Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Outside the building, Junior couldn't believe it, he wept bitterly. He was still trying to figure out what to do next when Elise walked up to him.

"Hey Junior, are you ok?" Elise asked, she sounded genuinely concerned.

Junior proceeded to tell her everything that had happened.

"I'm really sorry that happened to you. I'm here if you need anything and I don't think you're a loser, you're very smart," Elise said comfortingly.

"Thanks Elise, you're really kind. But I need to hurry. The Banks wouldn't want to see me in their mansion when they return, I need to get my things from there." Junior said.

"Alright then. You have my number, if you need anything, do not hesitate to call me." Elise said.

Junior thanked her once again and proceeded to walk back to the Banks mansion because he had no money with him.

When he got home, he felt exhausted, he couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying again.

He knew Jasmine didn't love him but he didn't expect her to divorce him, she knew he didn't have anywhere else to go or anyone else to turn to.

While cursing the Banks in his heart, Junior fell asleep. When he woke up hours later, it was getting dark outside.

He needed to hurry, he didn't want Jasmine or her family to meet him here 

It didn't take long for Junior to pack his things. He didn't have much clothes or anything, not because he didn't want them, but because he couldn't afford them, and for once, he was grateful for that.

When Junior got outside the building, he took one last look at the house and with a heavy heart, he walked away.

Junior didn't know where he was going, he contemplated calling Elise to ask for her help, but he decided against it, he didn't want to become a burden .

He was still deep in thoughts when a car suddenly drove close to where he was and parked in front of him.

Junior recognized the car. It was the blue Rolls Royce that he had seen a few weeks ago. What did they want from him?

Junior thought about running, but decided it was pointless, if anyone wanted to hurt him, the person would be doing him a favor, he was already tired of living.

Junior stood and watched as the same young man he had seen before got out of the car and started walking towards him.

"Good evening Mr. Miller, Sir." the young man said when he got to where Junior was standing.

Junior didn't say a word. He turned to his right and then his left to check if there was someone else there, but there was nobody

"Are you talking to me?" Junior finally asked after a brief moment of awkward silence

"Yes sir. I was instructed by your parents to bring you to the Miller family house, I'll really appreciate it if you'd come with me" the young man answered.

Before he could hold it in, Junior burst out laughing. He had watched several pranks on television, but this one the young man in front of him was trying to pull deserves an oscar.

"Hey man. I don't know who you are but I'm pretty sure you've gotten the wrong person. First of all, my surname isn't Miller and secondly, my parents are dead, so please go and search for your "Mr Miller" elsewhere.

"I'm very sure it's you sir. I've been following you for weeks, I cannot be mistaken" the young man explained.

Junior looked at the man in front of him and it seemed he was dead serious, but how could it be?

"Few weeks ago, I tried talking to you. My phone rang and immediately I put my hand in my suit pocket to bring it out, you ran away. Your mother was very sad when I told her" the young man continued.

Junior realized he had misjudged the situation that happened earlier, the young man wasn't trying to hurt him. At this point, he decided to go with the flow, afterall, he had nothing to lose.

"What's your name?" Junior asked him.

"I'm Donald." the young man answered.

"Alright Donald, here's the deal. I'll come with you, but I want to assure you that if this is a prank or a means to get to the Banks family, you're wasting your time" Junior said

"Of course not sir, this isn't a prank, please come with me" Donald said

Junior followed Donald to the car, he was about to open the door and get into the front seat, but Donald quickly opened the door to the back seat and ushered him in.

Junior felt skeptical about the whole thing. No one had ever treated him with so much care before.

"So, who exactly are the Millers and how can you be sure I'm their son?" Junior asked once Donald started driving.

"I'm sorry sir, but it's not my place to answer those questions, your parents will be the ones to" Donald replied..

Afterwards, Junior remained silent, he couldn't wait to meet the Miller family .

After driving for about 45 minutes, Donald pulled up in front of a gate. A few seconds later, the gate opened and Donald drove in.

When Junior got out of the car, his mouth opened in shock. Junior had always thought the Banks family house was a mansion, but now, it seemed like an apartment when compared to the gigantic building in front of him.

Donald led the way and when they got into the house, Junior could swear he had never seen a house as grand as this, not even in a movie.

Everything screamed "expensive" and Junior was scared to touch anything. He followed Donald until they got to a door, Donald opened it and walked inside, Junior followed him.

The room was a study. A man and woman were inside and it was obvious they were expecting them.

"Thank you Donald, you may leave," the man said.

Donald bowed his head and walked out. Junior suddenly felt alone and had no clue what to say or do.

"Please sit down," the man said.

Junior was opposite them and the man started talking.

"I'm sure you're very confused about this whole situation, I'll try to explain it to you as simply as I can. My name is Mansion Miller and this is my wife, Emily, we're your parents." the man said.

"That's not possible, my parents died even before I got into college" Junior said.

"We know and we're terribly sorry for your loss, but as you know, the Smith's weren't your real parents, we are," Mansion explained.

Junior was confused. He knew he was adopted but he was never told anything about his birth parents.

"Here's what happened. About three years after you were born, your mother and I started receiving death threats and messages from enemies of the Miller empire. So, we decided that it would be best if you stayed with my younger sister for a while. We used to call to check up on you regularly, but one day, when we called, nobody answered. We decided not to worry too much, but when she didn't call back the next day, your mother and I became worried.

We drove down to my sister's place, when we got there, the neighbors told us my sister had slumped and died the previous day.We asked about you and the lady handed us a letter which my sister had given to her to keep for us. In the letter, my sister explained that she had been sick but didn't want us to know about it. She told us where you were but when we got there, you were gone.

Your mother and I have been searching consistently for you ever since and recently, we found you." Mansion explained.

It all felt surreal. Junior couldn't believe he had parents and he had been alone all these while.

Emily brought out pictures from when Junior was little and he couldn't hold it in anymore, he started crying.

Emily cried with him and pulled him in for a warm embrace. Junior was so happy he didn't have to be alone anymore.

Junior was drying his tears when his phone vibrated, he brought it out and he was shocked at what he was seeing, before he could say anything, Mansion started talking.

"I just transferred 500 million dollars to you. You can use that to get whatever little thing you might need," Mansion said.

Junior was overwhelmed with gratitude, he was still thinking about how his life had changed when it suddenly clicked.

Mansion Miller was the CEO of D'Miller brand, the country's leading company. He and his wife have always kept a low profile, Junior couldn't believe they were his parents.

"So I can call you mother?" Junior asked Emily.

"Of course. You're my son" Emily said. And one more thing, she continued, "your name is actually Mansion Miller Junior."