Earth, among all the planets, was a unique case. It began as a hot rock with temperatures of 2000–3000 °C, due to the immense energy generated by cosmic impacts, such as meteorites and asteroids, the decay of radioactive elements, and the planet's gravitational contraction.
Earth started to cool and became habitable around 2.4 billion years ago, when the atmosphere became enriched with oxygen, creating the necessary conditions for life. Several key factors for life then unfolded, including:
Solidification of the Earth's crust: As the Earth cooled, lighter materials like silicon and oxygen formed the solid crust. This process began around 4.5 billion years ago, and the initial crust was likely quite thin and unstable.
Formation of the oceans: When Earth's temperature dropped sufficiently, water vapor in the atmosphere began to condense, forming the oceans. It is believed that water came from two main sources: vapor released by active volcanoes and water brought by impacts from comets and asteroids.
Degassing: During the cooling process, volcanic gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor were released into the atmosphere. This process contributed to the formation of the primitive atmosphere, although it was mainly composed of toxic gases and lacked free oxygen.
Formation of the primitive atmosphere: As Earth stabilized, volcanic gases formed a dense atmosphere that, in its early stages, lacked oxygen. This environment was inhospitable to life as we know it but provided the necessary conditions for the evolution of primitive organisms later on.
Separation of internal layers: As Earth continued cooling, denser materials like iron and nickel sank to the center, forming the core, while lighter materials formed the mantle and crust. This planetary differentiation process resulted in the internal layered structure we have today.
Formation of the Moon: The Moon is believed to have formed shortly after Earth, when a large object (roughly the size of Mars) collided with Earth in a catastrophic event. The material ejected from this impact coalesced to form the Moon.
After the genesis of the universe, the stars, and the planets, a new era of prosperity arrived. The universe had calmed, and the planets of the solar system continued their eternal dance. Earth, on the other hand, developed something never seen before: plants, trees, and new forms of life.
All was peaceful… until the Universal Consciousness decided to create "the perfect race," the wise being, or Homo sapiens. This was a mistake.
Over thousands and thousands of years, Homo sapiens began a rapid conquest of the world, hunting and driving entire species to extinction. The work of creation was being destroyed. Giving them consciousness proved to be an error, as centuries later, they became even crueler and began to use "God" (the new name for the Universal Consciousness) to justify their actions, such as burning young girls for being smarter than their kings or the witch hunts of the Middle Ages…