Chereads / Electradon / Chapter 5 - Gods and Goddesses

Chapter 5 - Gods and Goddesses


So here's the thing gods, goddesses and devils are the only races with skin, which means their the only race with a specific image, they have hair, finger nails, toe nails and unique facial features. The God and Goddess race have genitalias from birth, which means that, they are the only race that can procreate, create semen and they can also regenerate any part of their bodies at will.

Gods and Goddesses have the ability to create their own offsprings individually without a partner and if both of a god's arm is chopped off, his limbs regenerate and the chopped off arms, will grow into a full size adult god or goddess.

" Let me tell you something could you have guessed that goddesses are more commonly known for having a crazy sex drive, compared to a mighty god, just wanted to throw that fun fact in there. Here's another fun fact, all five races cannot die." - Orcaline

Since gods and goddesses are the only two races that can regenerate and procreate, angels are always trying to study and learn about their anatomy, so that they can one day modify and/or replicate it. So basically angels are like scientists in electradon, they are always running some type of experiment among all five races.

" To put it plain and simple they are a group of annoying and nosy light bulbs."- Orcaline

* Chuckle * - Little Devil

So since angels cannot figure out how and why gods and goddesses are the way they are, every now and again the angels they would come down from their clouds

"Of Rain-" * chuckle* - Little Devil

" Ah-n-duh " - Orcaline side eye then clears throat.

" Ahem! As I was saying." - Orcaline

The angels they would slash off the arms, heads and legs of both the gods and goddesses for fun, because they want to see them regenerate and see the forming of new gods and goddesses, which in turn increases the god and goddess population significantly.

" What those damn light bulbs are doing is so horrible, but I am also aware that their increasing the god and goddess population all at the same time with their antics, but is their method of doing things necessary though. If they we're needed for the gods and goddesses population to bloom it would be fine but no one asked them though." - Little Devil

" Hey little guy, don't feel sorry us remember we all can't die, and even they themselves know this to be true."- Goddess

" I understand what your saying, but I cannot stand them and the sadistic things they do to you guys whenever they feel like it, that's wrong on, so many levels and in so many ways. The part that really made me realize that they enjoy these disgraceful acts of torture is because their always smiling and laughing as if what their doing is amusing. Just thinking about it puts a bad taste in my mouth."- Little Devil

" I get where your coming from but if it wasn't for them, I would not have been so lucky as to get the chance to have such a big family as I do now, and I see you guys as apart of my family as well, and it is also because of these disgraceful acts, why we were brought together and as to why we stand face to face in this moment, so I am grateful and thankful for the family that I was given."- Goddess.

*Sniff * " I still can't accept it, you guys don't deserve that. No one deserves that, that's all I was trying to say by the way, so please don't hate me."- Little Devil hangs his head in fear and sadness.

" Awe! Your such a cute little guy, I could never hate you, remember your family after all." - Goddess

Little Devil lifts his head *sigh* in relief.

" Yeah ... Family, that sounds really nice."- Little Devil *smile*

" Aria, Aria where are you?"- God

" Okay little guy, I've got to get going now it was nice talking to you, I hope we run into each other again."- Goddess

Little Devil waves goodbye.

[ Note: names and more background information on the gods, goddesses, angels , demons and devils that are having conversations will be revealed soon. ]