As soon as Maeve called out to Lugh, the guard at the door came and heard a message she wanted to send to Lugh.
It was scandalous.
He came to the king and informed him. "Your magesty, the damsel has sent me to tell you a message my liege." He said embarrassed.
The guards face went red as he finished his message, "and she says that if you are bold enough to claim her then she has decided she is reckless today. And she will be waiting."
Lugh furrowed his brows, this woman was a scandal. He had thought she wanted a boyfriend and now this? "Why such a change in demeanor?"
The guard must have misunderstood.
"those aren't my words your magesty, they came from her!" He added as his king gave him a questioning look.
"Why would she say such a thing to me? It doesn't make sense, she is such an innocent girl; I didn't want to disgrace her like this. Did something happen?"