Chereads / Death Gate / Chapter 50 - Chapter 34: Against a crimson tide- A Reaper scorned (2)

Chapter 50 - Chapter 34: Against a crimson tide- A Reaper scorned (2)

*Whimper* *Sob*

Five girls huddled in the corner of the mould-eaten storeroom, the damp wood beneath them releasing a suffocating miasma that made their stomachs churn

4 of the girls were snivelling at their coming doom. The last however, was calm as could be, though shivering violently, trying to remain stalwart. However, even the bravest fell in despair. Chains that wrapped around their neck, too each other.

"It w-will be a-alright." The brave one tried to reassure. Yet despite the attempts the dark weighed on them; draining optimism.

"H-h-he-" *Shick*

The noise was faint at first, something outside. "Something is going on." One of them managed.

*Thud* *Thud*

Heavy, muffled sounds, as though something—or someone—was being thrown around. Then a resounding crash as whatever was causing the noises slammed against the walls next to the girls.


*Thud* *BAM*

Their blood went cold, and they all trembled at the scream. Then, dead silence followed. None of them dared to utter a sound, or so much as a whisper lest they attract more attention to themselves.


The door handle turned. All the girls looking onwards as the shadows stepped aside. A large cowled skeleton man stood before them. Face pale and ghostly, with hollow eyes that glowed faintly in the shadows. Behind him, the floor was splattered with something dark, smeared like paint—too thick to be water.

The figure stepped inside, silent as death itself. "W-who are y-you?" No response from the being. He was like something from a nightmare. Gaze sweeping over the girls.

The girls shut their eyes, clenching legs together in hopes he wasn't interested. Instead, all he did was walk forwards, soft steps across wooden flooring.

The skull man knelt in front of the girls. Blue eyes filling with tears, some screams held in their mouths as they feared what happened next.

Then warmth; hands carefully sliding off each chain. Gentle and warm like a mother's touch. Without any hesitation the girl knew, he was their salvation.

"T-Thank you." She would manage through sobs of joy and relief. "W-Who are you?"

After a brief pause, the Reaper removed his mask and hood. White hair revealed as it caught the low light.

"I'm Eren..." The girl reached out to his hair, although it was near pitch black, she could make out his white, unkempt hair. It was surprisingly softer than she had expected.

"What is your name?"


"And your friends?" The girls were shocked, shaking; words would not leave their mouths. Himari acted for them all.

"This is Misa-" A short girl with wide eyes. "Next to her is Karin-" Another short girl with teary eyes. "That is Sakura." The smallest girl, trying to look confident. "And final Hana." The shyest, most nervous, holding tight a stuffed panda.

Eren, moved quickly to his work. Taking each neck chains off the girls and cradling each gently to their chests, their eyes lingering on Eren, holding a slither of trust.

"I'm here to take you home."

To Himari, his voice was rugged yet comforting. A father's protective voice. Warm.

"Let's go home."

"...Um...w-we..." Misa began. "We can't go home. Our p-parents... They sold us to the bandit people." All five of them looked at each other than lowered their head to Eren.

Eren on the other hand couldn't believe his ears. That a parent could ever sell their own for anything, especially such a sinful end as this.

"Don't worry about that. I can take you somewhere where you're safe. How is that?" After a pause, a collective nod was given.

Eren offered a hand to Himari. Slow movements, to not frighten her. "Um... over there." Sakura pointed to a corner.

Another girl laying on the ground, hair matted over her face. Skin was a ghostly pale. Barley clinging to life; Eren was too late for her, for how long had she been like this? How long had she clung to life. Cold to the touch as skin brushed against skin. Yet, warmth remained within, taking her pulse, life still yet to have drained.

"Still alive."

Ragged breathing; running his hand through his hair. Without the mask it was harder to supress his anger.

'Stay strong.' Squeezing his hands around his white strands, clenching his eyes, all to the confusion of the children.

*Clink* *Clink* *Clink * *Clink* *Clink* *Clink* *Clink*

Rapid metal footsteps ran outside the room. Like crackling lightening; it frightened the children.

"W-What is that?" Hana questioned.

"They are going to help us." Scooping the unconscious girl. Himari gripped the rim of the Reapers sleeve.

"It's going to be alright." Giving her head a gentle pat.

Mask back on he walked towards the exit.

"I want everyone to close their eyes tight. Hold each other's hands." Five hands joined together. Closing their eyes, shutting the outside away.

"When you open your eyes, we will be home. Be brave." Another pat on Himari and then the Reaper stepped outside, to bring them back.


Light flooded their closed lids.

"Be careful where you step." Slowly, with short, sharp steps. Girls clutched tight to each other, still in the darkness of their lids. Himari took slow precise steps forwards. Holding tight to the man's sleeve.

Every step, Himari, was mindful not to tread on the girls behind. Mindful of a certain warmth beneath the feet, it felt sticky to step in like thick tar.


Another door opened on the other side. Himari recognized a change in the flooring. From wood, too cold and sterile. Walking for a time until loud sounds of metal tearing through something like paper.

"What's that?" Misa asked. Still holding tight to Himari's shoulder; tightening around her.

"Keep your eyes closed."


Like a breaking branch, several cracks made the girls jump. Again, Misa asked for clarification.

"I-I need to see." Then Hana, then Karin. Now Sakura. Everyone, inquisitive on what was that cracking, tearing, ripping noise.

"Keep your eyes-" *Snap*

Misa peeked through one eye. One simple glance was all it took. A dead body, with blood pooling underneath. Shutting her eyes tighter now. Holding tighter than ever; frightened.

"We are nearly there." Reaper spoke with his cold words.

*Crack *Crack* *Snap* *Crack* *Crack* *Snap* *Crack* *Snap* *Crack *Crack *Snap*

Metal and breaking bones filled their ears. Several more cracks of limbs before silence descended, even slight yelps of pain. The sounds grew louder and more numerous as the ventured on. Yet still with the occasional flicks of blood. The girls didn't care anymore if any went on them, just kept moving slowly, to reach safety.

The fighting stopped, no longer were there any new, growing patches beneath them. The area, wherever they were; it was in complete, cold silence. "We made it. Take a deep breath in." All inhaled sharply. "And release." All letting go, a small prick from the gate exit. They were home.


"Drop the girls and get on your knees." Red and blue sirens flashed in the girls' eyes as they adjusted back into the real world. Rain poured down heavy; their wet hair plastered on their forehead.

"Drop the girls!" An order from the megaphone.

Police cars surround the red gate, preventing any quick escape. Guns pointed on the Reapers position. For a moment The Reaper considered fighting, holding tighter to Himari's hand, it began to hurt just a little bit.

Detective Akiko stepped forward, "It's over. Release them." Slowly he lowered the girls. They shielded their eyes, the water washing the red from their legs, clothes.

The girls looked around, police, buildings, familiar landmarks. Tears of joy rolled down, intermixed with rain.

"Final warning, Reaper. Drop the girls and get on your knees." A fat cop sauntered up next to Akiko.

"No, not with the girls around. Hold fire." Akiko ordered the officers. They fidgeted at the order; tempted to shoot down the Reaper. Akiko wouldn't have any blood spilt that night, especially to children. Not with the recent death count that had been racked up.

Himari looked up to the fat police officer, heart sinking. She tugged desperately on his soaked sleeve.

"H-he took me away." The fat officer even seemed to recognize Himari and the other children.

"Right, you have to the count of three... One..." The fat cop needed these girls gone; to hide whatever sins he held.

"Stop. The kids are still there."


"STOP! There are kids still in the line of fire."

*Rumble* *Rumble*

The rain fell harder, each drop pounding against the pavement like a drumbeat. Then, in the blink of an eye, the rain turned thick and red. Blood.

It poured down in torrents, a crimson veil that blurred vision and drowned out sound. The police officers yelled; their shouts lost in the storm of blood.


The reaper recognized the man's ability. Using the distraction, The Reaper moved quickly in the confusion. Scooping up Himari, his knights appearing from the shadows to carry the others.

The girls let out muffled gasps as they were lifted away, disappearing into the red mist before the police could react.

Across roofs they went. Landing with soft rolls before quickly vanishing. The knights accompanied close by.

"Somewhere safe. Must take them somewhere safe, no more dangers. Where..." Himari overheard that low growl.

"Baelor..." Baelor would be the best and only hope Eren had to safeguard. Six girls, each had endured something Eren hoped they would never have to, to endure again.


Himari felt nothing but exhaustion. Legs gone numb and a slight buzz as her energy began to drain. Holding tight, she grabbed to Eren tight, alongside the dying girl.

Arriving at a rundown metro station, they went underground. Climbing down several flights; until a taller blonde man rushed towards them.

"It's alright girls, come now, you are safe."

Himari blinked up at the tall man with the funny ears. He didn't look like the others—the ones who had hurt them. His eyes weren't cold or cruel. They were kind. She felt a tiny bit safer, even though she didn't know him.

"Eren, is there any more girls?"

"Yes, and this one as well." Holding the unconscious girl tight.

"This is Baelor." Himari nodded her head as she slowly got lost in her fatigue. Being inside another shelter was too much for her young mind to bear.

Through the dark and past metal shacks, until a warm room, filled with floating candles and soothing aura. Laying down, she drifted. Watching the blonde man and the smaller skull man speak.

"You've done well Eren. I will take care of them, until we can find them somewhere safe."

A hairy man with a white beard walked in next, a grumpy look upon his face. The group talked about the sick girl.

Away the bearded man took the girl; a sadder look on his face. A sorrow Himari had never seen in an adult, especially a scary looking one.

The last light slowly faded away. Taking one final glance to the Reaper. Azure eyes, watching her drift off and a soft pat on the head. As sleep claimed her, fear finally released its grip on her heart. The monster in the shadows had become her guardian angel.