Chereads / The Dawn of Power / Chapter 10 - The Great ‘What Do We Do Now?’ Debate

Chapter 10 - The Great ‘What Do We Do Now?’ Debate

The landscape of Veura was as peaceful as a post-battle field could be—if you ignored the smoldering ruins, scattered debris, and the faint scent of charred air. Kaion and Raya stood in the middle of what used to be a lively village, staring at the swirling mass of energy in the sky that still had the nerve to exist after everything they'd been through.

"I'm just saying," Raya said, throwing her arms up in frustration, "we should've seen this coming. When a giant molten guy shows up and says the world is doomed, maybe—just maybe—it's not the best time to take a nap."

Kaion, still catching his breath from the intense energy blast, raised an eyebrow at her. "So, what, you're suggesting I should have stayed awake during the world-ending announcement?"

"Well, yes," she snapped, tapping her foot impatiently. "I thought we agreed to get ahead of the whole 'destruction' thing. You know, like... two steps forward, one giant leap away from the explosion?"

Kaion exhaled, still processing everything that had happened. "Well, sorry, but I was too busy getting blasted into next week. I missed the part where we had to do the 'stopping everything' thing. And now we're here… what exactly are we doing again?"

"I dunno, maybe—brace yourself for this genius idea—we could… fight him?" Raya suggested, striking a dramatic pose as if she were waiting for an imaginary applause.

"Right," Kaion said, rubbing his temples. "Because that worked so well the last time. You know, the part where I got thrown across the field like a ragdoll? Maybe we should just offer him a snack. 'Hey, big guy, how about a sandwich before you end the universe?'"

Raya chuckled at the absurdity of it, but then her face turned serious. "Actually, you might be onto something. What's his favorite sandwich? PB&J? Club sandwich? Do you think he's more of a tuna salad guy?"

"I don't know, but the next time a villain tries to destroy the universe, I'm bringing a snack platter," Kaion said, hands on his hips. "Maybe some chips. You know, for the vibes."

Raya shot him a look. "Vibes? Kaion, this is an existential crisis, not a picnic!"

"Right," Kaion sighed. "Sorry. Let me just summon my inner strength… and my snack pack."

Just as they were about to descend into an endless debate on whether sandwiches could solve the universe's problems, a loud voice interrupted them.

"Enough of your trivial banter!" The figure from before—yes, the molten guy, Zirak—appeared again, floating above them with a look of disgust. "Do you really think this is how you're going to save your world? Really? With snacks and jokes?"

Kaion smirked. "Well, since you asked—yes. Snacks and jokes. That's how we're going to win this. In fact, I'm thinking about starting a comedy show—Kaion and Raya Save the Universe: The Comedy Special."

Zirak's eyes narrowed, clearly not appreciating the humor. "This is not a joke. I am the herald of Voidbringer, and you will not—"

"Do you need a sandwich?" Kaion interrupted, pulling out a random slice of bread from his bag. "We're still deciding on your favorite. Rye or whole wheat?"

Zirak stared at him, blinking twice in utter disbelief. "Are you—are you seriously offering me a sandwich? I'm trying to destroy your planet, and you're offering me lunch?"

"Well, it's not like we're getting any solid plans going here," Kaion said, shrugging. "Might as well try something. I've heard food can solve a lot of problems. You ever tried a turkey club?"

Raya, who had been standing back trying not to burst into laughter, finally lost it. "Kaion, you're out of control!" she yelled between giggles. "But honestly, I don't know if you've noticed, but he's not taking us seriously."

"You don't say," Kaion deadpanned. "Maybe if I launch a sandwich into his face, he'll rethink his whole 'destroy the universe' thing."

Zirak growled. "I will destroy you both. You are wasting your time."

"Yeah, yeah, the whole 'end of the world' speech again. We get it," Kaion said, waving his hand in the air. "But I'm still leaning toward the club sandwich idea. I'll throw it at you with spirit."

Raya looked at Kaion, her face split in a grin. "What if we actually did that? You throw the sandwich, and I'll take a dramatic pose like I've just done the impossible. You know, like in the movies."

Kaion raised his hands dramatically. "And then we can have a montage of all our failed attempts, with an epic song playing in the background. I'm thinking a bit of 80s rock. Maybe some power ballads."

Zirak's patience had finally reached its limit. "Enough! I will not be mocked!"

"Well, you already are, dude," Kaion said, tossing the slice of bread into the air and catching it with a flair. "But it's all good. We're all about the snacks here."

"I swear—" Zirak's voice shook with rage, but Kaion wasn't listening anymore. He was too busy stacking bread slices, making a very serious sandwich as if his life depended on it.

"You know what?" Kaion said with determination. "I'm starting to think that food might not be the answer after all. But… it could be fun to try. Just imagine if we win and the universe is saved... all thanks to sandwiches."

Zirak was now completely and utterly speechless.

"Raya, I think we're onto something here," Kaion whispered with a grin. "And if not… well, I'm sure there's another evil overlord around here somewhere who'll appreciate this more."