Kirito Akatsuki is 16-years old high school student who's good at studies and sports. One day, while trying to save his girlfriend Yukina Himeragi from an accident, he died with her. They were summoned into divine realm right after they died and three gods appeared in front of them, they are god of life & god of war & goddess of love. They explained their alternative earth is running out of magic (manna), and if they resurrect them in their world, it will form a bridge to kirito's world which is an abundance of magic. They received some weapons & items from gods and their physical & cognitive abilities were boosted. All three Gods gave a defensive magic ring, a magical bow and single-handed magical long swords to kirito and a magic staff, magical grimwar & defensive magic ring to yukina. They also gave a disposable meteoroid shower (single use). They can keep their things in storage vault instead of using space magic (item box). I addition they can take one of their belongings with them, yukina chose her pendent and kirito chose his smart phone which modified by gods and re-chargeable using magic. Then gods resurrected them.