can hit me from there girl! Come on! Shoot me in the ass! Ahahahaha…" (Calvin)

3D girl shot one bullet toward the void door. Few seconds later.

"Argh! Damn girl! You hit me in the ass! Dammit! How did you do that?" (Calvin)

"I can hit you even if you're in other world, dumbass! As long as Clara could track you down, fufufu!" (3D girl)

"Oh mighty Queen, please forgive this humble servant." (Calvin)

He bowed toward the screen. Eddie was baffled. This mighty figure was out of character. Wait, what kind of character was he in the first place.

"Well, master Calvin once almost became a god. Luckily he's stop at the last second or we may have to called him 'God Calvin' right now." (Bruce)

"Eh? Really?" (3D girl)

"Oh yeah, that bitchy goddess! Huuuh… remembering that made me shiver, Bruce." (Calvin)

"What had happened? Bruce?" (3D girl)

"We met the goddess of the universe. She was annoying and cocky, so master Calvin got snapped and beat her to near death state. At the last blow, she laugh maniacally and yelled: Go on freak! Kill me! Take my place! Be the god of this universe! Fulfill your desire! Quench your blood lust! Make this universe suffer!" (Bruce)

"OH! So killing the god will make you become their replacement. I see. And then? What happened after that?" (3D girl)

"He did exactly what he was did to you just now. He pulled the goddess from the floor, fixed her halo, then bowed while said 'O mighty goddess, please forgive this humble and pitiful one. This lowly one just want to find his lost shack, please hold your grudge on this lowly one'." (Bruce)

"…" (anyone who heard that story)

"Don't you think it's too far fetched? After beating then asking forgiveness, are you an idiot?" (3D girl)

"She's a goddess, she has to be merciful and compassion, right?" (Calvin)

Right, no one could argue with him anyway, his logic was… nobody care anymore.

"Anyway back to Eddie's story, the two of you were entering the forbidden place, then you must be facing more tests weren't you?" (Calvin)

"Yes, for few more days we're had tests, physical, mental, internal, everything. At the last day, the result was announced. The funny thing is, I was lost against her in everything. There was something called judgment scale to measure how much sin we were made so far, and she had less sins than me! How could a leader of demonic faction had less sins than me, a leader from righteous faction!" (Eddie)

"Bro, sometime you forgot that doing things in the name of righteous was not the same as doing justice. Law is absolute. So, she's the winner then. What's the reward? The ultimate technique? The way to heaven? If one of you ask the way to heaven you didn't have to bother with the test though, I can help you giving a shortcut, hehehe!" (Calvin)

You mean got beaten to death, right, hah you were easy to read, old man! Thought Eddie.

"No, she chose this seal. This seal can be used to the most powerful enemy, render them powerless even though they still could live eternally." (Eddie)

"Hm… this seal are meant to human race. Wait! There was demon race, right? You should've use it to demon king or something that strongest at the race! But why…" (Calvin)

"Well, the demons were already defeated by us. Me and righteous faction were defeating demons at north, while demoness and her faction were conquered the south side. They would had hard time for millenniums." (Eddie)

"What the… I don't know if the setting is broken, or the demons were just weakling, or the human were stronger. But this didn't make sense… what a shitty realm…" (Calvin)

"Hey!!!" (3D girl)

"But it was weird my Queen! This seal was supposed to be a heritage for humankind against the demons! But this guys were using it against them self! Don't you think it's a wasteful?" (Calvin)

His unconsciously called 3D girl as his Queen made her blushed. What a sweet talker.

"He's right though, senior Eddie, what was her reason to used the seal to her self?" (3D girl)

"She was tired with the dispute. She thought that the war was stupid and useless. She just wanted the peace in the realm. But she knew as long as there was two factions, then the war would not stop. But human is a race of conflict. Without enemies from outside, they will find one in the inside. so with the seal, she thought that I will create a balance, where one didn't destroyed, and other didn't destroying it self. So she sacrificed her self. She used the seal and made me the key keeper. After she activated the seal, she was teleported by that place. But before her disappearances, I was vowed to hold the key for a thousand years. After that, I would let her free. But… but… it's already four millennia, I have failed her… sob… sob… ehem, I didn't cry Calvin, can you put the light rod away from me? Please?" (Eddie)

Calvin turning off his light saber. This suit was really amazing.

"Well, it's not easy to die for immortal. And this seal is really troublesome. If you were killed, the power and the seal will be transferred to the killer. The first solution is to let the sealed one kill the key keeper. And the second one is to let the key keeper die in natural cause. Why don't you choose the first one, Eddie?" (Bruce)

"I can't find her, mister… Bruce? Am I correct? The realm is so vast, and for the first 900 years I was travelled around the realm to find her. Then at the last century, I was searching the way to die. That's when I started to travelled to outer space to exhaust my lifespan. After that, here we are." (Eddie)

"Bro, why are you so faithful with this?" (Calvin)

"This realm has owed her too much, and I want it to pay her back. She sacrifice her future, her cultivation, her sect and faction, everything for this realm to have a better life. Yet they only knew her as the villain! I was telling the truth at the first time I came out, but no one believe me. They thought I was tired, injured and mentally unstable. They even secretly try to assassinated me. So I was ran away. To protect the key, and return this power to the right owner." (Eddie)

"Well, you must go back to the realm though. This void zone is dead end. Go on, fly away brother, shoo…shoo…" (Calvin)

"Calvin, sir, can you give me a lift?" (Eddie)

"What a…! hell no man! You're a handsome guy, this is another trial for you!" (Calvin)

"Calty is definitely bullying him, isn't he, Astrid?" (3D girl)

"That's master that I know so far. Well, poor Eddie, anyway, good luck Eddie! It's just few light years from there!" (Astrid)

"Senior Eddie, with your current cultivation, how long will you get here?" (3D girl)

"With everything I have, including artifacts, pills and potions, I think I can make it in 10 to 20 years." (Eddie)

"Wow… you are really stranded too far, brother. Here, I give you a present." (Calvin)

He throw a 10 inch tablet to Eddie. He caught it and started to learned its features.

"It's a small device with mini A.I to help you whenever you're bored. There are lots of games, books and movies. I even steal some of it from writer's pc. Hm? Shit! Give it back!" (Calvin)

Calvin snatched the tablet from Eddie's hand.

"What's wrong, Calvin?" (Eddie)

"Nope, it's nothing. I just deleted some folders. You must not watch this kind of files. It will only make your brain rotten, like someone I know." (Calvin)

*writer: NO! my folders! My collections!*

"Alright, it's clean now. This button is tab assistant, you can ask anything and hopefully it has enough database to help you." 

Calvin threw back the tab to Eddie. He then started to learn it.

"Good luck Eddie, I hope we can meet again at the realm. Good bye!" (Calvin)

He transformed his suit to spaceship mode, and flew away.

"Good bye Senior!"

3D girl, Astrid and Bruce was waving at Eddie. He just waved back casually. His attention was fully focused on the tablet.