Chereads / Shadow Over Happiness / Chapter 3 - A tragic upbringing.

Chapter 3 - A tragic upbringing.

"Obstacles can't stop you ,people can't stop you".

Where is she ? Have you seen her ?margaret asked the maids and the guards as she kept on looking for her seven years old daughter.

We haven't seen her madam , the head maid replied .she must be hiding somewhere ,that silly girl .I don't know what to do with her ,she said while putting her index finger on her forehead as she kept on moving through the hallway.

A little girl fast paced sound was heard through the empty hall as she kept on running endlessly while she breaths heavily with beads of sweat forming on her smooth skin.

Running towards nowhere exactly ,the little girl came to an halt when she heard someone footsteps coming her way.

Lovett Evergreen * the woman harsh voice rang through the hall scaring her as she stopped moving.

Panic grew in her heart as she dreads what her mother will do to her when she finds her .

Lovett * don't let me come get you myself ,come out before I find you .I know you are here she snapped trying to intimidate her.

Being defeated, she was about to answer when she felt someone's hand on her mouth dragging her to a corner .mph !..mph! She murmured trying to free herself from the person's grip .

I thought I heard her footsteps here ,her mother said looking at the spot where the latter had stood earlier before she was being dragged to a corner .I'm so tired her mother said before retreating back to her room.

Let me go ,she said in a murmur as she tries to wriggled herself from the persons grip .

It me, lovett* the person said to her turning her around .Recognizing the voice she smiled hugging the person.

Big brother how did you find me ?she asked .Ofcourse, I will always be wherever my little sister wants me to be, he replied playfully.

May I ask why the beautiful lady is running ? Leonard asked his little sister who was trying to hide herself.

My teacher is around and I don't want to study because I hate mathematics she said .

Gruum , her stomach groaned as she looked at her belly. Don't tell me you haven't eaten princess her brother asked concerned .

Here take this ,her brother said handing her a candy in his hands as she snatched it immediately tearing off the nylon as she put it in her mouth immediately taking a big bite.

* Lovett Evergreen *someone screamed immediately, startling the siblings as they both recognize the voice .stay at my back Leonard said to his little sister as he dragged her to his back .

How dare you ?her mother questioned the little girl who was peeping behind her brother.

Mother let her be ,she needs some rest her brother said trying to defend his little sister who was frightened by the appearance of their mother.

I did not teach you to go against me Leonard ,his mother reprimand as she moved towards where he was, dragging her daughter who had a candy in her clasped hand .

What is this?her mother queried seeing the candy in her hand as she took it from her ,putting it on the floor she stood on it as she thrashed it with her foot.

Get over here she stormed as she grabbed her back ,bending it forward, she hit her hard on her back as the girl vomited the little food in her belly.

I told you never to take junks ,you mustn't get fat or add any slight weight she complained shouting at her.

But mother, she hasn't had anything to eat since morning ,her stomach is empty.

What do you know silly ?she said to her son .she is a lady ,she must get used to this .if she get fat who is going to marry her she complained while sizing her up and down.

Enough now ,get ready for your class ,your private tutor is waiting.mother I don't want to ,the little girl cried sniffing as water find it's way down her face.I want to have my meal first , I am so tired .The girl complained to her unyielding mother.

How many times do I have to tell you never to disobey me Lovett?she sighed with frustration apparent in her face.

Crying is a form of weakness ,you need to buckle up, you lazy brat ,her mother added.Now let's go she said as she dragged her hand forcefully .you're going to have your meal after class is done .you are to eat once in a day ,get used to that lazy brat she said as she dragged her to the study hall where are private tutor was waiting for her.

Ever since the girl was born, the only people that acknowledge her existence was her grandmother ,her brother and her father except for these set of people no one else acknowledge her such as her mother ;who had never for once cared for her daughter except to doll her up and to also instruct her .

Lovett had no friends at all except for her brother ,her mother made sure she was kept in the room all day except for her to attend necessary event or place .The only place she goes to is the study center that was established only for the wealthy .it was a school where the noble children attended likewise the royal family also .

The seven years old girl with a blonde hair and set of blue eyes was only made to act like a lady, even though she was only a child but to her mother ,she was a grown up lady who has to be perfect in everything she does .

"Get the horse Greg",zaron ordered as the tie around the horse leg cut's getting away ,he shouted to his personal trainer that was recently assembled to him after the last one resigned .

Prince *you just have to sit on it ,horse are actually friendly ,the guard assured the prince who was scared of riding a horse.The other princes knows how to ride on a horse except you prince zaron ,the trainer teased as he tried to gear him up.if you don't know how to ride on a horse ,how do you expect to go on hunting with his majesty ?

Moreover ,you don't tie a horse like a captive ,rather you train it to listen to your order and commands .

What do you want me to do then ?it's not like am not good at other things ,I just get nauseous whenever I ride on a horse with the guards .

Yeah ,I could clearly remember how you had to puke the whole day at the village ceremony ,Greg added while he put on a mischievous smile taunting the young prince.

That's enough now Greg ,can you start with the teaching now ?The hunting day is less than only a month now ,so stop with your jokes or I would just learn it by myself the prince said as he climbed on the horse with his staggered leg.

Yahhh ! The prince shouted has he tried to control the horse who kept unmoved .yah" he repeated again ,but still the horse didn't yield instead it raises it hand up while he neighs ,trying to get the prince that was sitted with shaky hands on his back off him .

Greg,Greg ! The prince shouted for help as the horse kept running around in circle swinging the prince who later fell flat on the floor.

Hahaha,the trainer laughed loudly mocking the prince who just fell on the floor before he tries to help him up.

Instead of laughing,why don't you teach me ? The prince stormed at him .I'm sorry prince but it was your option to get on the horse I didn't tell you to ,he said while laughing again .I have thought you how to ride on a horse countless time ,infact I had you watched how to ride a horse prince ,the trainer added before Getting a glare from the prince .

Okay let's be serious the trainer said as he reprimand himself .Going to where the horse was ,he took it by the tie bringing it forward to where the prince was ,he touched it by the forehead while massaging it.Now it time you get on the horse ,he motioned for the prince who hasn't still recovered from the fall.

See ,he said as he hold the tie around the horse neck trying to show the prince how to control the horse, who wasn't quite used to it owner .

Feeling afraid ,the prince had his hand on the tie around the horse neck after he had climbed it .

Are you ready now ? The guard questioned seeing how scared the prince was .

I'm , zaron replied the trainer who was at his side .first you need to keep your head straight and your body ,don't be rigid ,flex your body he instructed the prince ,after countless attempt the prince finally rode on the horse without falling as the horse acknowledged it master.