Chereads / The Witcher: My Own Path / Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight:  Loona, Part 1

Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight:  Loona, Part 1

Dealing with Haren's father wasn't all that difficult, all he had to do was discreetly plant his body near the Trade Bridge, approach the guard by pretending to be frightened, and then using power to influence his mind and place false images and sounds in it.

Burt had recently passed him, was very drunk, and instead of rolling off the bridge safely toward the fishing village, he slipped and hit his head on a stone. Ending, in this pathetic way, his even more pathetic life.

The guard, watching the whole incident from afar, only had to go to his superiors and inform them of the incident. He was a scumbag, so no one would waste time looking for a second bottom in this, especially since it was an obvious "accident" with the guard as a "witness".

It was a simple and surgically precise operation on the weak, exhausted and ultimately bored mind of the guard. The poor man had already been standing guard for a good twelve hours and "the dark side of power, leads to many abilities, considered by some to be unnatural". Now that I had recruited Haren, he would be a useful dog, loyal to me until his own death. I could feel it through the power. Admittedly, I did not plan to make contact with him anytime soon. I knew what an unenviable situation he was in, but I still wanted to wait until Burt brought him to the brink of collapse and only then, extend a helping hand, offer support and brotherly love so that he would consider me the only ray of light in this nasty and dark world.

He surprised me; however, I did not expect that this scared kid would plot something like this. In the end, the matter ended the way I wanted it to, with Haren in my hand. I will train him and put him at the head of a group of the most fanatical, loyal and brutal miscreants. I will even give them a name and a symbol representing their affiliation to boost morale and greater devotion to my service.

However, the funds I will need to do this are beyond my financial means at this point. So, with the formation of this group, I will have to wait a bit.

Ahh... Money, we hurry to love it, it disappears so fast!

I have invested most of the coin I have managed to collect over the past few years in two projects, one of which is currently in the process of closing and the other in the planning stage and gathering the still missing funds.

The first main project:

Once the personal home of a prostitute named Loona, after some unfortunate events...

(Two years ago, during the Summer of the year 1252 in Podgrodzie, a small meadow near Tyr's house).

The bright and hot rays of the sun fell on my bare shoulders, burning them. The gentle summer wind brushed my skin, knocking the sweat off my exhausted face. For the tenth time today, I was completing the "Kata", Form II of Makashi lightsaber combat, I was exhausted to the limits of my body, but extremely happy. Every year, I feel a significant improvement in my body's strength, agility and overall fitness, thanks to the continuous effect on my cells of the super soldier serum. When I started with Form I Shii-Cho under the guidance of my master, three years ago. At that time, I could barely stand ten minutes of intense training, but now I have increased that time to over an hour. My significant progression in strength, my father explains by my interest and hard work in the forge, which I started five years ago.

Finishing my training, I head toward home, continuing to meditate.

In a way, this was to hide my unnatural muscle mass gain, but also to teach me a trade that would allow me to legitimately earn money to carry out my future plans. The idea turned out to be a hit, increased strength, dexterity, precision, adding the basic ability to use power and a sincere interest in the craft and the multitude of opportunities it entailed, and after a few months my father declared me a genius. Over time, rumors of my skills with hammer and anvil plus a growing reputation as a "golden boy" brought more and more customers to our doorstep, and consequently, more orens.

I have not yet tried to imbue my own wares with Sith magic and alchemy, it is still far too early for that.

My father tried to accumulate every oren like a Hatt, his credits; explaining it as savings for my studies at the Oxenfurt academy. While I don't condemn his behavior, this money already had a different purpose in my eyes, and was minisculely intended for my first project, which I have been carefully working on for years and in which my reading teacher Loona discovers a key role.

Loona was a prostitute from the Temple Quarter of Vizima. Long, red, almost fiery hair, about average in height with green eyes. If she had lived in the modern world, she might have been considered a beauty, but because of the conditions in which she lives, the people she interacts with and the profession she pursues, she can be described, in one word, "destroyed" she was also the least expected person whom could guide her little son, a petite blacksmith through the adventure of letters.

Dewin tried for a year to find a teacher for me, but from the very beginning he approached the matter in the wrong way. He directed his first steps to the richest part of the city, the commercial district, populated by nobles, rich townsfolk and merchants. An obvious choice however looking at it in depth… stupid! What nobleman or rich merchant, who has spent hundreds if not thousands of orens on the education of his own children, would teach the son of a blacksmith, a mere plebeian to do so in a place where without a clear need, his foot would never set there, for a few measly orens? None! This, too, for a whole year, every day he returned home in defeat. Rumors, however, of my father's actions reached the Loona I already mentioned. A prostitute who, for reasons unknown to anyone, could read and write. She found my father and offered her services for five orens per lesson. On average, she earned about fifty a month, so for two lessons an hour a month, she could somewhat, give her own Body a rest. It was a good price for her father too, especially since she offered him a discount on her other services, which he accepted with a firm handshake, finishing off such a successful trade.

Today was the fourth week of the months, a week in which Loona usually showed up, but for unknown reasons, I hadn't seen her for two months. I didn't care, at first, after all, I can read and write and the hour I normally spent with her, playing dumb, could have been better spent. However, I have big plans for Loona.

Taking a bath, or rather just rinsing my own body of sweat, I went to my father to inquire about my teacher's absence.

I had no problem finding him, as he was staying in the forge as always.

''Father, I haven't seen Loona in a while. Could you tell me what's going on with her?''

He looked at me, showing a bit of shock on his face, then his expression changed to disgust. Not only by the expression on his face, but also in power I could sense the whole range of feelings he was now going through.

''The whore will no longer come here, we no longer need her, and some time ago she said that there is nothing to teach you anymore!''

It was not difficult for me to deduce what happened. She got sick, and I suspect not from a cold, but something much nastier, something that often happens in the prostitution profession. Judging by how disgusted she is, probably an STD. I don't know why, but I was overwhelmed with rage towards him, we've known her for a few years, and he just abandoned her like that. I'm not a saint, you could even say I'm furious, but even I have some feelings for her, especially since they plan to make her one of my people. I reached out my hand towards my father, I summoned the power, bent it to my will and directed it at him, commanding.

''Go to sleep, you are very tired, you will not get up until the morning of the next day!''

I see his eyes glazed over.

''I'm going to go to bed son, I'm very tired.'' he turned on his heel and headed towards our house.

I can't delay any further, I have to see what's going on with her, and if possible, help her. At the end of the day something good may come out of this, I smile deviously. Maybe I'm not really angry with him because he abandoned her, but with myself for not knowing about it!

Damn this child's body, it only limits my plans.

Without thinking long, I set off for the city. The pleasant weather, along with neighbors smiling and greeting me, improve my mood. I politely greet everyone, giving compliments to the women and girls and to the men I offer my help with the work as soon as I finish my duties at home. I can sense their satisfaction when they see me, which prompts me, willingly, to use my power to further fuel that burning flame of warm feelings directed at me. In time, I won't have to do that; one day, they will even worship me.

It took me about an hour and a half to reach the Temple Quarter. I know that Loona house is located almost opposite ''The Hairy bear'', in the poor district where the ''Eager Thighs'' brothel run by Carmen was located in the game. As soon as I entered the city, I covered myself with the cloak of power, I am like air to everyone now.

When I arrived at the designated location, I knocked hard on the door several times. After five minutes, it swung open enough to see only part of a face and a green eye.

''Yes, how can I help you?'' asked a young girl's voice. I knew it wasn't Loona, her voice I would recognize anywhere.