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Nebula III

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Space.... A vast area that withhold endless possibilities. It's a endless frontier containing everything. Wonders, tragedies, beauty, crudeness, fantasy, despair, all existed within this plane of reality. Infinite possibilities coincides as the world brims with the light of life, Born deep within the confines of isolation and despair, A lone girl trundles with pure survival in mind until one day she discovered salvation. 2 Siblings from another plane within this reality pulled her from the desolate world she knows. What awaits them in the future ? friends, enemies, joys, sorrows all will await these 3 misfits as they went on a journey of discovery aboard the starship Nebula III.

Chapter 1 - Tauron, where the adventure begun.

Year 212 AIG, somewhere deep in space lies a solitary planet with 2 suns. The planet is a barren wasteland covered in sandstorms, Harsh winds blowing left and right, Water is scarcer than gold and moonlight is even scarcer as daytime triumphs for longer.

Within the vast barren of the rocky plains of this planet a lone girl wears a tattered hood made with material similar to nylon, Wanders through the heat of the long daytime. Her Lips is shriveled from dehydration, Her strength is weak from starvation, Her vision is hazy from constant sandstorm beating through her eyes.

As she walks loud scraping noise could be heard. She had been dragging a bunch of scrap metals, Tied together by a flimsy rope through the barren wasteland. She walked, and walked fighting through exhaustion and the constant hunger that is gnawing at her.

Before long she reaches a massive structure, a bunch of tents tied together with a bunch of scraps producing an amalgamation of wood and metal. The structure partially exposed to the elements, and partially protect anyone from the element. Around it multiple people enters with scraps and left with a small bag that makes a rustling noise as it got shaken when they walk.

The girl enters the structure inside. As she enters, a tall looming man can be seen reading some sort of tattered newspaper. With no word the girl lift the heavy scraps she carried with her. She could barely put it at the top of the counter due to starvation induced exhaustion.

The man inspected the scraps before turning to her again.

"These metals are worth ten shields". The man spoke in an emotionless tone.

"Ten ?....". The girl questioned with a tired tone.

"You heard me, is it a deal or not ?". The man asked sternly.

Thoughts flooded into the girls mind. *This is the fifth outpost i went to... The previous ones only offered me 15 shields.... I should've taken it... But I'm too hungry now to go back... 15 is not even enough to get me canned foods...*.

"Fine... I'll take it...". The girl responded as she has no other choice.

The man handed over a bag of circular metal pieces to her. Those pieces are this world's currency called "Shields".

The girl headed over to another counter and handed poured the content of her bags on top of the counter. A tall looming lady then grabs a paper package from under the counter and hands it over to the girl.

The girl took the package and then left heading back to the barren rock plains. She opened the paper package and reveals a bread that is as hard as a stone.

"Stale bread again...". she murmured as she walks through the sandstorm.

This place is quite harsh what could she do ?, She is born here, abandoned by both parents, forced to fend for herself just to merely exist. Her soul is shattered, her spirit is broken, she has no trust to anyone within this space but even so, her survival instinct kept her moving. Her mind is screaming, she must survive no matter what.

Slowly the young woman approached a large cave and enters it. As she approached the depths of the subterranean environment, dim lights could be seen flickering. The deeper she entered the more she could see as the lights revealed building like structures within the undergrounds.

It looked as if she had stumbled a space where life could blossom however, everyone within this cave system lived in pure despair. There is no security, people committed crimes left and right. Some died from hunger as they nestled lifeless between the building alleyways, Some died at the hand of others, everyone is depraved of any feelings aside from survival where the weak will perish and the strong continues to live on.

She entered a withered structure. A barely standing wooden door stood at the entrance. Any forces aside from a light push or pull will break down the door. There is no windows, no creature comfort, No safety. But this is the only place she can call home.

Her stomach growled as she is forced to chew on the stale bread. She has no other choice as its the only thing she can afford. She can't think of any ways to make her life better except to work harder to collect more metal scraps to sell.

She curled up on a worn out blanket laying on the floor. Within this depraved walls tattered mattresses are considered as luxurious goods only affordable by those who are lucky. This is her life, her entire reality, a harsh reminder that life is cruel.

Slowly she fell into slumber, a temporary escape to the hardships she will face tomorrow. The young woman entered a dreamscape where she is inside a weird vehicle floating through the sky.

*W-Where am I ?...*. She thought to herself.

Before long four human shaped lights approaches her from the sides.

She closed her eyes, bracing for the worst. But....

all she felt is warmth.

"Lillian !". The lights spoke as they called out her name.

Lillian opened her eyes slowly and witnessed the lights hugged her and she could see silhouettes in their face that resembles a smile. She slowly closes her eyes again this time, she does it to immerse herself with the warm embrace.

Lillian then jolted awake back in the cold blanket. Its just a dream, a desperate yearning for companionship amongst this barren wasteland. To her companionship and bonds is a foreign concept but, this strange concept is something that helped her cope from the lonely and isolated life down here. A fruitless beacon that maybe someday, she doesn't have to suffer from hunger and loneliness of these caves.

She closed her eyes again as the embrace of slumber claimed her. It is a temporary respite, a means to recover what little energy she can muster for another day of hauling scraps.


She travelled along the vast rocky plains again, driven by hunger and her survivor instincts she approached a wreckage of what appears to be a large vessel. Something she is familiar with but never knew what it's purpose is apart from providing her with valuable resources. Resources that could used to trade for sustenance.

As she collected separated pieces of metal, her exhaustion and starvation caught on as she started to black out. She slowly waltz away from the metallic wreckage, dazed and bordering on unconsciousness.

*I need to rest...*. She thought to herself as her steps wobbled.

She managed to find a cave amongst the harsh dust storm. Slowly she limped forward. The young woman collapsed within the cave entrance. Her eyes slowly closes, the last image caught within her vision is that of a tall looming figure walking towards her from within the cave.

*This is the end... my suffering ends here*. It was her final thought before her consciousness fully fades.

She is slowly awakened by a pungent smell. It is a smell that is unusual for her yet alluring, tickling her appetite. Slowly she opened her eyes to a soft mattress and a bowl of soup.

*H-Huh ? Am I in the afterlife ?.... Or is this another dream....* She thought to herself as she scanned around the room.

This is in fact not a room, its a cave. She notices a figure beside a source of light... A fire pit !. There a man with a ponytail light brown hair sits beside the fire pit stirring a pot of soup.

*I-I need to get out of here....* Lillian thought to herself.

She tries to stand up but she has no strength in her legs. Her starvation and exhaustion is too much as she is frightened on what this man may do to him.

"You're awake* The man said dryly with no emotion whatsoever.

" W-W-WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME ?" Lillian yelled after she mustered up her remaining strength.

"Nothing, You just collapsed in front of my cave" The man replied.

"You seemed to be suffering from hunger, i have prepared a bowl of soup beside you. Eat it and go" The man says.

Lillian is suspicious but a soup from a stranger ?. Her instincts told her not to trust strangers as they usually have ulterior motives.

"I refuse, I'm leaving" Lillian said as she struggles to stand up.

She manages to stand up and took 1 step trying to get out of the cave. However she doesnt have enough strength to take a second one as she fell to the ground with the exhaustion and hunger she suffered.

"Look miss, I couldn't care less about you. But i don't want to bother having to burry a corpse in my hideout... So please just eat the food and be on your way" said the man unenthusiastically.

Lillian is shocked, She lives in a depraved world where people will took advantage of any weakness. For someone to just not pounce on her weakness is such a unusual sight.

Lillian settles down and eats the soup as her instincts told her, this man is not dangerous. It was the tastiest thing she ever had. Its a goopy mix of Fish, beans and Mushrooms poorly conceived with lack of spices but to her, its heavenly as this is the first time she ate warm food. Usually her supper consisted of Stale breads, raw root vegetables, and if she is lucky rotten meat.

"T-Thank you...." She mutters trying to hide her tears of joy.

The man just sighs as he says "If you're done eating you can leave.... Your baggage is over there" as he points to the salvaged scraps she carried earlier.

Lillian feels conflicted to how someone could become charitable yet so cold, Giving her warm food and lets her rest in a comfortable mattress yet immediately shooing her away. But yet she feels safe for the first time something tells her that something might change if she can pester the man to let her stay.

"S-Sorry.... B-but can I stay for a bit ?...." She asked with equally cold tone.

"Why ?, Just go back home already after you had your fill" The man responded.

"My legs, I cant walk yet..." Lillian responded.

The man only sighs as he says "Fine, Do whatever you want"

For the first time Lillian feels slight happiness. She doesn't know what is this tingling feeling she has in her chest but at least she knows she is safe here.

"I'm Lillian. What is your name ?...." Lillian asked coldly.

"My name doesn't matter just call me whatever you want" The man says.

Lillian is just confused at the weird man. She is helping her but also at the same time he wants her to be gone. But still life in this world is harsh, any ally you can find is welcomed.

The atmosphere is awkward as silence took over for hours. Lillian don't know what to do as any attempt at communication is just shut down by the weird man. However she can't really complain either, all people she met acted even more coldly than this person.

The strangling silence is broken by the arrival of another figure.

"Yo Leo, I'm back !" said a woman shocking Lillian.

She turns to where the voice came from, there a figure slowly emerges from the shadows. A woman with short light brown hair and white accents with 2 objects unknown to her attached to her hips. An air of uncanniness took over as she never seen anyone expresses themselves like her before.

*W-Who is this woman ?, Is she dangerous ?* Lillian thought to herself as her fight or flight instinct took over preparing for the worst.

Lillian eyes gazed on the men to gauge his reaction but he is just there... Ignorant and cold.

"Ooh Leo, who is this ? Did you picked up a wife while I'm gone ?" The women asked with a curious face.

*Wife ? What is that ? What is she talking about ?* Lillian thought to herself as the concept of "Wife" is foreign to her.

The man sighs.

"No... She just passed out in front of our hideout, starving... I don't want to burry a corpse so i fed her and told her to leave. She is exhausted though and can't leave yet* Said the man.

"Oh come on, Don't be that cold" said the woman.

"Besides she seems to be the same age as you, Actually How old are you miss ?" The woman asked.

Unsure of how to respond Lillian just blurted out her actual age.

"I'm 20 years old....".

" See Leo ? You both are the same age !" the woman said cheerfully.

Lillian cannot fathom the cheerfulness of the woman. In fact this is her first encounter of a cheerful person she just simply cannot fathom this emotion at all.

"What is your name Leo's wife ?" The woman asked.

"She's not my wife Chain..." The man responded in annoyance.

"L-Lillian..." she responded.

"Ooh, My name is Chain and that mean person sitting there is my brother Leo" The woman responded.

*Leo and Chain huh....* She noted their names.

"Sorry... What is a wife ?" Lillian asked.

"Wait, You don't know what a wife is ?" Chain asked, shocked by this revelation.

"No...." Lillian responded.

"Well... How do i explain it ?.... A wife is someone you marry if you are a guy" Chain said.

"Marry ?...." Lillian is even more confused as marriage is not a thing in this world of hers.

"Uhhh, Leo help me explain !" She shouted.

Leo is just there plainly ignoring them.

"SAY SOMETHING WILL YOU ?" Chain yelled.

Lillian really doesn't understand how can someone be this energetic, She had never seen emotions like this. The only emotions she ever saw on peoples are blank stares and desperation as life in this world is harsh.

"Chain.... Which cave did you two came from ?...." Lillian asked the woman out of curiosity.

She was thinking maybe, maybe she could move to whichever cave they live at. Maybe there is a settlement where more people like Chain existed.

"Cave ?, Oh we are not from this planet. We came from a planet called Theressis" Chain responded.

"Planet ?...." Lillian asked as such concepts is alien to her.

It clicked on Chain on how isolated her life is as she doesn't understand even the most basic knowledge in this universe is.

"Hmm how do I explain this.... Do you know what a sky is ?" Chain asked.

Lillian nods as at least she knows what a sky is.

"Planet is this land where we are standing. If we look at it from the sky it will look like a big ball floating. We came from a different one" Chain said, trying to explain it in a primitive manner.

"Wait... So there is multiple floating rock balls in the sky apart from the sun ?..." Lillian asked.

"Yes, but not everything is a rock ball. Some Planets consisted fully of water, some from clouds" Chain added.

Lillian is shocked at this statement.

*There are other worlds that is filled with water ?...* She thought to herself as water in this world is very rare.

"H-how long does it take for us to walk there ?..." Lillian asked as something sparked in her. Its a entirely new feeling for the first time she feels excitement.

"Oh, we don't walk there we fly using big vehicles" Chain added.

*Flying ? Humans ? In Vehicles ?* Lillian thought to herself.

The only vehicles available here are cars that allows the planet government to traverse the harsh landscape. Seeing a flying car is just unfathomable for Lilly.

"C-Can i come with you guys t-to the other pernet ?.... Planet ?...." Lillian asked as her curiosity.

"No. Just go home after you are fully healed* Leo retorted.

"DON'T BE MEAN LEO HOW CAN YOU REJECT HER LIKE THAT ?" Chain yelled as she smacked Leo's head.

Leo just ignored the pain he felt from the punch.

"You can come with us Lillian !, Just ignore what Leo says" Chain said with a big smile.

"No, I refuse" Leo retorted.


Lillian just stared there in awe as she had never seen emotions like this before. These people seemed alien to her, she had never seen anyone behaving like them.

"Well, there is just one problem. Our " Vehicle" crashed here 1 year ago after the planet government shot it down from orbit" Chain says as she chuckles nervously.

"Who's fault is that ?. I told you going to Tauron is a bad decision* Leo retorted.


"Wait... So we cant go now ?..." Lillian asked.

"Oh about that, I just located a spaceship not too far from here. The government has a secret hangar located inside a cave and it has a confiscated spaceship we can use" Chain said with a pride in her face.

"Space... ship ?...." Lillian asked.

"Oh, right... Its the Vehicle we use to travel between planets" Chain said.

Lillian eyes widened.

*This is it, this is my chance to escape, this is my chance. Maybe... Maybe its a chance for me to feel that warmth again..* Lillian thought to herself.

"Do you know how to fight Lillian ?" Chain asked with a grin.

"I-I don't..." Lillian replied.

"Oh... Do you know how to use any weapon at least ?" Chain asked.

Lillian remembers she has a bow back home. Its a relic from long ago, she found it in the desert on a crashed spaceship. She remembers trying it out and learned by herself how to use it. However because she only has 3 arrows she never uses it for real.

"I-I... I have a bow at my house..." Lillian replied.

"Good that should be enough, you need it to protect yourself" Chain said with a grin.

"Look, we are not bringing her..." Leo retorted as he gets annoyed by the suggestion.

"Leo, don't be so despicable. I really want a little sister figure you know and she is perfect !" Chain replied as she is adored by the lack of knowledge and curiosity Lillian displays.

"I'll tell you what, I'll pay you 5000 Cellestial Dimes if we bring her along" Chain said with a grin.

"Fine..." Leo replied with a sigh.

"Cellestial... Dime ?....." Lillian asked.

"Oh, its the currency used in the world. Its like the shields here" Chain asked.

"Here you can take a look" Chain said as she hands her a coin with iridescent colors that also refracts light. At angles the coin appears as a rainbow.

Lillian is fascinated by how beautiful it looks. She had never seen anything like it as everything within this world is just gray or rusty.

"Leo, I also intercepted a message guards will be minimum tomorrow night" Chain said.

"So tomorrow night it is..." Leo replied.

"Hey women rest up" Leo said to Lillian.

"You need to be able to walk by tomorrow, otherwise we will leave you behind" Leo said.

Lillian nodded as she doesn't want to miss this only chance to escape her fate in this desolate land.

"Oh and tell us where is your home, Chain will fetch your weapon for you" Leo told her.

"Wait why don't you go and fetch it Leo ?, I'm the one who found the base after all" Chain retorted, annoyed by his suggestion.

"Do you know how to charge the Sonar batteries without electricity ?. Besides its your idea to bring her" Leo retorted.

Chain can only sigh at his statement.

"Fineeeeeeeee...." She said with a annoyed face.

"Umm... My home is at cave C391, its at unit number 39...." Lillian said.

"Got it" Chain said with a grin.

Chain then departs on the fetch quest.

"Erm... Mr. Leo ?... Does she know where the cave is ?...." Lillian asked.

"Chain already explored most of the available area so she should know" Leo replied.

"Like I said, take a rest we will go tomorrow at sunset" He said while fiddling with a weird rectangular object.

Lillian can only nod as she has no say in anything. She is afraid Leo and Chain may abandon her if she did not listen. She then closed her eyes and let the calming properties of slumber took over.

The Next Evening


Lillian woke up, it was a long slumber as its what her exhausted body needs. As she felt saturated by the food given by Leo the previous day she feels an unusual amount of energy as she woke up. She feels way more light than before.

*That sleep feels good...* She thought to herself a she scanned her surroundings. Leo and Chain is there sitting beside the fire pit.

"Oh, She's finally awake" Chain said.

"Morning, Lilly* Chain said.

" Lilly ?..." Lillian asked.

"Yeah, I'm calling you Lilly from now on. Its shorter and rolls off the tongue better" Chain said with a big grin.

*Lilly... I like that name...* Lillian thought to herself.

"Oh yeah Leo I already set the GPS to the exact location of the base I'm going to scout ahead. Meet you both there" Chain said as she ran out of the cave.

Leo sighs.

"Well, here is some food for you... We'll go once you are ready" Leo said in a unamused tone as he hand over the same mysterious goo he called "Soup" yesterday.

"Thanks..." Lillian replies.

"Wait... The bow..." Lillian said as she just realized she haven't received her bow yet.

"This old thing ?" Leo said as he held a recurve bow made out of composite steel and 3 arrows.

"Chain already fetched it yesterday while you are sleeping" He said with no emotion.

"Oh..." Lillian replied.

Leo just silently put the bow in front of her as Lillian is eating the "Soup".

" Thank you..." She said softly.

"Before we go, you need to do something" Leo said in a cold tone as he stands up.

"W-What is it ?..." Lillian asked as fear started to sink in. The aura around Leo switched its as if he is finally getting serious about something.

"Shoot me with the bow" He said coldly.

"W-What ?..." Lillian asked again.

"You heard me, SHOOT ME" Leo yelled.

"B-But why ?..." She asked as she is confused and afraid. Leo is her ticket to escape this desolate land... If She shoots him there wouldn't he die ?.

"If you can't show me you have the ability to at least defend yourself, I'll leave you in this planet" Leo said sternly.

"B-But.... you will die..." Lillian replied.

"We are heading to dangerous territories, you need to put your life on the line. I'll ask you one more time Shoot me, if you don't do it I'll leave without you" He said as hold on to something within the shadows with his right hand.

Lillian hesitantly aimed her bow at him.

"B-But why.... is there no other way ?..." Lillian asked shaking with fear.

"You are wasting my time, Chain isn't here that means I can kill you and tell her you changed your mind and don't want to come with us" Leo said with a cold tone as he puts out the fire pit with his leg and started to move closer to Lillian.

A sinister aura filled the room as Lillian instincts told her he is dangerous. Is he really going to harm her ? Kept on flashing in her mind. Right now her instincts of fight or flight kicks in as he gets closer.

"S-Stay back..." Lillian said shaking as she kept taking a step back.

"What's wrong ? Scared ? I told you I'm going to kill you. You wasted my time" Leo said as his tone changed to a sinister one.

He then suddenly sprints at her with a huge object in his hand. Time slows down for Lillian she needs to make a choice. Does she wants to kill her only ticket to freedom ? Or is she going to die here ?. As fear taken over she closes her eyes and releases the arrow as it flies to Leo.

*I-I'm sorry....* She thought to herself as tears fell down from her eyes.

Clank, a loud sound is heard.

Lillian slowly opened her eye, shocked. She saw a giant sword with weird protrusions in front of Leo, Blocking the arrow she shot.

"Well, that confirms it" Leo said back to his disinterested tone.

"Come on, Let's go" he said as he attaches the sword to her back.

"E-eh ?... W-what ?" Lillian asked.

"We are going to meet Chain. You had proven yourself you can use that weapon at least. As I Promised we will take you out of here" Leo said coldly.

Lillian can only nods as she is still shaken about what just transpired. Her life flashes before her eye as that is the first time she had felt such a murderous aura. She followed Leo cautiously as they left the cave, the place where they took refuge in.

 In Front of The Base


Leo and Lillian moved cautiously as they approached a particular looking cave. They saw 2 guards patrolling the entrance.

"This is the coordinate Chain sent, That must be the base" Leo said.

To Lillian it looked just like an ordinary cave but with gun wielding people guarding it.

"Wait... Do we need to attack those people ?..." Lillian asked.

"Yes" He replied coldly as he looked at his device which is a phone that has a built in sonar function built in.

"Why ? What have they done ?...." Lillian asked.

"You may not know but this planet is called Tauron. The people governing this planet went rogue and corrupt. They rebelled against the world 500 years ago and lost in the war. Because this is such a desolate planet its categorized as abandoned and the interstellar organization doesn't want to claim it" Leo explained.

"Tauron... So that's what this planet is called..." Lillian said in a soft voice.

"Well I didn't expect the remnants of that government is still active and ruling this place. That's how me and Chain got shot down when we approached. And the guards that is in here is quite hostile to outsiders...." Leo added.

Lillian listened in awe.

"Manufacturing and resources are also scarce here so most of the technology that is available is quite primitive. Honestly we are lucky to even discover a spaceship" Leo added.

Lillian can only feel dazed as she doesn't understand half the language Leo uses.

*Sighs* "Alright... Lets go" Leo said as he nonchalantly walks away from their hiding spot and into the cave.

"Wait I thought we are supposed to wait for Chain and stay hidden ?" Lillian said.

"There's no need Chain is already here" Leo added.

"B-But where is she ? And are we going to fight those guards ?" Lillian asked.

"There's no need.... Just follow me...." Leo said as Leo nonchalantly walked to the cave.

Lillian noticed the guards is now unconscious. Both slumped to the wall with a swollen face.

"Wait where is Chain ?" Lillian asked.

*Sigh* "She is already inside... She took down all of the guards already..." Leo said unamused.

"What ?...." Lillian asked.

They entered the base and see the carnage that had happened. All guards inside are knocked unconscious, a lot of them bleeding from the nose, some has swollen faces, and some suffered from hematoma.

*This is all Chain's doing ?* Lillian asked to herself.

They kept on walking until they reached a large clearing deep inside the cave. They passed through more beaten up guards, a sign that Chain had already been here. The scene is quite brutal.

"Yo~" A familiar face said from behind them.

Lillian got startle turned around and immediately drawn her bow. A shadowy figure is visibly slowly moving towards their direction. Lillian was about to shoot but as light reveals the identity it turns out its Chain.

"Took you two long enough~* Chain said with a big grin as she holds 2 unconscious guards in her hands.

Lillian breathes a sigh of relief its only Chain. But her relief immediately turned to horror as she sees her with blood splatters and the beaten up guard in her hands. Lillian feels sick.

*Sigh* " You didn't kill anyone did you ?" Leo asked.

"Nope, I'm just bored so i decided to beat up everyone here" Chain said smiling.

*Bored ?...* Lillian thought as she shakes, scared of such unbridled violence caused by... Boredom ?.

Lillian just found out her "Saviors" are also "Monsters".

" Yo Leo you wont believe what i found" Chain said with a big smile in her face.

Leo unamused puts both of his hand in his pocket and approaches chain.

"What is it ?..." He said.

Chain made a gesture to follow her.

"I think I'll stay here for now..." Lillian said as she tries to calm down from the scene of violence laid before her.

"Just go to that door once you're ready Lilly !" Chain said excitedly as both her and Leo went inside.

"Y-Yeah... I will..." Lilly said still silently trembling.

Leo and Chain went inside and something caught Leo's attention something... Big....

"I Didn't expect her to be here" Leo said as he lets out a uncharacteristic chuckle and a grin.

"Neither do I" Chain replied as well with a similar grin.

"Do you think she is still functional ?" Leo asked.

"Fuel seems to be enough i guess we need to test her out" Chain said whilst crossing her arms.

"It's been a entire year" Leo added.

Back in The Other



Lillian is now doubting her choices.

*Can I really trust them ?* She thought to herself.

She is unsure as at one hand they treated her well on the other hand, They are dangerous people and she can feel it. The bloodlust Leo could carry, and the sheer brutality of Chain beating up people for "Fun". Does she wants to risk it all on a high jinx with them ? Or does she wants to stay in this desolate land ?.

However fate would make its move as Lillian is pondering, from another room gun wielding guards has appeared. They spotted Lillian.

"HEY HANDS UP !" One of them yelled.

Startled, Lillian makes a run for it towards Chain and Leo's room. The guard shot at her but missed. Her thought races as she narrowly avoid the gunshots.

*I have no choice... I'll have to go with them...* She thought to herself as staying in this planet will result in her death either way.

*Maybe... maybe I can part ways after i figured out.... After i figured out how this world works...* She thought as she is still unsure whether staying with them for the long run will be beneficial. After all she only has one goal, a goal that is taught to her from living in a land with no hope.

*I must survive...*

The gunshots triggered the base alarm. As she ran and ran she manages to reach the area where Leo and Chain is at and rendezvous with them.

"Help !" Lillian said as she is catching her breath from all the running.

*Sighs* "This is why I don't want to bring her..." Leo snarked.

Chain can only roll her eyes at her brother's response. Lillian has a fearful look in her eyes.

*I screwed up... I caused trouble for them... are they still willing to take me with them ?...* the thought raced to her mind.

"HALT !" The guards yelled as they entered the room they are in.

"Oh, more small fries I guess they are enough for now to satisfy my boredom" Chain said as she rolls her eyes and walked slowly to the guard.

Suddenly Chain blitzes towards them. The guards shot at her but most of their shot missed as she is too agile for them. She kicked one of the Guard's gun and uses his hand to performing a butterfly kick on the other one knocking him out. She then proceeds to sweep the leg of the other guard and performs an axe kick on him knocking him out as well.

Lillian after catching her breath from running slowly looks up. She saw a huge vessel covered in technology she had never seen before. On the side of the vessel its plastered Nebula III.

*Woah... Is this really it ?... Is this my vessel for salvation ?* She pondered to herself admiring the huge futuristic looking vessel.

Her daze is interrupted by looming sounds of loud footsteps and shouting. They are here... The Tauron army is here in this base. And they are here to eliminate trespasser.

"C-chain... Leo.... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to..." She said as she droop down her head looking at the ground. Afraid to look them in the eyes because she had alerted the guards.

She is hoping that they would forgive her. Hoping they would allow her to come with them. Hoping in her heart that they would not abandon her for the trouble she caused. Hoping she won't perish today and survive for another day.

"It's ok Lil, You're safe with us" Chain said while placing her hand on Lillian's chin making her look up.

"B-but... I screwed up.... you guys will leave me..." Lillian said as she sobs, fearing for her survival.

"Hush, Lilly its ok, that doesn't matter we promised you did we ?. We'll take you out of here" Chain replied.

Lillian only sees a warm smile, something she doesn't expect. An illogical response to something catastrophic she had done. How can someone be so calm after She puts their entire plan into jeopardy.

Lillian teared up feeling such warmth and reassurance. She doesn't even mention about how badly Lillian screwed up. She glances at Leo hoping to see his approval as she knows He doesn't want her to come with them.

She sees him crossing his arms with no emotion. His expression is just that of a cold stare. His face is the same exact replica of how everyone in Tauron looks at her. But She can't stop feeling an aura of reassurance emanating from him. This person is so enigmatic to Lillian.

Her thoughts is interrupted however.

"How much time do you need to start it ?" Chain asked Leo with a grin in her face thinking she might have a chance to savor a thrilling battle.

*Sighs* "You go start it..." said Leo. 

"WHAT ? WHY ?" Chain complained.

"Every time we are in this situation you always ended up extending out leave time by fighting instead of entering the ship when it's ready to take off..." Leo responded.

All 3 of them heard the footsteps getting louder with shouts of "GET THEM" "THEY ARE OVER THERE" looming the hallways.

"Just start it Chain... I'll deal with the guards..." Leo said with his unamused tone as he grabbed his sword.

"Fine...." Chain replied with a disgruntled tone.

"Wait... is Leo going to be ok ?... Should we help him ?..." Lilian asked Chain worrying as even though she knew they are strong fighting a entire army is a feat that sounds impossible.

"No, just let him be. Leo can handle himself" Chain said with a reassuring smile.

"Come on lets get inside" She said as she drags her arm.

"But he is alone !" Lillian said.

"Don't worry he is stronger than me, If Leo got serious he can took down an entire army by himself" Chain smirks as they reached a cockpit and she started to press some buttons.

Lillian takes a look outside the cockpit windows as Leo slowly approaches the swarming guards.

The guards opened fire. Millions bolts of light fills in the air heading straight to shred the man. Leo planted his sword at the ground blocking all incoming bullets. He then proceeds to change how he handles his sword.

The sword came alive as flames appears from the protrusions, igniting with a beautiful display. In a moment he moved at lighting speed towards the guards.

"W-Why is he so fast !?" A guard yelled in disbelief as a guy wielding such a unwieldy and clunky sword managed to closed in the distance to them.

Lillian watched in amazement, as she saw Leo dispatching every single one of them. He seems like a unstoppable tank charging through a torrent of sharp needles. Strangely none of the guards suffers from any cut wound. His sword is... Blunt ?...

Moments passed as Leo held off wave after wave of soldiers. Chain is mashing buttons on the cockpit monitor frustrated overtime.

"Goddamnit Leo, cant you make the launch simpler ?" Chain complained.

"Is there anything i could do to help ?..." Lillian asked with a worried face.

"I got this Lilly, don't worry" Chain said with a reassuring smile.

"Ok, i just need to press this and..." She said as she tapped one last button.

A deafening roar fills the base, the spaceship roars to life. Chain grabs a white object at starts talking to it.

"LEO GET IN" Chain yelled as the megaphones around the ship blares.

This catches Leo's attention as he starts to run towards the entrance of the ship. Waves of guards with no intent to stop them however pelts him with bullets. Leo is stuck, he cant get out not without risking injuries that maybe fatal.

"Fuck, Lilly take cover I need to help Leo* Chain said as she pulls out her weapon for the first time.

Its a dual pistol she kept at a holster below her spandex. She started firing at the group of soldiers hitting some of them however the endless wave is too much for her to handle.

The situation is dire.

*I need to help them but how ?...* Lillian's thought raced looking for anything she can use to help.

She then saw a familiar looking object. Its a pile of gas tanks, she had seen one of this being used in a outpost as fuels for stove. She immediately grabs it and thought to herself.

*How do i get this over to Leo ?...* It clicked on her. The answer is in her hands, Her bow. She only have 3 shot to make it count.

"Chain ! Can you help me toss this to Leo's direction ?" Lillian yelled.

Chain glances and noticed her plan. She smirked and nod grabbing one of the gas can as Lillian draws her bow.

"Ready Lilly ?" She asked.

"Ready !" Lillian shouted.

Chain flings the gas can high with brute strength. Lillian releases her arrow but...

The arrow narrowly missed the gas tank making it fall not too far from the ship.

"Oh no..." Lillian said.

"It's ok Lil we have 2 more shot, ready ?" Chain said as she prepares to fling another gas tank.

Lillian hardening her resolve draws another arrow and pulls on the string.

"Ready" She said with a determined face.

Chain flung the gas can again as Lillian tries to hit it. It failed again this time hitting the tip of the gas tank altering its trajectory downwards.

"One more chance Lil, if this doesn't work ill storm out of the ship and hold them off while you and Leo get away" Chain said preparing to sacrifice herself.

Lillian is now under extreme pressure, She knows if she fumbles this the consequences will be catastrophic. She draws her bow again calmly preparing for the worst outcome.

"Ready..." Lillian said.

Chain flings the gas tank as Lillian releases her arrow. This time.... This time it hits it dead center. The arrow shifted the gas tank trajectory and makes it land in front of the soldiers. With no hesitation Chain shot it causing a huge explosion and creates a massive smokescreen.

"LEO NOW GO" Chain shouted.

Leo now no longer pinned with gunfire went towards the ship and got inside. As the entrance door closes He immediately went to the cockpit and started to control the ship. The ship slowly levitates off the ground. However there was an issue, they are underground how are they going to make it out ?.

"Hold on tight, I'm turning on the kinetic shield. We are going to bust open the ceilings of this place" Leo said.

"Lil just sit there and brace yourself" Chain instructed her as she points at a sofa inside the ships living room like area.

Lillian nods as she sits safety belt came out of nowhere and secured her in spot. Chain sits at the co-pilot chair as a automatic safety belt also secured her.

"LETS GOO" Chain shouted excitedly.

The ship now covered in blue energy shield suddenly burst with power. It rams through the ceilings of the structure leaving behind a gigantic hole in its wake.

"Wait how are we supposed to get pass the Plasma cannons ?. They are located in this planet's moon they will shot us down again" Chain asked.

"We can use the hyper thrusters at low orbit bordering the atmosphere to blitz past" Leo replied.

"You idiot, are you trying to destroy the engines ?" Chain replied.

"You have better plans ?" Leo snarked.

"Ugh... fine, you owe me 200 Cellestial Dimes if the engine is cooked" Chain said.

"I don't owe you anything..." He says unamused.

"Alright, I'm engaging the hyper thrusters in 3,2,1..."

The spaceship suddenly burst with even more power than before. Lillian closed her eyes braced for impact.

She slowly opens her eyes and scanned the surrounding everything became calm as her safety bt retreats itself to the sofa again.

"The engine is not screwed... now u owe me 200 Cellestial Dime..." Leo said dryly.

"I NEVER AGREED TO THAT" Chain yelled.

"A-are we safe now ?..." Lilly asked sheepishly.

Chain just pats her head.

"Yup, welcome to the real world Lilly" Chain said with a smile as she points out the cockpit urging her to come in.

Lilly eyes widened in amazement as for the first time she saw it. Vast colorful clouds of nebula, millions of shining stars, distant comets, and plenty of colorful planets. All of it is just there for her to see.

"I-its beautiful...." Lillian said as all she ever seen beforehand is just sandstorms and rocks. Tears started forming in her eyes.

"I know right ?" Chain smiled.

"Oh by the way Lilly, you don't need to wear those tattered clothes anymore come here" Chain said as she pulled her into her room.

Leo sighs at how rambunctious his sister is but he can't help to let out a small grin as well.

*I guess I have some lone time to stargaze now* He thought to himself as he slumped, putting both of his hands behind his head and enjoy the view of the stars grinning to himself.

"What a beautiful view..." He muttered.

Behind him, an awestruck Lillian witnessed at how different Leo is when left alone. Lillian is now dressed up properly she now wore a white hoodie with jade accents, a black shorts with green stripe on the side, black fingerless gloves, tall socks, and boots.

"He is something else when stargazing isn't he ?" Chain whispered to Her ears with a little giggle.

Lillian nods in agreement.

"Leo is always like that when we travel around, he is stuck in his own world when he sees the beauty at space" Chain whispered.

"He is always seems so distant and emotionless though..." Lillian whispered back.

"He was always like that, but deep down he is a good soul" Chain whispered.

"I know you two are behind me gossiping..." Leo says with a unamused tone.

"Do you have a radar for a ear or something ?" Chain retorted.

Leo just ignored her.

Chain sighs as she turned back to Lillian and said "Welcome to the Nebula III, this is our home"

"Your home ?... I thought this vessel is stolen from the government of my world ?" Lillian asked.

Chain chuckles ad started to explain.

"This is the ship we crash landed in, I thought the government of Tauron scrapped it for metal after it got shot down. I didn't expect to find it fully fixed though" Chain said.

"Look our belongings are even still here" Chain pointed out a photo of her and Leo at another planet with the ship in the background hanging at a wall.

Lillian was in a daze she didn't expect this ship belongs to them in the first place.

"Well, what do you want to do now Lilly ? You have nowhere else to call home. Do you want to come with us ?" Chain asked.

"I-Is it really ok for me to be here ?..." Lilly asked as tears slowly began to form.

"Of course, I always wanted to have a little sister you know and I considered you as one already !" Chain said with a grin.

"No, let's drop her at our next destination..." Leo snarked from far away.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM LEO ?" Chain yelled as she marched to the cockpit in anger.

"I-I wanted to come with you guys... If that's ok..." Lillian whimpered after hearing Leo's word.

"Just ignore him Lilly, you are welcomed here" Chain says with a big smile.

"Feel free to call me big sis as well" Chain added.

"T-Thank you... Big sis..." Lilly said as tears of joy flooded her.

"So now where do we go ?" Chain asked while staring at the stars.