Chereads / I'm a God, Ok? (Naruto/God-SI) / Chapter 16 - Kakashi is done with this bullshit and the crows come home.

Chapter 16 - Kakashi is done with this bullshit and the crows come home.

Kakashi returned to Tazuna's house as a defeated man. Well, not really, but that's how he felt.

He had to cut his investigation short due to the fact that he couldn't get close enough to the main leaders of Wave's new government due to Zabuza being here, he didn't want to risk another confrontation while his students were still on the island. The ordinary people didn't know too much about the cult's goals or plans either.

So, when he returned to Konoha he could tell the Hokage 'Yeah, a bunch of cultists took over Wave, they hired Zabuza Momochi to maybe train them'. And that was it.

Technically, they were supposed to guard the bridge builder for another few days, but Tazuna himself said they could go if they wanted. He was tempted to do so, he wasn't equipped for a long-term infiltration mission, and the current situation of this country seemed stable enough that there shouldn't be any problems with leaving.

Plus, he didn't want to deal with Zabuza again, the man was dangerous, his ability to restrict his Sharingan and his physical toughness made him a dangerous foe for Kakashi. Without full access to the Sharingan, it would have been an extremely difficult fight.

So, he returned to Tazuna's house, where his three Genin were still training under the supervision of his Shadow Clone.

He went to get Naruto and Sasuke first, Sakura could enjoy his personal tutelage a bit longer, he should look into Genjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu when he gets back, she was better at Chakra Control than he was, and he considered himself pretty good at it.

"Sasuke, Naruto." He called out as he approached them both, both boys laying on the ground, panting heavily.

Before he could even say anything, Naruto jumped up excitedly before speaking. "Tell me about Kushina!"

Kakashi stared at him for a moment, processing what was said. What?

"Oh! And tell me about that Minato guy, and seals! And Chains!"

Kakashi choked on his spit, what?


It was incredibly funny seeing Kakashi run around in a panic with shadow clones. He even checked Ayumu's original grave, only to find blackened bones.

But he was finally leaving, after one last night of searching the forest. He would be returning to Konoha, taking his three little ducklings with him.

Now I could actually relax, and first things first. Naming my Star-Eater!

He was currently flying around the Divine Realm, exploring every nook and cranny he could find. Honestly, it was mostly empty besides the crow island and the meteorite homes. But still, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

When I called out to him, he flew back into the main island, landing next to me.

"What is it, my creator?" He asked politely, bowing his head slightly.

I smiled at seeing that, how cute.

"Well, you have had some time to come to terms with your existence, but there is one thing you need." His head tilted in curiosity, prompting me to continue. "A name."

He looked surprised for a second before a happy thrill echoed throughout the realm.

"Yes! Please give me a name, Creator!"

"Starting today, your name shall be Yatagarasu!" I declared grandiosely. "First of my Star-Eaters!"

"Yatagarasu..." He tested the sound out with his beak, rolling the word around on his tongue like candy. "I shall bear it with pride, Creator."

Good, Good. Now with that taken care of.

"For now, you can rest, don't be afraid to ask me for anything you might need." He bowed respectfully.

"Creator, could you make some food? I wish to know what tasting feels like. And something to entertain me."

"Of course." I waved my hand and created hundreds of little balls of light, each one carrying a different flavor. They scattered all over the realm, floating in the darkness, like stars.

"It should be easy enough for you to find and eat them."

He jumped off the island and flew away towards the closest ball of light. The happiness he felt when the first ball exploded into taste was absolutely adorable. After the first few, I made them run away from him a bit before being eaten, that way it was more fun for him.

Life is good.


It has been almost two weeks since Kakashi left Wave, and It is time.

Two Star-Eaters were born on during these weeks, and I expanded the crow home island. I even added a Night and Day cycle, I didn't want to add a sun to my realm, but I realized I was a god, so I told physics to fuck itself, the sun only existed when you were on the island, if you left it the realm went back to its usual darkness.

It wasn't hard, although the size of my DP stores still amazed me, going from barely 2000 in months to almost 3000 in a week was baffling. My cult was now giving me DP by the truckload, and they were getting bigger by the day.

I sent my crow body to get the Crow Clan to come home, it was already in sight. Honestly, I could turn that body into an actual Star-Eater, probably should, one day I would have to kill a bitch, and it was more efficient doing it with a body than using DP to cast meteor on them.

The crow body landed in the same Graveyard as last time, this time though, the Crow Clan was waiting for me. They all bowed their heads low to the ground when they saw me approaching.

"Greetings, Great One." The Sage said with a solemn voice. "We have gathered as instructed."

He seemed very nervous, which was fair, he basically went 'Hey, give me the impossible.' and I responded with 'Alright, your souls are now mine.'.

"Yes, you have." I spoke through the crow body. "Are you all ready to depart?"

The Sage hesitated before replying.

"Great One, due to my rudeness in our earlier meeting, we never discussed the specifics of this... arrangement."

"That is true, what do you wish to know?" He looked relieved, chill dude, you're going to be my people's summoning contract and my divine messengers, I'm not going to eat your soul. "My patron is no mortal tyrant, He has no interest in pointless cruelty or spite, ask any questions you wish."

He relaxed a little after hearing that. "What will this new home entail?"

"A large island, one with plenty of land for nesting, trees to perch on, and space for flying." My realm had expanded several times over in these past two weeks.

"No one will be able to enter without His permission, sickness and wounds will be healed, and old age shall be a distant memory."

"It sounds like paradise." He admitted with a sigh, looking up at me. "How about our souls? What happens if we die?"

"If you wish to die, your soul shall be left free to move on to the Pure Lands."

"And those who wish to leave?"

"Any who wish to rejoin the mortal world may do so, but the Divine Secrets they learn will be sealed." The Sage seemed satisfied with that answer, although some of the other members of his clan were still worried. "Is that all?"

"Yes, Great One."

With that said, I created a portal linking my realm with the mortal world, it was pretty expensive, but nothing too bad.

In front of the Crow Clan, the air itself cracked like glass, pieces disappearing until the Divine Realm was revealed behind it. Everyone watched in awe as the gateway stabilized, The Sage bowed his head respectfully once more before turning back towards his people.

"All of you, follow me!" He commanded firmly. "We make for paradise!"

They, one by one flew into the portal, including the Edgelord Brigade, the last to step through was the Sage himself, who looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite decipher.

"Great One." He spoke calmly. "If we are to serve your Patron in any way, we would like to know his name."

Ah, fair enough.

"He is called The Watcher Behind The Stars." With that said, he bowed once more and flew into the portal, which closed behind him.