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World of Warcraft: Coiling Dragon

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A blood-eyed lion the size of a small mountain, a purple-eyed golden-haired ape of boundless strength, a world-shattering nine-headed serpent king, and a terrifying thunder dragon that wields destructive lightning... This world is full of wonders. It is a vast and magnificent realm of magic. The powerful can soar through the skies, standing atop the head of a black dragon, while terrifying magic can scorch rivers, annihilate cities, and level mountains... This book tells the story of a young man with a Coiling Dragon Ring and his fantastical journey. The Dragonblood Warrior, one of the four legendary ultimate warriors of the continent, has not appeared in over a thousand years. The only family that still carries the bloodline of the Dragonblood Warriors has slowly declined, fading into obscurity.

Chapter 1 - Morning in the Small Town

巫山镇,位于丰才王国西部,在玉兰大陆第一山脉的兽岭中,是一个普通的小镇.随着太阳升起,巫山镇的空气中还带着一丝清晨的寒意.然而,几乎所有的居民都已经开始了他们的工作.即使是像芝轩这样年仅六七岁的孩子,也起床开始了他们传统的晨练.在巫山镇东边的空地上,温暖的晨光透过田野边缘的大树,在地面上投下斑驳的光点.可以看到一大群孩子——大约有一两百人.该小组被分为三个小组,每个小组排成几排.孩子们静静地站在空地上,脸色严肃.最北端的团队由 6 至 8 岁左右的儿童组成,而中间的团队则由 9 至 12 岁左右的儿童组成.最南端的团队由 13 至 16 岁的青少年组成.在这一大群孩子面前站着三个魁梧的中年男人,他们都穿着无袖衬衫和粗布裤."如果你想成为一名伟大的战士,你必须从小刻苦训练,"该小组的首领说,他是一名双手背在身后,昂首挺胸的中年男子.他冰冷而锐利的目光扫过最北端的队伍,那里的六七岁的孩子都紧紧地抿着嘴唇,漆黑的眼睛一声不吭地盯着这个男人.首领名叫希尔曼,是吴山镇巴鲁克家族的护卫队长."你们都是普通人,不像那些出身强门,就能学习高阶武功的人."想要出人头地,不想将来被人看不起,就必须用最古老,最简单,最基本的方式——强身健体,增强体力.明白吗?希尔曼的目光扫过这群孩子."明白了!"孩子们异口同声地喊道,他们的声音响亮而清晰."很好,"希尔曼冷冷地说,满意地点点头.大多数 6 岁和 7 岁的孩子看起来都很困惑,而最南边的球队的青少年脸上露出了坚定的表情.他们明白了 Xierman 话语背后的含义.在整个玉兰大陆,几乎每个男人都要从小就要训练.如果有人不努力训练,将来就会被人看不起.一个人的地位是由他的力量和财富决定的.一个没有力量的男人甚至会被女人看不起.如果你想让父母感到骄傲,想让女生仰慕你,想在未来过上光荣的人生,你就必须成为一名伟大的战士!他们都是平民,无法修炼贵族家庭的珍贵武功.他们唯一可用的方法是从小训练身体和增强力量.努力工作,坚持不懈,比贵族家庭付出更多的努力——这是他们必须走的路."早晨,当太阳升起时,万物都充满活力.这是吸收天地精华并释放我们身体潜力的最佳时机.通常的做法是双脚分开与肩同宽,膝盖略微弯曲,双手与腰部齐平,呈"聚气姿势".记住,在做聚气姿势时,你必须集中注意力,保持头脑冷静,自然呼吸,"希尔曼冷冷地说.聚气式是祖先经过无数年磨练而成的最简单,最有效的身体训练方法.瞬间,一两百个孩子按照指示,摆出了聚气姿势."记住,集中注意力,保持头脑平静,自然呼吸!"希尔曼走在孩子们中间,冷冷地说道.纵观这群人,很明显,最南边的团队中的青少年,年龄在十三到十六岁之间,都很平静,呼吸自然,呼吸稳定,深沉,均匀.他们显然在聚气姿势上取得了一些进步.然而,最北端球队的 6 岁和 7 岁的孩子却在苦苦挣扎.他们的膝盖弯曲成不同的角度,他们的腿很虚弱,而且他们远非稳定.希尔曼转向另外两个中年男人."负责南部和中部的球队.我会处理这些年轻人."是的,船长."两名中年男子立刻答应,仔细观察着南中队.偶尔,他们会踢孩子们的腿,看看他们是否站稳了.与此同时,希尔曼向北方的那群六七岁的孩子走去.孩子们立刻变得紧张起来."呃——哦,大灰狼来了,"一个名叫哈德利的大眼睛金发男孩低声说.希尔曼走进了这群孩子的中央,冰冷的目光扫过他们.在内心深处,他叹息道,"这些孩子还那么小.无论是身体上还是精神上,他们都远未准备好.我不能对他们抱有太高的期望,但体能训练必须尽早开始.只有从小刻苦训练,他们才有更好的生存机会在战场上.教幼儿...引导和吸引他们是最有效的方法.强迫他们只会产生相反的效果."站直,"希尔曼咕哝了一声.孩子们立刻挺直了背,眼睛盯着前方.谢尔曼的嘴角浮现出一抹淡淡的笑容.他走到前面,脱掉了自己的无袖衬衫,身上肌肉发达的线条让孩子们瞪大了眼睛.就连中南队的少年,都羡慕地盯着他的体格.除了近乎完美的肌肉线条外,希尔曼裸露的上半身还布满了伤疤——刀剑划伤,证明了他参加过无数次战斗.他的身上有几十个这样的伤疤,所有的孩子都睁大了眼睛看着,被这些伤痕迷住了.刀痕,剑痕...这些是一个人的勋章!这个翻译捕捉了原文的意象和语气,保持了叙述的结构,同时将其分解为易于理解的部分,以便于包含在小说中.如果您需要任何进一步的调整,请告诉我!在他们心中,孩子们对希尔曼怀有深深的敬佩.希尔曼,一位伟大的 6 级战士,是一位经过无数生死之战锻造而成的战士.即使在大城市,他也是一个了不起的人物,但在巫山镇,他却是人人尊敬的人.看到孩子们热切的目光,希尔曼的嘴角浮现出淡淡的笑容.这正是他想要的——让这些孩子对他充满敬畏,并渴望以他为榜样.这样,他们就会更加努力地训练,更有动力."让我们火上浇油."希尔曼自言自语地笑了笑,然后走到一个重约三四百磅的巨大石锁前.希尔曼用一只手抓住了石锁,轻松地开始摆动它.那把重达数百磅的石锁在他手里感觉像木头一样轻.孩子们睁大了眼睛,张大了嘴巴."太轻了.罗伊,训练结束后,如果你有时间,可以做几把大一点的石锁,"希尔曼随口说,毫不费力地扔掉了石锁.它飞了几米,然后撞上了一棵大树,发出巨大的撞击声,地面因撞击而颤抖.然后,希尔曼走到一堆石头前."哎!"希尔曼深吸一口气,他的肌肉明显地弯曲了起来.然后,他向一颗巨大的蓝色石头挥了一拳.这一拳划破空气,发出一声尖锐的口哨声,让孩子们惊讶地瞪大了眼睛.他们看着希尔曼有力的拳头砸在了那块巨大的石头上."砰!"他的拳头敲打石头时发出的沉重而深沉的声音,让所有孩子的心都跳动起来.那是一块坚硬的蓝色石头!石头多处开裂,形成深深的裂缝,最后碎成碎片.然而,希尔曼的拳头却完全没有受伤."船长还是一如既往地令人印象深刻,"另一位中年男子罗伊笑着走向希尔曼. 通常,当孩子们练习聚气姿势时,这三位教练会趁机随意聊天.偶尔,他们会检查以确保孩子们没有偷懒.希尔曼笑着摇摇头."我不能像以前那样做.当我在军队的时候,我每天都在不懈地训练,在前线进行血腥的战斗.现在,我所做的就是每天稍微伸展一下肌肉——和那时完全不同.所有的孩子都羡慕地盯着希尔曼.那块巨大的青石已经被一拳打碎了.那是什么力量?那把三四百磅重的石锁已经毫不费力地被甩开了.这需要什么样的动力呢?希尔曼转过身来,看着这群孩子,对他们的反应感到深深的满足."记住,"希尔曼认真的说道:"就算不靠武功,理论上纯粹通过训练身体达到巅峰,也能成为六级武者.6级战士可以轻松成为军队中的中级军官,获得武气修炼方法.就算你不能成为 6 级战士,只要达到 1 级战士的最低等级,你就有参军的资格.记住,任何连 1 级战士都达不到的人,他都不是男人!希尔曼的脸色变得冰冷而严肃."As a man, you should stand tall and face any challenge head-on, never show fear!"Upon hearing these words, the six- and seven-year-old children couldn't help but smile. They struggled to suppress their laughter. This line was one of Xierman's most frequently used sayings, one that he often repeated when teaching them."Stand firm! Look at the older boys in the south and see how they stand!" Xierman barked.The six- and seven-year-old children immediately tried their best to stand firm. After a while, however, they began to wobble. One by one, they felt intense soreness in their legs. Despite gritting their teeth and pushing through, it wasn't long before they all collapsed to the ground, exhausted and sitting there.Xierman's face remained cold, but inwardly, he couldn't help but nod in approval. These six- and seven-year-olds were performing better than expected. He was quite pleased with their effort.Soon, some of the children in the central team, around ten years old, couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground, sitting down one by one."You can last as long as you can. I won't force you. But if you fall behind in the future, don't blame anyone but yourselves," Xierman said coldly."Huh?" Roy suddenly looked in surprise at the northernmost team.At this moment, many of the children around ten years old in the central team had collapsed to the ground, but in the northernmost team, one six-year-old boy was still holding strong."Lin Lei, is this his first time training? He's incredible!" Roy exclaimed in surprise. Roger and Xierman also noticed this, and Xierman turned his attention to the northern team. At this moment, there was only one child still standing, a six-year-old boy with brown hair. The boy bit his lip, his eyes full of determination as he stared ahead. His fists were tightly clenched, with his knuckles turning white.A hint of surprise flashed in Xierman's eyes."What a kid!" Xierman thought to himself. At just six years old, he's keeping up with ten-year-olds. His potential is extraordinary. This was just a glimpse, but it was enough to show promise.Lin Lei, full name Lin Lei Baruch, was the eldest son of the Baruch family, which owned all of Wushan Town. The Baruch family was an ancient lineage that had once flourished, but after thousands of years of inheritance, the family had dwindled to just three members: the patriarch Hogg Baruch and his two sons. The eldest son, Lin Lei Baruch, was only six years old, while the youngest, Warden Baruch, was just two. The family's matriarch had died after giving birth to Warden, and Lin Lei's grandfather had perished in battle while serving in the army.Lin Lei's legs were trembling. Even though his determination was rock-solid, the muscles, exhausted to the extreme, were no longer under his control. Finally, he collapsed and sat down."Lin Lei, how do you feel?" Xierman smiled as he walked over.Lin Lei grinned, showing his little tiger teeth. "It's nothing, Uncle Xierman." Xierman, as the captain of the Baruch family's guard team, had watched Lin Lei grow up, and their relationship was naturally close."Well done, you're behaving like a man." Xierman ruffled Lin Lei's hair, immediately making it look as messy as grass."Hehe." Lin Lei smiled, feeling pleased by Xierman's praise.After resting for a while, the training resumed. The training intensity for the six- and seven-year-old children was significantly lighter compared to the older teenagers.The older teens, however, were enduring much harsher training. One by one, they lay with their heads and feet resting on flat stones, the rest of their bodies hanging in the air, completely supported by their core strength."The waist, neck, and this triangular area here," Xierman said, gesturing to the area around the abdomen. "This region is the core of the entire body. Whether it's speed or strength, it all comes from this core triangle. This area is crucial."While speaking, Xierman continued walking around, carefully watching the movements of each teenager to make sure they were correct."Straighten up, don't let your waist sag!" Xierman shouted.Instantly, many of the teens struggled to lift their waists. It was Lin Lei's first time doing this exercise, and he was lying with his head and feet on the flat stones. At this point, Lin Lei could already feel the heat and soreness in his body."Keep going, keep going, I'm the best!" Lin Lei encouraged himself inwardly. His physical fitness had always been excellent; he had rarely been sick and had great perseverance, so it was no surprise that he was doing well."Thud!" The first child collapsed.The stones used as head and foot rests were about twenty centimeters high, so the children wouldn't get hurt falling from them. (In the world of Yulan, alchemists defined the measurement system: 1 meter = 10 decimeters = 100 centimeters = 1000 millimeters.)"Thud!" "Thud!" As time passed, one by one, the children couldn't hold on any longer.Lin Lei gritted his teeth, feeling his waist muscles burning. It was almost as if he had no feeling left in them. "My body feels so heavy, I can hardly hold on. Just a bit more, just hold on a little longer." By this point, in the six- to eight-year-old team, Lin Lei was the only one still going.Xierman, seeing Lin Lei still going, couldn't help but show a look of surprise and satisfaction in his eyes."Roy," Xierman suddenly shouted."Yes, Captain," Roy immediately stood up straight, awaiting orders."Tomorrow, prepare some dye for each of them. When they're training their core, place a stick beneath each of their waists and apply dye to the stick. If anyone slacks off and touches the stick, the task will double." Xierman ordered."Yes, Captain," Roy answered loudly, but his mouth couldn't help twitching. He silently chuckled. "The Captain's tricks are really something; those kids are going to have it rough.""No kidding?"The teens' faces were full of苦 (苦 means hardship or suffering), as they usually could sneak in small movements to slack off, but now that Xierman had given this order, they couldn't get away with it anymore.Xierman continued coldly, "I can tell you all, after a warrior begins training their combat aura (斗气), the storage location of the aura is around one fist-width below the navel. You should be able to understand that this is also within the core triangular region. Now, you should realize how important it is to train this core region. This is the core—if this doesn't work, no matter how much you train the other parts, it's useless."A good teacher is very important for children, and Xierman was indeed a great warrior. He knew where the focus of the training should be, how to progress step by step, and what level of training children at each age should reach. If the training intensity was too high, it could cause the children's bodies to break down."Combat aura?"At the mention of this word, both the teens and the children resting nearby widened their eyes and looked at Xierman.Combat aura was something all the common children were eagerly hoping for. Even Lin Lei, a descendant of a fallen noble family, longed for the power of combat aura."Thud!" Lin Lei finally couldn't hold on anymore. However, he still managed to support himself with his arms and slowly collapsed to the ground.