Chapter 25 - Surrounded-2

Veer, upon hearing the deafening scream, immediately rushed downstairs and bellowed, "Everyone, pack everything! We have to get out of here!"

His group was the closest to their target, so the scream was even more piercing. Having traversed this area countless times, they knew exactly where the horde's influence extended. Their base was strategically located on a small plateau, making it difficult for any invaders to breach. This was the reason they had been able to build it so close to the city center.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, they had little to fear from behind. Their main concern was the front, where most of the zombies came from. Unlike Old Man Vaidya's situation, Veer's circumstances were drastically different due to these topographical advantages. If they moved fast enough, they might just make it out alive.

Despite his leadership, everyone in his team was in a state of distress. Even his son's legs were trembling with fear. He shouted again, trying to break their paralysis.

"We do not have time for this! If we don't leave right now, we'll all die! "Do you want that to happen?" He shoved a few individuals ahead, jolting them out of their daze.

"Listen to me! Grab whatever you can and run! Run as fast as you can, without looking behind! Don't be scared; I'll cover your backs!" Veer seized his big mace, raised it high in the air, and roared like a lion rallying his herd.

"For our brothers!" he exclaimed.

"For our brothers!" the gathering chanted, their voices rising with renewed determination.

They hurriedly gathered rations and weapons, discarding anything unneeded. There were no zombies in sight, only the lifeless corpses of those already slain. Stepping over the dead, they sprinted towards their base. Even with their enhanced speed, it would take an hour of relentless running to reach safety.

Shrihan, Veer's son, clutched his belongings and stayed close behind his father, refusing to leave him alone. He could sense his father's intentions.

"Why are you still here? Go on ahead! I'll catch up with you shortly!" Veer urged.

"No, you won't! I know what you're planning! You intend to stay behind and lure them away. Father, I don't think your stupid plan will work!" Shrihan argued.

"Bastard! "Are you calling me stupid?" Veer hissed before striking a blow to his son's chest, knocking him backward. He immediately grabbed his arm and tried to drag him away, but Shrihan remained strong, his eyes steady.

"I will not abandon you. You will have to murder me first. You need someone to look after your back."

Veer clenched his fists, agitated. "I ordered you to leave! Do you really think you can take on that many monsters? They will tear you apart in seconds! I've fought them before. I have a chance to live, but your presence will be a burden."

Looking into his son's eyes, Veer sensed his comments were being ignored. He had no choice but to reason with him as a man rather than just a father.

"Son, please listen to me. We are not in a position to protect ourselves. If everyone dies here, who will take care of your mothers? Who will care for the families that depend on us? They need you. I am old. The scars and wounds from past battles are already taking a toll on me. Sooner or later, I will die, but they need someone to lead them."

He paused for a while, then removed his helmet to meet his son's gaze. "I don't want you to take on such a huge burden so soon. That is why I brought you with me—to show you how dangerous this world has become. The older men at the base will guide you, but they must remain together. My absence will create a power vacuum, but I have already taught you everything you need to know. You must be strong. You must defend our people, as they will rely on you."

He sighed and put his helmet back on. "Now, go!" Do not make me hit you like I did when you were a child. I feel them approaching. You just have a small window of opportunity to escape.

He looked away, unwilling to show his kid his tears.

"Father... Father! I apologize! I wish I were stronger. "If only we were all stronger." Shrihan muttered between his sobbing. Dragging his feet, he took one final glimpse at his father's broad back. His once-pristine armor was now stained with grime and blood, but he stood steady as ever.

A warrior to the end. A brave general who cared for his men. Even in his final moments, he was willing to sacrifice himself for the next generation without hesitation.

His sole regret, if any, was that he never had the opportunity to show his wife the world after retirement.The end of the world had robbed them of the chance to travel together.

Shrihan heard growling approaching—a disturbing noise from underground. Not daring to turn around, he brushed away his tears and fled.

Veer, now standing at the entrance, watched his son disappear over the horizon. He knew the boy would make it. He was one of the fastest at the base, and Veer would make enough noise to keep the creatures focused on him instead.

He tightened his grip on his heavy mace and long pole, took a deep breath, and strode outside. Lifting his weapons high, he slammed them onto the concrete road, creating a piercing, metallic clang that echoed through the empty streets.

The response was quick. Growls and shrieks rang out as zombies emerged from wreckage and tunnels, their monstrous shapes crawling out of the ground like insects.

"Come on, you bastards!" Veer yelled, swinging his mace and shattering the skull of the first crawler to leap at him.

They let out horrifying screams, attracting even more of their type to the battlefield. He retreated to the entrance, positioning himself to direct them down a limited path. Every swing of his mace broke bones, and every thrust of his pole sliced flesh. He battled with the ferocity of a man with nothing to lose.

But even the toughest fighter had limitations.

An hour had gone by, and blood and sweat were all over his body. He moved carefully because his muscles hurt. Breathing became difficult due to the pressure of the dents in his armor against his ribs. They took advantage of his vulnerability as he slipped.

Although they were unable to penetrate his armor, their jaws clamped down on it, causing his damaged body pain. He fell to his knees under the pressure of their weight.

For the last time, he raised his mace and gritted his teeth. "I'll take as many of you with me as I can!"

He let out a last scream and swung his sword, determined to fight to the very end.