Money can open doors and break barriers. It can shift power in moments, especially for those without other means. This was clear as Evelyn Voss's voice shook with urgency when she called General Smith, a high-profile police official.
With determination in her step, Evelyn Voss went to the city, to be with her son and steer him towards the right way.
"Oh, Evelyn, what's going on? It's already late, isn't it?" The General's voice was thick with sleep, a yawn escaping as he struggled to grasp the urgency of her call.
"Good evening, General Smith. I'll get straight to the point. I need you to do something for me. My daughter-in-law has stolen nearly $3.5 million from the company. I want her arrested," she demanded, her tone as firm as if she were ordering ice cream.
A stunned silence met her words. "What? That's unexpected. We can handle that smoothly, but we need proof that she truly stole it," he replied, surprise lacing his voice.
"There's no evidence right now since the investigation hasn't concluded. But I know what I feel. No one but my son's gold-digger wife could be behind this. She set up an agency business, but where is her income? It doesn't add up! I'm convinced she took the company's money," she stated with confidence.
"Evelyn, we have rules we need to follow. You can't let anger decide your actions or rely purely on instincts. We need real evidence to call her a thief. There are steps we must take…"
Annoyance flared in Evelyn's voice. "I don't care about your due process! Just do what I say, General Smith. Arrest her now! I'm certain she's guilty. It's safer to put her behind bars, she might run away! She's a dangerous person."
The old policeman rubbed his forehead, frustration evident in his furrowed brow. "That's not how it works, Evelyn. No matter my rank, I can't imprison someone without evidence. I could end up in trouble and lose my job," he protested.
"What's the use of your power if you won't use it wisely? Your approach to this is weak, General…"
The old man felt his patience thinning; if he could be rude, he might have slammed the phone down. "I can assist you, but you have to provide evidence first. Once I have that, I will lock her up,"
"That's not what I need! I don't when will this investigation end! Will it be when that infuriating woman runs away? I can't let it happen. If you have to use your power, then do it, General Smith!" She yelled, her voice rising in fury.
Frustration bubbled up in him as well. "I can't risk my job just because of your worries, Evelyn. I've fought to keep my name clean and my position secure; I won't let anyone catch me slipping!" he replied, his voice steady.
The conversation felt personal now, their emotions flaring and their voices growing louder with each exchanged word.
Evelyn was seething. What angered her most was when complaints arose and her wishes went ignored.
Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself. If he wouldn't follow, perhaps it was time to wield her influence. "General Smith… I think you've forgotten who supported you and who helped you climb to the position you hold so carefully…" Evelyn's voice held a sharp warning.
General Smith and Victor's father, Henry Voss, had been childhood friends. Henry's family had always been wealthy, while the Smiths struggled to get by. For years, the man dreamed of being a police officer. Victor's father had helped him earn his college degree, allowing him to fulfill his dream. Simply put, he owed their family a lot.
Furrows deepened on General Smith's forehead as sweat trickled down his cheeks, pooling on his chin. He wiped his face with the back of his hand. "Evelyn… I remember how Henry helped me before."
"I'm glad to hear that. My husband supported you, so isn't it about time you repaid us? You should return the kindness he showed you. Think about it—without becoming a police officer, you'd still be in the dirt from where you came. You wouldn't be able to give your family everything they want…" A sly smile crept across Evelyn's face as she saw her plan taking shape.
The old man sighed deeply, the weight of her words settling in. "What do you want me to do? Just to settle this debt. I owe Henry, so since you're his wife, I'll do what you ask."
A devilish smile spread across Evelyn's face. "Perfect, you're very obedient... Don't fret, what I'm asking is simple. I want you to go to my son's mansion and arrest his wife tomorrow, no delay. I don't care about your protocols, or if there's no evidence or a warrant. Find a way. I need her gone. Do you understand?"
General Smith shook his head, bewildered. Evelyn, Henry's wife, truly had bad behavior. "Is your dislike for your daughter-in-law really that much? I can't help but wonder what she's done to anger you this much…"
Heat flushed Evelyn's cheeks as her voice rose. "What do you mean? I don't like her for a clear reason… she is not good enough for my son! I expect you to be there tomorrow,"
General Smith released a long breath, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "Do you think I do have a choice? Fine, I will find a way, tomorrow."
"Thank you very much. I hope you have a pleasant night…" Evelyn replied, satisfaction filling her voice as she ended the call.
She turned her gaze to Victor, who stood nearby, absorbing every word. "See? Problem solved. It's that simple. Tomorrow, our troubles will be over. Your useless wife will finally be in jail,"
Victor's jaw tightened as he thought of Julia, anger boiling inside him. But could she truly be the one to steal from his company? It felt unbelievable. Stealing wasn't in her nature. They'd shared a roof for years, and she hadn't shown much interest in material things. Sure, she could cheat on him, but take money? Was she really capable of that?
"Mom, do you really have to go through with this? Can't we just let the investigation run its course? I bet it won't take long. What you want General Smith to do is risky…" Victor murmured, his words soft but heavy with concern.
Evelyn shot Victor an annoyed look. "Where's your damn brain, Victor? This is what must happen! You should always trust my judgment. Mother knows best! I'm sure this is what is right for you and for everyone. And, why are you complaining? Once your wife is in jail, you and Iris can be together without worries," she pressed on, her tone persuasive.
Victor's shoulders drooped in defeat. "Julia already knows about me and Iris," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Evelyn raised an eyebrow, a challenge in her gaze. "So what if she knows? Don't let that scare you. If she were a decent woman, you wouldn't have cheated! It's her fault, too. Right now, the main thing is that tomorrow, the thief will be behind bars!"
Victor fell silent, words escaping him. Confusion clouded his mind. He chose not to go home; what was the point?
Overnight, he remained with his mother at their hotel, and the next day, bright and early, she nudged him to return to the mansion.
"Ugh, do I really have to come with you, Mom?" he asked, irritation creeping into his voice.
"Absolutely! On this day, the thorn in your life will be removed. I want us both to see how your wife will beg while the police take her away. It's a shame I can't invite Iris; I don't want to attract attention. Too bad, your father couldn't also join, you know, his chest pains are acting up again."
A cheerful smile spread across her mother's face as she drove him to the mansion. She talked again with General Smith on the phone, telling him they were headed to Victor's home.
They needed to catch Julia early, just in case she tried to slip away from the house later.
The drive zipped by in a blur, and before long, they arrived at the towering entrance of Victor's mansion. A group of police officers was already gathered outside, waiting for their arrival.
"Good morning, General Smith. You look sharp today!" Evelyn beamed at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
The General merely nodded as they stepped into the yard. The gardeners exchanged nervous glances, fear etched on their faces at the sight of the police.
With a swift motion, Evelyn opened the main door, revealing Julia at the dining table, her son beside her, breakfast laid out while she typed away on her laptop.
"There she is, General!" Evelyn exclaimed, her finger stabbing towards Julia. "Arrest that thief!" she bellowed, her voice echoing through the vast mansion.
A look of disbelief washed over Julia's face as she turned to face them, eyes wide and mouth agape. What would happen to her and her son now? Would she actually end up in jail?
Author's Note: Hey, loves. Thanks a ton for your comments! I can totally feel the highblood vibes from you all right now (trust me, I'm feeling it too!). But hang tight, I'm cooking up some juicy twists that are going to make this ride totally worth it. Just trust me, and I promise you'll be satisfied! Hehehe.